/* * Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 - INRIA - Bruno JOFRET * * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt * */ #include #include #include "doubleComplex.h" #define size 10000 static int matrixCreation(void) { double real[size]; double imag[size]; doubleComplex *Z; double extractedReal[size]; double extractedImag[size]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { real[i] = i; imag[i] = size - i; } Z = DoubleComplexMatrix(real, imag, size); for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { printf("Partie reelle = %f\n", zreals(Z[i])); assert(zreals(Z[i]) == i); printf("Partie imaginaire = %f\n", zimags(Z[i])); assert(zimags(Z[i]) == size - i); } zreala(Z, size, extractedReal); zimaga(Z, size, extractedImag); for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { printf("Partie reelle = %f\n", extractedReal[i]); assert(extractedReal[i] == i); printf("Partie imaginaire = %f\n", extractedImag[i]); assert(extractedImag[i] == size - i); } return 0; } static int addAndDiff(void) { /* z = -3 + 25*%i */ doubleComplex z = DoubleComplex(3.0,-25.0); /* y = -3.123456 + 25.123456*%i */ doubleComplex y = DoubleComplex(-3.123456,25.123456); /* t = z + y */ doubleComplex t = zadds(z,y); /* u = z - y */ doubleComplex u = zdiffs(z,y); /* z = -3 + 25*%i */ printf("Partie reelle = %f\n", zreals(z)); assert(zreals(z) == 3.0); printf("Partie imaginaire = %f\n", zimags(z)); assert(zimags(z) == -25.0); /* y = -3.123456 + 25.123456*%i */ printf("Partie reelle = %f\n", zreals(y)); assert(zreals(y) == -3.123456); printf("Partie imaginaire = %f\n", zimags(y)); assert(zimags(y) == 25.123456); /* Try to have somme addition */ printf("Partie reelle = %f\n", zreals(t)); assert(zreals(t) == 3.0 + -3.123456); printf("Partie imaginaire = %f\n", zimags(t)); assert(zimags(t) == -25.0 + 25.123456); /* Try to have somme diff */ printf("Partie reelle = %f\n", zreals(u)); assert(zreals(u) == 3.0 - -3.123456); printf("Partie imaginaire = %f\n", zimags(u)); assert(zimags(u) == -25.0 - 25.123456); return 0; } static int timesAndDevide(void) { /* z1 = 1 + i */ doubleComplex z1 = DoubleComplex(1.0, 1.0); /* z2 = 2 + i */ doubleComplex z2 = DoubleComplex(2.0, 1.0); doubleComplex z1_times_z2 = ztimess(z1, z2); doubleComplex z1_devide_z2 = zdevides(z1, z2); /* z1 * z2 = 1 + 3i */ printf("z1_times_z2 = %e + %ei\n", zreals(z1_times_z2), zimags(z1_times_z2)); assert(zreals(z1_times_z2) == 1.0); assert(zimags(z1_times_z2) == 3.0); /* z1 / z2 = 0.6 + 0.2i */ printf("z1_devide_z2 = %e + %ei\n", zreals(z1_devide_z2), zimags(z1_devide_z2)); assert(zreals(z1_devide_z2) == 0.6); assert(zimags(z1_devide_z2) == 0.2); return 0; } int main(void) { matrixCreation(); addAndDiff(); timesAndDevide(); return 0; }