CONTRIBUTORS ************ Outside of Scilab Enterprises, many people contributed to Scilab. We are very grateful for all the work and the time they all spend to make Scilab a better software. * Vorona Aleksey - Russian localization * Guillaume Azema - Patches - Feedbacks & bug reports * Jonathan Blanchard - Misc patches for Solaris - Testing and binary of Scilab under Solaris * Yuri Chornoivan - Ukrainian localization - Many patches fixing typos and English mistakes * Yann Collette - Genetic algorithm - Generic probabilistic meta-algorithm - Simulated Annealing - Param/parameters module - French localization - Bug reports - Bug Fixes * Arnaud Dessein - French localization * Calixte Denizet - LaTeX and MathML rendering capabilities in the Scilab Graphic - Improved graphic exports - SciNotes (Scilab editors) - Many key contributions * Markus Dittrich - Misc patches for Gentoo * Bernard Dujardin - Improvements of the Xcos documentation - French translation of the Xcos documentation - Many user oriented improvements in the Xcos code (feedbacks, checks, etc) * Rob Farmer - Misc patches for FreeBSD * Andrea Florio - Misc patches for Opensuse * Oriol Gonzalez - Catalan localization * Tomasz Pawel Gajc - Misc patches for Mandriva * Aurélien Gérôme - Misc patches for Debian & Ubuntu * Artem Glebov - Patches - Feedbacks & Bug reports * Samuel Gougeon - The world record of reported bugs on Scilab - Various demos and patches - Advice - Many feedbacks - Patches * Paul Griffiths - Patches for the Scilab Graphic exports - Patch on SciNotes - Patch on Scilab Graphic * Gerard Henry - Misc patches for Solaris/Opensolaris * Rui Hirokawa - Translation of the help into Japanese * Steven G. Johnson - New features on the complex functions * Sébastien Jourdain from Artenum ( ) - Scilab Console ( Jrosetta ) * Alain Lamy - Patches - Feedbacks & bug reports * Vincent Lejeune - Patches - Feedbacks & bug reports * Mehran Khorshidi - Patches - Feedbacks & bug reports * Kirill Kirillov - Russian localization * Stanislav Kroter - Many fixes in the help pages - Russian translation of the help pages * Christoph Korn - Misc patches for Debian & Ubuntu * Yung-Jang Lee - Management of non-UTF8 asian/russian charset internationalization - Modification of almost all the i/o functions in order to handle directory and file names containing UTF-8 characters. - Traditional Chinese localization * Séverin Lemaignan - Advice * Dan McMahill - Patches for NetBSD * Thierry Martin - Patches - Feedbacks & bug reports * Olivier Mehani - Advice - Patches * Armin Mohring - German localization * Stéphane Mottelet - Advice - Bug reports - Misc patches for Mac OS X * Bruno Pinçon - UMFPACK interface - TAUCS interface - Random number generators - Distribution functions - Special and complex elementary functions - Interpolation - Bug reports - Bug fixes - Advice * Jacques-Deric Rouault - Bug reports * Jean-Sebastien Roy - Misc patches for FreeBSD * Daniel de Souza Grilo - Traduction of the help into Portugues do Brazil - Portugues do Brazil localization * Hiroshi Saito - Japanese localization - Misc patches on localization issues * Zbyněk Schwarz - Czech localization * Enrico Segre - Bug reports - Bug fixes - Advice * Federico Vera - Spanish localization * François Vogel - Bug reports - Bug fixes - Advice * Torsten Werner - Misc patches for Debian & Ubuntu * Jeffrey Whitaker - Misc patches for Mac OS X * Shiqi Yu - Simplified Chinese localization And many others... ORIGIN OF CODE ************** The contribution of many people is acknowledged (the following list is not exhaustive!). calelm: low level routines (INRIA). control: LINPACK + EISPACK + INRIA routines. dsubsp and exchnqz: Paul van Dooren. rpoly: copyrighted by the ACM (alg. 493), which grants general permission to distribute provided the copies are not made for direct commercial advantage. lybsc, lydsr, lybad,sydsr and sybad are adapted from SLICE (M. Denham). sszer: Emami-naeini, A. and van Dooren, P. (Automatica paper). syhsc: G.Golub, S.Nash, C.van Loan, Stanford University. rilac, ricd: A. Laub. dexpm1, pade, dclmat, coef, cerr, wexpm1, wpade, wclmat: J. Roche. polmc: adapted from P.Hr. Petkov, Sofia, Bulgaria. bdiag: adapted from Bavely and Stewart. ereduc,fstair: T. Beelen, P. Van Dooren. default: Scilab routines (INRIA/ENPC) for the user. dcd: Library of Fortran Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions, Inverses, and Other Parameters (February, 1994) Barry W. Brown, James Lovato, Kathy Russell Department of Biomathematics, Box 237, The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. 1515 Holcombe Boulevard. Houston, TX 77030. Interfaced by J.P Chancelier and B. Pinçon. dld: is a library package of C functions that performs "dynamic link editing" from Wilson Ho ( It is used on the linux version of scilab. FreeBSD port: by Dan McMahill. graphics based on entities: INRIA (M. Philippe, D. Abdemouche). integ: routines from Odepack and Quadpack. dassl: L. Petzold (LLNL). hybrd: Minpack (ANL). routines colnew from U. Ascher and G. Bader Sundials : Nonlinear Solvers and Differential Equations Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory interf: Scilab interface with numerical libraries (INRIA/ENPC). optim: optimization routines (Modulopt library, INRIA). semidef : L. Vandenberghe- S. Boyd code sp.c, qld : K.Schittkowski, A.L. Tits and J.L. Zhou qpsolve : Berwin A. Turlach poly: Scilab polynomial library (INRIA). qsort: qsort.c ( quicksort from the University of California Berkeley) modified for Scilab. randlib: Library of Fortran Routines for Random Number Generation Barry W. Brown, James Lovato, Kathy Russell, John Venier. SciGui: a tcl gui environment developed by Jaime Urzua: used for the help browser, waitbar and editvar signal: routines from IEEE Signal processing library, (interfaced by C. Bunks) Slicot : automatic control routines ( sparse: Operations on sparse matrices (interfaced by S. Steer INRIA, Bruno Pincon) sparse Lu factorization and resolution comes from Sparse 1.3 by Kenneth S. Kundert, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and the University of California (see Copyright notice in programs of the "sparse" directory). The code was modified to work with singular matrices (J.P.Chancelier). lu.c (INRIA/ENPC) sparse Cholesky factorization codes are by Joseph W.H. Liu and Esmond G. Ng and Barry W. Peyton from Mathematical Sciences Section, Oak Ridge National Laboratory routines to read .mps file (sparse linear programming) are from J. Gondzio (Hopdm). tclsci: interface with TCL/TK developed by Allan CORNET. scicos: developed by then INRIA's Metalau project PDE Scicos palette: developed by EADS-CCR.