 *  Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
 *  Copyright (C) 2008-2008 - INRIA - Bruno JOFRET
 *  This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
 *  This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 *  you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
 *  are also available at
 *  http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt

#include "lnp1m1.h"
#include "abs.h"

	PURPOSE :  Compute   v = log ( (1 + s)/(1 - s) )
	for small s, this is for |s| < SLIM = 0.20

	1/ if |s| is "very small" we use a truncated
	taylor dvp (by keeping 3 terms) from :
	2        4          6
	t = 2 * s * ( 1 + 1/3 s  + 1/5 s  + [ 1/7 s  + ....] )
	2        4
	t = 2 * s * ( 1 + 1/3 s  + 1/5 s  + er)

	The limit E until we use this formula may be simply
	gotten so that the negliged part er is such that :
	2        4
	(#) er <= epsm * ( 1 + 1/3 s  + 1/5 s )   for all |s|<= E

	As  er  = 1/7 s^6 + 1/9 s^8 + ...
	er <= 1/7 * s^6 ( 1 + s^2 + s^4 + ...) = 1/7  s^6/(1-s^2)

	the inequality (#) is forced if :

	1/7  s^6 / (1-s^2)  <= epsm * ( 1 + 1/3 s^2  + 1/5 s^4 )

	s^6 <= 7 epsm * (1 - 2/3 s^2 - 3/15 s^4 - 1/5 s^6)

	So that E is very near (7 epsm)^(1/6) (approximately 3.032d-3):

	2/ For larger |s| we used a minimax polynome :

	yi = s * (2  + d3 s^3 + d5 s^5 .... + d13 s^13 + d15 s^15)

	This polynome was computed (by some remes algorithm) following
	(*) the sin(x) example (p 39) of the book :

	"Algorithms and implementation"
	J.M. Muller (Birkhauser)

	(*) without the additionnal raffinement to get the first coefs
	very near floating point numbers)
double dlnp1m1s(double Var)
	static double D3	= 0.66666666666672679472;
	static double D5	= 0.39999999996176889299;
	static double D7	= 0.28571429392829380980;
	static double D9	= 0.22222138684562683797;
	static double D11	= 0.18186349187499222459;
	static double D13	= 0.15250315884469364710;
	static double D15	= 0.15367270224757008114;
	static double E		= 3.032E-3;
	static double C3	= 2.0/3.0;
	static double C5	= 2.0/5.0;

	double S2 = Var * Var;
	if( dabss(Var) <= E)
		return Var * (2 + S2 * (C3 + C5 * S2));
		return Var * (2 + S2 * (D3 + S2 * (D5 + S2 * (D7 + S2 * (D9 + S2 * (D11 + S2 * (D13 + S2 * D15)))))));