function defaultprecision = FA_GetDefaultPrecision(scifilename,scifileid,ReportFileName) // function defaultprecision = FA_GetDefaultPrecision(scifilename,scifileid,ReportFileName) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // #RNU_RES_B // Extracts the default precision for the file .sci passed in input. // The following annotation will be searched in the scilab code: // //SCI2C: DEFAULT_PRECISION= FLOAT // //SCI2C: DEFAULT_PRECISION= DOUBLE // If the annotation is missing the default DOUBLE precision will be // implicitly used. // #RNU_RES_E // // Input data: // --- // // Output data: // defaultprecision: string which specifies the default precision to be // used in the translation of scifilename. // // Status: // 12-Feb-2008 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // 12-Feb-2008 -- Alberto Morea: Test Ok. // // Copyright 2008 Raffaele Nutricato & Alberto Morea. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),3,3); // ----------------------- // --- Initialization. --- // ----------------------- defaultprecision = 'd'; annotationstring = '//SCI2C: DEFAULT_PRECISION=' // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo('***Get default precision from: '+scifilename,ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E // --------------------------- // --- End Initialization. --- // --------------------------- // --- Open the .sci file (read only). --- if scifileid == [] then scifid = SCI2COpenFileRead(scifilename); else scifid = scifileid; end // #RNU_RES_B // --- Loop over the lines of the input file. --- // Position file pointer to the desired NInArg/NOutArg section, // and read the NOutArg annotation. // #RNU_RES_E foundannotation = 0; line_position = 0; while ((meof(scifid) == 0) & (foundannotation == 0)) check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(scifid,1)); line_position = line_position + 1; if (~isempty(check_string)) if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(annotationstring,check_string)) tmpprecision = stripblanks(part(check_string,length(annotationstring)+1:length(check_string))); // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(' Line '+string(line_position)+... ' - Found annotation for default precision'+' ""'+check_string+' ""',... ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E foundannotation = 1; end end end if (foundannotation == 0) // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo('Annotation for default precision not found.',ReportFileName,'file','y'); PrintStringInfo('Using the ""DOUBLE"" default precision.',ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E else if (tmpprecision == 'FLOAT') defaultprecision = 's'; elseif (tmpprecision == 'DOUBLE') defaultprecision = 'd'; elseif (tmpprecision == 'UINT8') defaultprecision = 'u8'; elseif (tmpprecision == 'INT8') defaultprecision = 'i8'; elseif (tmpprecision == 'UINT16') defaultprecision = 'u16'; elseif (tmpprecision == 'INT16') defaultprecision = 'i16'; elseif (tmpprecision == 'CVIMAGE') defaultprecision = 'IplImage' end end if scifileid == [] then mclose(scifid); else mseek(0, scifid); end endfunction