"Fix TBC captions", "page callback" => "scilab_fixer_caption_all", "access arguments" => array("fix scilab"), "type" => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM ); $items["fix/ajax"] = array( "page callback" => "scilab_fixer_ajax", "access callback" => TRUE, "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); return $items; } function scilab_fixer_perm() { return array( "fix scilab", ); } function scilab_fixer_caption_form($form_state) { $form = array(); $form["wrapper"] = array( "#type" => "fieldset", "#title"=> "Caption change form", "#prefix" => "
", "#suffix" => "
", ); $form["wrapper"]["category"] = array( "#type" => "select", "#title" => t("Please select the category"), '#options' => array( 0 => 'Please select a category', 1 => 'Fluid Mechanics', 2 => 'Control Theory & Control Systems', 3 => 'Chemical Engineering', 4 => 'Thermodynamics', 5 => 'Mechanical Engineering', 6 => 'Signal Processing', 7 => 'Digital Communications', 8 => 'Electrical Technology', 9 => 'Mathematics & Pure Science', 10 => 'Analog Electronics', 11 => 'Digital Electronics', 12 => 'Computer Programming', 13 => 'Others' ), ); $form["wrapper"]["book"] = array( "#type" => "select", "#title" => t("Please select the book."), "#options" => array( 0 => "Please select a book" ) ); $form["wrapper"]["chapter"] = array( "#type" => "select", "#title" => t("Please select the chapter"), "#options" => array( 0 => "Please select a chapter" ) ); $form["wrapper"]["example"] = array( "#type" => "select", "#title" => t("Please select the example"), "#options" => array( 0 => "Please select a example" ) ); $form["wrapper"]["caption"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => t("Enter new caption"), ); $form["wrapper"]["submit"] = array( "#type" => "submit", "#value" => "Update" ); $form["wrapper"]["code"] = array( "#type" => "fieldset", "#description" => t("No code to display"), "#prefix" => "
            "#suffix" => "
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"; $page_content .= "
"; $page_content .= "Done."; $page_content .= drupal_get_form("scilab_fixer_caption_form"); $page_content .= "
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"; $data .= "
"; } else if($item == "update") { $example_id = $_POST["example_id"]; $caption = $_POST["caption"]; $query = " UPDATE textbook_companion_example SET caption = '%s' WHERE id = %d "; $result = db_query($query, $caption, $example_id); $data .= "Updated"; } else { $data = "Nothing to display."; } echo $data; exit(); } function scilab_fixer_init() { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path("module", "scilab_fixer") . "/css/scilab_fixer.css"); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path("module", "scilab_fixer") . "/js/scilab_fixer.js"); } ?>