// Before launching this script, please // check all the paths below. // User should change parameters only in (USER PARAMETERS) sections. // cd C:\SCI2CTests\SCI2CRuns; exec LaunchRunSCI2C.sci function LaunchRunSCI2C() // --- CLEAN WORKSPACE --- // exec full_reset.sce; // mode(-1); // --- GENERAL SETTINGS (USER PARAMETERS) --- RunsDirectory = pwd(); // Path of the SCI2CRuns directory SCI2CDirectory = '.'; // --- SPECIFIC SETTINGS (USER PARAMETERS) --- SCI2CInputPrmFileName = '../SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir/SCI2CInputParameters.sce'; // --- LAUNCH USER SCI CODE TO TEST IT BEFORE TRANSLATING IT!!! --- //cd(SCI2CDirectory) //getf("runscicode.sci"); runscicode(SCI2CInputPrmFileName); // --- ASK USER FOR CONTINUATION. --- userchoice = input('Start translation [y/n]?','s'); if (userchoice == 'y') // --- LAUNCH SCI2C --- //cd(SCI2CDirectory); //getf("runsci2c.sci"); runsci2c(SCI2CInputPrmFileName); cd(SCI2CDirectory); end // --- GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL DIRECTORY. --- cd (RunsDirectory); // --- CLOSE ALL FILES. --- mclose('all'); endfunction