function [FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot] = ... FA_GetFunAnn(NInArg,NOutArg,FunName,FileInfo,SharedInfo) // function [FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot] = ... // FA_GetFunAnn(NInArg,NOutArg,FunName,FileInfo,SharedInfo) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // #RNU_RES_B // This function extracts the TYPE and SIZE annotations from the // input .ann file. // No blank lines are allowed between function annotations. // // #RNU_RES_E // Input data: // //NUT: Add description here // // Output data: // //NUT: Add description here // // Status: // 11-Jul-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //NUT: consider the possibility to split this function into more functions. // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),5,5); // ----------------------- // --- Initialization. --- // ----------------------- nxtscifunname = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunName; nxtscifunnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber; ReportFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ReportFileName; // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y'); PrintStringInfo('***Reading function annotations***',ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E SCI2CClassFileName = GetClsFileName(FunName,FileInfo,SharedInfo); FunTypeAnnot = ''; FunSizeAnnot = ''; // --------------------------- // --- End Initialization. --- // --------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- // --- Read the annotations of the function. --- // --------------------------------------------- // --- Open the .sci file (read only). --- inclsfid = SCI2COpenFileRead(SCI2CClassFileName); // #RNU_RES_B // --- Loop over the lines of the input file. --- // Position file pointer to the desired NInArg/NOutArg section, // and read the NOutArg annotation. // #RNU_RES_E FoundNIn = 0; FoundNOut = 0; line_position = 0; while ((meof(inclsfid) == 0) & (FoundNIn == 0) & (FoundNOut == 0)) check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(inclsfid,1)); line_position = line_position + 1; if (~isempty(check_string)) // #RNU_RES_B // --- Search for the NIN annotation. --- // #RNU_RES_E if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNIN,check_string)) FUNNINAnnot = part(check_string,length(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNIN)+1:length(check_string)); // #RNU_RES_B // --- Check NIN value. --- // #RNU_RES_E if (eval(FUNNINAnnot) == NInArg) // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(' Line '+string(line_position)+' - Function NInArg Annotation: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',... ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E FoundNIn = 1; check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(inclsfid,1)); line_position = line_position + 1; if (~isempty(check_string)) // #RNU_RES_B // --- Search for the NOUT annotation. --- // #RNU_RES_E if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNOUT,check_string)) FUNNOUTAnnot = part(check_string,length(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNOUT)+1:length(check_string)); // #RNU_RES_B // --- Check NOUT value. --- // #RNU_RES_E if (eval(FUNNOUTAnnot) == NOutArg) // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(' Line '+string(line_position)+' - Function NOutArg Annotation: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',... ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E FoundNOut = 1; else FoundNIn = 0; end else PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Incorrect format for function annotation.',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Expected '+SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNIN+' field in the annotations of the function.',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Incorrect format for function annotation.'); end else PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Incorrect format for function annotation.',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Expected '+SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNIN+' field in the annotations of the function.',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Incorrect format for function annotation.'); end end end end end if (FoundNOut*FoundNIn == 0) PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Please check file: '+SCI2CClassFileName,ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Incorrect function annotation.',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: There are two possibilities:',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: 1. Syntax error in function annotations.',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: 2. Missing the right combination of NIN/NOUT annotations: ""'+SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNIN+string(NInArg)+','+SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNOUT+' '+string(NOutArg)+'"".',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Incorrect function annotation.'); else for cntout = 1:NOutArg SCI2C_nout=cntout; // Useful for eval. // #RNU_RES_B // Read the Fun type annotation. // #RNU_RES_E check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(inclsfid,1)); line_position = line_position + 1; if (isempty(check_string) == %F) tmpannstring = eval(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNTYPE); if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(tmpannstring,check_string)) // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(' Line '+string(line_position)+' - Function Type Annotation: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',... ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E FunTypeAnnot(cntout) = ... stripblanks(part(check_string,length(tmpannstring)+1:length(check_string))); end else PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Line '+string(line_position)+' Function type annotation not found in file: '+SCI2CClassFileName,ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Line '+string(line_position)+' Function type annotation not found in file: '+SCI2CClassFileName); end // #RNU_RES_B // --- Read the Fun size annotation. --- // #RNU_RES_E SCI2C_nelem = 0; // Useful for eval. while(SCI2C_nelem < 2 & isempty(check_string) == %F) SCI2C_nelem = SCI2C_nelem + 1 line_position = line_position + 1; if (isempty(check_string) == %F) tmpannstring = eval(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNSIZE); check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(inclsfid,1)); if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(tmpannstring,check_string)) // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(' Line '+string(line_position)+' - Function Size Annotation: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',... ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E FunSizeAnnot(cntout,SCI2C_nelem) = ... stripblanks(part(check_string,length(tmpannstring)+1:length(check_string))); end else PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Line '+string(line_position)+' Function size annotation not found in file: '+SCI2CClassFileName,ReportFileName,'both','y'); PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Line '+string(line_position)+' Function size annotation not found in file: '+SCI2CClassFileName); end end end end // --- End loop over the lines of the input file. --- mclose(inclsfid); // ------------------------------------------------- // --- End Read the annotations of the function. --- // ------------------------------------------------- endfunction