/* * Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 - INRIA - Bruno JOFRET * Copyright (C) Bruno Pincon * * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at * http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt * */ /* PURPOSE watan compute the arctangent of a complex number y = yr + i yi = atan(x), x = xr + i xi CALLING LIST / PARAMETERS subroutine watan(xr,xi,yr,yi) double precision xr,xi,yr,yi xr,xi: real and imaginary parts of the complex number yr,yi: real and imaginary parts of the result yr,yi may have the same memory cases than xr et xi COPYRIGHT (C) 2001 Bruno Pincon and Lydia van Dijk Written by Bruno Pincon <Bruno.Pincon@iecn.u-nancy.fr> so as to get more precision. Also to fix the behavior at the singular points and at the branch cuts. Polished by Lydia van Dijk <lvandijk@hammersmith-consulting.com> CHANGES : - (Bruno on 2001 May 22) for ysptrk use a minimax polynome to enlarge the special evaluation zone |s| < SLIM. Also rename this function as lnp1m1. - (Bruno on 2001 June 7) better handling of spurious over/underflow ; remove the call to pythag ; better accuracy in the real part for z near +-i EXTERNALS FUNCTIONS dlamch lnp1m1 (at the end of this file) ALGORITHM : noting z = a + i*b, we have: Z = yr + yi*b = arctan(z) = (i/2) * log( (i+z)/(i-z) ) This function has two branch points at +i and -i and the chosen branch cuts are the two half-straight lines D1 = [i, i*oo) and D2 = (-i*oo, i]. The function is then analytic in C \ (D1 U D2)). From the definition it follows that: yr = 0.5 Arg ( (i+z)/(i-z) ) (1) yi = 0.5 log (|(i+z)/(i-z)|) (2) so lim (z -> +- i) yr = undefined (and Nan is logical) lim (z -> +i) yi = +oo lim (z -> -i) yi = -oo The real part of arctan(z) is discontinuous across D1 and D2 and we impose the following definitions: if imag(z) > 1 then Arg(arctan(z)) = pi/2 (=lim real(z) -> 0+) if imag(z) < 1 then Arg(arctan(z)) = -pi/2 (=lim real(z) -> 0-) Basic evaluation: if we write (i+z)/(i-z) using z = a + i*b, we get: i+z 1-(a**2+b**2) + i*(2a) --- = ---------------------- i-z a**2 + (1-b)**2 then, with r2 = |z|^2 = a**2 + b**2 : yr = 0.5 * Arg(1-r2 + (2*a)*i) = 0.5 * atan2(2a, (1-r2)) (3) This formula is changed when r2 > RMAX (max pos float) and also when |1-r2| and |a| are near 0 (see comments in the code). After some math: yi = 0.25 * log( (a**2 + (b + 1)**2) / (a**2 + (b - 1)**2) ) (4) Evaluation for "big" |z| ------------------------ If |z| is "big", the direct evaluation of yi by (4) may suffer of innaccuracies and of spurious overflow. Noting that s = 2 b / (1 + |z|**2), we have: yi = 0.25 log ( (1 + s)/(1 - s) ) (5) 3 5 yi = 0.25*( 2 * ( s + 1/3 s + 1/5 s + ... )) yi = 0.25 * lnp1m1(s) if |s| < SLIM So if |s| is less than SLIM we switch to a special evaluation done by the function lnp1m1. The threshold value SLIM is choosen by experiment (with the Pari-gp software). For |s| "very small" we used a truncated taylor dvp, else a minimax polynome (see lnp1m1). To avoid spurious overflows (which result in spurious underflows for s) in computing s with s= 2 b / (1 + |z|**2) when |z|^2 > RMAX (max positive float) we use : s = 2d0 / ( (a/b)*a + b ) but if |b| = Inf this formula leads to NaN when |a| is also Inf. As we have : |s| <= 2 / |b| we impose simply : s = 0 when |b| = Inf Evaluation for z very near to i or -i: -------------------------------------- Floating point numbers of the form a+i or a-i with 0 < a**2 < tiny (approximately 1d-308) may lead to underflow (i.e., a**2 = 0) and the logarithm will break formula (4). So we switch to the following formulas: If b = +-1 and |a| < sqrt(tiny) approximately 1d-150 (say) then (by using that a**2 + 4 = 4 in machine for such a): yi = 0.5 * log( 2/|a| ) for b=1 yi = 0.5 * log( |a|/2 ) for b=-1 finally: yi = 0.5 * sign(b) * log( 2/|a| ) yi = 0.5 * sign(b) * (log(2) - log(|a|)) (6) The last trick is to avoid overflow for |a|=tiny! In fact this formula may be used until a**2 + 4 = 4 so that the threshold value may be larger. */ #include <math.h> #include "atan.h" #include "abs.h" #include "lnp1m1.h" #include "lapack.h" #define _sign(a, b) b >=0 ? a : -a floatComplex catans(floatComplex z) { static float sSlim = 0.2f; /* . ** / \ WARNING : this algorithm was based on double precision ** / ! \ using float truncate the value to 0. ** `----' ** ** static float sAlim = 1E-150f; */ static float sAlim = 0.0f; static float sTol = 0.3f; static float sLn2 = 0.6931471805599453094172321f; float RMax = (float) getOverflowThreshold(); float Pi_2 = 2.0f * satans(1); float _inReal = creals(z); float _inImg = cimags(z); float _outReal = 0; float _outImg = 0; /* Temporary variables */ float R2 = 0; float S = 0; if(_inImg == 0) { _outReal = satans(_inReal); _outImg = 0; } else { R2 = _inReal * _inReal + _inImg * _inImg; /* Oo */ if(R2 > RMax) { if( dabss(_inImg) > RMax) S = 0; else S = 1.0f / (((0.5f * _inReal) / _inImg) * _inReal + 0.5f * _inImg ); } else S = (2 * _inImg) / (1+R2); if(dabss(S) < sSlim) { /* s is small: |s| < SLIM <=> |z| outside the following disks: D+ = D(center = [0; 1/slim], radius = sqrt(1/slim**2 - 1)) if b > 0 D- = D(center = [0; -1/slim], radius = sqrt(1/slim**2 - 1)) if b < 0 use the special evaluation of log((1+s)/(1-s)) (5) */ _outImg = slnp1m1s(S) * 0.25f; } else { if(sabss(S) == 1 && sabss(_inReal) <= sAlim) { /* |s| >= SLIM => |z| is inside D+ or D- */ _outImg = _sign(0.5f,_inImg) * ( sLn2 - logf(sabss(_inReal))); } else { _outImg = 0.25f * logf((powf(_inReal,2) + powf((_inImg + 1.0f),2)) / (powf(_inReal,2) + powf((_inImg - 1.0f),2))); } } if(_inReal == 0) {/* z is purely imaginary */ if( dabss(_inImg) > 1) {/* got sign(b) * pi/2 */ _outReal = _sign(1, _inImg) * Pi_2; } else if( dabss(_inImg) == 1) {/* got a Nan with 0/0 */ _outReal = (_inReal - _inReal) / (_inReal - _inReal); /* Oo */ } else _outReal = 0; } else if(R2 > RMax) {/* _outImg is necessarily very near sign(a)* pi/2 */ _outReal = _sign(1, _inReal) * Pi_2; } else if(sabss(1 - R2) + sabss(_inReal) <= sTol) {/* |b| is very near 1 (and a is near 0) some cancellation occur in the (next) generic formula */ _outReal = 0.5f * atan2f(2.0f * _inReal, (1.0f - _inImg) * (1.0f + _inImg) - powf(_inReal,2.0f)); } else _outReal = 0.5f * atan2f(2.0f * _inReal, 1.0f - R2); } return FloatComplex(_outReal, _outImg); }