function %program_p(p) //overloading function for "program" type tlist display mprintf("%s\n",string(p)) endfunction function txt=%program_string(p) //overloading function for "program" type tlist string function //main (root) node of the Abstract Formal Tree //fields: // name : string (the function name) // outputs : list of "variable" type tlist (the output arg names) // inputs : list of "variable" type tlist (the intput arg names) // statements: list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the // instructions list) // nblines : number (the number of lines in the scilab function) txt=['Program' 'Name : ' 'Outputs: '+strcat(objectlist2string(p.outputs),' ') 'Inputs : '+strcat(objectlist2string(p.inputs),' ') 'Statements ' ' '+objectlist2string(p.statements) 'EndProgram' ] endfunction function txt=%equal_string(e) //overloading function for "equal" type tlist string function //this is a node of the AST //fields: // expression: "expression" type tlist (the right hand side) // lhs : list of "variable" type tlist and "operation" type tlist // (the assignment) // endsymbol : string (the orginal end-of-instruction symbol (, ; )) txt=['Equal' ' Expression: ' ' '+string(e.expression) ' Lhs : ' ' '+objectlist2string(e.lhs) 'EndEqual' ] endfunction function txt=%for_string(F) //overloading function for "for" type tlist string function //this is a node of the AST //fields: // expression : "expression" type tlist (the loop expression) // statements : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the // for instructions list) txt=['For' ' Expression:' ' '+string(F.expression) ' Statements:' ' '+objectlist2string(F.statements) 'EndFor'] endfunction function txt=%ifthenel_string(I) //overloading function for "ifthenel" type tlist string function //this is a node of the AST //fields: // expression : "expression" type tlist (the if expression) // then : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the // then instructions list) // elseifs : a list of tlists // else : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the // else instructions list) txt=['If ' ' Expression:' ' '+string(I.expression) ' If Statements' ' '+objectlist2string(I.then)] for e=I.elseifs txt=[txt; " Else If Expression' ' '+string(e.expression) ' Else If Statements' ' '+objectlist2string(e.then)] end txt=[txt; " Else Statements' ' '+objectlist2string(I.else) 'EndIf'] endfunction function txt=%operatio_string(O) //overloading function for "operation" type tlist string function //this is a node of the AST //fields: // operands: a list // operator: a string txt=['Operation' ' Operands:' ' '+objectlist2string(O.operands) ' Operator: '+O.operator 'EndOperation' ] endfunction function txt=%funcall_string(F) //overloading function for "funcall" type tlist string function //this is a node of the AST //fields: // rhs : a list // name : string, the name of the function // lhsnb: number, the number of function lhs txt=['Funcall : ' ' #lhs : '+string(F.lhsnb) ' Rhs : ' ' '+objectlist2string(F.rhs) 'EndFuncall' ] endfunction function txt=%variable_string(v) //overloading function for "variable" type tlist string function //fields: name //this is a leaf of the AST endfunction function txt=%cste_string(c) //overloading function for "cste" type tlist string function //this is a leaf of the AST //fields: // value : a number or a string txt=string(c.value) endfunction function txt=%comment_string(e) //overloading function for "comment" type tlist string function //fields: // text: a string //this is a leaf of the AST txt=['Comment : '+e.text] endfunction function txt=objectlist2string(L) //auxiliary function for conversion of a list of objects //into a string vector txt=[]; for o=L, if type(o)==15 then //EOL case txt=[txt;'<'+o(1)+'>'], else txt=[txt; string(o)], end end if txt==[] then txt='',end endfunction