/* integration/gsl_integration.h * * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007 Brian Gough * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __GSL_INTEGRATION_H__ #define __GSL_INTEGRATION_H__ #include <stdlib.h> #include <gsl/gsl_math.h> #undef __BEGIN_DECLS #undef __END_DECLS #ifdef __cplusplus # define __BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" { # define __END_DECLS } #else # define __BEGIN_DECLS /* empty */ # define __END_DECLS /* empty */ #endif __BEGIN_DECLS /* Workspace for adaptive integrators */ typedef struct { size_t limit; size_t size; size_t nrmax; size_t i; size_t maximum_level; double *alist; double *blist; double *rlist; double *elist; size_t *order; size_t *level; } gsl_integration_workspace; gsl_integration_workspace * gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (const size_t n); void gsl_integration_workspace_free (gsl_integration_workspace * w); /* Workspace for QAWS integrator */ typedef struct { double alpha; double beta; int mu; int nu; double ri[25]; double rj[25]; double rg[25]; double rh[25]; } gsl_integration_qaws_table; gsl_integration_qaws_table * gsl_integration_qaws_table_alloc (double alpha, double beta, int mu, int nu); int gsl_integration_qaws_table_set (gsl_integration_qaws_table * t, double alpha, double beta, int mu, int nu); void gsl_integration_qaws_table_free (gsl_integration_qaws_table * t); /* Workspace for QAWO integrator */ enum gsl_integration_qawo_enum { GSL_INTEG_COSINE, GSL_INTEG_SINE }; typedef struct { size_t n; double omega; double L; double par; enum gsl_integration_qawo_enum sine; double *chebmo; } gsl_integration_qawo_table; gsl_integration_qawo_table * gsl_integration_qawo_table_alloc (double omega, double L, enum gsl_integration_qawo_enum sine, size_t n); int gsl_integration_qawo_table_set (gsl_integration_qawo_table * t, double omega, double L, enum gsl_integration_qawo_enum sine); int gsl_integration_qawo_table_set_length (gsl_integration_qawo_table * t, double L); void gsl_integration_qawo_table_free (gsl_integration_qawo_table * t); /* Definition of an integration rule */ typedef void gsl_integration_rule (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double *result, double *abserr, double *defabs, double *resabs); void gsl_integration_qk15 (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double *result, double *abserr, double *resabs, double *resasc); void gsl_integration_qk21 (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double *result, double *abserr, double *resabs, double *resasc); void gsl_integration_qk31 (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double *result, double *abserr, double *resabs, double *resasc); void gsl_integration_qk41 (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double *result, double *abserr, double *resabs, double *resasc); void gsl_integration_qk51 (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double *result, double *abserr, double *resabs, double *resasc); void gsl_integration_qk61 (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double *result, double *abserr, double *resabs, double *resasc); void gsl_integration_qcheb (gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double *cheb12, double *cheb24); /* The low-level integration rules in QUADPACK are identified by small integers (1-6). We'll use symbolic constants to refer to them. */ enum { GSL_INTEG_GAUSS15 = 1, /* 15 point Gauss-Kronrod rule */ GSL_INTEG_GAUSS21 = 2, /* 21 point Gauss-Kronrod rule */ GSL_INTEG_GAUSS31 = 3, /* 31 point Gauss-Kronrod rule */ GSL_INTEG_GAUSS41 = 4, /* 41 point Gauss-Kronrod rule */ GSL_INTEG_GAUSS51 = 5, /* 51 point Gauss-Kronrod rule */ GSL_INTEG_GAUSS61 = 6 /* 61 point Gauss-Kronrod rule */ }; void gsl_integration_qk (const int n, const double xgk[], const double wg[], const double wgk[], double fv1[], double fv2[], const gsl_function *f, double a, double b, double * result, double * abserr, double * resabs, double * resasc); int gsl_integration_qng (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double epsabs, double epsrel, double *result, double *abserr, size_t * neval); int gsl_integration_qag (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double epsabs, double epsrel, size_t limit, int key, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, double *result, double *abserr); int gsl_integration_qagi (gsl_function * f, double epsabs, double epsrel, size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, double *result, double *abserr); int gsl_integration_qagiu (gsl_function * f, double a, double epsabs, double epsrel, size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, double *result, double *abserr); int gsl_integration_qagil (gsl_function * f, double b, double epsabs, double epsrel, size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, double *result, double *abserr); int gsl_integration_qags (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double epsabs, double epsrel, size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, double *result, double *abserr); int gsl_integration_qagp (const gsl_function * f, double *pts, size_t npts, double epsabs, double epsrel, size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, double *result, double *abserr); int gsl_integration_qawc (gsl_function *f, const double a, const double b, const double c, const double epsabs, const double epsrel, const size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, double * result, double * abserr); int gsl_integration_qaws (gsl_function * f, const double a, const double b, gsl_integration_qaws_table * t, const double epsabs, const double epsrel, const size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, double *result, double *abserr); int gsl_integration_qawo (gsl_function * f, const double a, const double epsabs, const double epsrel, const size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, gsl_integration_qawo_table * wf, double *result, double *abserr); int gsl_integration_qawf (gsl_function * f, const double a, const double epsabs, const size_t limit, gsl_integration_workspace * workspace, gsl_integration_workspace * cycle_workspace, gsl_integration_qawo_table * wf, double *result, double *abserr); /* Workspace for fixed-order Gauss-Legendre integration */ typedef struct { size_t n; /* number of points */ double *x; /* Gauss abscissae/points */ double *w; /* Gauss weights for each abscissae */ int precomputed; /* high precision abscissae/weights precomputed? */ } gsl_integration_glfixed_table; gsl_integration_glfixed_table * gsl_integration_glfixed_table_alloc (size_t n); void gsl_integration_glfixed_table_free (gsl_integration_glfixed_table * t); /* Routine for fixed-order Gauss-Legendre integration */ double gsl_integration_glfixed (const gsl_function *f, double a, double b, const gsl_integration_glfixed_table * t); /* Routine to retrieve the i-th Gauss-Legendre point and weight from t */ int gsl_integration_glfixed_point (double a, double b, size_t i, double *xi, double *wi, const gsl_integration_glfixed_table * t); /* Cquad integration - Pedro Gonnet */ /* Data of a single interval */ typedef struct { double a, b; double c[64]; double fx[33]; double igral, err; int depth, rdepth, ndiv; } gsl_integration_cquad_ival; /* The workspace is just a collection of intervals */ typedef struct { size_t size; gsl_integration_cquad_ival *ivals; size_t *heap; } gsl_integration_cquad_workspace; gsl_integration_cquad_workspace * gsl_integration_cquad_workspace_alloc (const size_t n); void gsl_integration_cquad_workspace_free (gsl_integration_cquad_workspace * w); int gsl_integration_cquad (const gsl_function * f, double a, double b, double epsabs, double epsrel, gsl_integration_cquad_workspace * ws, double *result, double *abserr, size_t * nevals); __END_DECLS #endif /* __GSL_INTEGRATION_H__ */