%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [y, fullframes, loops] = tols(x, h, L) % perform time-partitioned overlap save algorithm % x -- signal (vector) % h -- impulse response (vector) % L -- fft size (frame length for impulse response segmentation is L/2) % y -- convolution result % fullframes -- number of full signal frames processed % loops -- number of total loops % % @author gregor heinrich :: arbylon % @date Nov./Dec. 2006 % fft size for signal and stepping % (only for notation) K = L / 2; % (only for notation; is always = K) S = L - K; % segment impulse response [HH, R] = segmentir(h, K); % original length of x (without zero-padding the first frame) lenx = length(x); % zero-padding of first frame ("saved zeroth frame") x = [zeros(K,1); x]; fprintf('padding %i zeros in front of x\n', K); y = []; % window of input signal frame spectra % @real-time: can be implemented as circular buffer XX = zeros(L, R); % number of full frames from the input % @real-time: unknown fullframes = floor((length(x)-L)/S) + 1; fprintf('expect %i full input frames and %i IR frames.\n', fullframes, R); % signal frames available (including partial ones) hassignal = 1; % more tail frames needed to complete convolution hastail = 1; i = 0; % @real-time: we don't know when the signal ends, thus we don't use the % fullframes variable in a for loop while hassignal || hastail icirc = mod(i, R) + 1; % index into x where xx starts and ends (includes zero-padding) xxstart = i * S + 1; xxend = i * S + L; if xxend <= length(x) % complete signal frame xx = x(xxstart : xxend); % fprintf(' - signal over full frame\n'); elseif xxstart <= length(x) % incomplete signal frame -> must be zero-padded % @real-time: signal ending is started xx = x(xxstart : end); zpad = xxend - length(x); xx = [xx; zeros(zpad, 1)]; fprintf(' - loop %i: signal incomplete, padding %i zeroes\n', i+1, zpad); else % @real-time: there are no samples from the input left; signal % ending is finished; convolution ending is started if hassignal hassignal = 0; % xframes should be exactly = fullframes xframes = i - 1; fprintf(' - loop %i: signal finished, processing tail only.\n', i + 1); end end % drop oldest frame and add new one % @real-time: can be implemented using a circular buffer if (i >= R) rend = R; else % before all ir frames are filled rend = i + 1; end if hassignal % more signal samples available X = fft(xx, L); % for debugging with 1:n: X = round(ifft(X)); XX(:, icirc) = X; rstart = 1; else % @real-time: during convolution ending rstart = i - xframes + 1; end % total length of y ylen = lenx + length(h) - 1; % end of output larger than expected result? yyend = S*(i+1); if yyend > ylen hassignal = 0; hastail = 0; loops = i; end % add most recent frame to convolution result if hastail == 1 yylen = S; y = [y; zeros(S,1)]; else yylen = S - (yyend - ylen); y = [y; zeros(yylen,1)]; loops = i; end % @real-time: loops over r can be done in parallel, also between % subsequent loops over i for r=rstart:rend rcirc = mod(i - (r - 1), R) + 1; % calculate partial convolution Y = XX(:,rcirc) .* HH(:,r); yy = ifft(Y, L); % select last L-K points yy = yy(S+1:L); % add contribution of signal and ir with r frames offset y(end-yylen+1:end) = y(end-yylen+1:end) + yy(1:yylen); end i = i+1; end % while fprintf(' - total loops: %i\n', i); % TODO: make this independent of xlen %y = y(1:ylen); end % convolve %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [HH, R] = segmentir(h, K) % segment impulse response into columns, the last % frame/column is zero-padded as needed. % HH -- matrix of impulse response frames % R -- number of IR frames (=columns of HH) L = 2 * K; fullframes = ceil(length(h)/K) - 1; for i=1:fullframes % column-wise IR frames hh(:,i) = h(K*(i-1)+1 : K*i); end if mod(length(h), K) ~= 0 % zero-pad last ir frame hlast = h((fullframes*K+1):length(h)); hlast = [hlast ; zeros(K - length(hlast),1)]; hh(:,fullframes+1) = hlast; end % column ffts HH = fft(hh, L); % for debugging 1:n: HH = round(ifft(HH)); R = size(HH,2); end % segmentir