function opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPPLUS(in1size,in2size,in1type,in2type) // function opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPPLUS(in1size,in2size,in1type,in2type) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the size of the output computed by OPPLUS operator, // including the string operations. // // Assuming: // size(in1) = [in1r,in1c] // size(in2) = [in2r,in2c] // size(out) = [outr,outc] // // we have the following combinations: // in1 in2 outr outc // ----------------------- // S S in2r in2c // S M in2r in2c // M S in1r in1c // M M in1r in1c // // Where S means that the input is a scalar // and M means that the input is a matrix. // There is also the case related to the string catenation! // This is the main difference between - and + operators. // // Input data: // in1size: size of input number 1. It is an array of 2 strings. // The first string specifies the number of rows. // The second string specifies the number of columns. // // in2size: size of input number 2. It is an array of 2 strings. // The first string specifies the number of rows. // The second string specifies the number of columns. // // Output data: // opoutsize: size of output. It is an array of 2 strings. // The first string specifies the number of rows. // The second string specifies the number of columns. // // Status: // 08-Dec-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // 08-Dec-2007 -- Alberto Morea: Test Ok. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato & Alberto Morea. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),4,4); // ------------------------ // --- Generate Output. --- // ------------------------ // --- Get dimensions of input arguments. --- in1size = string(in1size); in2size = string(in2size); in1type = string(in1type); in2type = string(in2type); in1dim = GetSymbolDimension(in1size); if ((in1type ~= 'g') & (in2type ~= 'g')) opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPPLUSA(in1size,in2size); elseif ((in1type == 'g') & (in2type == 'g')) opoutsize(1) = '1'; if (SCI2Cisnum(in1size(1)) & SCI2Cisnum(in2size(1))) in1num = eval(in1size(1)); in2num = eval(in2size(1)); if (in1num > 1 | in2num > 1) SCI2Cerror('String catenation can be performed only on strings of 1 x N size not N x 1 size'); //NUT: mi pare che non possano proprio esistere stringe di dimensione Nx1 perche' in //NUT: scilab esiste il tipo string che e' di size 1x1 e sono io a trasformarlo in //NUT: 1xN per cui se uso sempre questa convenzione non sbaglio mai. //NUT: ho provato in scilab a fare la trasposta di una stringa e ottengo sempre 1x1. end end if (SCI2Cisnum(in1size(2)) & SCI2Cisnum(in2size(2))) in1num = eval(in1size(2)); in2num = eval(in2size(2)); opoutsize(2) = string(in1num+in2num-1); if isnan(opoutsize(2)) opoutsize(2) = '__SCI2CNANSIZE'; else opoutsize(2) = string(opoutsize(2)); end else opoutsize(2) = '('+string(in1size(2))+'+'+string(in2size(2))+'-1)'; end else SCI2Cerror('Unexpected type combination for ""+"" operator (type1,type2): ('+in1type+in2type+').'); end endfunction