Changes between version 5.1.0 and 5.1.1 of Scilab ================================================= Improvements: ============= * Catalan localization added (Thanks Oriol Gonzalez and others) * German Localization added (Thanks Armin Mohring and others) * Spanish Localization added (Thanks Federico Vera and others) * Online Help translated into português do Brasil (pt_BR) added (Thanks Daniel de Souza Grilo) Compilation: ============ * Defining the environment variable SCI_JAVA_ENABLE_HEADLESS disables the X11 access when building the documentation (necessary when building the documentation in a chroot) * ./configure && make all && make distclean == tarball (ie, make distclean is cleaning all the elements) * In the source tree of Scilab, ant target "build-example" added in order to build only the javasci examples (cd modules/javasci && ant build-example) Source reorganisation: ====================== * New module added call_scilab: the goal of this module is to highlight the possibility to call Scilab engine from other languages. * "SCI/modules/output_stream/includes/error.h" renamed to "do_error_number.h" Help & Tests: ============= * Some equations in the documentation converted to the MathML format (bugs #4180 & #4182) * Page "Compile and run with Javasci" added * Examples in javasci translated into english * Examples and unit tests added for the function find * Examples provided in the help of the function argn * Unit tests for the completion (GUI & NW/NWNI modes) * Minor improvements in the documentation of the ilib_* functions and fprintf * Unitary tests for isfield() function has been added Enhancement: ============ * isfield() now accepts matrix of strings (fieldnames) as second input argument. Then, it returns a matrix of booleans. * test_run() now accepts "skip_tests" as optionnal argument (3rd argument), if present, the second input argument of test_run is no more the list of tests to launch but the list of tests to skip. For example, test_run("time",["bug_1506" "bug_793"],"skip_tests"); * test_run() : The following tags have been added : - <-- WINDOWS ONLY --> If the operating system isn't Windows, the test is skipped. - <-- UNIX ONLY --> If the operating system isn't an unix OS, the test is skipped. - <-- LINUX ONLY --> If the operating system isn't Linux, the test is skipped. - <-- MACOSX ONLY --> If the operating system isn't MacOSX, the test is skipped. License: ======== * Examples in SCI/modules/javasci/examples/ are now released under the public domain Internal API: ============= * GetLengthStringMatrixByName function added in stack3.h (return length of strings) Scilab / Scipad synchronisation bugs: ===================================== A critical bug present in Scilab 5.0.X and 5.1.0 has been fixed. It has been reported a numerous number of time: * bug 2578 fixed - Calling input function within Scipad. * bug 3345 fixed - From SciPad editor ending Scilab with exit is not correct. * bug 3394 fixed - A malformed script originating from the editor window hangs Scilab and the editor. * bug 3553 fixed - System crash executing tk_getfile() from within scipad by CTRL+L. * bug 3643 fixed - Scilab spec function is the equivalent of Matlab function (mtlb_eig is now obsolete). * bug 3839 fixed - strrev doesn't work correctly if the string to be reversed includes some accentuated characters. * bug 3944 fixed - ilib_mex_build() wasn't using the content of the * bug 3705 fixed - During execution of any Scipad sequence, entering abort after the prompt hang up both Scipad and Console. * bug 3778 fixed - Calling TK gui from Scipad. * bug 3799 fixed - Using xgetmouse from Scipad makes Scilab crash. * bug 4149 fixed - Calling TCL functions within Scipad * bug 4178 fixed - Scilab crash when using "legend" via Scipad. * bug 4196 fixed - Scipad and Scilab crashing when using menu "Execute->load into Scilab". * bug 4204 fixed - Strange error message when using usecanvas(%F). * bug 4331 fixed - Wrong result for gamma(13). Bug fixes: ========== * bug 3186 fixed - input is lost when graphics window is closed. * bug 3240 fixed - msprintf error in plotprofile. * bug 3587 fixed - gsort is not stable: It does not preserve the relative order of equal values creates problem with function unique. * bug 3852 fixed - Line wrapping problem in help browser * bug 3666 fixed - 'input' with accentued character returns incorrect value * bug 3944 fixed - ilib_mex_build() wasn't using the content of the variable tables to compile other files * bug 3945 fixed - Error with the help example of library() * bug 3962 fixed - incorrect first left hand side argument of pca (one col instead of two) * bug 4052 fixed - A wrong usage of xmlCleanupParser (libxml2) was causing a seg fault on startup * bug 4067 fixed - bug with completion and some paths * bug 4073 fixed - mprintf does not display some special characters * bug 4074 fixed - Scilab now uses native MacOSX menubar. * bug 4088 fixed - When Tcl/Tk is disable, demos are now deactivated. * bug 4099 fixed - Demos mixing gui and plots were not desactivated on plateforms having usecanvas set to %T. * bug 4120 fixed - amell returns wrong value on Scilab x64 (Windows) * bug 4123 fixed - %i_prod crashs scilab (Windows release mode built with F2C only) * bug 4128 fixed - 'win' argument of the event_handler function did not work (was always 0 instead of current figure ID). * bug 4132 fixed - fullpath crashs * bug 4134 fixed - In some cases, bad detection of a 64 bit arch was causing a seg fault during the "make doc" process * bug 4141 fixed - ascii doesn't support extended ascii values in the range of [128-255]. * bug 4242 fixed - Copyright added (INRIA code) on modules/linear_algebra/src/fortran/doldqr.f * bug 4150 fixed - user startup executed twice if you change directory to SCIHOME in this file. * bug 4159 fixed - coshlt was defined twice on windows * bug 4164 fixed - isinf is now defined in more recent versions of the Sun Compiler. Detection and replacement of the function is now done in the configure. * bug 4166 fixed - test_run was broken * bug 4179 fixed - The dec2hex "see also" part was missing in the help page. * bug 4192 fixed - When doing a getd in a directory where there are no .sci files, getd displayed a error message not clear at all. * bug 4197 fixed - inaccurate floating point results computed by norm with large/small vector matrices. * bug 4197 fixed - When warning messages are disabled, a blank line is printed out. * bug 4199 fixed - Missing information in findobj help page + findobj did not find figures. * bug 4201 fixed - Confusing error message in datafit * bug 4228 fixed - mclearerr with a false file descriptor crashs * bug 4231 fixed - graphics exports functions crash (xs2png, xs2svg, ...) * bug 4235 fixed - error.h renamed * bug 4238 fixed - waitbar and progressionbar won't close when clicking on the X in the upper-right corner of the window. * bug 4245 fixed - The icon of the progressionbar is a java icon. It should it be a Scilab one instead. * bug 4249 fixed - filter dos not work with perfect all pass system * bug 4250 fixed - The online help of intx function was badly located * bug 4258 fixed - Configure script does not contain the correct detection code for the JNI libraries under Solaris SPARC. * bug 4266 fixed - ones, rand, zeros functions do not remove highest dimensions equal to 1 * bug 4269 fixed - Fix a bashim in the macros of detection of swig (causing problems with netbsd) * bug 4270 fixed - The module tclsci wasn't really desactivated when using the option --without-tk * bug 4274 fixed - Open dialog invoked from Toolbar to select file to open with Scipad has wrong "Scilab SCI files" filter instead of "All Scilab files" like dialog invoked from File -> Open a file... * bug 4282 fixed - When doing a symlink of scilab script, when calling this script, it changes the PWD * bug 4284 fixed - The online help of isfield() was missing. * bug 4295 fixed - mdelete no more works with "*.extension" as input (wildcard). * bug 4297 fixed - A spelling mistake was causing in some cases with the pfss function * bug 4299 fixed - getmemory is reporting bad total memory on system with a lot of memory (> 3Go) * bug 4301 fixed - Better reporting at the end of the configure * bug 4302 fixed - Do not build the helptool module when --disable-build-help is used * bug 4309 fixed - Under Scilab5 the dashed lines are not well displayed. They are reinitialized for each segment. * bug 4311 fixed - rcond(eye()) returns 1 and not eye() * bug 4312 fixed - Support for NetBSD in the memory detection (getmemory) * bug 4316 fixed - mfprintf(0,'string') does not redirect stderr as fprintf(0,...) * bug 4321 fixed - strcat with 3 input parameters crashs if input type parameters are wrong. * bug 4325 fixed - set("auto_clear","off") crashes Scilab. * bug 4326 fixed - move called with an already deleted handle crashes Scilab. * bug 4315 fixed - completion("",["commands","macros"]) will only returns "commands" * bug 4332 fixed - completion copies selected item instead of completing according to this one. * bug 4342 fixed - When the coutour function is called, an error message is printed. * bug 4343 fixed - the plot3d demo doesn't seems to work. * bug 4372 fixed - The graphics from the genetic_algorithms and simulated_annealing toolbox where not displayed * bug 4386 fixed - link('show') with only one symbol writes 'librairies' and not 'library'. * bug 4771 fixed - the configure did not stop when jhall (javahelp) or looks were not available on the system Changes between version 5.0.X and 5.1 of Scilab =============================================== New Features: ============= * Added elementary functions: acosd acot actod acoth asecd asech asec asind acsc acscd acsch csch atand cosd cotd cscd csc secd sech sec sind tand * Scicos documentation in Docbook format. PDF, PS, JAR and other versions now available. * Graphics available on all platforms and OS using function usecanvas See help page of usecanvas function for more details. * New function dae (for Differential Algebraic Equations) added. This function is providing the same features as dassl with ode (ordinary differential equations) profile. For more information, see SEP #2. * Request 564: completion add '\' or '/' at the end of a directory * Added uigetfile (Functions xgetfile and tk_getfile are now obsolete). For more information, see SEP #8. * Scilab is now supported natively under Mac OS X (See RELEASE_NOTES_5.1.X) * Uses termios instead of termio in NW & NWNI modes Enhancement: ============ * Graphics stabilty improved. * Graphics speed improved. * Menubar/toolbar update improved (particularly when (un)docking windows). * Update of some output strings (standard, warning & error) * Scilab uses Atlas 3.9.4 on Windows * Directive FRENCH IMPOSED added to test_run() to force the test in french * Errors occuring when getting or setting graphic/gui handles properties are now treated as any other Scilab errors. * Now catch the exception when JOGL is crashing because native library gluegen-rt is not available in the java.library.path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) and display a nice message * Better error report in the documentation build process (docbook) * Binary versions embed jre 1.6.0_11 * test_run() now accepts absolute paths as first input argument. It permits toolboxes to use this system. * Under Linux/Unix, do not launch Scilab in background when called without argument * icons are now installed into pkgdatadir/icons/ * Update of the example in the dynamic_link modules and in the toolbox skeleton (use the actual filename instead of the .o) * The demos of the simulated_annealing module have been integrated into the demos menu * The demos of the genetic_algorithms module have been integrated into the demos menu Tests: ====== * Tests added for functions: umf_luget, taucs_chget, pcg, removedir, rmdir, ones Internationalization: ===================== * Almost all the i/o functions (isdir, mkdir, cd, chdir, mopen, fileinfo, mclose, deletefile, findfiles, ls, listfiles, getshortpathname, getlongpathname, removedir...) now handle file and directory names containing UTF-8 characters. This is the work of Yung-Jang Lee. Many thanks! (Unitary tests provided) Misc: ===== * Some dead code removed (SCI/scripts/, SCI/bin/{dold,scilink,Blatdoc,Blatdocs,f77-linux,minfopr} ) Compilation: ============ * libmatio is now detected thanks to pkg-config * More warnings in C/C++/Fortran during the compilation process. See * --enable-build-help is now the default behaviour (--disable-build-help removes the check of the dependencies) * --with-fftw, --with-pvm and --with-umfpack are now the default behaviour (--without-fftw, --without-pvm and --without-umfpack removes their builds) * interpolation, signal_processing, statistics modules are loaded dynamically by Scilab. * cc and cc-* are not longer consider as GNU C compiler when detecting the compiler (use gcc & gcc-*) because it was causing some issues under Solaris * By default, under Linux/Unix/Macosx, static libraries are no longer built. * Do not init TK when building the doc ("make doc")... in order to be able to build Scilab through ssh * Giws has lost it .py extension * Force the build for the french documentation. Bug fixes: ========== * bug 1582 fixed - If parametric 3d curve values are out of given ebox of 3d axes, this curve values are netherveless plotted. * bug 1926 fixed - wavwrite doesn't manage single channel mode. * bug 2175 fixed - "contour2d" prints level numbers partially outside the rect. * bug 2255 fixed - plot function fails to verify that x and y data have the same length in certain cases. * bug 2265 fixed - Add a property to toggle grid position between background and foreground. * bug 2273 fixed - chdir didn't manage UNC path on Windows. * bug 2357 fixed - The vertex-order of the plot3d2 and plor3d3 functions is different from the one given in the manual. * bug 2453, 3731, 3759, 3784, 3801 & 3802 fixed - Force all the numerical value to remain to the english notation. * bug 2647 fixed - Bad display of some numbers in special cases due to a gfortran bug. * bug 2682 fixed - chart() is inconsistent in the second argument, angle. It might be treated as degrees or radian. * bug 2767 fixed - By default graphic windows are opened one above each others whereas they should be tiled. * bug 2814 fixed - Ticks graduation produce some unwanted decimals. * bug 2959 fixed - functions on F1, F2, F12 keys are not mapped as scilab 4.x * bug 3070 fixed - Could not use non-simple character like °, µ, ø .... * bug 3080 fixed - When we click many times on a button of the Graphic window the instruction will be done as much times we have clicked. * bug 3089 fixed - chdir seems to have problems with directory names containing nordic characters like æ ø and å. * bug 3131 fixed - version 'GLIBC_2.4' not found with the binary version under some GNU/Linux distro * bug 3314 fixed - linspace primitive - rev 27707 - removed use of "ones" and use colon (i.e. :) operator only * bug 3322 fixed - trimmean primitive - rev 27627 - Added verbose option, added unit tests, updated doc. * bug 3326 fixed - ESC key clears the command line in the console. * bug 3407 fixed - Line number where error is reported changed in Scilab may be wrong. * bug 3411 fixed - eye on a sparse is not explicit. * bug 3462 fixed - The match string returned by regexp is not the right one if the subject string contains backslashes. * bug 3470 fixed - plot2d(), followed by legends produce an unexpected error. * bug 3500 fixed - [pcre] match position but no character = no match * bug 3512 fixed - regexp could return incorrect results * bug 3515 fixed - Erroneous submenu numbering for setmenu() and unsetmenu() in Scilab 5.0.1 * bug 3527 fixed - Graphic windows created by figure are unable to display plots. * bug 3530 fixed - Check that X11/Xlib.h is available since the Tk header needs it. * bug 3546 fixed - frmag is broken when called with hn given by a vector of coefficients instead of a polynomial. * bug 3549 fixed - machine.h was including PATH_MAX.h, BOOL.h and PARAMS.h includes have been cleaned up. * bug 3554 fixed - 'findobj' function does not find figures nor sub-menus and the help example does not work. * bug 3556 fixed - derivative was not supporting non compiled functions. * bug 3559 fixed - paths in examples.bat in SCI/modules/javasci/examples were wrong. * bug 3561 fixed - 'call' crashs when we want to return a 'c' variable type. * bug 3565 fixed - bad detection of the IBM JDK * bug 3571 fixed - Only one message displayed when log(0) is computed with ieee(1) mode. * bug 3578 fixed - the definition of NewSparse and FreeSparse have been added. * bug 3581 fixed - Legends do not appear correctly when axes are plotted in log scale. * bug 3590 fixed - Error message when we want to see a figure which has as userdata a structure (struct). * bug 3596 fixed - In the graphic export (bitmap) the exported file is stored in vertical mirrored fashion. * bug 3605 fixed - Better fix of the javasci freeze. A part of this bug was caused by a dead lock in the TCL thread (we were trying to get access to a TCL interpretor which was locked). * bug 3608 fixed - Scilab freezes when executing a combination of "eventhandler", "xchange" and "plot" * bug 3624 fixed - Nan returned when multiplying large zero vector by its transpose. * bug 3624, 3640 fixed - Atlas 3.8.0 have a bug causing wrong answer for row-major gemm C=A*A' or A'A * bug 3626 fixed - lcc-win32 library (.lib) not correctly generated. * bug 3627 fixed - variance did not manage complex matrices of data * bug 3628 fixed - Problem with cdouble type arguments in intersci. * bug 3630 fixed - functions added by 'addinter' are not visible by 'what'. * bug 3635 fixed - popupmenu objects created using uicontrol does not work as expected (it is not possible to use the arrow keys on the keyboard to browse through the various options). * bug 3645 fixed - SCI/contrib/toolbox_skeleton package does not work out of the box, and crashes on help. * bug 3652 fixed - wrong computation of generalized eigenvalues. * bug 3653 fixed - Figure menus were deleted when deleting current axis. * bug 3661 fixed - cotg and coth do not work. * bug 3664 fixed - an error occurs when a change directory operation implies a directory name with french accent letter ('é' for example). * bug 3667 fixed - Function input() now accepts a \n in the text to be printed and colon is no more added. * bug 3673 fixed - When using Scilab embedded in a Java application through javasci, the first call to javasci API reset the look and feel of the Java application. * bug 3681 fixed - Disable automatic completion if there are only spaces in a line. * bug 3687 fixed - 'format' doesn't check inputs arguments. * bug 3697 fixed - setdefaultlanguage moved in localization module. (Windows) * bug 3700 fixed - Problem when displaying accents in the help browser using the fr language. (Windows) * bug 3702 fixed - When I start scilex.exe (Windows) in a windows console, the windows lost the focus. * bug 3714 fixed - fprintfMat and fscanfMat cannot cope with directories with accented characters. * bug 3745 fixed - "make install" now install all /demos/ and /examples. * bug 3749 fixed - Scilab error when building scilab help in HTML. * bug 3753 fixed - drawaxis produces unreadable labels. * bug 3755 fixed - print files on some Windows. * bug 3756 fixed - undocumented input argument for prompt(). * bug 3757 fixed - completion works better on nw mode on Windows. * bug 3767, 3827 fixed (windows) - Atlas 3.8.2 crashs scilab. * bug 3769 fixed - Dynamic link doesn't detect intel fortran compiler version 11 on Windows. * bug 3770 fixed - "qld" returns a error (qld: The constraints are inconsistent). * bug 3775 fixed - get_absolute_file_path(input_file) returns a error if input_file is not opened in Scilab. * bug 3800 fixed - After using surf to plot giving a stacksize error, it is no longer possible to plot in the same window. * bug 3821 fixed - Problems with uicontrol scrolling when parent figure has property auto_resize set to "off". * bug 3822 fixed - When a figure handle is saved and reloaded the figure_size as well as the viewport properties are not saved nor restored. * bug 3833 fixed - Problems in cell insertion (loss of data). * bug 3844 fixed - Axes with a very high y-bounds/x-bounds ratio do not appear. * bug 3858 fixed - when trying to open a file from the GUI (Menu: File -> Open file), Scilab crashes (xgetfile error). * bug 3860 fixed - Scilab was using the dev name of the fftw library (ie without heading .3 in the lib name). Thanks to Andrea Florio for providing the patch * bug 3867 fixed - On the branch 5.0 nightly build 64 bits, the libmatio is defined with the GLIBC_2.7 as mandatory. There is no reason for this and it prevents Scilab binary to run under Redhat and Centos. * bug 3868 fixed - In the nightly 64 bits build of the branch 5.0, jogl & gluegen dyn lib are 32bits (should be 64 bits). * bug 3869 fixed - In the binaries, we have some useless files in thirdparty/tk8.5/demos/ which are causing some issues with the LSB. * bug 3870 fixed - In the binaries, we incorporate checkstyle in thirdparty/checkstyle/ which are causing some issues with the LSB (btw, it is useless in the binary). * bug 3873 fixed - While editing ticks'label on Axes, mouse click outside box or double clicks or using Tab key, program terminates. * bug 3874 fixed - When building the macros, only replaces the extension (.sci => .bin). * bug 3875 fixed - No images in PDF documentation. * bug 3877 fixed - No use of interp->result any more in the Tcl interface. Compatible with Tcl/Tk 8.6. * bug 3878 fixed - Under mandriva, the javahelp package is not called jhall but javahelp2. * bug 3879 fixed - Under mandriva, the batik package is not called batik but batik-all. * bug 3880 fixed - Bug with p_margin and g_margin fixed. * bug 3886 fixed - strsubst with regular expression was working only on the first element of the vector. * bug 3887 fixed - missing installation of scisparse.h and doublecomplex.h. * bug 3891 fixed - strsubst() replaces wrong characters with the regexp mode and when the subject contains backslahes. * bug 3892 fixed - example about mfprintf added in help. * bug 3894 fixed - missing information about status -2 returned by mkdir. * bug 3895 fixed - example about mputl added in help. * bug 3897 fixed - macros perturbs the behavior of mfprintf(). * bug 3898 fixed - There was no way to check if mputl() has done his job. mputl returns %t or %f to check if function has correctly written on the file. * bug 3899 fixed - The help for "startup" was incorrect. * bug 3903 fixed - "xdel" of a non existent window crashes Scilab * bug 3905 fixed - fscanf supports filename and file descriptor as in scilab 4.x. * bug 3906 fixed - debug(4);exit kills scilab. * bug 3907 fixed - msprintf with a incorrect format can kill Scilab. * bug 3912 fixed - strsubst() used with regular expression may return very stange result. * bug 3918 fixed - The french documentation fails to build when french locales are not available on the system * bug 3919 fixed - scilab x64 doesn't display graphics from a remote desktop. * bug 3924 fixed - I used uicontrol with bad parameters, but uicontrol makes Scilab hangs. * bug 3931 fixed - fileparts returns invalid values with some special filenames. * bug 3941 fixed - Error in function minreal when used with state-space linear system. * bug 3947 fixed - format old syntax reintroduced. * bug 3950 fixed - Invalid index in kpure function (Example in help page failed). * bug 3951 fixed - krac2 did not work for rational input (Example in help page failed). * bug 3967 fixed - When called with a tf, pfss should of course return a tf. * bug 3987 fixed - The relation between the font_size property and the size in point is not clearly given in the help pages. * bug 3988 fixed - The title help page is not properly formatted. * bug 3989 fixed - xlfont help updated. * bug 3991 fixed - It is not possible to set a font_style greater than 10 even if one has added a new font using xlfont. * bug 3993 fixed - Scilab menu is not located in the "Apple menu bar" like other applications * bug 3995 fixed - install -D does not work under Mac OS X (used by the make install). * bug 3996 fixed - tabulation included in a paste string may make scilab crash in -nw or -nwni mode. * bug 3999 fixed - xbasc() doesn't clear the current graphics window. * bug 4005 fixed - Only localization system is used (only native now). * bug 4006 fixed - xlfont does not return the right index. * bug 4009 fixed - savematfile crashed when could not open the file for writing (error message added). * bug 4014 fixed - Wrong positioning in console after its clearing. * bug 4015 fixed - "Flip left to right" no longer worked on hypermatrices. * bug 4021 fixed - make distclean is cleaning also some temporary help files. * bug 4022 fixed - Having the source tree and packaged version of Scilab on the same system caused the system library to be loaded first (should be the source tree first). * bug 4026 fixed - With the "unix" command under Windows, it is not possible to run an external program which has a long path name. * bug 4027 fixed - Impossible to create hypermatrices under Linux x64 (actually a bug with int32 values). * bug 4037 fixed - wavread detects broadcast file format and returns a error (format not yet managed). * bug 4046 fixed - core/includes/scisparse.h wasn't installed. * bug 4052 fixed - Due to a bug in the libxml2 provided by Fedora/Redhat, Scilab was crashing on startup. Scilab binaries under Linux are now shipping libxml2 as a workaround to this bug. * bug 4055 fixed - From time to time, when I plot a graphic, scilab displays a blank graphic windows. (Windows) * bug 4094 fixed - delete("all") does not refresh the graphic. * bug 4106 fixed - bar and barh override drawlater/drawnow mode. * bug 4108 fixed - Argument location of function caption has no effect. * bug 4173 fixed - Graphic export : Style the text fonts is not respected when exporting to SVG. * bug 4174 fixed - the xs2xxx (graphic export) functions don't support paths that start with a tild. * bug 4186 fixed - uigetfile() uses a hardcoded path in SCI\modules\gui\src\java\org\scilab\modules\gui\filechooser\ * bug 4187 fixed - uigetdir() opens on "Desktop" and not on "Computer" on windows * bug 4221 fixed - graypolarplot uses to much memory. * bug 4272 fixed - Preconditionning in pcg was not taken into account. * bug 4761 fixed - memory leak in grep and regexp. * Side effect in the setenvc function. * In the binary, the path to the fortran include directory was wrong. * Some bashims in the starting script were causing startup issues. * uimenus and uicontrols callbacks were executed two times when their "enable" property were set to "on" and they were already enabled. * Docking bugs fixed (problems with menubar, toolbar, infobar updates). * bug in the script in charge of the dispatch of localization files fixed (tools/localization/ Obsolete functions removed : ============================ * mtlb_load() (Please use loadmatfile() instead). * mtlb_save() (Please use savematfile() instead). * xbasimp() (Please use toprint() for printing and by xs2ps() for the file export instead). * xg2ps() (Please use xs2ps() instead). * hidetoolbar() (Please use toolbar(,'off') instead). * browsehelp() (Please use helpbrowser() instead). * quapro() (Please use qpsolve() instead). * %sp_eye() (Please use speye() instead). * TCL_gcf() (Please use gcf() instead). * TCL_scf() (Please use scf() instead). * TK_EvalStr() (Please use TCL_EvalStr() instead). * TK_GetVar() (Please use TCL_GetVar() instead). * TK_SetVar() (Please use TCL_SetVar() instead). * sciGUIhelp() (Please use help() instead). * demoplay() (Please use scilab_demos() instead). * buttondialog() (Please use messagebox() instead). * tk_getvalue() (Please use getvalue() instead).