Changes between version 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 ======================================= Graphics Evolutions =================== * fec function can now plot meshes based on any convex polygon type (not only triangles). * New datatips positions are now available: "left", "right", "upper", "lower". * New contour2dm function. Toolbox Skeleton ================= * Modelica user-defined block has been added to xcos_toolbox_skeleton. Removed Functions ================= * %asn removed. Please use delip instead. * chart removed. Please use nicholschart instead. * IsAScalar removed. Please use isscalar instead. * jmat removed. Please use flipdim instead. * mfft removed. Please use fft instead. * milk_drop removed. * msd removed. Please use stdev instead. * nfreq removed. Please use tabul instead. * pcg removed. Please use conjgrad instead. * regress removed. Please use reglin instead. * relocate_handle removed. * st_deviation removed. Please use stdev instead. * xmltochm removed. * xsetm removed. Please use ged instead. Compilation =========== * Required version of JOGL updated to 2.2.4 (See bugs #12788 & #13586). Scilab Bug Fixes ================ * Bug #8066 fixed - There was no OK button in x_choose window. * Bug #9890 fixed - xarrows demonstration was added to Graphics/Basic functions category. * Bug #12788 fixed - All graphics were displayed in red under some platforms. * Bug #12842 fixed - Scilab could not be launched under some platforms (ATOMS internal library loading problem). * Bug #13372 fixed - xsetm should have been removed in Scilab 5.5.0. * Bug #13437 fixed - axis drawn by drawaxis used different font than those drawn by plot. * Bug #13462 fixed - Low level functions modified bounds even with auto_scale="off". * Bug #13494 fixed - Wrong vertical range of plot3d and plot3d1 fixed. * Bug #13531 fixed - sylv help page fixed to include the real Sylvester equation. * Bug #13549 fixed - Slider uicontrols triggered three callbacks instead of one. * Bug #13551 fixed - Marks with null size were not correctly exported in vectorial formats. * Bug #13586 fixed - Scilab compilation failed with recent versions of JoGL package. * Bug #13605 fixed - harmean returned an inverted result when called with parameters "r" or "c". * Bug #13608 fixed - logm produced an error with complex values. * Bug #13619 fixed - xstringl returned wrong first point. * Bug #13640 fixed - Graphics in isoview mode were too small when they were in subplots. * Bug #13655 fixed - acos and asin returned wrong results when input argument was a matrix of size greater than 1 and containing at least one NaN value. * Bug #13673 fixed - Anti-aliasing of xpoly marks had not a proper render. * Bug #13674 fixed - User .wgetrc configuration file is now by-passed when ATOMS does not use a proxy. * Bug #13676 fixed - An invisible figure could not be exported. * Bug #13677 fixed - Indentation of examples in assert_checkerror help page was not correct. * Bug #13679 fixed - There were invalid subticks in log scale after a copy. * Bug #13681 fixed - Calling cdfnor to get the X vector could produced a vector with some NaN values. * Bug #13684 fixed - SciNotes editor component did not fill all the window content pane when wrap-lines option was set to false. * Bug #13685 fixed - LaTeX was not detected when specified in ticks_format. * Bug #13689 fixed - There were errors in reading enum from hdf5 files. * Bug #13690 fixed - tight_limits property can now manage X, Y and Z axes separately. * Bug #13692 fixed - group returned an error for a discrete dynamical system with a specified sample time. * Bug #13694 fixed - Calling wfir without input arguments produced an error instead of calling wfir_gui. * Bug #13695 fixed - Scilab used bash-specific features in scripts. * Bug #13702 fixed - Problems with * prefix for modified files in SciNotes fixed. * Bug #13706 fixed - plot3d([1 1 1]) randomly crashed. * Bug #13712 fixed - Details added in strcat help page for strcat(strings, "", "r") case. * Bug #13721 fixed - Writing in a file opened in r+ mode was not possible. * Bug #13723 fixed - It was not possible to insert a single double in double[][]. * Bug #13725 fixed - Polyline was not correctly filled with big values. * Bug #13731 fixed - xmlDelete could be very slow. * Bug #13733 fixed - fmt could not be used as a singular optional argument in colorbar. * Bug #13735 fixed - There was no check of frameflag value in plot2d. * Bug #13741 fixed - An invisible figure could not be printed under Windows. * Bug #13742 fixed - Figure was not well-printed when there was a xstring with LaTeX. * Bug #13752 fixed - The 'Supported compilers' page was outdated. * Bug #13758 fixed - x_mdialog interpreted 'F' and 'T' as boolean values whereas it should have interpreted '%F' and '%T' instead. * Bug #13766 fixed - Setting figure_size property led to wrong display and figure properties values. * Bug #13772 fixed - Xcos GUI was not locked while setting parameters. * Bug #13791 fixed - ricc no longer managed the 'invf' method. Known incompatibilities ======================= * Undocumented use of exec with "errcatch" as third input argument now returns an error: exec(path, mode, 'errcatch') must be replaced by exec(path, 'errcatch', mode) Changes between version 5.5.0 and 5.5.1 ======================================= Removed Functions ================= * datatipContextMenu and datatipEventhandler removed (See Bug #8646). * Second output argument of add_param removed (See SEP #132). Compilation =========== * Required version of Arpack-ng updated to 3.1.5 (See Bug #13058). Scilab Bug Fixes ================ * Bug #6979 fixed - rlist help page was not clear. * Bug #7203 fixed - titlepage help page was not clear. * Bug #7549 fixed - edit_curv did not disable standard plot menus. * Bug #7804 fixed - Small improvements added to struct help page. * Bug #8502 fixed - Axis labels wrongly used number with 3 digits in the exponent. * Bug #8646 fixed - The datatips contextual menu opened a selection list which was not ergonomic. * Bug #8781 fixed - There was no error message when error was called with a complex value. * Bug #8898 fixed - getdate help page improved. * Bug #9052 fixed - Some demonstrations in graphics were automatically closed at the end of their execution. * Bug #9252 fixed - Some error calling sequences produced screwed display. * Bug #9381 fixed - parallel_run did not work under CentOS (GLIBC issue). * Bug #9783 fixed - Insertion overloading did not seem to work with mlists. * Bug #10168 fixed - kron produced a segfault in some cases. * Bug #10336 fixed - Default key of rand could change from "uniform" to "normal". * Bug #10555 fixed - Scilab failed to build with some configure options. * Bug #10583 fixed - ./configure --without-xcos did not work. * Bug #10646 fixed - ./configure ARPACK check linked `-larpack -lblas` instead of `-larpack -llapack -lblas`. * Bug #10777 fixed - "Home" and "End" keys were not trapped in CLI mode. * Bug #10784 fixed - clc was not available in CLI & ADV-CLI modes. * Bug #11035 fixed - Scilab crashed when a file created with Matlab 7.12 was loaded. * Bug #11284 fixed - Calling sequences added in file help page. * Bug #11405 fixed - Hypermatrix support added for extraction. * Bug #12580 fixed - Demonstration GUI now displays an arrow if a selected item has sub-categories. * Bug #12620 fixed - uicontextmenus size was wrong when children were created invisible. * Bug #12700 fixed - edit_curv (used by CURV_f) was broken. * Bug #12834 fixed - Graphics did not work under Fedora (GLIBC issue). * Bug #12918 fixed - OpenSUSE 12.3 x64 did not have gluegen2-rt in library path. * Bug #12986 fixed - Scilab did not start under CentOS 5.9 (GLIBC issue). * Bug #12987 fixed - Scilab did not start under Ubuntu 10.04 (GLIBC issue). * Bug #13058 fixed - eigs produced wrong results in some cases. Arpack-ng library has been updated to fix this bug. * Bug #13180 fixed - surf did not handle degenerate cases. * Bug #13291 fixed - xmltojar([],[],'ja_JP') might lead to a crash when the locale was not system-wide available. * Bug #13299 fixed - The pkgconfig file did not used the right Tcl/Tk version. * Bug #13313 fixed - Setting datatips orientation did not disable auto_orientation mode. * Bug #13316 fixed - There were missing tooltips on File Browser buttons. * Bug #13321 fixed - Default figure "visible" property was ignored when creating a new figure. * Bug #13324 fixed - Legends display were completely modified when an item was clicked and modified. * Bug #13330 fixed - gtk2-oxygen theme engine (used by KDE) crashed Scilab. * Bug #13331 fixed - Users are no longer able to write inconsistent options to mopen. mopen(file, "wr") now exits with a proper error. * Bug #13333 fixed - Selecting "Offline mode" in Scilab installer installed Scilab in "Command line mode" (without GUI modules). * Bug #13336 fixed - In SciNotes, it was not possible to complete brackets only at the end of a line. * Bug #13339 fixed - Kronecker tensor product now works on hypermatrices. * Bug #13343 fixed - In console popup menu, "help about a selected text" moved from bottom to top for better consistency with SciNotes. * Bug #13344 fixed - User-defined ticks were not drawn at the right position. * Bug #13345 fixed - Scilab did not start under Debian Wheezy (GLIBC issue). * Bug #13346 fixed - filter did not work for simple delays. filter help page improved. * Bug #13349 fixed - Double-clicking on a MAT-file in the file browser did not load it. * Bug #13350 fixed - There was a buffer overrun with call. * Bug #13351 fixed - xstringb failed with LaTeX code. * Bug #13358 fixed - intersect and unique were slow due to an issue in quicksort implementation. * Bug #13359 fixed - Nyquist datatip with symmetry now displays properly negative frequencies. * Bug #13364 fixed - Scilab did not start under CentOS 6.5, RedHat 5.4, RedHat 5.5 (GLIBC issue). * Bug #13365 fixed - Data bounds were not correctly updated in 3-D. * Bug #13367 fixed - ATOMS default repository was 5.4 one instead of 5.5. * Bug #13369 fixed - samplef now works with 0 frequencies input values and normalized frequencies. sample and samplef now consistently return a row vector. * Bug #13377 fixed - showprofile now displays lines numbers. * Bug #13378 fixed - The "Console" handle display was not homogeneous with others. * Bug #13381 fixed - eigs was failing when using a function as first input argument. * Bug #13383 fixed - newaxes help page did not mention the call with a graphic handle as input. * Bug #13384 fixed - uicontrol help page did not mention axes could be contained in frame style uicontrols. * Bug #13386 fixed - An exception occurred when using entity picker on legends. * Bug #13388 fixed - Display of Waitbar and Progressionbar handles did not show Tag and Userdata properties. * Bug #13397 fixed - saveGui() returned an undocumented boolean parameter (success/failure flag). * Bug #13401 fixed - Closing Scilab during halt() did not quit Scilab process. * Bug #13402 fixed - Bounding boxes of xarcs were not correct. * Bug #13403 fixed - Regression on axes labeling fixed. * Bug #13404 fixed - rect property was not taken into account in polarplot. * Bug #13409 fixed - permute(x, dims) failed when dims was greater than the dimensions of size(x). It now treats extra dimensions as 1. * Bug #13418 fixed - crossover_ga_binary help page was not clear. Mix to check the crossover positions also added. * Bug #13419 fixed - mutation_ga_binary help page was not clear and lacked examples. * Bug #13420 fixed - mutation_ga_binary did not calculate multiple mutations properly. * Bug #13421 fixed - Callback functions for genetic algorithms were missing. Now the user can set functions to stop iterations and access the population. * Bug #13422 fixed - Genetic algorithms did not log the minimum and maximum values properly. * Bug #13424 fixed - crossover_ga_binary algorithm was not the classical point crossover one. Binary length usage also fixed. * Bug #13425 fixed - optim_ga and optim_moga needed optimization. * Bug #13426 fixed - optim help page was written with bad indentation. * Bug #13432 fixed - xstringl help page was not clear about fonts and LaTeX-rendered text. * Bug #13435 fixed - Scilab under Windows crashed when calling xmlRemove on the first child. * Bug #13438 fixed - drawaxis did not return the handle of the created axis. * Bug #13441 fixed - Scilab crashed when uicontrol was called with a string for border property. * Bug #13459 fixed - A warning message about version was displayed at Scilab startup. * Bug #13471 fixed - ilib_build_jar entered an infinite loop when used on an empty directory. * Bug #13481 fixed - varn did not work on rational fractions. * Bug #13482 fixed - pfss changed the variable of the rational fractions. varn was also modified to keep variable "dt" of rational fractions. * Bug #13491 fixed - intg now properly exits when the user function produces an error. * Bug #13501 fixed - Typos fixed in English help pages. * Bug #13503 fixed - xarrows made Scilab crashed in some cases. * Bug #13507 fixed - Imaginary part in result of a complex power was missing (Real^Complex). * Bug #13509 fixed - It was not possible to have an empty prefix with xmlNs. * Bug #13510 fixed - Datatip callback cleared 'd'. * Bug #13512 fixed - dae crashed if the evaluation function had wrong prototype. * Bug #13515 fixed - There were wrong results for matrix/hypermatrix with bitset. * Bug #13516 fixed - Russian and Japanese help pages were missing. * Bug #13524 fixed - strtod did not ignore the tabs and CR. * Bug #13527 fixed - hilb did not check properly the type of the first input argument. * Bug #13543 fixed - "slider" uicontrols did not work with the mouse wheel. * Bug #13554 fixed - rubberbox returned wrong values. * Bug #13579 fixed - bar displayed useless warnings. * Bug #13585 fixed - SuiteSparse 4.3.1 was not supported. * Bug #13588 fixed - Default values of "event_handler" and "event_handler_enable" properties were not taken into account when creating a new figure. Xcos Bug Fixes ============== * Bug #9996 fixed - The RELATION_OP box drawn in the workspace was not compliant with the programming. * Bug #11823 fixed - Ctrl+F2 shortcut did not work on a selected block. * Bug #12718 fixed - Modelica Generic block reshaped the output ports and the label was double-written. * Bug #12723 fixed - Loading a .scg file in CURVE block produced an error. * Bug #12751 fixed - cdummy_ entry point was not found when using Code Generation. * Bug #13285 fixed - There was no appropriate example of the syntax for scifunc_block_m GUI on the help page. * Bug #13318 fixed - matrix * vector multiplication using MATMUL did not work properly. * Bug #13327 fixed - Sawtooth generator icon was not a Sawtooth. * Bug #13385 fixed - TOWS_c and FROMWSB Xcos blocks needed better examples on how to get or write a Scilab variable. * Bug #13391 fixed - scifunc_block_m help page was not clear about the block use. An example has been added. * Bug #13396 fixed - MBLOCK did not work with an external file containing Modelica class. * Bug #13436 fixed - STEP function was not delayed with the Continuous Fix Delay. * Bug #13443 fixed - There was no image on CSCOPXY3D block. * Bug #13513 fixed - EXPRESSION block with "u1" as expression failed with a singularity error. * Bug #13514 fixed - External modules loader_pal.sce file contained absolute path. * Bug #13540 fixed - Tkscale block did not respect min and max value. * Bug #13553 fixed - "Export all diagrams" failed if the directory did not exist. Known issues ============= * Under GNU/Linux with KDE and under some distributions, gtk2-oxygen theming engine crashes Scilab. As a workaround, please consult: Besides these points, do not hesitate to report bugs on: Changes between version 5.4.1 and 5.5.0 ======================================= New Features ============= * New special functions: - erfi - The imaginary error function. - dawson - Compute the Dawson function (scaled imaginary error). * New functions introduced: - getURL - Download a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...) - splitURL - Split a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...) - cov - Covariance matrix. Deprecates mvvacov. See bug #11896. - ismatrix - Check if a variable is a matrix. See bug #10456. - isrow - Check if a variable is a row vector. See bug #10456. - iscolumn - Check if a variable is a column vector. See bug #10456. - issquare - Check if a variable is a square matrix. See bug #10456. - cross - Vector cross product. See bug #9941. - members - Number of occurrences and linear indexes of common values between two matrices of the same type. See bug #12705. - jcreatejar - Creates a Java archive (JAR) from a set of files / directories - ilib_build_jar - Builds Java packages from sources into a JAR file - ifftshift - Inverses FFT shift - unwrap - Unwraps/unfolds a Y(x) profile - getPreferencesValue/setPreferencesValue - Get or set values in the preferences file. - htmlDump/htmlRead/htmlReadStr/htmlWrite - Read and write data from/in HTML files. - numderivative - Approximate derivatives of a function (Jacobian or Hessian). * Complete set of functions to read and write any HDF5 file from Scilab added. * New Solver: - daskr - differential-algebraic system solver with rootfinding 'daskr', using BDF methods with direct and preconditioned Krylov linear solvers, based on ODEPACK. * Based on JIMS external module, Scilab provides functions to interact with Java objects. * erf, erfc, erfcx and calerf functions now support complex arguments. * isnum has been redesigned in native code. Performance improvements up to 130x. See bug #10404 * Usage of the '$' keyword in part function allowed. * The histplot command can now be used with the option polygon=%t/%f to add the frequency polygon chart (Thanks to Mehran Khorshidi). * Multi level completion on mlist, struct, XML structures... * Variable browser improvements: - The variable browser also shows the size of integers and the user type of the tlist/mlist. See bugs #12523 and #10409. - It is now possible to delete variables from the variable browser. See bug #9447. - A user can now plot variables from the variable browser (this functionality was already available in the variable editor). * Added lighting effect for plot of surfaces. Lighting can be enabled creating light objects or disabled by deleting them. The following function was introduced: - light - Creates a light graphic object. * Localization: - Multiple domains in localization managed. - addlocalizationdomain function added for a new domain creation. - Optional parameter added to gettext to manage domains. - tbx_generate_pofile and tbx_build_localization added to create localization files for modules. * Windows Solution updated to Visual Studio 2012. * -keepconsole option added for Scilab Windows to facilitate debugging. Calling Scilab with this option will leave the console box window opened at startup. * License update: switch to the CeCILL 2.1. Improvements ============= * New calling sequence allowed for nicholschart: nicholschart(gains, phases, colors). See bug #7828. * qp_solve can now take up to 5 output arguments. The last one is an error flag, if it is present, then the function will display a warning instead of an error. See bug #10269. * graypolarplot has been improved in terms of performances and rendering. See bug #12641. * nthroot is now vectorizable. See bug #12678. * New optional output argument for routh_t. See bug #12829. * modulo and pmodulo now support integers & hypermatrices (See bug #13002). * test_run can now separate 32-bit systems from 64-bit ones. * pol2str: now handles polynomials with complex coefficients and hypermatrices (See bug #13109). * nanreglin: reglin with arguments containing NaNs (See bug #13208). * New optional input argument added to matfile2sci (append or write the output file). GUI Refactoring and Improvements ================================ * New uicontrols styles: - tab: component which enables the user to switch between sets of uicontrols by clicking on a tab. The children components are "frame" uicontrols. Two dedicated properties have been added to configure this component: - title_position: Position of the tabs - title_scroll: Indicates if tabs must all be displayed at a time or managed with scroll features. - layer: Component which enables the user to make parts of a GUI visible/invisible programmatically. - spinner: Component which enables the user to select/edit a value between bounds with a fixed step. * New uicontrols properties: - border: Used to set some decoration properties on "frame" uicontrols. These decorations can be created and initialized with the createBorder and the createBorderFont functions. - scrollable: Used to add scrolling capabilities on "frame" uicontrols. - groupname: Used to group "radiobutton" and "checkbox" uicontrols for an easier management. - icon: Add an icon to "pushbutton", "text" and "frame" uicontrols. - margin: Empty space around uicontrols. * New uimenu properties: - icon: add an icon on the left of the menu label. * "listbox" and "popupmenu" style uicontrols can now manage colors selection, icons, background and foreground colors when the "String" property is set to a matrix matching the format: ["#color1", "Item1", "#background1", "#foreground1"; "#color2", "Item2", ..., ...] ["icon1", "Item1", "#background1", "#foreground1"; "icon2", "Item2", ..., ...] with "#color1", "#background1" and "#foreground1" in HTML format #XXXXXX. Then the component will display a colored box or icon on the left of the associated string, and different background/foreground colors for items. * New management of uicontrols positioning: In previous versions, uicontrols position was managed in an absolute way through their "Position" property and the "Resizefcn" property of their parent figure. Using the new layout management in figures and "frame" style uicontrols, position is now managed in an automatic way based on Java layouts. New dedicated properties have been added in figure and uicontrols: - layout: layout type. - layout_options: configuration of the layout. Options can be initialized with the createLayoutOptions function. Type "help layouts" in Scilab for more information about available types and options. Uicontrols position is then managed through the "constraints" property. A new createConstraints function has been added to managed these contraints. * New figures properties: - icon: Allows to customize the figure icon. - menubar: allows to create windows without any menu bar (default menus will not be created). - menubar_visible: Manages menu bar visibility. - toolbar: Allows to create windows without any toolbar. - toolbar_visible: Manages toolbar visibility. - infobar_visible: Manages infobar visibility. - resize: Allows to lock window size. - dockable: Allows to create dockable/standard figures. - default_axes: Allows to manage default axes creation in figures. * The figure "visible" property management has evolved and offers new possibilities: - When the figure is docked, this property manages the visibility of components inside the figure (uicontrols, axes, ...). In previous releases, this same property setting only managed axes. - When the figure is not docked, this property manages the visibility of the whole figure including its decorations. * New way to create GUI using XML files: - Created GUI using the figure/uicontrol/uimenu functions can now be saved in this new format using saveGui function. - XML files in this format can be loaded in Scilab using the loadGui function. This function aims at creating GUI in a more efficient way. * New rendering for GUI/uicontrols: In this version, uicontrols use the defaults of the OS Look & Feel. Some properties default values are not set by Scilab and then can be different from an OS to another. To come back to the previous and deprecated behavior, you can use the related property on the "Console" handle: set(get(0), "UseDeprecatedSkin", "on"); Note that this deprecated behavior will be removed in future versions. * New way to access uicontrols using a path containing their "Tag" and their parent(s) "Tag" property. See the set and get functions help page for more details. * New display for uicontrols handles properties. Only properties used for Java rendering are displayed. To display all available properties, use the "ShowHiddenProperties" "Console" property. Graphics Evolutions =================== * set function prototype has been modified to allow the user to set multiple properties at once: set(h, "Property1", Value1, "Property2", Value2, ...) * newaxes function now allows to create axes in "frame" uicontrols. * clf function now also works with "frame" uicontrols. * New axes properties: - ticks_format: Format of the ticks labels. - ticks_st: Scales and translates factors applied to ticks position when formatting the ticks labels. - auto_margins: Activated by default, this property lets Scilab compute margins needed to display axes decorations (titles, labels, ...). - grid_thickness: Thickness of the grid plotting. - grid_style: Style of the grid plotting. - label_font_style: Font style used to draw the labels. * New legends properties: - line_width: Width of the drawn line. - mark_count: Number of the drawn marks. * New polyline properties: - mark_offset: Offset before the first mark. - mark_stride: Step between consecutive marks. - display_function: Name of the function used to customize the information displayed in all the datatips of this polyline. This function can be overloaded by setting a display function on each datatip handle. - display_function_data: Additional data needed for datatips display function. - datatips: Handles of the datatips of the polyline. * New Matplot property added : - rect: specifies the rectangle where the Matplot will be drawn. * Datatips properties have been renamed for better readability: - tip_data --> data - tip_box_mode --> box_mode - tip_label_mode --> label_mode - tip_orientation --> orientation - tip_3component --> z_component - tip_auto_orientation --> auto_orientation - tip_interp_mode --> interp_mode - tip_disp_function --> display_function Differential Equations ====================== * Netlib's Quadpack, used for definite integration, has been updated to match the upstream. SciNotes ======== * Autosave feature can now use %date to append the current date to the backup filename (See bug #12712). Xcos ==== * New DAE solver: DDaskr, using BDF methods with direct Newton and preconditioned Krylov linear solvers, which includes rootfinding. It is available from dae function. * In Modelica initialization GUI, inputs (eg. sensor) were not handled. * Sundials updated to the "2.5.0" version, keeping our modifications. * JGraphX updated to the "" version, updating our hooks performance. * API changed in the scicos_block4 interface: the uid value is not available inside the simulation function. * API change: In scicos_block4.h, "Residute" renamed to "Jacobian". * xcosAddToolsMenu added to let the user perform some actions on the graph. * CBLOCK4 block added to the "User-Defined Functions" * xcos_debug_gui function added for a simple use of the Debug block. * tbx_build_pal_loader function added to ease external module creation (See SEP #120). * Event management demonstrations added. Toolbox Skeleton ================= * Some Xcos specific content added to xcos_toolbox_skeleton help pages. Compilation ============ * Minimal version of Flexdock (1.2.4) enforced. * Minimal version of JoGL (2.1.4) enforced. * Minimal version of JLaTeXMath (1.0.3) enforced. * New dependencies to manage EMF export: - freehep-graphics2d.jar - freehep-graphicsio-emf.jar - freehep-graphicsio.jar - freehep-io.jar - freehep-util.jar Note: --without-emf can be used to disable this feature. Obsolete & Removed Functions ============================ * Scilab 5.5.X family will be the latest family working under Windows XP/2003. * Vector ^ scalar syntax declared as obsolete. See bug #11524 * The third argument of poly function will be more strict. Only the following strings are allowed: "roots", "coeff", "c", "r". * Option and direction arguments of gsort will be more strict in all cases. Only the following strings are allowed: - option: "r" "c" "g" "lr" "lc" - direction : "d" "i" * nfreq tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use tabul instead. * IsAScalar tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use isscalar instead. * chart tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use nicholschart instead. * Second output argument of add_param tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. * mvvacov tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0. Please use cov instead. * mfft tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use fft instead. * relocate_handle tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. * msd and st_deviation tagged as obsolete (See bug #7593). Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use stdev instead. * pcg tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use conjgrad instead. * milk_drop tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. * datatipGetStruct tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use 'datatips' property instead. * regress tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use reglin instead. * %asn tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use delip instead. * jmat tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use flipdim instead. * perl tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0. * numdiff and derivative tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0. Please use numderivative instead. * xmltochm tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. * dft removed, please use fft instead. * sscanf removed, please use msscanf instead. * fscanf removed, please use mfscanf for files opened with mopen or read for files opened with file instead. * fprintf removed, please use mfprintf for files opened with mopen or write for files opened with file instead. * clear_pixmap removed, please use drawlater/drawnow instead. * pixmap property removed for figures, please use drawlater/drawnow instead. * demo_message and demo_mdialog removed. * with_embedded_jre removed. * draw removed. * fit_dat removed. Please use datafit instead. * winclose removed. Please use close instead. * datatipInitStruct and datatipRedraw removed. * getfont, getmark, getlinestyle and getsymbol removed. Please use ged instead. Known incompatibilities ======================== * Using => or =< now returns an error. See bug #2345. * or/and functions now fix reals value before working on them. See bug #7666. * a*b*-c+d is now interpreted as (a*b*(-c))+d instead of a*b*(-c+d). See bug #13168. * Extracting children from an empty matrix of handles now returns an error. For example: f=gcf(); f.children(1).children.children returns an error. * Figure anti_aliasing property behavior changed: - "off": No anti-aliasing activated on the figure. - "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x": anti-aliasing activation will have no effect on most plateforms. Scilab Bug Fixes ================ * paramfplot2d: When theta input argument was a column vector, an error occurred. * Bug #1253 fixed - There was no possibility to draw only few marks on a polyline which contained a lot of points. * Bug #1751 fixed - Margins were not computed according to contents. * Bug #2067 fixed - Scilab crashed when plot was called with a large numerical value. * Bug #2267 fixed - Wrong error message when ticks locations and labels did not have the same sizes. * Bug #2345 fixed - Use of operators => and =< did not lead to an error. * Bug #2416 fixed - Particular case (string([]) returns []) has been added in string help page. * Bug #2802 fixed - convstr did not convert non ascii chars. * Bug #3511 fixed - strindex did not return all occurrences in regexp mode. * Bug #3928 fixed - An error was returned when a matrix was flipped along the third dimension. * Bug #4042 fixed - squeeze returned a hypermatrix instead of a matrix when at least one dimension was equal to 1. * Bug #4083 fixed - The numdiff and derivative functions were duplicates and are now tagged as obsolete and replaced by numderivative. See SEP #130. * Bug #4085 fixed - num2cell help page added. * Bug #4177 fixed - find function moved to the "elementary_functions" module. * Bug #4229 fixed - delip did not return an error if one element of its first input argument was negative. * Bug #4383 fixed - csim with "step" and "impuls" now works with direct feedthrough. * Bug #4401 fixed - isnum did not recognize all constants or some complex numbers. * Bug #4481 fixed - iir help page updated to precise that frq can be a scalar. * Bug #4490 fixed - Input argument of sinc function moved to rad. * Bug #4649 fixed - License issue in xs2ppm help page fixed. * Bug #4677 fixed - xclick did not return correct mouse position on keyboard event. * Bug #4692 fixed - Export did not work while xgetmouse was waiting. * Bug #4731 fixed - lqr failed when the time domain of an input was a number. * Bug #4743 fixed - Graphics with too big or too small values did not work. * Bug #4858 fixed - libintl.h was missing in binary versions but included in localization.h. * Bug #4965 fixed - Setting links property for a handle of type legend did not work. * Bug #5016 fixed - condestsp could return different results when repeated calls were performed. * Bug #5017 fixed - norm rewritten to take benefit from the Lapack package performance. * Bug #5073 fixed - New parameter added in strtod function (decimal separator). * Bug #5205 fixed - permute was slow for large hypermatrices. * Bug #5207 fixed - grand can now return a hypermatrix. * Bug #5232 fixed - 'frame' uicontrols children now follow the frame displacement. * Bug #5365 fixed - makecell help page was in the "compatibility functions" directory instead of being in "data_structures". * Bug #5539 fixed - sylv help page was wrong in the discrete-time case. * Bug #5616 fixed - typeof(uiCreateTree(...)) returned "Tree" instead of "uitree". * Bug #5694 fixed - numdiff help page clarified. * Bug #5779 fixed - xnumb number format was too small (+ unit test added). * Bug #5826 fixed - Graphic windows did not redirect key events in console. * Bug #5844 fixed - grayplot did not have a logflag option. * Bug #5886 fixed - There was no property labels_font_style on axis. * Bug #6037 fixed - macrovar help page improved. * Bug #6168 fixed - zpbutt, zpch1, zpch2 and zpell help pages were unclear. * Bug #6191 fixed - It was not possible to set thickness and line_style properties for a grid. * Bug #6305 fixed - dsearch function did not work with integers, strings and hypermatrices. * Bug #6306 fixed - It is now possible to compute an histogram instead of plotting it with new function histc(). Besides, histplot can now return the computed data. * Bug #6363 fixed - It was not possible to create figures without menubar/toolbar. * Bug #6390 fixed - The "external" argument of odedc was not well documented and not tested. * Bug #6404 fixed - xrects help page was not clear about argument specification. * Bug #6427 fixed - full([%T %F]) returned an error message. * Bug #6466 fixed - Example with vectorized input added in mprintf and msprintf help pages. * Bug #6476 fixed - Matplot help did not indicate that the data field should be used to update data. * Bug #6512 fixed - %asn function tagged as obsolete. * Bug #6584 fixed - mfft tagged as obsolete. * Bug #6615 fixed - ui(get|put)file did not center the file dialog on the last focused window. * Bug #6638 fixed - The profiler output was incorrect by a factor of 1000 under Windows. * Bug #6689 & #6690 fixed - grand now works with complexes, polynomials, booleans, integers, sparses and strings, and can handle row vectors, matrices and hypermatrices of thoses types. * Bug #6693 fixed - modulo did not accept polynomial inputs. Help page was not updated. * Bug #6752 fixed - unit test scilab.tst has been split in different tests. * Bug #6824 fixed - resize_matrix did not manage hypermatrices. * Bug #6832 fixed - Matrices of rationals can now be transposed via the " .' " operator. * Bug #6840 fixed - New line_style added. * Bug #6859 fixed - xlabel and xtitle could overlapped. * Bug #6930 fixed - Matplot handle had no rect property. * Bug #6988 fixed - Error messages in modules/data_structures/src/c/hmops.c were not standard. * Bug #7026 fixed - There was no unit test for plot2d. * Bug #7038 fixed - A toggle button now manages datatip mode. * Bug #7040 fixed - Example and description for getMatrixOfIntegerPrecision modified in help page. * Bug #7047 fixed - milk_drop is now obsolete. It will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1, but will be kept as a demonstration. * Bug #7051 fixed - fieldnames help page updated. * Bug #7080 fixed - Some graphic macros did not use standard error messages. * Bug #7084 fixed - Old, not documented and deprecated gr_menu function removed. * Bug #7085 fixed - 'edit' uicontrols did not support multiple line edition. * Bug #7133 fixed - help_from_sci with no input argument now launches a full demonstration. * Bug #7169 fixed - It was not possible to specify different option value (thickness, style, ...) for X and Y grids. * Bug #7204 fixed - geomean applied to a hypermatrix gave wrong results. * Bug #7205 fixed - length(H) applied to a non-string hypermat returned 3 instead of size(H,"*"). * Bug #7206 fixed - If the second input argument of meanf function was a hypermatrix, this function returned an error. * Bug #7244 fixed - Extraction from a struct array with a boolean vector had a strange behavior. * Bug #7296 fixed - %nan, %inf and -%inf enabled for the cdf* functions. * Bug #7304 fixed - exportUI did not switch filename extension when filter was changed. * Bug #7411 fixed - clf forgot to turn off the datatip mode. * Bug #7417 fixed - Auto-positioning of datatips did not take the curvature into account. * Bug #7486 fixed - LAPACK versions of DGELSY and ZGELSY now used. * Bug #7561 fixed - roots help page now explains that coefficients are used in the contrary order of poly. * Bug #7570 fixed - The switch criterion on x and y is now explained in beta() help page. * Bug #7585 fixed - psi.f moved from "elementary functions" to "special functions" module. * Bug #7593 fixed - stdev now encompasses msd and st_deviation thanks to a new optional input argument. * Bug #7596 fixed - A same error happening in different places now displays the same error message. * Bug #7648 fixed - CDF functions now display a warning for non integer "degrees of freedom" argument. * Bug #7650 fixed - isempty(tlist(...)) always returned false, even when all defined fields were empty. * Bug #7655 fixed - An example added in type help page, for type(X)=11 and type(X)=13. * Bug #7666 fixed - Inconsistencies between and/or and &/| fixed. * Bug #7684 fixed - Introduction demonstration splitted into subsections. * Bug #7705 fixed - "dimension", "minbounds" and "maxbounds" fields have been documented in Genetic algorithms help pages. * Bug #7739 fixed - Axis position was invalid in log modes. * Bug #7771 fixed - There was no item about arrow_size in champ_properties help page. * Bug #7772 fixed - There was no description, no example about line_style property in polyline help page. * Bug #7781 fixed - The second parameter of iqr function had no effect. * Bug #7782 fixed - lcm and gcd help pages improved to tell the user how to use both functions. * Bug #7824 fixed - title function properties did not support an indexed color. * Bug #7826 fixed - chart tagged as obsolete. * Bug #7828 fixed - Slight improvements in nicholschart. * Bug #7848 fixed - The third argument of correl function is now optional. * Bug #7858 fixed - variance and variancef can now return the mean of the input in a new output argument and take the a priori mean as input. * Bug #7877 fixed - iirgroup function fixed. * Bug #7879 fixed - string now accepts plist type, and printing a plist displays that string. * Bug #7905 fixed - Figure icon can now be changed using dedicated property. * Bug #7916 fixed - nansum([]) returned NaN value while this function had to ignore it. * Bug #7927 fixed - Output "flag" in qmr function was not well documented. * Bug #7960 fixed - plzr could not produce pole zero plot for a simple transfer function. * Bug #7986 fixed - spec gateway renamed from sci_eig.c to sci_spec.c. * Bug #7999 fixed - SwingScilabFileChooser.getFilterIndex() was unusable. * Bug #8031 fixed - cdfgam error message fixed. * Bug #8058 fixed - The user can now set the tolerances of intc function. * Bug #8060 fixed - Improved list display in the variable browser. * Bug #8098 fixed - cumsum could not be applied to rational matrices. * Bug #8131 fixed - It was not possible to choose the number of marks and the line width in legends. * Bug #8133 fixed - Ticks disappeared in planar 3-D view. * Bug #8162 fixed - Area of stability of plzr was wrong for continuous systems (+unit test added). * Bug #8196 fixed - Error messages dealing with negative thickness were not standard. * Bug #8211 fixed - Parameters module demonstration finalized. * Bug #8231 fixed - xrect help page did not say that clipping property was inherited. * Bug #8234 fixed - strtod did not return an empty matrix when the input argument was an empty matrix. * Bug #8247 fixed - regress tagged as obsolete. * Bug #8264 fixed - Matlab to Scilab dictionary help page updated for atan2. * Bug #8290 fixed - DELAYV_f block documentation fixed. * Bug #8319 fixed - dbphi(hypermat) and phasemag(hypermat) returned a matrix instead of a hypermatrix. * Bug #8323 fixed - Scilab "About Box" did not hide Scilab main window. * Bug #8337 fixed - mtlb_rand now uses the "uniform" rule, whatever the random rule set is. * Bug #8373 fixed - clear can now handle a matrix of strings argument. * Bug #8379 fixed - It was not possible to delete the selected datatip with DELETE or BACKSPACE. * Bug #8415 fixed - optim_moga, optim_nsga, optim_nsga2 can now take list as input arguments, as explained in their help pages. (and others) added. * Bug #8462 fixed - bvodeS could make Scilab unstable. * Bug #8470 fixed - bvode displayed some output in terminal window and not in Scilab console. * Bug #8479 fixed - The latest Saxon version was not supported. * Bug #8511 fixed - sprand now uses grand instead of rand and grand functions. Internal state of the random generator is no more changed. * Bug #8561 fixed - ddassl, ddasrt, ddaskr: abs and rel tolerance sizes are now checked. * Bug #8597 fixed - grand/clcg4 could display uncontrolled messages as warning. * Bug #8607 fixed - Some error messages in modules/overloading/macros were not standard and not localized. * Bug #8614 fixed - Unit test for barhomogenize added. * Bug #8636 fixed - roots help page updated (default algorithm value was wrong). * Bug #8667 fixed - The handling of %nan in min, max, median functions was not properly documented. * Bug #8680 fixed - "end" output argument of regexp function has been changed. * Bug #8687 fixed - typeof function failed on uint8, depending on the format (+ unit test added). * Bug #8695 fixed - optim_ga used old (initial) values instead of newly-computed ones. * Bug #8745 fixed - Extracting from an empty matrix automatically returned an empty matrix. * Bug #8778 fixed - Call_ScilabOpen, TerminateScilab could not be called more than 80 times in a loop. * Bug #8779 fixed - gsort did not preserve the order of equal elements, in lexicographic sort. * Bug #8820 fixed - squeeze did not return a matrix when the number of dimensions of the result was less or equal to 2. * Bug #8824 fixed - taucs_chfact returned a segfault (not the case in nwni mode). * Bug #8840 fixed - fileparts did not manage matrix of strings. * Bug #8856 fixed - Non regression test added for [k,l,m,...]=find(a==5). Non regression test of bug #476 updated. * Bug #8857 fixed - Non regression test of bug #477 updated. * Bug #8858 fixed - Non regression test of bug #480 updated. * Bug #8862 fixed - mget and mput could not read and write 64 bit data from binary files. * Bug #8956 fixed - xpoly, xfpoly, xrect, xsegs and xarc did not update data_bounds property. * Bug #9004 fixed - bitcmp function called with one input argument returned an error. * Bug #9020 fixed - exists function did not accept matrix as first input argument. * Bug #9031 fixed - Misalignment of text when using xstring with a matrix fixed. * Bug #9033 fixed - auto_dimensioning property for text handles was not documented. * Bug #9059 fixed - tbx_build_macros and genlib did not stop even if an error occurred. * Bug #9109 fixed - nfreq tagged as obsolete. * Bug #9110 fixed - Examples and references to other functions added in Statistics help pages. * Bug #9158 fixed - zeros called with a big number returned an empty matrix instead of an error. * Bug #9208 fixed - Added three optional output arguments to optim, to retrieve #iterations, #evaluations and a termination indicator. * Bug #9309 fixed - comparison help page updated to document issue with empty matrix. * Bug #9319 fixed - Huge polylines could not be exported in PS/EPS. * Bug #9385 fixed - The type checking in trigonometric functions has been added. * Bug #9394 fixed - is_param recognized "plist" as an existing field. * Bug #9395 fixed - add_param did not check its input arguments. * Bug #9396 fixed - add_param accepted duplicate keys. * Bug #9444 fixed - with_embedded_jre function removed. * Bug #9459 fixed - Default values of the optional plot3d arguments were not documented. * Bug #9493 fixed - Title is now correctly set when starting Scilab and focus is set on Console. * Bug #9537 fixed - optimbase_configure only allowed row vectors as initial value. Column vectors now allowed by transposing them. * Bug #9538 fixed - optimbase_checkshape only allowed row vectors as output arguments of cost function. Column vectors are now allowed by transposing them. * Bug #9577 fixed - Setting neldermead_configure("-numberofvariables") is now optional, setting neldermead_configure("-x0") initializes -numberofvariables implicitly. * Bug #9601 fixed - Cylinder demonstration fixed. * Bug #9627 fixed - Arguments checking added in optimsimplex_* functions. * Bug #9688 fixed - optim could crash when "imp" option was < 0. It is now set to 0 in that case. * Bug #9690 fixed - The "imp" option for optim could crash Scilab and was not consistent with the help page. * Bug #9691 fixed - "imp" option in optim help page was poorly documented. * Bug #9694 fixed - Example in optim help page fixed to display correct counters. * Bug #9697 fixed - Displayed information for optim "qn" and "gc" with bounds and imp=1 fixed. * Bug #9701 fixed - optim with "qn" option was failing for large problems. * Bug #9702 fixed - Contrary to what optim help page stated, the "gc" algorithm does use the "epsx" parameter. * Bug #9780 fixed - gmres solver did not run with complex systems. * Bug #9788 fixed - neldermead can now produce a warning when it fails to converge, thanks to a new input argument "warn". * Bug #9819 fixed - unwrap function did not exist in Scilab. * Bug #9821 fixed - getrelativefilename did not manage matrix of strings. * Bug #9840 fixed - Default G tolerance in lsqrsolve was too large. * Bug #9851 fixed - Error message occurred because of a cut-off frequency of 0.25Hz with irr. * Bug #9859 fixed - It was not possible to draw arrows in 3-D using xarrows. * Bug #10012 fixed - lmisolver and lmitool called with no input now produce errors. * Bug #10083 fixed - plot3d could not be used with only one input argument. * Bug #10122 fixed - replot could not be used in 3-D. * Bug #10146 fixed - In SciNotes, 'help on keyword' moved from bottom to top in the popup menu. * Bug #10175 fixed - Clearer example added for sp2adj to adj2sp conversion (and backwards conversion). * Bug #10180 fixed - det was not defined for sparse matrices. * Bug #10213 fixed - sci2exp help page updated to document the impact of format function. * Bug #10214 fixed - evstr help page updated to mention that input argument must not be composed of continuation marks (..). * Bug #10216 fixed - Invalid syntaxes for zeros, ones, eye, rand, like zeros(2,:). * Bug #10221 fixed - ifftshift function did not exist in Scilab. * Bug #10226 fixed - When a // line was deleted, all sessions histories were folded. * Bug #10234 fixed - reglin function moved from CACSD to Statistics module. * Bug #10243 fixed - fun2string(X) called X before returning its code. * Bug #10254 fixed - Slight improvements in ones help page. * Bug #10269 fixed - qp_solve can now take up to 5 output arguments. The last one is an error flag, if it is present, then the function will issue a warning instead of an error. * Bug #10271 fixed - ordmmd now checks the consistency of the third input argument with the input matrix defined by the first two input arguments. * Bug #10273 fixed - spchol help page now displays an example showing how to use its output arguments. * Bug #10276 fixed - qp_solve segfaulted with large matrices. * Bug #10287 fixed - Error message added for complex expression as input argument of integrate function. * Bug #10305 fixed - Comparison of lists with empty items returned an error message. * Bug #10391 fixed - Error when using completion after a global variable clear fixed. * Bug #10428 fixed - Java based components of Scilab showed a library load error in CLI mode. * Bug #10445 fixed - In SciNotes, CTRL+Drag&Drop moved text rather than copying it. * Bug #10470 fixed - In SciNotes, split "Horizontally" or "Vertically" was meaningless. * Bug #10596 fixed - exit(xxx) from Scilab failed. * Bug #10621 fixed - Figure without docking/undocking capabilities can now be created. * Bug #10645 fixed - File encoding could not be given as argument in xmlRead. * Bug #10718 fixed - New "Resize" property added to figures. * Bug #10805 fixed - Documentation on left bracket was superfluous and is now removed. Refer to brackets for information on "[" and "]". * Bug #10816 fixed - Typo in part error message fixed. * Bug #10818 fixed - home, %e, %t, %f, %z and %s help pages added. * Bug #10823 fixed - fullpath returned different results under Windows and Linux for non-existent file. * Bug #10830 fixed - Hypermatrix insertion with a negative index returned a wrong error message. * Bug #10833 fixed - exists help page updated. * Bug #10840 fixed - Keyboard arrows were disabled on 'slider' type uicontrols. * Bug #10856 fixed - analpf did not return the right result. * Bug #10862 fixed - Add a without Internet connection installation global configuration in the installer. * Bug #10866 fixed - det was not equivalent to detr for rational matrices. * Bug #10906 fixed - Typo fixed in cls2dls help page. * Bug #10930 fixed - The comments in armax function were in French. * Bug #10932 fixed - Startup directory was not saved/restored in preferences. * Bug #10936 fixed - Scilab hung with invalid strf in plot2d. * Bug #10942 fixed - Function soundsec revised. Now soundsec can be used for non integer values of time. * Bug #10995 fixed - Typo fixed in grand help page for Gamma law argument. * Bug #10998 fixed - matrix*hypermatrix and hypermatrix*matrix operations failed. * Bug #11001 fixed - exists and isdef did not work with primitives. * Bug #11007, #11008 & #11009 fixed - New conjgrad function (Conjugate Gradient methods "pcg", "cgs", "bicg" and "bicgstab"). * Bug #11065 fixed - The second output argument of unique function contained a wrong result. * Bug #11067 fixed - Display of ticks labels with closed associated values was wrong. * Bug #11139 fixed - conj was not defined for sparse matrices (+ unit test added). * Bug #11303 fixed - Exception while searching with multiple tabs in SciNotes fixed. already existing in SCI/contrib/archives in "offline" mode. * Bug #11305 fixed - Performances improved with a better way to update data in Graphics. * Bug #11308 fixed - Calling sequences in dsearch help page were wrong. * Bug #11343 fixed - The "isoview" figure property did not work when the axes margins had been modified. * Bug #11523 fixed - In SciNotes, 'whereami line numbering' was not clear enough. * Bug #11571 fixed - x_mdialog did not let the Look&Feel select the window size. * Bug #11575 fixed - There was no preview of GIF files in exportUI dialog. * Bug #11576 fixed - exportUI did not propose gcf().figure_name as default file name. * Bug #11616 fixed - Figure menubar could not be made invisible. * Bug #11629 fixed - Interactive zoom did not work properly in datatip mode. * Bug #11648 fixed - Copying graphic via the clipboard did not work. * Bug #11680 fixed - GUI functions in Scilab 5.4.X were much slower than in Scilab 5.3.3. * Bug #11714 fixed - help_from_sci sometimes failed when input function had "" comments. * Bug #11766 fixed - nthroot has been added to m2sci help page. * Bug #11779 fixed - Wrong variable type in the documentation of getNbInputArgument and getNbOutputArgument fixed. * Bug #11789 fixed - Documentation was missing for nbInputArgument. * Bug #11792 fixed - Lists can be accessed with non integer indexes (list help page updated). * Bug #11814 fixed - Typo in CACSD help chapter fixed. * Bug #11869 fixed - "Environment" was not localized in preferences. * Bug #11876 fixed - ilib_include_flag now returns a string when called with a string column vector as input. * Bug #11885 fixed - Each rand has been changed to grand in genetic algorithms and simulated annealing functions. * Bug #11891 fixed - Fisher ratio could be inaccurate for one-way ANOVA. * Bug #11953 fixed - Scilab crashed when global("") was typed. * Bug #11964 fixed - uicontrol coordinates system did not take figure resize into account. * Bug #11996 fixed - eye extended to hypermatrix. * Bug #11997 fixed - In case of invalid variable name, save function now returns an error instead of a compatibility warning. * Bug #12012 fixed - Misleading perl function should not be part of Scilab (tagged as obsolete). * Bug #12034 fixed - max function did not manage empty matrices. * Bug #12037 fixed - Simplified Chinese version of SciNotes displayed warnings at startup. * Bug #12045 fixed - repmat returned wrong results if the values of an input matrix were not double. * Bug #12070 fixed - Removing a module can now be done in an on-line mode even if it has been installed in an off-line mode. * Bug #12073 fixed - Width of code examples has been decreased in XML help pages. * Bug #12080 fixed - lsqrsolve always printed messages. * Bug #12082 fixed - convstr function did not work with non-ASCII symbols. * Bug #12085 fixed - Under Windows, csvWrite wrote wrong EOL. * Bug #12114 fixed - libstdc++ is now compiled as static instead of using the library from thirdparty. * Bug #12118 fixed - ode could take complex externals. * Bug #12121 fixed - inv function did not work for complex sparse matrices. * Bug #12130 fixed - flipdim can now flip blocks, thus making jmat obsolete. * Bug #12143 fixed - "stop entity picker" (ged(11)) returned an error message. * Bug #12145 fixed - demo_mdialog internal function removed. * Bug #12150 fixed - datatipCreate failed with one single point. * Bug #12156 fixed - Closing a Scilab session in Javasci could led to a HDF5 error message. * Bug #12163 fixed - unzoom did not work with a single input argument. * Bug #12170 fixed - Calling matfile_listvar on an empty file returned an error. * Bug #12212 fixed - Export of a polyline in 2-D broke it into several segments. * Bug #12306 fixed - Invalid memory free on completion in NWNI mode fixed. * Bug #12308 fixed - create_palette help page removed (function removed). * Bug #12326 fixed - There was no way to set LaTeX font size in preview. * Bug #12334 fixed - Mark color in legend was invalid. * Bug #12349 fixed - In SciNotes, when the view was splitted, removing a char made the other view jump. * Bug #12376 fixed - Exec & edit buttons in the help pages examples were sometimes misplaced. * Bug #12412 fixed - Typo fixed in some error messages. * Bug #12413 fixed - ATOMS packages could not be removed if ATOMS had never been on-line. * Bug #12415 fixed - PATH environment variable grew when using call_scilab in a loop. * Bug #12426 fixed - By using addErrorMessage, a random string error could be displayed. * Bug #12433 fixed - show_pixmap function was removed from Scilab but still used in some functions. * Bug #12439 fixed - edit_error returned a wrong message when there was no recorded error. * Bug #12440 fixed - Unitary test added for bitxor. * Bug #12443 fixed - The behavior of mopen in text file mode has been documented under Windows. * Bug #12463 fixed - Wrong specification for rect=[x,y,w,h] argument in xstringb French help page. * Bug #12465 fixed - ATOMS Default categories names were not localized. * Bug #12470 fixed - Variable browser was not refreshed after loading an environment. * Bug #12472 fixed - grand and link error messages fixed. * Bug #12473 fixed - Problems with "é" in mkdir French help page. * Bug #12475 fixed - csvRead did not support double quoted fields. * Bug #12481 fixed - xlabel could not be used with Scilab property names. * Bug #12485 fixed - xchange returned bad values with log scale. * Bug #12490 fixed - plot did not call clf; in its help page example producing a wrong behavior. * Bug #12492 fixed - Exported EPS files were invalid when dash patterns were too long. * Bug #12496 fixed - zoom_rect could led to a crash in log scale. * Bug #12506 fixed - In SciNotes, a miscolorization could occurred when returned values list was broken. * Bug #12508 fixed - Wrong error message in rand function fixed. * Bug #12518 fixed - Polynoms were not displayed by default in the variable browser. and a new function bode_asymp() to draw the system asymptotes. * Bug #12520 fixed - Improve the description of the size in the variable browser. * Bug #12527 fixed - Scilab user functions were not listed in the variable browser. * Bug #12535 fixed - In a French localized Scilab, comma was used as decimal separator when zooming (rather than point). * Bug #12547 fixed - In SciNotes, lines were wrongly numbered with splitted function declarations. * Bug #12548 fixed - Duplicated code in xmltoformat removed. * Bug #12550 fixed - optimbase and optimsimplex help pages were not standard. * Bug #12551 fixed - Stack problem with diary([],"pause") and diary([],"resume") fixed. * Bug #12556 fixed - A fatal error occurred when calling set with wrong instructions. * Bug #12557 fixed - Valid function names were not specified in function and functions help pages. * Bug #12564 fixed - Compile and run javasci help page was not clear about needed packages. * Bug #12567 fixed - Error messages fixed in ricc. * Bug #12581 fixed - isfield could not support mlist or tlist. * Bug #12589 fixed - Call sequence for spzeros & spones were missing in French help pages. * Bug #12592 fixed - Scilab hung with plot(-0). * Bug #12593 fixed - A wrong error message was returned when running genlib with an error in the sci file. * Bug #12594 fixed - Invalid SciNotes configuration file avoided SciNotes startup. * Bug #12600 fixed - mput did not manage unsigned integer. * Bug #12606 fixed - Overloads for grand were not standard. * Bug #12613 fixed - gsort did not return correct results with %nan. * Bug #12614 fixed - Helpbrowser was not launched in EDT. * Bug #12615 fixed - Graphics seemed to be freezed after a call to plot/bar/barh with a bad LineSpec argument. * Bug #12622 fixed - Various typos fixed in error messages. * Bug #12624 fixed - In case of errors in Scilab macros, "make check-TESTS" did not fail as expected. * Bug #12627 fixed - At restoration, a window could be out of the screen. * Bug #12629 fixed - The last example of csim help page defined a function called input (overwriting the Scilab one). * Bug #12631 fixed - A "see also" link has been added from progressionbar to waitbar and vice versa. * Bug #12634 fixed - ATOMS modules could not be installed from an archive file already existing in SCI/contrib/archives in "offline" mode. * Bug #12637 fixed - In some help pages, some signal processing functions were not in the correct section. * Bug #12639 fixed - justify([], position) returned an error instead of []. * Bug #12641 fixed - graypolarplot has been fully vectorized as it was too slow. * Bug #12657 fixed - Computation of v1.^v2 is now done without any memory allocation, when v1 and v2 are real arrays, v1 >= 0 and v2 integer. * Bug #12668 fixed - Undocking SciNotes led to an exception. * Bug #12672 fixed - Ticks part of axes_property help page updated. * Bug #12673 fixed - Ticks were drawn outside of axes area. * Bug #12678 fixed - nthroot now accepts vector/matrix as second argument. * Bug #12679 fixed - Argument type check added in gcd and lcm. * Bug #12682 fixed - Key events were disabled after zooming. * Bug #12683 fixed - proc_name(k, gwin) callback was badly managed depending on input arguments of addmenu function. * Bug #12686 fixed - Error returned by diff fixed. * Bug #12702 fixed - When no extra parameters were needed in the cost function, NDcost did not work. * Bug #12703 fixed - In SciNotes, common shortcuts 'SHIFT DELETE', 'SHIFT INSERT' (and others) added. * Bug #12705 fixed - members function added. It allows to find the number of occurrences and linear indexes for common values between two matrices of the * Bug #12706 fixed - A wrong size of a matrix as input argument of cross function was not detected. * Bug #12708 fixed - Incorrect display in SciNotes preferences fixed (onmouseover styles). * Bug #12712 fixed - In SciNotes, autosaving can now use %date to append the current date to the backup filename. * Bug #12714 fixed - csvDefault("decimal", ",") returned %f while this value was valid. * Bug #12715 fixed - Variable cross in pspect and cspect has been renamed because of conflicts with cross function. * Bug #12716 fixed - In SciNotes, RTL languages were not correctly displayed. * Bug #12725 fixed - Datatips did not work in logarithmic scale. * Bug #12733 fixed - There was no way to direct graphs to nothing with driver function. * Bug #12736 fixed - In SciNotes, the Completion window appeared only in first tab. * Bug #12737 fixed - In SciNotes, autosave did not create directory if it did not exist. * Bug #12747 fixed - legendre now accepts the -1 and 1 values for third argument. * Bug #12749 fixed - fscanfMat help page updated. * Bug #12758 fixed - Focus issue with plot3d fixed. * Bug #12761 fixed - The https:// protocol was not supported on ATOMS. * Bug #12763 fixed - Value of "listbox" style uicontrols was not updated when using arrow keys. * Bug #12769 fixed - xset("window", 1) did not set the current axes. * Bug #12772 fixed - eigs failed when trying to solve a sparse matrix eigen value problem. * Bug #12774 fixed - Various typos fixed. * Bug #12775 fixed - Some related functions were not listed in "See also" section of routh_t help page. * Bug #12778 fixed - Insertion of an empty matrix in an integer matrix led to a wrong result. * Bug #12779 fixed - savewave had a miscoding in the internal function write_wavedat. * Bug #12783 fixed - There were some inconsistent error messages in dsearch. * Bug #12784 fixed - Misleading error message in many functions when passing an integer argument instead of double argument fixed. * Bug #12785 fixed - plot did not allow int data as first argument. * Bug #12790 fixed - Links to ZCOS files in documentation were broken. * Bug #12791 fixed - More information is now given in case of failure during the ATOMS autoload step. * Bug #12793 fixed - Improved the bode() plots with a new option "rad" to convert plot into rad/s and a new function bode_asymp() to draw the system asymptotes. * Bug #12794 fixed - calfrq.sci code did not follow Scilab standard. * Bug #12795 fixed - Typos fixed in CACSD help page. * Bug #12800 fixed - Typo fixed in Polynomials help page. * Bug #12803 fixed - warning(['foo','bar']) printed two 'WARNING: '. * Bug #12804 fixed - Typos fixed in routh_t help page. * Bug #12807 fixed - Display of showprofile improved. * Bug #12808 fixed - Add missing in documentation generation (note, warning, ...). * Bug #12813 fixed - flipdim function extended to any type of input data. * Bug #12814 fixed - Improvements of pertrans help page. * Bug #12815 fixed - levin redefined cov as a variable. menu. * Bug #12816 fixed - Numbers pasted in editvar were not parsed according to locale. * Bug #12818 fixed - Segfault in set function with invalid property values dimension. * Bug #12819 fixed - Link to contributors website page fixed in the documentation. * Bug #12823 fixed - In help generation (toolbox) links were not correctly handled. * Bug #12826 fixed - and tags were not managed in the documentation. * Bug #12827 fixed - noisegen help page improved. * Bug #12828 fixed - routh_t gave a wrong result if the first element of a row was zero. * Bug #12829 fixed - New optional output argument added for routh_t function. * Bug #12830 fixed - In SciNotes, it was not possible to execute a replace action from the caret position. * Bug #12831 fixed - In SciNotes toolbar, there was no button to open code navigator. * Bug #12833 fixed - In SciNotes, there was no autoscroll when searching a pattern. * Bug #12836 fixed - Error fixed in strcmpi help page. * Bug #12839 fixed - Typo fixed in getVariablesOnStack help page. * Bug #12840 fixed - Typo fixed in number_properties.xml help page. * Bug #12852 fixed - Visual Studio 2012 SDK configuration was incorrect. * Bug #12854 fixed - configure failed to detect custom installation of docbook. * Bug #12858 fixed - Typo fixed in debug and pause French help pages. * Bug #12859 fixed - Fixed optional argument in isdef help page. * Bug #12860 fixed - Missing semicolon in style.css added. * Bug #12863 fixed - size(state-space, "r") returned an error. * Bug #12875 fixed - phasemag returned an error for input vector containing zeros. * Bug #12880 fixed - A warning is displayed when transposing arguments of plot. * Bug #12882 fixed - Some help pages were not clear. * Bug #12887 fixed - Scilab hung with auto_clear set to on and log_flags set to true. * Bug #12888 fixed - sysdiag was not documented about block diagonal matrices build. * Bug #12896 fixed - Typos fixed in XML module error messages. * Bug #12900 fixed - It is now possible to set proxy options in Preferences. * Bug #12906 fixed - champ and champ1 help pages updated * Bug #12909 fixed - Completion on (mt)list led to a crash. * Bug #12910 fixed - Typos fixed in several help pages. * Bug #12911 fixed - Matlab to Scilab dictionary help page updated for eig. * Bug #12913 fixed - linspace returned an error if the third argument was an integer type variable. * Bug #12916 fixed - power help page improved. * Bug #12919 fixed - Rotation on plots was disabled after using menus. * Bug #12927 fixed - ones function could not take integer type input. * Bug #12931 fixed - ATOMS redefined "message" keyword. * Bug #12938 fixed - No Java compiler was available in Linux binary version. * Bug #12943 fixed - Datatips did not work properly when 2-D plots were rotated. * Bug #12945 fixed - Datatips could not be dragged properly in zoomed axes. * Bug #12948 fixed - When host was not found, getURL caused a crash to desktop. * Bug #12950 fixed - getURL ignored the proxy settings under Windows. * Bug #12951 fixed - Interactive zoom was broken. * Bug #12952 fixed - It was not always possible to search a word in a file with SciNotes. * Bug #12956 fixed - splitURL with no protocol in URL provoked an access violation exception. * Bug #12957 fixed - splitURL and getURL were not declared as new 5.5 functions. * Bug #12962 fixed - xinfo documentation was not clear. * Bug #12963 fixed - drawaxis did not place the axis properly. * Bug #12966 fixed - Rotation, tool tip and other Xcos plot actions were disabled by default. * Bug #12967 fixed - Data editor icon was not 16x16. * Bug #12968 fixed - A variable named 'temp' could not be saved. * Bug #12971 fixed - getURL downloaded file name was wrong. * Bug #12973 fixed - Exception occurring when clicking on a figure at creation fixed. * Bug #12976 fixed - getURL returned a file name instead of a file path. * Bug #12978 fixed - exportUI returned an error when input argument was a figure handle. * Bug #12979 fixed - exportUI did not work with vectorial export. * Bug #12990 fixed - GED features conflicted with figure events. * Bug #12992 fixed - The sigma value was always equal to "LM" in eigs. * Bug #12993 fixed - stdev returned value depended on 'x' being defined in the environment. * Bug #13000 fixed - []./int8(3) and on int8(3)./[] led to an endless recursive. * Bug #13002 fixed - modulo and pmodulo did not support integers & hypermatrices. * Bug #13003 fixed - String to enum converter added to Java external objects. * Bug #13004 fixed - Debug infos were displayed in case of an error with eoj. * Bug #13005 fixed - jcompile did not use the classpath to compile. * Bug #13007 fixed - Compilation errors were not returned by jcompile. * Bug #13008 fixed - 'help $' now opens the 'Symbols' help page. * Bug #13010 fixed - Wrong class was returned by jcompile (with ecj). * Bug #13011 fixed - ilib_compile failed under Mac OS X 10.9. * Bug #13012 fixed - Vectorial export of rotated strings was wrong. * Bug #13013 fixed - In SciNotes, the first proposed directory to save a file was not current working directory. * Bug #13014 fixed - Update of the efficiency inner variable improved in optim_ga. * Bug #13015 fixed - Computation of efficiency inner variable improved in optim_ga. * Bug #13022 fixed - Vectorial export did not clip large segments. * Bug #13023 fixed - xs2pdf crashed under Windows when the target file was already opened. (and others) added. * Bug #13027 fixed - There was no autowrap into array in JIMS. * Bug #13031 fixed - Lorentz Butterfly demonstration fixed. * Bug #13032 fixed - CMATVIEW help page example fixed and CMAT3D help page example created. * Bug #13033 fixed - -1 could not be used as nax argument in plot2d. * Bug #13036 fixed - The help page associated to the history browser was wrong. * Bug #13041 fixed - Wrong result was returned for "integer scalar" minus "integer vector". * Bug #13042 fixed - Texts in graphics were not properly centered. * Bug #13047 fixed - jcompile did not allow class reloading. * Bug #13049 fixed - New handled protocols added in links in SciNotes. * Bug #13050 fixed - The result of mvvacov was not symmetric. * Bug #13051 fixed - SciNotes restoration could block desktop one. * Bug #13053 fixed - datatipCreate did not return datatip handle. * Bug #13055 fixed - Array indexing did not follow Scilab convention in JIMS. * Bug #13061 fixed - hdf5 demonstration failed with a read-only file. * Bug #13063 fixed - Color selection in SciNotes preferences threw exceptions. * Bug #13064 fixed - Deleting a link connected to a split led to a translated link. * Bug #13066 fixed - data_bounds was not fully documented in axes_properties. * Bug #13069 fixed - Documentation for %MODELICA_USER_LIBS updated. * Bug #13080 fixed - Contextual menu was unavailable for datatips management. * Bug #13082 fixed - Datatip mark style was not inherited from the parent polyline. * Bug #13083 fixed - Datatip marks did not inherit colors from the parent polyline. * Bug #13084 fixed - interp_mode property could not be set on all datatips of the same polyline. * Bug #13085 fixed - A datatip could not be moved on a circle. * Bug #13092 fixed - Optimizations now check the user function output (must be real). * Bug #13093 fixed - Removed trailing "\n" in the head_comments error message. * Bug #13101 fixed - When x-axis was in reverse position x_location='origin' failed. * Bug #13102 fixed - savematfile did not support "-v7.3" option. * Bug #13108 fixed - Time between ATOMS database updates is now a month (was a day) and is configurable. * Bug #13109 fixed - pol2str now supports polynomials with complex coefficients and hypermatrices. * Bug #13111 fixed - sqrt returned different results when imaginary part was -0 versus 0. * Bug #13114 fixed - clear_pixmap/pixmap property should have been removed in Scilab 5.4.1. * Bug #13116 fixed - qpsolve now respects upper-bounds constraints. * Bug #13119 fixed - mget and mgetl now return an error when called with decimal values as number of lines. * Bug #13121 fixed - ode "rk" option crashed Scilab when the user derivative function failed. * Bug #13127 fixed - There were no subticks with user defined ticks. * Bug #13132 fixed - There were missing graduations when data_bounds interval was too small. * Bug #13134 fixed - User-defined ticks in log scale were invisible. * Bug #13136 fixed - exists and isdef failed for input arguments longer than 1. * Bug #13139 fixed - fft help page fixed. * Bug #13140 fixed - Various typos fixed in help pages. * Bug #13144 fixed - csvRead can now ignore header comments thanks to a new input argument. * Bug #13146 fixed - profile failed when a comment was on the same line as a function declaration. * Bug #13150 fixed - Vectorial export used too much memory for grayplot. * Bug #13152 fixed - Typo fixed in syslin French help page. * Bug #13164 fixed - Miscolorization in SciNotes colors preferences fixed. * Bug #13165 fixed - Preferences reset did not show a confirmation pop-up. * Bug #13168 fixed - Wrong interpretation of star followed by minus fixed. * Bug #13170 fixed - Legends for plzr plots fixed. * Bug #13174 fixed - Scilab crashed after XML element removal. * Bug #13175 fixed - argn help page updated with specific cases. * Bug #13177 fixed - Error when changing x_ticks.locations on axes fixed. * Bug #13185 fixed - When the "checked" option of a uimenu was set to "on" for the first time, the display order of other uimenus was changed. * Bug #13186 fixed - csvRead freezed Scilab if separator was an empty string. * Bug #13187 fixed - xmltoformat did not include "imageobjects" in output. * Bug #13188 fixed - The output argument of eomday function was not pre-dimensioned. * Bug #13191 fixed - isempty(rational) returned an error message. * Bug #13192 fixed - horner returned an error message when the input arguments did not have the same size. * Bug #13194 fixed - part help page improved. * Bug #13199 fixed - There was a thin blue line around acknowledgements button in about box. * Bug #13200 fixed - about() ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS did not render utf-8 characters. * Bug #13201 fixed - x_mdialog entries had no margin. * Bug #13202 fixed - kernel help page improved. * Bug #13203 fixed - Typos fixed in some error messages. * Bug #13205 fixed - group accepted continuous transfer functions. * Bug #13208 fixed - New nanreglin function to handle NaNs for reglin(). * Bug #13210 fixed - Incorrect argument description in mseek help page. * Bug #13213 fixed - User-defined margins were reset by auto computation of the margins. * Bug #13215 fixed - clf(1001) returned an error. * Bug #13218 fixed - Typos fixed in core module help pages. * Bug #13226 fixed - Completion with accented chars could led to a crash. * Bug #13227 fixed - Invalid windowsConfiguration.xml file could avoid Scilab startup. * Bug #13233 fixed - Wrong simulation result of step response csim('step',t,H) fixed. * Bug #13234 fixed - lmitool calling sequence clarified. * Bug #13236 fixed - "parents" help page has been renamed to "parentheses". * Bug #13238 fixed - Wrong legends display fixed. * Bug #13243 fixed - optim with "gc" option failed when imp<0. * Bug #13247 fixed - Hypermatrix in structure definition did not work properly. * Bug #13252 fixed - Minor typos fixed in Graphics messages. * Bug #13258 fixed - Bad number display in datatips fixed. * Bug #13267 fixed - Implicit typecasts in scicos.c fixed. * Bug #13271 fixed - plot2d with logarithmic scale and %nan value froze Scilab. * Bug #13272 fixed - Error occurring when reading CSV files with comment option on a CSV file without comment fixed. * Bug #13280 fixed - Axes were not always displayed properly after figure resize. Xcos Bug Fixes =============== * Bug #7350 fixed - The I/O ports numbering of a superblock was not updated when a new port was dropped. * Bug #8570 fixed - "Region to superblock" has been renamed to "Selection to superblock". * Bug #9995 fixed - LOGICAL_OP drew the parameters over the block. * Bug #11518 fixed - CLR block-text was displayed out of the bounding box when zooming. * Bug #11776 fixed - CMSCOPE did not take into account label&Id parameter. * Bug #11975 fixed - Inverted Pendulum demonstration did not compile. * Bug #12359 fixed - Xcos files have been converted to ZCOS to gain some space. * Bug #12384 fixed - Using a Modelica part linked with an explicit link to another Modelica part led to an algebraic loop error. * Bug #12387 fixed - The "Modelica initialize" setup menu option did not blur during simulation. * Bug #12414 fixed - SWITCH_m block had different behaviors for different types of inputs. * Bug #12423 fixed - Data types of SWITCH2_m were not documented. * Bug #12424 fixed - Calling lincos on a derivative block made Scilab crash. * Bug #12449 fixed - QUANT_f was not rounding/truncating/flooring/ceiling properly input signal. * Bug #12460 fixed - xcosPalGenerateAllIcons sometimes crashed Scilab. * Bug #12461 fixed - Cancelling zoom out by zooming in did not fully work. * Bug #12561 fixed - SELECT_m and RELAY_f did not behave as expected. * Bug #12568 fixed - "Recent files" menu entry is now below the "Open" one. * Bug #12590 fixed - Block shape style was removed on file loading. * Bug #12603 fixed - ZCOS files could contain blocks with modified (eg. invalid) parameters. * Bug #12619 fixed - DLR discrete block did not display LaTeX formula like CLR continuous block. * Bug #12651 fixed - The 'nw' scicos_simulate option did not work while passing a previous Info simulation status. * Bug #12664 fixed - Inverted pendulum French localization in the Xcos demonstrations was inaccurate. * Bug #12667 fixed - 'Recent Files' menu was not localized. * Bug #12685 fixed - The lincos and steadycos functions did not load the XcosLibs so all the blocks were unknown. * Bug #12731 fixed - Code generation produced erroneous block. * Bug #12732 fixed - Improper Copyright comments in the files were generated by the code generation tool. * Bug #12796 fixed - There was some mismatches between implicit and explicit ports of superblocks. * Bug #12797 fixed - I/O blocks generated by "Selection to Superblocks" had wrong size. * Bug #12868 fixed - There were several problems with PULSE_SC block. * Bug #12869 fixed - min and max were not defined but used in Xcos generated code. * Bug #12873 fixed - scicos_flat produced an unexpected error after a diagram load. * Bug #12874 fixed - CSCOPE marks sizes were too small. * Bug #12877 fixed - Incorrect output port dimensions and types in GENSIN_f, GENSQR_f, STEP_FUNCTION and STEP blocks fixed. * Bug #12924 fixed - Blocks type 2004 was not handled as a valid block type. * Bug #12934 fixed - Separate compilation of a superblock could fail due to under determined signal sizes. * Bug #12998 fixed - 'ans' was not ignored in the context results. * Bug #13006 fixed - Selection to superblock (in_f and out_f) failed. * Bug #13030 fixed - Selection to superblock did not reset the origin. * Bug #13059 fixed - NaN propagated at startup made the simulation fail. * Bug #13071 fixed - Three unused functions in Xcos macros now specified as not mandatory to write new blocks. * Bug #13172 fixed - Logic block help file had some typo errors. * Bug #13239 fixed - Grid was not shown in zoomed log scale. * Bug #13250 fixed - CLSS wrongly handled scalar values. Changes between version 5.5.0-beta-1 and 5.5.0 ============================================== GUI Refactoring and Improvements ================================ * New uicontrols styles: - tab: component which enables the user to switch between sets of uicontrols by clicking on a tab. The children components are "frame" uicontrols. Two dedicated properties have been added to configure this component: - title_position: Position of the tabs - title_scroll: Indicates if tabs must all be displayed at a time or managed with scroll features. - layer: Component which enables the user to make parts of a GUI visible/invisible programmatically. - spinner: Component which enables the user to select/edit a value between bounds with a fixed step. * New uicontrols properties: - border: Used to set some decoration properties on "frame" uicontrols. These decorations can be created and initialized with the createBorder and the createBorderFont functions. - scrollable: Used to add scrolling capabilities on "frame" uicontrols. - groupname: Used to group "radiobutton" and "checkbox" uicontrols for an easier management. - icon: Add an icon to "pushbutton", "text" and "frame" uicontrols. - margin: Empty space around uicontrols. * New uimenu properties: - icon: add an icon on the left of the menu label. * "listbox" and "popupmenu" style uicontrols can now manage colors selection, icons, background and foreground colors when the "String" property is set to a matrix matching the format: ["#color1", "Item1", "#background1", "#foreground1"; "#color2", "Item2", ..., ...] ["icon1", "Item1", "#background1", "#foreground1"; "icon2", "Item2", ..., ...] with "#color1", "#background1" and "#foreground1" in HTML format #XXXXXX. Then the component will display a colored box or icon on the left of the associated string, and different background/foreground colors for items. * New management of uicontrols positioning: In previous versions, uicontrols position was managed in an absolute way through their "Position" property and the "Resizefcn" property of their parent figure. Using the new layout management in figures and "frame" style uicontrols, position is now managed in an automatic way based on Java layouts. New dedicated properties have been added in figure and uicontrols: - layout: layout type. - layout_options: configuration of the layout. Options can be initialized with the createLayoutOptions function. Type "help layouts" in Scilab for more information about available types and options. Uicontrols position is then managed through the "constraints" property. A new createConstraints function has been added to managed these contraints. * New figures properties: - icon: Allows to customize the figure icon. - menubar: allows to create windows without any menu bar (default menus will not be created). - menubar_visible: Manages menu bar visibility. - toolbar: Allows to create windows without any toolbar. - toolbar_visible: Manages toolbar visibility. - infobar_visible: Manages infobar visibility. - resize: Allows to lock window size. - dockable: Allows to create dockable/standard figures. - default_axes: Allows to manage default axes creation in figures. * The figure "visible" property management has evolved and offers new possibilities: - When the figure is docked, this property manages the visibility of components inside the figure (uicontrols, axes, ...). In previous releases, this same property setting only managed axes. - When the figure is not docked, this property manages the visibility of the whole figure including its decorations. * New way to create GUI using XML files: - Created GUI using the figure/uicontrol/uimenu functions can now be saved in this new format using saveGui function. - XML files in this format can be loaded in Scilab using the loadGui function. This function aims at creating GUI in a more efficient way. * New rendering for GUI/uicontrols: In this version, uicontrols use the defaults of the OS Look & Feel. Some properties default values are not set by Scilab and then can be different from an OS to another. To come back to the previous and deprecated behavior, you can use the related property on the "Console" handle: set(get(0), "UseDeprecatedSkin", "on"); Note that this deprecated behavior will be removed in future versions. * New way to access uicontrols using a path containing their "Tag" and their parent(s) "Tag" property. See the set and get functions help page for more details. * New display for uicontrols handles properties. Only properties used for Java rendering are displayed. To display all available properties, use the "ShowHiddenProperties" "Console" property. Graphics Evolutions =================== * set function prototype has been modified to allow the user to set multiple properties at once: set(h, "Property1", Value1, "Property2", Value2, ...) * newaxes function now allows to create axes in "frame" uicontrols. * clf function now also works with "frame" uicontrols. * New axes properties: - ticks_format: Format of the ticks labels. - ticks_st: Scales and translates factors applied to ticks position when formatting the ticks labels. - auto_margins: Activated by default, this property lets Scilab compute margins needed to display axes decorations (titles, labels, ...). - grid_thickness: Thickness of the grid plotting. - grid_style: Style of the grid plotting. - label_font_style: Font style used to draw the labels. * New legends properties: - line_width: Width of the drawn line. - mark_count: Number of the drawn marks. * New polyline properties: - mark_offset: Offset before the first mark. - mark_stride: Step between consecutive marks. - display_function: Name of the function used to customize the information displayed in all the datatips of this polyline. This function can be overloaded by setting a display function on each datatip handle. - display_function_data: Additional data needed for datatips display function. - datatips: Handles of the datatips of the polyline. * New Matplot property added : - rect: specifies the rectangle where the Matplot will be drawn. * Datatips properties have been renamed for better readability: - tip_data --> data - tip_box_mode --> box_mode - tip_label_mode --> label_mode - tip_orientation --> orientation - tip_3component --> z_component - tip_auto_orientation --> auto_orientation - tip_interp_mode --> interp_mode - tip_disp_function --> display_function Scilab ====== * New functions introduced: - jcreatejar - Creates a Java archive (JAR) from a set of files / directories - ilib_build_jar - Builds Java packages from sources into a JAR file - ifftshift - Inverses FFT shift - unwrap - Unwraps/unfolds a Y(x) profile - getPreferencesValue/setPreferencesValue - Get or set values in the preferences file. - htmlDump/htmlRead/htmlReadStr/htmlWrite - Read and write data from/in HTML files. - numderivative - Approximate derivatives of a function (Jacobian or Hessian). * modulo and pmodulo now support integers & hypermatrices (See bug #13002). * test_run can now separate 32-bit systems from 64-bit ones. * pol2str: now handles polynomials with complex coefficients and hypermatrices (See bug #13109). * nanreglin: reglin with arguments containing NaNs (See bug #13208). * New optional input argument added to matfile2sci (append or write the output file). Xcos ==== * xcos_debug_gui function added for a simple use of the Debug block. * tbx_build_pal_loader function added to ease external module creation (See SEP #120). * Event management demonstrations added. * API change: In scicos_block4.h, "Residute" renamed to "Jacobian". Obsolete & Removed Functions ============================ * relocate_handle tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. * msd and st_deviation tagged as obsolete (See bug #7593). Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use stdev instead. * pcg tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use conjgrad instead. * milk_drop tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. * datatipGetStruct tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use 'datatips' property instead. * regress tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use reglin instead. * %asn tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use delip instead. * jmat tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use flipdim instead. * perl tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0. * numdiff and derivative tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0. Please use numderivative instead. * xmltochm tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. * clear_pixmap removed, please use drawlater/drawnow instead. * pixmap property removed for figures, please use drawlater/drawnow instead. * demo_message and demo_mdialog removed. * with_embedded_jre removed. * draw removed. * fit_dat removed. Please use datafit instead. * winclose removed. Please use close instead. * datatipInitStruct and datatipRedraw removed. * getfont, getmark, getlinestyle and getsymbol removed. Please use ged instead. Compilation ============ * Minimal version of JoGL (2.1.4) enforced. * Minimal version of JLaTeXMath (1.0.3) enforced. * New dependencies to manage EMF export: - freehep-graphics2d.jar - freehep-graphicsio-emf.jar - freehep-graphicsio.jar - freehep-io.jar - freehep-util.jar Note: --without-emf can be used to disable this feature. Known incompatibilities ======================== * Using => or =< now returns an error. See bug #2345. * or/and functions now fix reals value before working on them. See bug #7666. * a*b*-c+d is now interpreted as (a*b*(-c))+d instead of a*b*(-c+d). See bug #13168. * Extracting children from an empty matrix of handles now returns an error. For example: f=gcf(); f.children(1).children.children returns an error. * Figure anti_aliasing property behavior changed: - "off": No anti-aliasing activated on the figure. - "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x": anti-aliasing activation will have no effect on most plateforms. Scilab Bug Fixes ================ * Bug #1253 fixed - There was no possibility to draw only few marks on a polyline which contained a lot of points. * Bug #1751 fixed - Margins were not computed according to contents. * Bug #2067 fixed - Scilab crashed when plot was called with a large numerical value. * Bug #2345 fixed - Use of operators => and =< did not lead to an error. * Bug #2802 fixed - convstr did not convert non ascii chars. * Bug #4083 fixed - The numdiff and derivative functions were duplicates and are now tagged as obsolete and replaced by numderivative. See SEP #130. * Bug #4177 fixed - find function moved to the "elementary_functions" module. * Bug #4401 fixed - isnum did not recognize all constants or some complex numbers. * Bug #4490 fixed - Input argument of sinc function moved to rad. * Bug #4649 fixed - License issue in xs2ppm help page fixed. * Bug #4677 fixed - xclick did not return correct mouse position on keyboard event. * Bug #4692 fixed - Export did not work while xgetmouse was waiting. * Bug #4858 fixed - libintl.h was missing in binary versions but included in localization.h. * Bug #4965 fixed - Setting links property for a handle of type legend did not work. * Bug #5016 fixed - condestsp could return different results when repeated calls were performed. * Bug #5232 fixed - 'frame' uicontrols children now follow the frame displacement. * Bug #5826 fixed - Graphic windows did not redirect key events in console. * Bug #5844 fixed - grayplot did not have a logflag option. * Bug #5886 fixed - There was no property labels_font_style on axis. * Bug #6191 fixed - It was not possible to set thickness and line_style properties for a grid. * Bug #6305 fixed - dsearch function did not work with integers, strings and hypermatrices. * Bug #6306 fixed - It is now possible to compute an histogram instead of plotting it with new function histc(). Besides, histplot can now return the computed data. * Bug #6363 fixed - It was not possible to create figures without menubar/toolbar. * Bug #6404 fixed - xrects help page was not clear about argument specification. * Bug #6476 fixed - Matplot help did not indicate that the data field should be used to update data. * Bug #6512 fixed - %asn function tagged as obsolete. * Bug #6615 fixed - ui(get|put)file did not center the file dialog on the last focused window. * Bug #6689 & #6690 fixed - grand now works with complexes, polynomials, booleans, integers, sparses and strings, and can handle row vectors, matrices and hypermatrices of thoses types. * Bug #6824 fixed - resize_matrix did not manage hypermatrices. * Bug #6832 fixed - Matrices of rationals can now be transposed via the " .' " operator. * Bug #6859 fixed - xlabel and xtitle could overlapped. * Bug #6930 fixed - Matplot handle had no rect property. * Bug #7038 fixed - A toggle button now manages datatip mode. * Bug #7040 fixed - Example and description for getMatrixOfIntegerPrecision modified in help page. * Bug #7047 fixed - milk_drop is now obsolete. It will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1, but will be kept as a demonstration. * Bug #7051 fixed - fieldnames help page updated. * Bug #7084 fixed - Old, not documented and deprecated gr_menu function removed. * Bug #7085 fixed - 'edit' uicontrols did not support multiple line edition. * Bug #7133 fixed - help_from_sci with no input argument now launches a full demonstration. * Bug #7169 fixed - It was not possible to specify different option value (thickness, style, ...) for X and Y grids. * Bug #7205 fixed - length(H) applied to a non-string hypermat returned 3 instead of size(H,"*"). * Bug #7244 fixed - Extraction from a struct array with a boolean vector had a strange behavior. * Bug #7304 fixed - exportUI did not switch filename extension when filter was changed. * Bug #7417 fixed - Auto-positioning of datatips did not take the curvature into account. * Bug #7561 fixed - roots help page now explains that coefficients are used in the contrary order of poly. * Bug #7570 fixed - The switch criterion on x and y is now explained in beta() help page. * Bug #7585 fixed - psi.f moved from "elementary functions" to "special functions" module. * Bug #7593 fixed - stdev now encompasses msd and st_deviation thanks to a new optional input argument. * Bug #7650 fixed - isempty(tlist(...)) always returned false, even when all defined fields were empty. * Bug #7666 fixed - Inconsistencies between and/or and &/| fixed. * Bug #7705 fixed - "dimension", "minbounds" and "maxbounds" fields have been documented in Genetic algorithms help pages. * Bug #7739 fixed - Axis position was invalid in log modes. * Bug #7771 fixed - There was no item about arrow_size in champ_properties help page. * Bug #7772 fixed - There was no description, no example about line_style property in polyline help page. * Bug #7858 fixed - variance and variancef can now return the mean of the input in a new output argument and take the a priori mean as input. * Bug #7879 fixed - string now accepts plist type, and printing a plist displays that string. * Bug #7905 fixed - Figure icon can now be changed using dedicated property. * Bug #7916 fixed - nansum([]) returned NaN value while this function had to ignore it. * Bug #7986 fixed - spec gateway renamed from sci_eig.c to sci_spec.c. * Bug #7999 fixed - SwingScilabFileChooser.getFilterIndex() was unusable. * Bug #8031 fixed - cdfgam error message fixed. * Bug #8060 fixed - Improved list display in the variable browser. * Bug #8131 fixed - It was not possible to choose the number of marks and the line width in legends. * Bug #8133 fixed - Ticks disappeared in planar 3-D view. * Bug #8196 fixed - Error messages dealing with negative thickness were not standard. * Bug #8231 fixed - xrect help page did not say that clipping property was inherited. * Bug #8247 fixed - regress tagged as obsolete. * Bug #8290 fixed - DELAYV_f block documentation fixed. * Bug #8323 fixed - Scilab "About Box" did not hide Scilab main window. * Bug #8337 fixed - mtlb_rand now uses the "uniform" rule, whatever the random rule set is. * Bug #8379 fixed - It was not possible to delete the selected datatip with DELETE or BACKSPACE. * Bug #8745 fixed - Extracting from an empty matrix automatically returned an empty matrix. * Bug #8956 fixed - xpoly, xfpoly, xrect, xsegs and xarc did not update data_bounds property. * Bug #9031 fixed - Misalignment of text when using xstring with a matrix fixed. * Bug #9033 fixed - auto_dimensioning property for text handles was not documented. * Bug #9110 fixed - Examples and references to other functions added in Statistics help pages. * Bug #9309 fixed - comparison help page updated to document issue with empty matrix. * Bug #9319 fixed - Huge polylines could not be exported in PS/EPS. * Bug #9444 fixed - with_embedded_jre function removed. * Bug #9493 fixed - Title is now correctly set when starting Scilab and focus is set on Console. * Bug #9627 fixed - Arguments checking added in optimsimplex_* functions. * Bug #9697 fixed - Displayed information for optim "qn" and "gc" with bounds and imp=1 fixed. * Bug #9701 fixed - optim with "qn" option was failing for large problems. * Bug #9819 fixed - unwrap function did not exist in Scilab. * Bug #9840 fixed - Default G tolerance in lsqrsolve was too large. * Bug #10012 fixed - lmisolver and lmitool called with no input now produce errors. * Bug #10083 fixed - plot3d could not be used with only one input argument. * Bug #10122 fixed - replot could not be used in 3-D. * Bug #10175 fixed - Clearer example added for sp2adj to adj2sp conversion (and backwards conversion). * Bug #10214 fixed - evstr help page updated to mention that input argument must not be composed of continuation marks (..). * Bug #10221 fixed - ifftshift function did not exist in Scilab. * Bug #10234 fixed - reglin function moved from CACSD to Statistics module. * Bug #10243 fixed - fun2string(X) called X before returning its code. * Bug #10271 fixed - ordmmd now checks the consistency of the third input argument with the input matrix defined by the first two input arguments. * Bug #10273 fixed - spchol help page now displays an example showing how to use its output arguments. * Bug #10391 fixed - Error when using completion after a global variable clear fixed. * Bug #10428 fixed - Java based components of Scilab showed a library load error in CLI mode. * Bug #10445 fixed - In SciNotes, CTRL+Drag&Drop moved text rather than copying it. * Bug #10470 fixed - In SciNotes, split "Horizontally" or "Vertically" was meaningless. * Bug #10621 fixed - Figure without docking/undocking capabilities can now be created. * Bug #10645 fixed - File encoding could not be given as argument in xmlRead. * Bug #10718 fixed - New "Resize" property added to figures. * Bug #10805 fixed - Documentation on left bracket was superfluous and is now removed. Refer to brackets for information on "[" and "]". * Bug #10816 fixed - Typo in part error message fixed. * Bug #10830 fixed - Hypermatrix insertion with a negative index returned a wrong error message. * Bug #10833 fixed - exists help page updated. * Bug #10840 fixed - Keyboard arrows were disabled on 'slider' type uicontrols. * Bug #10856 fixed - analpf did not return the right result. * Bug #10932 fixed - Startup directory was not saved/restored in preferences. * Bug #10936 fixed - Scilab hung with invalid strf in plot2d. * Bug #10942 fixed - Function soundsec revised. Now soundsec can be used for non integer values of time. * Bug #10998 fixed - matrix*hypermatrix and hypermatrix*matrix operations failed. * Bug #11001 fixed - exists and isdef did not work with primitives. * Bug #11007, #11008 & #11009 fixed - New conjgrad function (Conjugate Gradient methods "pcg", "cgs", "bicg" and "bicgstab"). * Bug #11303 fixed - Exception while searching with multiple tabs in SciNotes fixed. * Bug #11305 fixed - Performances improved with a better way to update data in Graphics. * Bug #11523 fixed - In SciNotes, 'whereami line numbering' was not clear enough. * Bug #11571 fixed - x_mdialog did not let the Look&Feel select the window size. * Bug #11575 fixed - There was no preview of GIF files in exportUI dialog. * Bug #11576 fixed - exportUI did not propose gcf().figure_name as default file name. * Bug #11616 fixed - Figure menubar could not be made invisible. * Bug #11629 fixed - Interactive zoom did not work properly in datatip mode. * Bug #11680 fixed - GUI functions in Scilab 5.4.X were much slower than in Scilab 5.3.3. * Bug #11714 fixed - help_from_sci sometimes failed when input function had "" comments. * Bug #11779 fixed - Wrong variable type in the documentation of getNbInputArgument and getNbOutputArgument fixed. * Bug #11789 fixed - Documentation was missing for nbInputArgument. * Bug #11814 fixed - Typo in CACSD help chapter fixed. * Bug #11876 fixed - ilib_include_flag now returns a string when called with a string column vector as input. * Bug #11953 fixed - Scilab crashed when global("") was typed. * Bug #11964 fixed - uicontrol coordinates system did not take figure resize into account. * Bug #11996 fixed - eye extended to hypermatrix. * Bug #12012 fixed - Misleading perl function should not be part of Scilab (tagged as obsolete). * Bug #12037 fixed - Simplified Chinese version of SciNotes displayed warnings at startup. * Bug #12073 fixed - Width of code examples has been decreased in XML help pages. * Bug #12082 fixed - convstr function did not work with non-ASCII symbols. * Bug #12121 fixed - inv function did not work for complex sparse matrices. * Bug #12130 fixed - flipdim can now flip blocks, thus making jmat obsolete. * Bug #12145 fixed - demo_mdialog internal function removed. * Bug #12156 fixed - Closing a Scilab session in Javasci could led to a HDF5 error message. * Bug #12170 fixed - Calling matfile_listvar on an empty file returned an error. * Bug #12306 fixed - Invalid memory free on completion in NWNI mode fixed. * Bug #12308 fixed - create_palette help page removed (function removed). * Bug #12334 fixed - Mark color in legend was invalid. * Bug #12412 fixed - Typo fixed in some error messages. * Bug #12439 fixed - edit_error returned a wrong message when there was no recorded error. * Bug #12440 fixed - Unitary test added for bitxor. * Bug #12465 fixed - ATOMS Default categories names were not localized. * Bug #12472 fixed - grand and link error messages fixed. * Bug #12481 fixed - xlabel could not be used with Scilab property names. * Bug #12485 fixed - xchange returned bad values with log scale. * Bug #12492 fixed - Exported EPS files were invalid when dash patterns were too long. * Bug #12496 fixed - zoom_rect could led to a crash in log scale. * Bug #12535 fixed - In a French localized Scilab, comma was used as decimal separator when zooming (rather than point). * Bug #12567 fixed - Error messages fixed in ricc. * Bug #12622 fixed - Various typos fixed in error messages. * Bug #12672 fixed - Ticks part of axes_property help page updated. * Bug #12673 fixed - Ticks were drawn outside of axes area. * Bug #12682 fixed - Key events were disabled after zooming. * Bug #12683 fixed - proc_name(k, gwin) callback was badly managed depending on input arguments of addmenu function. * Bug #12714 fixed - csvDefault("decimal", ",") returned %f while this value was valid. * Bug #12716 fixed - In SciNotes, RTL languages were not correctly displayed. * Bug #12725 fixed - Datatips did not work in logarithmic scale. * Bug #12733 fixed - There was no way to direct graphs to nothing with driver function. * Bug #12737 fixed - In SciNotes, autosave did not create directory if it did not exist. * Bug #12763 fixed - Value of "listbox" style uicontrols was not updated when using arrow keys. * Bug #12769 fixed - xset("window", 1) did not set the current axes. * Bug #12784 fixed - Misleading error message in many functions when passing an integer argument instead of double argument fixed. * Bug #12785 fixed - plot did not allow int data as first argument. * Bug #12803 fixed - warning(['foo','bar']) printed two 'WARNING: '. * Bug #12819 fixed - Link to contributors website page fixed in the documentation. * Bug #12826 fixed - and tags were not managed in the documentation. * Bug #12854 fixed - configure failed to detect custom installation of docbook. * Bug #12860 fixed - Missing semicolon in style.css added. * Bug #12880 fixed - A warning is displayed when transposing arguments of plot. * Bug #12882 fixed - Some help pages were not clear. * Bug #12896 fixed - Typos fixed in XML module error messages. * Bug #12900 fixed - It is now possible to set proxy options in Preferences. * Bug #12910 fixed - Typos fixed in several help pages. * Bug #12938 fixed - No Java compiler was available in Linux binary version. * Bug #12943 fixed - Datatips did not work properly when 2-D plots were rotated. * Bug #12945 fixed - Datatips could not be dragged properly in zoomed axes. * Bug #12948 fixed - When host was not found, getURL caused a crash to desktop. * Bug #12950 fixed - getURL ignored the proxy settings under Windows. * Bug #12951 fixed - Interactive zoom was broken. * Bug #12952 fixed - It was not always possible to search a word in a file with SciNotes. * Bug #12956 fixed - splitURL with no protocol in URL provoked an access violation exception. * Bug #12957 fixed - splitURL and getURL were not declared as new 5.5 functions. * Bug #12962 fixed - xinfo documentation was not clear. * Bug #12967 fixed - Data editor icon was not 16x16. * Bug #12963 fixed - drawaxis did not place the axis properly. * Bug #12966 fixed - Rotation, tool tip and other Xcos plot actions were disabled by default. * Bug #12968 fixed - A variable named 'temp' could not be saved. * Bug #12971 fixed - getURL downloaded file name was wrong. * Bug #12973 fixed - Exception occurring when clicking on a figure at creation fixed. * Bug #12976 fixed - getURL returned a file name instead of a file path. * Bug #12978 fixed - exportUI returned an error when input argument was a figure handle. * Bug #12979 fixed - exportUI did not work with vectorial export. * Bug #12990 fixed - GED features conflicted with figure events. * Bug #12992 fixed - The sigma value was always equal to "LM" in eigs. * Bug #12993 fixed - stdev returned value depended on 'x' being defined in the environment. * Bug #13000 fixed - []./int8(3) and on int8(3)./[] led to an endless recursive. * Bug #13002 fixed - modulo and pmodulo did not support integers & hypermatrices. * Bug #13003 fixed - String to enum converter added to Java external objects. * Bug #13004 fixed - Debug infos were displayed in case of an error with eoj. * Bug #13005 fixed - jcompile did not use the classpath to compile. * Bug #13007 fixed - Compilation errors were not returned by jcompile. * Bug #13008 fixed - 'help $' now opens the 'Symbols' help page. * Bug #13010 fixed - Wrong class was returned by jcompile (with ecj). * Bug #13011 fixed - ilib_compile failed under Mac OS X 10.9. * Bug #13012 fixed - Vectorial export of rotated strings was wrong. * Bug #13013 fixed - In SciNotes, the first proposed directory to save a file was not current working directory. * Bug #13014 fixed - Update of the efficiency inner variable improved in optim_ga. * Bug #13015 fixed - Computation of efficiency inner variable improved in optim_ga. * Bug #13022 fixed - Vectorial export did not clip large segments. * Bug #13023 fixed - xs2pdf crashed under Windows when the target file was already opened. * Bug #13027 fixed - There was no autowrap into array in JIMS. * Bug #13031 fixed - Lorentz Butterfly demonstration fixed. * Bug #13032 fixed - CMATVIEW help page example fixed and CMAT3D help page example created. * Bug #13033 fixed - -1 could not be used as nax argument in plot2d. * Bug #13036 fixed - The help page associated to the history browser was wrong. * Bug #13041 fixed - Wrong result was returned for "integer scalar" minus "integer vector". * Bug #13042 fixed - Texts in graphics were not properly centered. * Bug #13047 fixed - jcompile did not allow class reloading. * Bug #13049 fixed - New handled protocols added in links in SciNotes. * Bug #13050 fixed - The result of mvvacov was not symmetric. * Bug #13051 fixed - SciNotes restoration could block desktop one. * Bug #13053 fixed - datatipCreate did not return datatip handle. * Bug #13055 fixed - Array indexing did not follow Scilab convention in JIMS. * Bug #13061 fixed - hdf5 demonstration failed with a read-only file. * Bug #13063 fixed - Color selection in SciNotes preferences threw exceptions. * Bug #13064 fixed - Deleting a link connected to a split led to a translated link. * Bug #13069 fixed - Documentation for %MODELICA_USER_LIBS updated. * Bug #13066 fixed - data_bounds was not fully documented in axes_properties. * Bug #13080 fixed - Contextual menu was unavailable for datatips management. * Bug #13082 fixed - Datatip mark style was not inherited from the parent polyline. * Bug #13083 fixed - Datatip marks did not inherit colors from the parent polyline. * Bug #13084 fixed - interp_mode property could not be set on all datatips of the same polyline. * Bug #13085 fixed - A datatip could not be moved on a circle. * Bug #13092 fixed - Optimizations now check the user function output (must be real). * Bug #13093 fixed - Removed trailing "\n" in the head_comments error message. * Bug #13101 fixed - When x-axis was in reverse position x_location='origin' failed. * Bug #13102 fixed - savematfile did not support "-v7.3" option. * Bug #13108 fixed - Time between ATOMS database updates is now a month (was a day) and is configurable. * Bug #13109 fixed - pol2str now supports polynomials with complex coefficients and hypermatrices. * Bug #13111 fixed - sqrt returned different results when imaginary part was -0 versus 0. * Bug #13114 fixed - clear_pixmap/pixmap property should have been removed in Scilab 5.4.1. * Bug #13116 fixed - qpsolve now respects upper-bounds constraints. * Bug #13119 fixed - mget and mgetl now return an error when called with decimal values as number of lines. * Bug #13121 fixed - ode "rk" option crashed Scilab when the user derivative function failed. * Bug #13127 fixed - There were no subticks with user defined ticks. * Bug #13132 fixed - There were missing graduations when data_bounds interval was too small. * Bug #13134 fixed - User-defined ticks in log scale were invisible. * Bug #13136 fixed - exists and isdef failed for input arguments longer than 1. * Bug #13139 fixed - fft help page fixed. * Bug #13140 fixed - Various typos fixed in help pages. * Bug #13144 fixed - csvRead can now ignore header comments thanks to a new input argument. * Bug #13146 fixed - profile failed when a comment was on the same line as a function declaration. * Bug #13150 fixed - Vectorial export used too much memory for grayplot. * Bug #13152 fixed - Typo fixed in syslin French help page. * Bug #13164 fixed - Miscolorization in SciNotes colors preferences fixed. * Bug #13165 fixed - Preferences reset did not show a confirmation pop-up. * Bug #13168 fixed - Wrong interpretation of star followed by minus fixed. * Bug #13170 fixed - Legends for plzr plots fixed. * Bug #13174 fixed - Scilab crashed after XML element removal. * Bug #13175 fixed - argn help page updated with specific cases. * Bug #13177 fixed - Error when changing x_ticks.locations on axes fixed. * Bug #13185 fixed - When the "checked" option of a uimenu was set to "on" for the first time, the display order of other uimenus was changed. * Bug #13186 fixed - csvRead freezed Scilab if separator was an empty string. * Bug #13187 fixed - xmltoformat did not include "imageobjects" in output. * Bug #13188 fixed - The output argument of eomday function was not pre-dimensioned. * Bug #13191 fixed - isempty(rational) returned an error message. * Bug #13192 fixed - horner returned an error message when the input arguments did not have the same size. * Bug #13194 fixed - part help page improved. * Bug #13199 fixed - There was a thin blue line around acknowledgements button in about box. * Bug #13200 fixed - about() ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS did not render utf-8 characters. * Bug #13201 fixed - x_mdialog entries had no margin. * Bug #13202 fixed - kernel help page improved. * Bug #13203 fixed - Typos fixed in some error messages. * Bug #13205 fixed - group accepted continuous transfer functions. * Bug #13208 fixed - New nanreglin function to handle NaNs for reglin(). * Bug #13210 fixed - Incorrect argument description in mseek help page. * Bug #13213 fixed - User-defined margins were reset by auto computation of the margins. * Bug #13215 fixed - clf(1001) returned an error. * Bug #13218 fixed - Typos fixed in core module help pages. * Bug #13226 fixed - Completion with accented chars could led to a crash. * Bug #13227 fixed - Invalid windowsConfiguration.xml file could avoid Scilab startup. * Bug #13233 fixed - Wrong simulation result of step response csim('step',t,H) fixed. * Bug #13234 fixed - lmitool calling sequence clarified. * Bug #13236 fixed - "parents" help page has been renamed to "parentheses". * Bug #13238 fixed - Wrong legends display fixed. * Bug #13243 fixed - optim with "gc" option failed when imp<0. * Bug #13247 fixed - Hypermatrix in structure definition did not work properly. * Bug #13252 fixed - Minor typos fixed in Graphics messages. * Bug #13258 fixed - Bad number display in datatips fixed. * Bug #13267 fixed - Implicit typecasts in scicos.c fixed. * Bug #13271 fixed - plot2d with logarithmic scale and %nan value froze Scilab. * Bug #13272 fixed - Error occurring when reading CSV files with comment option on a CSV file without comment fixed. * Bug #13280 fixed - Axes were not always displayed properly after figure resize. Xcos Bug Fixes ============== * Bug #9995 fixed - LOGICAL_OP drew the parameters over the block. * Bug #11975 fixed - Inverted Pendulum demonstration did not compile. * Bug #12423 fixed - Data types of SWITCH2_m were not documented. * Bug #12685 fixed - The lincos and steadycos functions did not load the XcosLibs so all the blocks were unknown. * Bug #12998 fixed - 'ans' was not ignored in the context results. * Bug #13006 fixed - Selection to superblock (in_f and out_f) failed. * Bug #13030 fixed - Selection to superblock did not reset the origin. * Bug #13059 fixed - NaN propagated at startup made the simulation fail. * Bug #13071 fixed - Three unused functions in Xcos macros now specified as not mandatory to write new blocks. * Bug #13172 fixed - Logic block help file had some typo errors. * Bug #13239 fixed - Grid was not shown in zoomed log scale. * Bug #13250 fixed - CLSS wrongly handled scalar values. Changes between version 5.4.1 and 5.5.0-beta-1 ============================================== New Features ============= * New special functions: - erfi - The imaginary error function. - dawson - Compute the Dawson function (scaled imaginary error). * New functions introduced: - getURL - Download a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...) - splitURL - Split a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...) - cov - Covariance matrix. Deprecates mvvacov. See bug #11896. - ismatrix - Check if a variable is a matrix. See bug #10456. - isrow - Check if a variable is a row vector. See bug #10456. - iscolumn - Check if a variable is a column vector. See bug #10456. - issquare - Check if a variable is a square matrix. See bug #10456. - cross - Vector cross product. See bug #9941. - members - Number of occurrences and linear indexes of common values between two matrices of the same type.See bug #12705. * Complete set of functions to read and write any HDF5 file from Scilab added. * New Solver: - daskr - differential-algebraic system solver with rootfinding 'daskr', using BDF methods with direct and preconditioned Krylov linear solvers, based on ODEPACK. * Based on JIMS external module, Scilab provides functions to interact with Java objects. * erf, erfc, erfcx and calerf functions now support complex arguments. * isnum has been redesigned in native code. Performance improvements up to 130x. See bug #10404. * Usage of the '$' keyword in part function allowed. * The histplot command can now be used with the option polygon=%t/%f to add the frequency polygon chart (Thanks to Mehran Khorshidi). * Multi level completion on mlist, struct, XML structures... * Variable browser improvements: - The variable browser also shows the size of integers and the user type of the tlist/mlist. See bugs #12523 and #10409. - It is now possible to delete variables from the variable browser. See bug #9447. - A user can now plot variables from the variable browser (this functionality was already available in the variable editor). * Added lighting effect for plot of surfaces. Lighting can be enabled creating light objects or disabled by deleting them. The following function was introduced: - light - Creates a light graphic object. * Localization: - Multiple domains in localization managed. - addlocalizationdomain function added for a new domain creation. - Optional parameter added to gettext to manage domains. - tbx_generate_pofile and tbx_build_localization added to create localization files for modules. * Windows Solution updated to Visual Studio 2012. * -keepconsole option added for Scilab Windows to facilitate debugging. Calling Scilab with this option will leave the console box window opened at startup. * License update: switch to the CeCILL 2.1. Improvements ============= * New calling sequence allowed for nicholschart: nicholschart(gains, phases, colors). See bug #7828. * qp_solve can now take up to 5 output arguments. The last one is an error flag, if it is present, then the function will display a warning instead of an error. See bug #10269. * graypolarplot has been improved in terms of performances and rendering. See bug #12641. * nthroot is now vectorizable. See bug #12678. * New optional output argument for routh_t. See bug #12829. Differential Equations ====================== * Netlib's Quadpack, used for definite integration, has been updated to match the upstream. SciNotes ======== * Autosave feature can now use %date to append the current date to the backup filename (See bug #12712). Xcos ==== * New DAE solver: DDaskr, using BDF methods with direct Newton and preconditioned Krylov linear solvers, which includes rootfinding. It is available from dae function. * In Modelica initialization GUI, inputs (eg. sensor) were not handled. * Sundials updated to the "2.5.0" version, keeping our modifications. * JGraphX updated to the "" version, updating our hooks performance. * API changed in the scicos_block4 interface: the uid value is not available inside the simulation function. * xcosAddToolsMenu added to let the user perform some actions on the graph. * CBLOCK4 block added to the "User-Defined Functions" Toolbox Skeleton ================= * Some Xcos specific content added to xcos_toolbox_skeleton help pages. Compilation ============ * Minimal version of Flexdock (1.2.4) enforced. Obsolete & Removed Functions ============================ * Scilab 5.5.X family will be the latest family working under Windows XP/2003. * Vector ^ scalar syntax declared as obsolete. See bug #11524 * The third argument of poly function will be more strict. Only the following strings are allowed: "roots", "coeff", "c", "r". * Option and direction arguments of gsort will be more strict in all cases. Only the following strings are allowed: - option: "r" "c" "g" "lr" "lc" - direction : "d" "i" * nfreq tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use tabul instead. * IsAScalar tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use isscalar instead. * chart tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use nicholschart instead. * Second output argument of add_param tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. * mvvacov tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0. Please use cov instead. * dft removed, please use fft instead. * sscanf removed, please use msscanf instead. * fscanf removed, please use mfscanf for files opened with mopen or read for files opened with file instead. * fprintf removed, please use mfprintf for files opened with mopen or write for files opened with file instead. * mfft tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1. Please use fft instead. Scilab Bug Fixes ================ * paramfplot2d: When theta input argument was a column vector, an error occurred. * Bug #2267 fixed - Wrong error message when ticks locations and labels did not have the same sizes. * Bug #2416 fixed - Particular case (string([]) returns []) has been added in string help page. * Bug #3511 fixed - strindex did not return all occurrences in regexp mode. * Bug #3928 fixed - An error was returned when a matrix was flipped along the third dimension. * Bug #4042 fixed - squeeze returned a hypermatrix instead of a matrix when at least one dimension was equal to 1. * Bug #4085 fixed - num2cell help page added. * Bug #4229 fixed - delip did not return an error if one element of its first input argument was negative. * Bug #4383 fixed - csim with "step" and "impuls" now works with direct feedthrough. * Bug #4481 fixed - iir help page updated to precise that frq can be a scalar. * Bug #4731 fixed - lqr failed when the time domain of an input was a number. * Bug #4743 fixed - Graphics with too big or too small values did not work. * Bug #5017 fixed - norm rewritten to take benefit from the Lapack package performance. * Bug #5073 fixed - New parameter added in strtod function (decimal separator). * Bug #5205 fixed - permute was slow for large hypermatrices. * Bug #5207 fixed - grand can now return a hypermatrix. * Bug #5365 fixed - makecell help page was in the "compatibility functions" directory instead of being in "data_structures". * Bug #5539 fixed - sylv help page was wrong in the discrete-time case. * Bug #5616 fixed - typeof(uiCreateTree(...)) returned "Tree" instead of "uitree". * Bug #5694 fixed - numdiff help page clarified. * Bug #5779 fixed - xnumb number format was too small (+ unit test added). * Bug #6037 fixed - macrovar help page improved. * Bug #6168 fixed - zpbutt, zpch1, zpch2 and zpell help pages were unclear. * Bug #6390 fixed - The "external" argument of odedc was not well documented and not tested. * Bug #6427 fixed - full([%T %F]) returned an error message. * Bug #6466 fixed - Example with vectorized input added in mprintf and msprintf help pages. * Bug #6584 fixed - mfft tagged as obsolete. * Bug #6638 fixed - The profiler output was incorrect by a factor of 1000 under Windows. * Bug #6693 fixed - modulo did not accept polynomial inputs. Help page was not updated. * Bug #6752 fixed - unit test scilab.tst has been split in different tests. * Bug #6840 fixed - New line_style added. * Bug #6988 fixed - Error messages in modules/data_structures/src/c/hmops.c were not standard. * Bug #7026 fixed - There was no unit test for plot2d. * Bug #7080 fixed - Some graphic macros did not use standard error messages. * Bug #7204 fixed - geomean applied to a hypermatrix gave wrong results. * Bug #7206 fixed - If the second input argument of meanf function was a hypermatrix, this function returned an error. * Bug #7296 fixed - %nan, %inf and -%inf enabled for the cdf* functions. * Bug #7411 fixed - clf forgot to turn off the datatip mode. * Bug #7486 fixed - LAPACK versions of DGELSY and ZGELSY now used. * Bug #7596 fixed - A same error happening in different places now displays the same error message. * Bug #7648 fixed - CDF functions now display a warning for non integer "degrees of freedom" argument. * Bug #7655 fixed - An example added in type help page, for type(X)=11 and type(X)=13. * Bug #7684 fixed - Introduction demonstration splitted into subsections. * Bug #7781 fixed - The second parameter of iqr function had no effect. * Bug #7782 fixed - lcm and gcd help pages improved to tell the user how to use both functions. * Bug #7824 fixed - title function properties did not support an indexed color. * Bug #7826 fixed - chart tagged as obsolete. * Bug #7828 fixed - Slight improvements in nicholschart. * Bug #7848 fixed - The third argument of correl function is now optional. * Bug #7877 fixed - iirgroup function fixed. * Bug #7927 fixed - Output "flag" in qmr function was not well documented. * Bug #7960 fixed - plzr could not produce pole zero plot for a simple transfer function. * Bug #8058 fixed - The user can now set the tolerances of intc function. * Bug #8098 fixed - cumsum could not be applied to rational matrices. * Bug #8162 fixed - Area of stability of plzr was wrong for continuous systems (+unit test added). * Bug #8211 fixed - Parameters module demonstration finalized. * Bug #8234 fixed - strtod did not return an empty matrix when the input argument was an empty matrix. * Bug #8264 fixed - Matlab to Scilab dictionary help page updated for atan2. * Bug #8319 fixed - dbphi(hypermat) and phasemag(hypermat) returned a matrix instead of a hypermatrix. * Bug #8373 fixed - clear can now handle a matrix of strings argument. * Bug #8415 fixed - optim_moga, optim_nsga, optim_nsga2 can now take list as input arguments, as explained in their help pages. * Bug #8462 fixed - bvodeS could make Scilab unstable. * Bug #8470 fixed - bvode displayed some output in terminal window and not in Scilab console. * Bug #8479 fixed - The latest Saxon version was not supported. * Bug #8511 fixed - sprand now uses grand instead of rand and grand functions. Internal state of the random generator is no more changed. * Bug #8561 fixed - ddassl, ddasrt, ddaskr: abs and rel tolerance sizes are now checked. * Bug #8597 fixed - grand/clcg4 could display uncontrolled messages as warning. * Bug #8607 fixed - Some error messages in modules/overloading/macros were not standard and not localized. * Bug #8614 fixed - Unit test for barhomogenize added. * Bug #8636 fixed - roots help page updated (default algorithm value was wrong). * Bug #8667 fixed - The handling of %nan in min, max, median functions was not properly documented. * Bug #8680 fixed - "end" output argument of regexp function has been changed. * Bug #8687 fixed - typeof function failed on uint8, depending on the format (+ unit test added). * Bug #8695 fixed - optim_ga used old (initial) values instead of newly-computed ones. * Bug #8778 fixed - Call_ScilabOpen, TerminateScilab could not be called more than 80 times in a loop. * Bug #8779 fixed - gsort did not preserve the order of equal elements, in lexicographic sort. * Bug #8820 fixed - squeeze did not return a matrix when the number of dimensions of the result was less or equal to 2. * Bug #8824 fixed - taucs_chfact returned a segfault (not the case in nwni mode). * Bug #8840 fixed - fileparts did not manage matrix of strings. * Bug #8856 fixed - Non regression test added for [k,l,m,...]=find(a==5). Non regression test of bug #476 updated. * Bug #8857 fixed - Non regression test of bug #477 updated. * Bug #8858 fixed - Non regression test of bug #480 updated. * Bug #8862 fixed - mget and mput could not read and write 64 bit data from binary files. * Bug #9004 fixed - bitcmp function called with one input argument returned an error. * Bug #9020 fixed - exists function did not accept matrix as first input argument. * Bug #9059 fixed - tbx_build_macros and genlib did not stop even if an error occurred. * Bug #9109 fixed - nfreq tagged as obsolete. * Bug #9158 fixed - zeros called with a big number returned an empty matrix instead of an error. * Bug #9208 fixed - Added three optional output arguments to optim, to retrieve #iterations, #evaluations and a termination indicator. * Bug #9385 fixed - The type checking in trigonometric functions has been added. * Bug #9394 fixed - is_param recognized "plist" as an existing field. * Bug #9395 fixed - add_param did not check its input arguments. * Bug #9396 fixed - add_param accepted duplicate keys. * Bug #9459 fixed - Default values of the optional plot3d arguments were not documented. * Bug #9537 fixed - optimbase_configure only allowed row vectors as initial value. Column vectors now allowed by transposing them. * Bug #9538 fixed - optimbase_checkshape only allowed row vectors as output arguments of cost function. Column vectors are now allowed by transposing them. * Bug #9577 fixed - Setting neldermead_configure("-numberofvariables") is now optional, setting neldermead_configure("-x0") initializes -numberofvariables implicitly. * Bug #9601 fixed - Cylinder demonstration fixed. * Bug #9688 fixed - optim could crash when "imp" option was < 0. It is now set to 0 in that case. * Bug #9690 fixed - The "imp" option for optim could crash Scilab and was not consistent with the help page. * Bug #9691 fixed - "imp" option in optim help page was poorly documented. * Bug #9694 fixed - Example in optim help page fixed to display correct counters. * Bug #9702 fixed - Contrary to what optim help page stated, the "gc" algorithm does use the "epsx" parameter. * Bug #9780 fixed - gmres solver did not run with complex systems. * Bug #9788 fixed - neldermead can now produce a warning when it fails to converge, thanks to a new input argument "warn". * Bug #9821 fixed - getrelativefilename did not manage matrix of strings. * Bug #9851 fixed - Error message occurred because of a cut-off frequency of 0.25Hz with irr. * Bug #9859 fixed - It was not possible to draw arrows in 3-D using xarrows. * Bug #10146 fixed - In SciNotes, 'help on keyword' moved from bottom to top in the popup menu. * Bug #10180 fixed - det was not defined for sparse matrices. * Bug #10213 fixed - sci2exp help page updated to document the impact of format function. * Bug #10216 fixed - Invalid syntaxes for zeros, ones, eye, rand, like zeros(2,:). * Bug #10226 fixed - When a // line was deleted, all sessions histories were folded. * Bug #10254 fixed - Slight improvements in ones help page. * Bug #10269 fixed - qp_solve can now take up to 5 output arguments. The last one is an error flag, if it is present, then the function will issue a warning instead of an error. * Bug #10276 fixed - qp_solve segfaulted with large matrices. * Bug #10287 fixed - Error message added for complex expression as input argument of integrate function. * Bug #10305 fixed - Comparison of lists with empty items returned an error message. * Bug #10596 fixed - exit(xxx) from Scilab failed. * Bug #10818 fixed - home, %e, %t, %f, %z and %s help pages added. * Bug #10823 fixed - fullpath returned different results under Windows and Linux for non-existent file. * Bug #10862 fixed - Add a without Internet connection installation global configuration in the installer. * Bug #10866 fixed - det was not equivalent to detr for rational matrices. * Bug #10906 fixed - Typo fixed in cls2dls help page. * Bug #10930 fixed - The comments in armax function were in French. * Bug #10995 fixed - Typo fixed in grand help page for Gamma law argument. * Bug #11065 fixed - The second output argument of unique function contained a wrong result. * Bug #11067 fixed - Display of ticks labels with closed associated values was wrong. * Bug #11139 fixed - conj was not defined for sparse matrices (+ unit test added). * Bug #11308 fixed - Calling sequences in dsearch help page were wrong. * Bug #11343 fixed - The "isoview" figure property did not work when the axes margins had been modified. * Bug #11648 fixed - Copying graphic via the clipboard did not work. * Bug #11766 fixed - nthroot has been added to m2sci help page. * Bug #11792 fixed - Lists can be accessed with non integer indexes (list help page updated). * Bug #11869 fixed - "Environment" was not localized in preferences. * Bug #11885 fixed - Each rand has been changed to grand in genetic algorithms and simulated annealing functions. * Bug #11891 fixed - Fisher ratio could be inaccurate for one-way ANOVA. * Bug #11997 fixed - In case of invalid variable name, save function now returns an error instead of a compatibility warning. * Bug #12034 fixed - max function did not manage empty matrices. * Bug #12045 fixed - repmat returned wrong results if the values of an input matrix were not double. * Bug #12070 fixed - Removing a module can now be done in an on-line mode even if it has been installed in an off-line mode. * Bug #12080 fixed - lsqrsolve always printed messages. * Bug #12085 fixed - Under Windows, csvWrite wrote wrong EOL. * Bug #12114 fixed - libstdc++ is now compiled as static instead of using the library from thirdparty. * Bug #12118 fixed - ode could take complex externals. * Bug #12143 fixed - "stop entity picker" (ged(11)) returned an error message. * Bug #12150 fixed - datatipCreate failed with one single point. * Bug #12163 fixed - unzoom did not work with a single input argument. * Bug #12212 fixed - Export of a polyline in 2-D broke it into several segments. * Bug #12326 fixed - There was no way to set LaTeX font size in preview. * Bug #12349 fixed - In SciNotes, when the view was splitted, removing a char made the other view jump. * Bug #12376 fixed - Exec & edit buttons in the help pages examples were sometimes misplaced. * Bug #12413 fixed - ATOMS packages could not be removed if ATOMS had never been on-line. * Bug #12415 fixed - PATH environment variable grew when using call_scilab in a loop. * Bug #12426 fixed - By using addErrorMessage, a random string error could be displayed. * Bug #12433 fixed - show_pixmap function was removed from Scilab but still used in some functions. * Bug #12443 fixed - The behavior of mopen in text file mode has been documented under Windows. * Bug #12463 fixed - Wrong specification for rect=[x,y,w,h] argument in xstringb French help page. * Bug #12470 fixed - Variable browser was not refreshed after loading an environment. * Bug #12473 fixed - Problems with "é" in mkdir French help page. * Bug #12475 fixed - csvRead did not support double quoted fields. * Bug #12490 fixed - plot did not call clf; in its help page example producing a wrong behavior. * Bug #12506 fixed - In SciNotes, a miscolorization could occurred when returned values list was broken. * Bug #12508 fixed - Wrong error message in rand function fixed. * Bug #12518 fixed - Polynoms were not displayed by default in the variable browser. * Bug #12520 fixed - Improve the description of the size in the variable browser. * Bug #12527 fixed - Scilab user functions were not listed in the variable browser. * Bug #12547 fixed - In SciNotes, lines were wrongly numbered with splitted function declarations. * Bug #12548 fixed - Duplicated code in xmltoformat removed. * Bug #12550 fixed - optimbase and optimsimplex help pages were not standard. * Bug #12551 fixed - Stack problem with diary([],"pause") and diary([],"resume") fixed. * Bug #12556 fixed - A fatal error occurred when calling set with wrong instructions. * Bug #12557 fixed - Valid function names were not specified in function and functions help pages. * Bug #12564 fixed - Compile and run javasci help page was not clear about needed packages. * Bug #12581 fixed - isfield could not support mlist or tlist. * Bug #12589 fixed - Call sequence for spzeros & spones were missing in French help pages. * Bug #12592 fixed - Scilab hung with plot(-0). * Bug #12593 fixed - A wrong error message was returned when running genlib with an error in the sci file. * Bug #12594 fixed - Invalid SciNotes configuration file avoided SciNotes startup. * Bug #12600 fixed - mput did not manage unsigned integer. * Bug #12606 fixed - Overloads for grand were not standard. * Bug #12613 fixed - gsort did not return correct results with %nan. * Bug #12614 fixed - Helpbrowser was not launched in EDT. * Bug #12615 fixed - Graphics seemed to be freezed after a call to plot/bar/barh with a bad LineSpec argument. * Bug #12624 fixed - In case of errors in Scilab macros, "make check-TESTS" did not fail as expected. * Bug #12627 fixed - At restoration, a window could be out of the screen. * Bug #12629 fixed - The last example of csim help page defined a function called input (overwriting the Scilab one). * Bug #12631 fixed - A "see also" link has been added from progressionbar to waitbar and vice versa. * Bug #12634 fixed - ATOMS modules could not be installed from an archive file already existing in SCI/contrib/archives in "offline" mode. * Bug #12637 fixed - In some help pages, some signal processing functions were not in the correct section. * Bug #12639 fixed - justify([], position) returned an error instead of []. * Bug #12641 fixed - graypolarplot has been fully vectorized as it was too slow. * Bug #12657 fixed - Computation of v1.^v2 is now done without any memory allocation, when v1 and v2 are real arrays, v1 >= 0 and v2 integer. * Bug #12668 fixed - Undocking SciNotes led to an exception. * Bug #12678 fixed - nthroot now accepts vector/matrix as second argument. * Bug #12679 fixed - Argument type check added in gcd and lcm. * Bug #12686 fixed - Error returned by diff fixed. * Bug #12702 fixed - When no extra parameters were needed in the cost function, NDcost did not work. * Bug #12703 fixed - In SciNotes, common shortcuts 'SHIFT DELETE', 'SHIFT INSERT' (and others) added. * Bug #12705 fixed - members function added. It allows to find the number of occurrences and linear indexes for common values between two matrices of the same type. * Bug #12706 fixed - A wrong size of a matrix as input argument of cross function was not detected. * Bug #12708 fixed - Incorrect display in SciNotes preferences fixed (onmouseover styles). * Bug #12712 fixed - In SciNotes, autosaving can now use %date to append the current date to the backup filename. * Bug #12715 fixed - Variable cross in pspect and cspect has been renamed because of conflicts with cross function. * Bug #12736 fixed - In SciNotes, the Completion window appeared only in first tab. * Bug #12747 fixed - legendre now accepts the -1 and 1 values for third argument. * Bug #12749 fixed - fscanfMat help page updated. * Bug #12758 fixed - Focus issue with plot3d fixed. * Bug #12761 fixed - The https:// protocol was not supported on ATOMS. * Bug #12772 fixed - eigs failed when trying to solve a sparse matrix eigen value problem. * Bug #12774 fixed - Various typos fixed. * Bug #12775 fixed - Some related functions were not listed in "See also" section of routh_t help page. * Bug #12778 fixed - Insertion of an empty matrix in an integer matrix led to a wrong result. * Bug #12779 fixed - savewave had a miscoding in the internal function write_wavedat. * Bug #12783 fixed - There were some inconsistent error messages in dsearch. * Bug #12790 fixed - Links to ZCOS files in documentation were broken. * Bug #12791 fixed - More information is now given in case of failure during the ATOMS autoload step. * Bug #12793 fixed - Improved the bode() plots with a new option "rad" to convert plot into rad/s and a new function bode_asymp() to draw the system asymptotes. * Bug #12794 fixed - calfrq.sci code did not follow Scilab standard. * Bug #12795 fixed - Typos fixed in CACSD help page. * Bug #12800 fixed - Typo fixed in Polynomials help page. * Bug #12804 fixed - Typos fixed in routh_t help page. * Bug #12807 fixed - Display of showprofile improved. * Bug #12808 fixed - Add missing in documentation generation (note, warning, ...). * Bug #12813 fixed - flipdim function extended to any type of input data. * Bug #12814 fixed - Improvements of pertrans help page. * Bug #12815 fixed - levin redefined cov as a variable. * Bug #12816 fixed - Numbers pasted in editvar were not parsed according to locale. * Bug #12818 fixed - Segfault in set function with invalid property values dimension. * Bug #12823 fixed - In help generation (toolbox) links were not correctly handled. * Bug #12827 fixed - noisegen help page improved. * Bug #12828 fixed - routh_t gave a wrong result if the first element of a row was zero. * Bug #12829 fixed - New optional output argument added for routh_t function. * Bug #12830 fixed - In SciNotes, it was not possible to execute a replace action from the caret position. * Bug #12831 fixed - In SciNotes toolbar, there was no button to open code navigator. * Bug #12833 fixed - In SciNotes, there was no autoscroll when searching a pattern. * Bug #12836 fixed - Error fixed in strcmpi help page. * Bug #12839 fixed - Typo fixed in getVariablesOnStack help page. * Bug #12840 fixed - Typo fixed in number_properties.xml help page. * Bug #12852 fixed - Visual Studio 2012 SDK configuration was incorrect. * Bug #12858 fixed - Typo fixed in debug and pause French help pages. * Bug #12859 fixed - Fixed optional argument in isdef help page. * Bug #12863 fixed - size(state-space, "r") returned an error. * Bug #12875 fixed - phasemag returned an error for input vector containing zeros. * Bug #12887 fixed - Scilab hung with auto_clear set to on and log_flags set to true. * Bug #12888 fixed - sysdiag was not documented about block diagonal matrices build. * Bug #12906 fixed - champ and champ1 help pages updated * Bug #12909 fixed - Completion on (mt)list led to a crash. * Bug #12911 fixed - Matlab to Scilab dictionary help page updated for eig. * Bug #12913 fixed - linspace returned an error if the third argument was an integer type variable. * Bug #12916 fixed - power help page improved. * Bug #12919 fixed - Rotation on plots was disabled after using menus. * Bug #12927 fixed - ones function could not take integer type input. * Bug #12931 fixed - ATOMS redefined "message" keyword. Xcos Bug Fixes =============== * Bug #7350 fixed - The I/O ports numbering of a superblock was not updated when a new port was dropped. * Bug #8570 fixed - "Region to superblock" has been renamed to "Selection to superblock". * Bug #11518 fixed - CLR block-text was displayed out of the bounding box when zooming. * Bug #11776 fixed - CMSCOPE did not take into account label&Id parameter. * Bug #12359 fixed - Xcos files have been converted to ZCOS to gain some space. * Bug #12384 fixed - Using a Modelica part linked with an explicit link to another Modelica part led to an algebraic loop error. * Bug #12387 fixed - The "Modelica initialize" setup menu option did not blur during simulation. * Bug #12414 fixed - SWITCH_m block had different behaviors for different types of inputs. * Bug #12424 fixed - Calling lincos on a derivative block made Scilab crash. * Bug #12449 fixed - QUANT_f was not rounding/truncating/flooring/ceiling properly input signal. * Bug #12460 fixed - xcosPalGenerateAllIcons sometimes crashed Scilab. * Bug #12461 fixed - Cancelling zoom out by zooming in did not fully work. * Bug #12561 fixed - SELECT_m and RELAY_f did not behave as expected. * Bug #12568 fixed - "Recent files" menu entry is now below the "Open" one. * Bug #12590 fixed - Block shape style was removed on file loading. * Bug #12603 fixed - ZCOS files could contain blocks with modified (eg. invalid) parameters. * Bug #12619 fixed - DLR discrete block did not display LaTeX formula like CLR continuous block. * Bug #12651 fixed - The 'nw' scicos_simulate option did not work while passing a previous Info simulation status. * Bug #12664 fixed - Inverted pendulum French localization in the Xcos demonstrations was inaccurate. * Bug #12667 fixed - 'Recent Files' menu was not localized. * Bug #12731 fixed - Code generation produced erroneous block. * Bug #12732 fixed - Improper Copyright comments in the files were generated by the code generation tool. * Bug #12796 fixed - There was some mismatches between implicit and explicit ports of superblocks. * Bug #12797 fixed - I/O blocks generated by "Selection to Superblocks" had wrong size. * Bug #12868 fixed - There were several problems with PULSE_SC block. * Bug #12869 fixed - min and max were not defined but used in Xcos generated code. * Bug #12873 fixed - scicos_flat produced an unexpected error after a diagram load. * Bug #12874 fixed - CSCOPE marks sizes were too small. * Bug #12877 fixed - Incorrect output port dimensions and types in GENSIN_f, GENSQR_f, STEP_FUNCTION and STEP blocks fixed. * Bug #12924 fixed - Blocks type 2004 was not handled as a valid block type. * Bug #12934 fixed - Separate compilation of a superblock could fail due to under determined signal sizes.