function opout = FA_SZ_FROM_VAL(in1) // function opout = FA_SZ_FROM_VAL(in1) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Return a size according to the floored value of the first argument // // Input data: // in1: string specifying a number . // // // Output data: // opout: string containing the computed result. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),1,1); if (SCI2Cisnum(in1)) in1num = eval(in1) ; if isnan(in1num) opout = '__SCI2CNANSIZE'; elseif ( in1num < 0 ) opout= '0' ; else opout = string ( floor (abs(in1num))) ; end else opout = in2+"0floor"+in2+"0"+"("+in1+")"; opout = in2+"0abs"+in2+"0"+"("+opout+")"; end endfunction