exec full_reset.sce mode(-1); clc // ------------------------- // --- Input Parameters. --- // ------------------------- // root directory. maindir = 'C:\Nutricato\Projects\FP6_hArtes\Software\SVNScilab2C\src\Scilab2C'; // ----------------------------- // --- End Input Parameters. --- // ----------------------------- // ------------- // --- exec. --- // ------------- exec(fullfile(maindir,'ASTGenerator','%program_p.sci')); // ----------------- // --- End exec. --- // ----------------- // --------------------------- // --- Define Directories. --- // --------------------------- // Directory containing functions that perform general tasks. GeneralFunctions = 'GeneralFunctions'; // Directory containing functions that perform general tasks for the SCI2C tool. SCI2CGeneral = 'SCI2CGeneral'; // Directory containing functions that perform the C code generation for the SCI2C tool. Translation = 'Translation'; // Directory containing functions related to the generation of the Abstract Syntactic tree. ASTGenerator = 'ASTGenerator' // Directory containing functions to read/generate SCI2C annotations. Annotations = 'Annotations'; // Directory containing functions to read the AST and to generate the corresponding C code. AST_reader = 'ASTReader'; // ------------------------------- // --- End Define Directories. --- // ------------------------------- // ------------- // --- getd. --- // ------------- getd(fullfile(maindir,GeneralFunctions)); getd(fullfile(maindir,SCI2CGeneral)); getd(fullfile(maindir,Translation)); getd(fullfile(maindir,ASTGenerator)); getd(fullfile(maindir,Annotations)); getd(fullfile(maindir,AST_reader)); // ----------------- // --- End getd. --- // -----------------