function FlagContinueTranslation = ManageNextConversion(FileInfoDatFile) // function FlagContinueTranslation = ManageNextConversion(FileInfoDatFile) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // //NUT: add description here // // Input data: // //NUT: add description here // // Output data: // //NUT: add description here // // Status: // 27-Oct-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //NUT: verifica se update e managenexconversion possono essere integrate in un'unica funzione. // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),1,1); // --------------------- // --- Load section. --- // --------------------- // --- Load File Info Structure. --- load(FileInfoDatFile,'FileInfo'); // --- Load Shared Info Structure. --- load(FileInfo.SharedInfoDatFile,'SharedInfo'); // --- Load ToBeConverted .dat file. --- load(FileInfo.FunctionList.ToBeConvertedDat,'ToBeConverted'); // ------------------------- // --- End load section. --- // ------------------------- FlagContinueTranslation = 0; // ------------------------------------ // --- Finalize the current C code. --- // ------------------------------------ C_FinalizeCode(FileInfo,SharedInfo); // ------------------------------------------------ // --- Identify the next function to translate. --- // ------------------------------------------------ SharedInfo.NFilesToTranslate = SharedInfo.NFilesToTranslate - 1; if (SharedInfo.NFilesToTranslate >= 1) // Remove the translated C function from the ToBeConverted list ToBeConverted(1) = []; FlagContinueTranslation = 1; SharedInfo.NextSCIFunName = ToBeConverted(1).SCIFunctionName; SharedInfo.NextCFunName = ToBeConverted(1).CFunctionName; SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber + 1; [FlagFound,SharedInfo.NextSCIFileName] = ... SCI2CFindFile(FileInfo.UserSciFilesPaths,SharedInfo.NextSCIFunName+'.sci'); if (FlagFound == 0) SCI2CerrorFile('Cannot find a scilab file to generate ""'+SharedInfo.NextCFunName+'"".',... FileInfo.GeneralReport); end end // ---------------------------------------------------- // --- End Identify the next function to translate. --- // ---------------------------------------------------- // --------------------- // --- Save section. --- // --------------------- // --- Save Shared Info Structure. --- save(FileInfo.SharedInfoDatFile,SharedInfo); clear SharedInfo // --- Save ToBeConverted .dat file. --- save(FileInfo.FunctionList.ToBeConvertedDat,ToBeConverted); clear ToBeConverted clear FileInfo // ------------------------- // --- End Save section. --- // ------------------------- endfunction