**  -*- C -*-
** cosh.h
** Made by  Bruno JOFRET <bruno.jofret@inria.fr>
** Started on  Tue Dec  5 15:49:18 2006 jofret
** Last update Mon Oct 22 09:33:12 2007 bruno
** Copyright INRIA 2006

#ifndef __COSH_H__
#define __COSH_H__

#include "floatComplex.h"
#include "doubleComplex.h"

** Compute Cosine for different types .

** \brief Float Cosine function
** \param in : input value.
float		scoshs(float in);

** \brief Double Cosine function
** \param in : input value.
double		dcoshs(double in);

** \brief Float Complex Cosine function
** \param in : input value.
floatComplex	ccoshs(floatComplex in);

** \brief Double Complex Cosine function
** \param in : input value.
doubleComplex	zcoshs(doubleComplex in);

** \brief Float Matrix Cosine function
** \param in : input array value.
** \param out : output array value.
** \param size : the size of in and out arrays.
void		scosha(float* in, int size, float* out);

** \brief Double Matrix Cosine function
** \param in : input array value.
** \param out : output array value.
** \param size : the size of in and out arrays.
void		dcosha(double* in, int size, double* out);

** \brief Float Complex Matrix Cosine function
** \param in : input array value.
** \param out : output array value.
** \param size : the size of in and out arrays.
void		ccosha(floatComplex* in, int size, floatComplex* out);

** \brief Double Complex Matrix Cosine function
** \param in : input array value.
** \param out : output array value.
** \param size : the size of in and out arrays.
void		zcosha(doubleComplex* in, int size, doubleComplex* out);

#endif /* !__COSH_H__ */