// This script contains all the input parameters needed by the SCI2C tool. ScilabMainFile = 'C:\Nutricato\Projects\FP6_hArtes\Software\SVNScilab2C\src\Scilab2C\Tests\foo.sci'; // Input Parameter. // Directory where all the products of SCI2C tool will be written. ResultDir = 'Results'; // Memory allocation. WorkAreaSizeBytes = 2000*8; // 2000 locations of double TotTempScalarVars = 20; // maximum number of temporary scalar variables that can be used. // Paths that contain the .sci files written by the user. UserSciFilesPaths = ... ['C:\Nutricato\Projects\FP6_hArtes\Software\SVNScilab2C\src\Scilab2C\Tests';... 'C:\Nutricato\Projects\FP6_hArtes\Software\SVNScilab2C\src\Scilab2C\'];