function [TBFlagfound,TBType,TBSize,TBValue,TBFindLike,TBDimension] = ... ST_Get(Field_Name,SymbolTableFileName) // function [TBFlagfound,TBType,TBSize,TBValue,TBFindLike,TBDimension] = ... // ST_Get(Field_Name,SymbolTableFileName) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // #RNU_RES_B // Get function for the symbol table. // // #RNU_RES_E // Input data: // //NUT: add description here // // Output data: // //NUT: add description here // // Status: // 26-Oct-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // 26-Oct-2007 -- Alberto Morea: Test Ok. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato & Alberto Morea. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,2); // -------------------------- // --- Load Symbol Table. --- // -------------------------- [tmpnams,tmptyps,tmpdims,tmpvols]=listvarinfile(SymbolTableFileName); if (max(size(tmpnams)) > 1) SCI2Cerror('More than one variable found in ""'+SymbolTableFileName+'"".'); end load(SymbolTableFileName,tmpnams); SCI2CSymbolTable = eval(tmpnams); // ------------------------------ // --- End Load Symbol Table. --- // ------------------------------ TBFlagfound = 0; TBType = ''; TBSize(1) = ''; TBSize(2) = ''; TBValue = %nan; TBFindLike = %nan; TBDimension = %nan; NEntries = max(size(SCI2CSymbolTable)); for countertable = 1:NEntries if (mtlb_strcmp(Field_Name,SCI2CSymbolTable(countertable).Name)) TBFlagfound = TBFlagfound + 1; TBType = SCI2CSymbolTable(countertable).Type; // String TBSize = SCI2CSymbolTable(countertable).Size; // String TBValue = SCI2CSymbolTable(countertable).Value; TBFindLike = SCI2CSymbolTable(countertable).FindLike; // Number: 0 or 1. TBDimension = SCI2CSymbolTable(countertable).Dimension; // Number: 0 or 1 or 2. end end if (TBFlagfound > 1) SCI2Cerror('Symbol table conflict: found two symbols with the same name ""'+TBName+'"".'); end endfunction