function SharedInfo = INIT_GenSharedInfo(RunMode,UserScilabMainFile,TotTempScalarVars,EnableTempVarsReuse,Sci2CLibMainHeaderFName,CopySciCodeIntoCCode,Target) // function SharedInfo = INIT_GenSharedInfo(WorkingDir,OutCCCodeDir,UserSciFilesPaths,... // RunMode,UserScilabMainFile,TotTempScalarVars,EnableTempVarsReuse,Sci2CLibMainHeaderFName) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // #RNU_RES_B // This function creates and initializes SharedInfo structure. // // Input data: // WorkingDir: see description in the SCI2CInputParameters.sce file. // OutCCCodeDir: see description in the SCI2CInputParameters.sce file. // UserSciFilesPaths: see description in the SCI2CInputParameters.sce file. // RunMode: see description in the SCI2CInputParameters.sce file. // UserScilabMainFile: see description in the SCI2CInputParameters.sce file. // TotTempScalarVars: see description in the SCI2CInputParameters.sce file. // EnableTempVarsReuse: see description in the SCI2CInputParameters.sce file. // // Output data: // SharedInfo: structure containing all info about general parameters // used by SCI2C. // // #RNU_RES_E // Status: // 03-Jan-2008 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // // Copyright 2008 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ //-- SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),8,8); // ------------------------------ // --- Initialize SharedInfo. --- // ------------------------------ //-- SharedInfo.CCompilerPathStyle = CCompilerPathStyle; SharedInfo.RunMode = RunMode; SharedInfo.Sci2CLibMainHeaderFName = pathconvert(Sci2CLibMainHeaderFName, %f, %f, 'u'); // #RNU_RES_B // File names of the next .sci files to be converted in AST and // successively into C. // #RNU_RES_E SharedInfo.NextSCIFileName = UserScilabMainFile; [scipath,funname,sciext] = fileparts(UserScilabMainFile); SharedInfo.SCIMainFunName = funname; if (Target == 'Arduino') SharedInfo.CMainFunName = 'loop_arduino'; elseif (RunMode == 'Translate') SharedInfo.CMainFunName = funname; else SharedInfo.CMainFunName = 'main'; end SharedInfo.NextSCIFunName = SharedInfo.SCIMainFunName; //NUT: per ora no so cosa metter SharedInfo.NextCFunName = SharedInfo.CMainFunName; //NUT: per ora no so cosa metter //NUT: questo viene aggiornato dalla C_Funcall SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber = 1; SharedInfo.NFilesToTranslate = 1; // --- Annotations. --- SharedInfo.Annotations.GBLVAR = 'global'; SharedInfo.Annotations.DataPrec = {'uint8','int8','uint16','int16','int','float','double'}; SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNIN = 'NIN='; SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNOUT = 'NOUT='; SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNTYPE = '''OUT(''+string(SCI2C_nout)+'').TP='''; // Type includes also precision. SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNSIZE = '''OUT(''+string(SCI2C_nout)+'').SZ(''+string(SCI2C_nelem)+'')= '''; SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNCLASS = 'CLASS: '; SharedInfo.Annotations.USERFUN = '//SCI2C: '; SharedInfo.Annotations.INTYPE = '''IN(''+string(SCI2C_nout)+'').TP='''; // Type includes also precision. SharedInfo.Annotations.INSIZE = '''IN(''+string(SCI2C_nout)+'').SZ(''+string(SCI2C_nelem)+'')= '''; // #RNU_RES_B // Note when you execute the following code: // SCI2C_nout=1; // SCI2C_nelem=0; // eval(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNSIZE) // you get: // O1SIZE[0] = // Info related to temp variables used in the C code. // #RNU_RES_E SharedInfo.TotTempScalarVars = TotTempScalarVars; SharedInfo.UsedTempScalarVars = 0; SharedInfo.TempScalarVarsName = '__Scalar'; //NUT: verificare se le seguenti due variabili sono utili. Le sto usando in AST2Ccode SharedInfo.WorkAreaUsedBytes = WorkAreaSizeBytes; SharedInfo.UsedTempScalarVars = WorkAreaSizeBytes; // Info related to temp variables used in the AST reading phase. SharedInfo.ASTReader.fidAST = -1; SharedInfo.ASTReader.UsedTempVars = 0; SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempVarsName = '__temp'; SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempForCntVarsName = '__tmpcnt'; SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempForValVarsName = '__TmpVal'; SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempWhileCntVarsName = '__tmpWhilecnt';//NUT: vedi se serve. SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempWhileValVarsName = '__TmpWhileVal'; //NUT: vedi se serve SharedInfo.ASTReader.EnableTempVarsReuse = EnableTempVarsReuse; //NUT: non so se la devo rimuovere. SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars = [];//NUT: to be removed SharedInfo.NIndent = 0; // Indentation Level. SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual = 0; // 1 = the next equal in the AST will not produce C code. SharedInfo.SkipNextPrec = 0; // 1 = the next precision specifier in the AST will not produce C code. SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 0; SharedInfo.CopySciCodeIntoCCode = CopySciCodeIntoCCode; SharedInfo.CountNestedIf = 0; // Number of nested if. SharedInfo.CFunId.OpColon = 3; SharedInfo.CFunId.EqScalar = 4; SharedInfo.CFunId.EqMatrix = 5; SharedInfo.CFunId.GenFunMtx = 6; // (scalar functions are fall in the scalar equal category.) SharedInfo = INIT_SharedInfoEqual(SharedInfo); // ------------------------ // --- File Extensions. --- // ------------------------ SharedInfo.Extension.AnnotationFunctions = '.ann'; // Stands for annotation SharedInfo.Extension.AnnotationClasses = '.acls'; // Stands for annotation class. SharedInfo.Extension.FuncListFunctions = '.lst'; // Stands for list SharedInfo.Extension.FuncListClasses = '.lcls'; // Stands for list class // ------------------------ // --- Resize Approach. --- // ------------------------ SharedInfo.ResizeApproach = 'NO_RESIZE'; // 'NO_RESIZE', 'RESIZE_ALL', 'RESIZE_TEMP', 'RESIZE_LOCAL', 'RESIZE_GLOBAL', 'REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL' SharedInfo.Target = Target; // Specifies code generation target. SharedInfo.ODElist = list(); //Maintains list of ode functions being used in code // to add their header files to main function. endfunction