 * Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
 * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Allan SIMON
 * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
 * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
 * are also available at
 * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt
#define FFT842 1
#define DFFT2  0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fft.h"
#include "lapack.h"
#include "fft_internal.h"

void zfftma ( doubleComplex* in , int rows, int cols, doubleComplex* out)

  int choosenAlgo = DFFT2 ;

  int size = rows*cols ;
  int sizeTemp = 0;

  int rowsTemp = 0 ;
  int colsTemp = 0 ;

  int ierr = 0 ;
  int isn = -1;
  int i = 0;

  double* realIn = (double*) malloc ( sizeof (double) * (unsigned int) size );
  double* imagIn = (double*) malloc ( sizeof (double) * (unsigned int) size );

  doubleComplex* inTemp = (doubleComplex*) malloc ( sizeof (doubleComplex) * (unsigned int) size );

  zimaga ( in , size , imagIn) ;
  zreala ( in , size , realIn) ;

  if ( rows  ==  1 || cols == 1 )
      sizeTemp = (int) pow ( 2 , (int ) (log( size + 0.5 ) /log ( 2 ))) ;
      if ( size == sizeTemp )
	  if ( size <=  pow ( 2 , 15 ))
	      fft842 ( in , size  , 0 );
	      choosenAlgo = FFT842 ;
	      dfft2 ( realIn , imagIn , 1 , size , 1 , isn , ierr );
	  dfft2 ( realIn , imagIn , 1 , size , 1 , isn , ierr );
      rowsTemp = (int) pow ( 2 ,(int ) log( rows + 0.5) /log ( 2 )) ;
      colsTemp = (int) pow ( 2 ,(int ) log( cols + 0.5) /log ( 2 )) ;
      if ( rows == rowsTemp)
	  if ( rows <=  pow ( 2 , 15 ))
	      for ( i = 0 ; i < cols ; i++ )
                  fft842 ( &in[ rows*i] , rows , 0);
                  choosenAlgo = FFT842 ;
	      dfft2 ( realIn, imagIn ,cols , rows , 1 , isn , ierr);
	  dfft2 ( realIn, imagIn ,cols , rows , 1 , isn , ierr);
      /*second call*/
      if ( colsTemp == cols )
	      if ( cols <= pow ( 2 ,15) )
		  /*compute the fft on each line of the matrix */
		  for (i = 0 ; i < rows ; i++ )
                      C2F(zcopy) ( cols, in + i, rows, inTemp , 1 );

                      fft842( inTemp , cols , 0);
                      choosenAlgo = FFT842 ;
                      C2F(zcopy) ( cols, inTemp , 1, in + i, rows );

		  dfft2 ( realIn, imagIn, 1, cols, rows, isn, ierr);
	      dfft2 ( realIn, imagIn, 1, cols, rows, isn, ierr);

  if ( choosenAlgo == FFT842 )
      for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
	  out[i] = DoubleComplex ( zreals(in[i]) , zimags(in[i]) );
      for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
	  out[i] = DoubleComplex ( realIn[i] , imagIn[i] );

