/* * Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab * Copyright (C) 2008-2008 - INRIA - Arnaud TORSET * * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt * */ #include #include #include #include "prod.h" /* #define LOCAL_DEBUG */ #define ERROR(x) printf("diff = %e\n", x) static int dprodsTest(void) { double value1 = 3.0; double value2 = 1.123456789; printf("\n>>>> prod Double Scalar Test\n"); assert(dprods(value1) == 3.0); assert(dprods(value2) == 1.123456789); return 0; } static int dprodaTest(void) { double table1[3] = {3.0, 3.0, 3.0}; double table2[5] = {9.186784563, 9.186784563, 9.186784563, 9.186784563, 9.186784563}; printf("\n>>>> prod Double Array Test\n"); printf("%f\n", dproda(table1, 3)); assert(dproda(table1, 3) == 27.0); assert((dproda(table2, 5) - (9.186784 * 9.186784 * 9.186784 * 9.186784 * 9.186784)) / dproda(table2, 5) < 1e-6); return 0; } static int dcolumnprodaTest(void) { int i = 0; double table1[9] = {1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 2.0 , 5.0, 8.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0}; double table2[10] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 , 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0}; double columnProductedTable1_3_3[3] = {0}; double columnProductedTable1_1_9[1] = {0}; double columnProductedTable1_9_1[9] = {0}; double columnProductedTable2_2_5[2] = {0}; double columnProductedTable2_5_2[5] = {0}; printf("\n>>>> Column prod Double Array Test\n"); /* [ 1 2 3 ] [ 1*2*3=6 ] [ 4 5 6 ] => [ 4*5*6=120 ] [ 7 8 9 ] [ 7*8*9=504 ] */ dcolumnproda(table1, 3, 3,columnProductedTable1_3_3); assert(columnProductedTable1_3_3[0] == 6.0); assert(columnProductedTable1_3_3[1] == 120.0); assert(columnProductedTable1_3_3[2] == 504.0); /* [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] => [ 362880 ] */ dcolumnproda(table1, 1, 9,columnProductedTable1_1_9); assert(columnProductedTable1_1_9[0] == 362880.0); /* [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] => [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] */ dcolumnproda(table1, 9, 1,columnProductedTable1_9_1); for ( i = 0 ; i < 9 ; ++i) { printf("columnProductedTable1_9_1[%d] = %e\n", i, columnProductedTable1_9_1[i]); assert(columnProductedTable1_9_1[i] == table1[i]); } /* [ 1 3 5 7 9 ] [ 945 ] [ 2 4 6 8 10 ] => [ 3840 ] */ dcolumnproda(table2, 2, 5,columnProductedTable2_2_5); assert(columnProductedTable2_2_5[0] == 945.0); assert(columnProductedTable2_2_5[1] == 3840.0); for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) { printf("columnProductedTable2_2_5[%d] = %e\n", i, columnProductedTable2_2_5[i]); } /* [ 1 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 2 7 ] => [ 14 ] [ 3 8 ] [ 24 ] [ 4 9 ] [ 36 ] [ 5 10 ] [ 50 ] */ dcolumnproda(table2, 5, 2,columnProductedTable2_5_2); assert(columnProductedTable2_5_2[0] == 6.0); assert(columnProductedTable2_5_2[1] == 14.0); assert(columnProductedTable2_5_2[2] == 24.0); assert(columnProductedTable2_5_2[3] == 36.0); assert(columnProductedTable2_5_2[4] == 50.0); for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++i) { printf("columnProductedTable2_5_2[%d] = %e\n", i, columnProductedTable2_5_2[i]); } return 0; } static int drowprodaTest(void) { int i = 0; double table1[9] = {1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 2.0 , 5.0, 8.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0}; double table2[10] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 , 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0}; double rowProductedTable1_3_3[3] = {0}; double rowProductedTable1_1_9[9] = {0}; double rowProductedTable1_9_1[1] = {0}; double rowProductedTable2_2_5[5] = {0}; double rowProductedTable2_5_2[2] = {0}; printf("\n>>>> Row prod Double Array Test\n"); /* [ 1 2 3 ] [ 4 5 6 ] => [ 28 80 162 ] [ 7 8 9 ] */ drowproda(table1, 3, 3,rowProductedTable1_3_3); for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) { printf("rowProductedTable1_3_3[%d] = %e\n", i, rowProductedTable1_3_3[i]); } assert(rowProductedTable1_3_3[0] == 28.0); assert(rowProductedTable1_3_3[1] == 80.0); assert(rowProductedTable1_3_3[2] == 162.0); /* [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] => [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] */ drowproda(table1, 1, 9,rowProductedTable1_1_9); for ( i = 0 ; i < 9 ; ++i) { printf("rowProductedTable1_1_9[%d] = %e\n", i, rowProductedTable1_1_9[i]); assert(rowProductedTable1_1_9[i] == table1[i]); } /* [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] => [ 362880 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] */ drowproda(table1, 9, 1,rowProductedTable1_9_1); assert(rowProductedTable1_9_1[0] == 362880.0); /* [ 1 3 5 7 9 ] [ 2 4 6 8 10 ] => [ 2 12 30 56 90 ] */ drowproda(table2, 2, 5,rowProductedTable2_2_5); assert(rowProductedTable2_2_5[0] == 2.0); assert(rowProductedTable2_2_5[1] == 12.0); assert(rowProductedTable2_2_5[2] == 30.0); assert(rowProductedTable2_2_5[3] == 56.0); assert(rowProductedTable2_2_5[4] == 90.0); for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++i) { printf("rowProductedTable2_2_5[%d] = %e\n", i, rowProductedTable2_2_5[i]); } /* [ 1 6 ] [ 2 7 ] => [ 120 30240 ] [ 3 8 ] [ 4 9 ] [ 5 10 ] */ drowproda(table2, 5, 2,rowProductedTable2_5_2); assert(rowProductedTable2_5_2[0] == 120.0); assert(rowProductedTable2_5_2[1] == 30240.0); for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) { printf("rowProductedTable2_5_2[%d] = %e\n", i, rowProductedTable2_5_2[i]); } return 0; } static int zprodsTest(void) { doubleComplex value1 = DoubleComplex(3.0, 3.0); doubleComplex value2 = DoubleComplex(1.123456789, 1.123456789); printf("\n>>>> prod Double Complex Scalar Test\n"); assert(zreals(zprods(value1)) == 3.0); assert(zimags(zprods(value1)) == 3.0); assert(zreals(zprods(value2)) == 1.123456789); assert(zimags(zprods(value2)) == 1.123456789); return 0; } static int zprodaTest(void) { doubleComplex value1 = DoubleComplex(3.0, 3.0); doubleComplex table1[3]; doubleComplex value2 = DoubleComplex(9.186784563,9.186784563); doubleComplex table2[5]; printf("\n>>>> prod Double Complex Array Test\n"); table1[0] = value1; table1[1] = value1; table1[2] = value1; table2[0] = value2; table2[1] = value2; table2[2] = value2; table2[3] = value2; table2[4] = value2; #ifdef LOCAL_DEBUG printf("--------\n"); printf("%e\n", zreals(zproda(table1, 3))); printf("%e\n", zimags(zproda(table1, 3))); printf("%1.20f\n", zreals(zproda(table2, 5))); printf("%1.20f\n", zimags(zproda(table2, 5))); printf("%1.20f\n", zreals(zproda(table2, 5)) + 261744.55211053110542707); printf("--------\n"); #endif assert(zreals(zproda(table1, 3)) == -54.0); assert(zimags(zproda(table1, 3)) == 54.0); assert(fabs(zreals(zproda(table2, 5)) + 261744.55211053110542707) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(zproda(table2, 5)) + 261744.55211053110542707) < 1e-06); return 0; } static int zrowprodaTest(void) { int i = 0; doubleComplex in[12]; doubleComplex rowProductedIn_4_3[3]; doubleComplex rowProductedIn_3_4[4]; doubleComplex rowProductedIn_6_2[2]; doubleComplex rowProductedIn_2_6[6]; doubleComplex rowProductedIn_1_12[12]; doubleComplex rowProductedIn_12_1[1]; printf("\n>>>> Row prod Double Complex Array Test\n"); /* Init input var */ for (i = 0 ; i < 12 ; ++i) { in[i] = DoubleComplex((double) i / 10.0, (11.0 - (double) i) / 10.0); } /* [ 1.1i 0.4+0.7i 0.8+0.3i ] [ 0.1+i 0.5+0.6i 0.9+0.2i ] => [ 0.6787000000000000810019 - 0.5456i [ 0.2+0.9i 0.6+0.5i 1+0.1i ] - 0.3964999999999999635847, [ 0.3+0.8i 0.7+0.4i 1.1 ] 0.678700000000000192024 + 0.5456i] */ zrowproda(in, 4, 3, rowProductedIn_4_3); for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) { printf("rowProductedIn_4_3[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(rowProductedIn_4_3[i]), zimags(rowProductedIn_4_3[i])); } assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_4_3[0]) - 0.6787000000000000810019) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_4_3[0]) + 0.5456) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_4_3[1]) + 0.3964999999999999635847) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_4_3[1]) - 0.0) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_4_3[2]) - 0.6787000000000000810019) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_4_3[2]) - 0.5456) < 1e-06); /* [ 1.1i 0.3+0.8i 0.6+0.5i 0.9+0.2i ] [ 0.1+i 0.4+0.7i 0.7+0.4i 1+0.1i ] => [ - 0.3190000000000000612843 - 0.9680000000000000826006i, [ 0.2+0.9i 0.5+0.6i 0.8+0.3i 1.1 ] - 0.5380000000000000337508 + 0.0010000000000000563993i, - 0.0010000000000000008882 + 0.5379999999999999227285i, 0.9680000000000000826006 + 0.3190000000000000612843i ] */ zrowproda(in, 3, 4, rowProductedIn_3_4); for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i) { printf("rowProductedIn_3_4[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(rowProductedIn_3_4[i]), zimags(rowProductedIn_3_4[i])); } assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_3_4[0]) + 0.3190000000000000612843) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_3_4[0]) + 0.9680000000000000826006) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_3_4[1]) + 0.5380000000000000337508) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_3_4[1]) - 0.0010000000000000563993 ) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_3_4[2]) + 0.0010000000000000008882) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_3_4[2]) - 0.5379999999999999227285) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_3_4[3]) - 0.9680000000000000826006) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_3_4[3]) - 0.3190000000000000612843) < 1e-06); /* [ 1.1i 0.6+0.5i ] [ 0.1+i 0.7+0.4i ] [ 0.2+0.9i 0.8+0.3i ] => [ 0.1725900000000000766853 + 0.5204650000000000664713i, [ 0.3+0.8i 0.9+0.2i ] - 0.1725899999999999934186 + 0.5204649999999999554490i ] [ 0.4+0.7i 1+0.1i ] [ 0.5+0.6i 1.1 ] */ zrowproda(in, 6, 2, rowProductedIn_6_2); for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) { printf("rowProductedIn_6_2[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(rowProductedIn_6_2[i]), zimags(rowProductedIn_6_2[i])); } assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_6_2[0]) - 0.1725900000000000766853) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_6_2[0]) - 0.5204650000000000664713) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_6_2[1]) + 0.1725899999999999934186) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_6_2[1]) - 0.5204649999999999554490 ) < 1e-06); /* [ 1.1i 0.2+0.9i 0.4+0.7i 0.6+0.5i 0.8+0.3i 1+0.1i ] [ 0.1+i 0.3+0.8i 0.5+0.6i 0.7+0.4i 0.9+0.2i 1.1 ] => [ - 1.1000000000000000888178 + 0.11i, - 0.6600000000000001421086 + 0.4300000000000000488498i, - 0.2199999999999999733547 + 0.5899999999999999689138i, 0.2199999999999999733547 + 0.5899999999999999689138i, 0.6600000000000001421086 + 0.4300000000000000488498i, 1.1000000000000000888178 + 0.11i ] */ zrowproda(in, 2, 6, rowProductedIn_2_6); for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ++i) { printf("rowProductedIn_2_6[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(rowProductedIn_2_6[i]), zimags(rowProductedIn_2_6[i])); } assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_2_6[0]) + 1.1000000000000000888178) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_2_6[0]) - 0.11) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_2_6[1]) + 0.6600000000000001421086) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_2_6[1]) - 0.4300000000000000488498 ) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_2_6[2]) + 0.2199999999999999733547) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_2_6[2]) - 0.5899999999999999689138) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_2_6[3]) - 0.2199999999999999733547) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_2_6[3]) - 0.5899999999999999689138 ) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_2_6[4]) - 0.6600000000000001421086) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_2_6[4]) - 0.4300000000000000488498) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_2_6[5]) - 1.1000000000000000888178) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_2_6[5]) - 0.11 ) < 1e-06); /* [ 1.1i 0.1+i 0.2+0.9i 0.3+0.8i 0.4+0.7i 0.5+0.6i 0.6+0.5i 0.7+0.4i 0.8+0.3i 0.9+0.2i 1+0.1i 1.1 ] => [ 1.1i 0.1+i 0.2+0.9i 0.3+0.8i 0.4+0.7i 0.5+0.6i 0.6+0.5i 0.7+0.4i 0.8+0.3i 0.9+0.2i 1+0.1i 1.1 ] */ zrowproda(in, 1, 12, rowProductedIn_1_12); for (i = 0 ; i < 12 ; ++i) { printf("rowProductedIn_1_12[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(rowProductedIn_1_12[i]), zimags(rowProductedIn_1_12[i])); assert(zreals(rowProductedIn_1_12[i]) == zreals(in[i]) && zimags(rowProductedIn_1_12[i]) == zimags(in[i])); } /* [ 1.1i ] [ 0.1+i ] [ 0.2+0.9i ] [ 0.3+0.8i ] [ 0.4+0.7i ] [ 0.5+0.6i ] [ 0.6+0.5i ] => [- 0.3006711243250001497351 + 0.0000000000000000038164i ] [ 0.7+0.4i ] [ 0.8+0.3i ] [ 0.9+0.2i ] [ 1+0.1i ] [ 1.1 ] */ zrowproda(in, 12, 1, rowProductedIn_12_1); printf("rowProductedIn_12_1[%d] = %e + %ei\n", 0, zreals(rowProductedIn_12_1[0]), zimags(rowProductedIn_12_1[0])); assert(fabs(zreals(rowProductedIn_12_1[0]) + 0.3006711243250001497351) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(rowProductedIn_12_1[0]) - 0.0000000000000000038164) < 1e-06); return 0; } static int zcolumnprodaTest(void) { int i = 0; doubleComplex in[12]; doubleComplex columnProductedIn_4_3[4]; doubleComplex columnProductedIn_3_4[3]; doubleComplex columnProductedIn_6_2[6]; doubleComplex columnProductedIn_2_6[2]; doubleComplex columnProductedIn_1_12[1]; doubleComplex columnProductedIn_12_1[12]; printf("\n>>>> Columnprod Double Complex Array Test\n"); /* Init input var */ for (i = 0 ; i < 12 ; ++i) { in[i] = DoubleComplex((double) i / 10.0, (11.0 - (double) i) / 10.0); } /* [ 1.1i 0.4+0.7i 0.8+0.3i ] [ - 0.7480000000000001092460 + 0.1210000000000001074696i ] [ 0.1+i 0.5+0.6i 0.9+0.2i ] => [ - 0.6069999999999999840128 + 0.3940000000000001278977i ] [ 0.2+0.9i 0.6+0.5i 1+0.1i ] [ - 0.3940000000000000168754 + 0.6069999999999999840128i ] [ 0.3+0.8i 0.7+0.4i 1.1 ] [ - 0.1210000000000000935918 + 0.7479999999999999982236i ] */ zcolumnproda(in, 4, 3, columnProductedIn_4_3); for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i) { printf("columnProductedIn_4_3[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(columnProductedIn_4_3[i]), zimags(columnProductedIn_4_3[i])); } assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_4_3[0]) + 0.7480000000000001092460) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_4_3[0]) - 0.1210000000000001074696) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_4_3[1]) + 0.6069999999999999840128) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_4_3[1]) - 0.394000000000000127897) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_4_3[2]) + 0.3940000000000000168754) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_4_3[2]) - 0.606999999999999984012) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_4_3[3]) + 0.1210000000000000935918) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_4_3[3]) - 0.7479999999999999982236) < 1e-06); /* [ 1.1i 0.3+0.8i 0.6+0.5i 0.9+0.2i ] [ - 0.5753000000000000335731 - 0.3564000000000000500933i ] [ 0.1+i 0.4+0.7i 0.7+0.4i 1+0.1i ] => [ - 0.6564999999999998614442 + 0.0000000000000000693889i ] [ 0.2+0.9i 0.5+0.6i 0.8+0.3i 1.1 ] [ - 0.5753000000000001445955 + 0.3564000000000001056044i ] */ zcolumnproda(in, 3, 4, columnProductedIn_3_4); for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) { printf("columnProductedIn_3_4[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(columnProductedIn_3_4[i]), zimags(columnProductedIn_3_4[i])); } assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_3_4[0]) + 0.5753000000000000335731) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_3_4[0]) + 0.3564000000000000500933) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_3_4[1]) + 0.6564999999999998614442) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_3_4[1]) - 0.0000000000000000693889) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_3_4[2]) + 0.5753000000000001445955) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_3_4[2]) - 0.3564000000000001056044) < 1e-06); /* [ 1.1i 0.6+0.5i ] [ - 0.5500000000000000444089 + 0.6600000000000000310862i ] [ 0.1+i 0.7+0.4i ] [ - 0.3300000000000000155431 + 0.7399999999999999911182i ] [ 0.2+0.9i 0.8+0.3i ] => [ - 0.1099999999999999866773 + 0.7800000000000000266454i ] [ 0.3+0.8i 0.9+0.2i ] [ 0.1099999999999999866773 + 0.7800000000000000266454i ] [ 0.4+0.7i 1+0.1i ] [ 0.3300000000000000155431 + 0.7399999999999999911182i ] [ 0.5+0.6i 1.1 ] [ 0.5500000000000000444089 + 0.6600000000000000310862i ] */ zcolumnproda(in, 6, 2, columnProductedIn_6_2); for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ++i) { printf("columnProductedIn_6_2[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(columnProductedIn_6_2[i]), zimags(columnProductedIn_6_2[i])); } assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_6_2[0]) + 0.5500000000000000444089) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_6_2[0]) - 0.6600000000000000310862) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_6_2[1]) + 0.3300000000000000155431) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_6_2[1]) - 0.7399999999999999911182) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_6_2[2]) + 0.1099999999999999866773) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_6_2[2]) - 0.7800000000000000266454) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_6_2[3]) - 0.1099999999999999866773) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_6_2[3]) - 0.7800000000000000266454) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_6_2[4]) - 0.3300000000000000155431) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_6_2[4]) - 0.7399999999999999911182) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_6_2[5]) - 0.5500000000000000444089) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_6_2[5]) - 0.6600000000000000310862) < 1e-06); /* [ 1.1i 0.2+0.9i 0.4+0.7i 0.6+0.5i 0.8+0.3i 1+0.1i ] [ 0.2212649999999999894662 - 0.5017100000000001003286i ] [ 0.1+i 0.3+0.8i 0.5+0.6i 0.7+0.4i 0.9+0.2i 1.1 ] => [ - 0.2212649999999999894662 - 0.5017100000000001003286i ] */ zcolumnproda(in, 2, 6, columnProductedIn_2_6); for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) { printf("columnProductedIn_2_6[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(columnProductedIn_2_6[i]), zimags(columnProductedIn_2_6[i])); } assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_2_6[0]) - 0.2212649999999999894662) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_2_6[0]) + 0.5017100000000001003286) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_2_6[1]) + 0.2212649999999999894662) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_2_6[1]) + 0.5017100000000001003286) < 1e-06); /* [ 1.1i 0.1+i 0.2+0.9i 0.3+0.8i 0.4+0.7i 0.5+0.6i 0.6+0.5i 0.7+0.4i 0.8+0.3i 0.9+0.2i 1+0.1i 1.1 ] => [ - 0.3006711243250001497351 + 0.0000000000000000038164i ] */ zcolumnproda(in, 1, 12, columnProductedIn_1_12); printf("columnProductedIn_1_12[%d] = %e + %ei\n", 0, zreals(columnProductedIn_1_12[0]), zimags(columnProductedIn_1_12[0])); assert(fabs(zreals(columnProductedIn_1_12[0]) + 0.3006711243250001497351) < 1e-06); assert(fabs(zimags(columnProductedIn_1_12[0]) - 0.0000000000000000038164) < 1e-06); /* [ 1.1i ] => [ 1.1i ] [ 0.1+i ] => [ 0.1+i ] [ 0.2+0.9i ] => [ 0.2+0.9i ] [ 0.3+0.8i ] => [ 0.3+0.8i ] [ 0.4+0.7i ] => [ 0.4+0.7i ] [ 0.5+0.6i ] => [ 0.5+0.6i ] [ 0.6+0.5i ] => [ 0.6+0.5i ] [ 0.7+0.4i ] => [ 0.7+0.4i ] [ 0.8+0.3i ] => [ 0.8+0.3i ] [ 0.9+0.2i ] => [ 0.9+0.2i ] [ 1+0.1i ] => [ 1+0.1i ] [ 1.1 ] => [ 1.1 ] */ zcolumnproda(in, 12, 1, columnProductedIn_12_1); for (i = 0 ; i < 12 ; ++i) { printf("columnProductedIn_12_1[%d] = %e + %ei\n", i, zreals(columnProductedIn_12_1[i]), zimags(columnProductedIn_12_1[i])); assert(zreals(columnProductedIn_12_1[i]) == zreals(in[i]) && zimags(columnProductedIn_12_1[i]) == zimags(in[i])); } return 0; } static int testprod(void) { dprodsTest(); dprodaTest(); drowprodaTest(); dcolumnprodaTest(); zprodsTest(); zprodaTest(); zrowprodaTest(); zcolumnprodaTest(); return 0; } int main(void) { assert(testprod() == 0); return 0; }