function Cdeclaration = C_GenDeclarations(ArgStruct,CDeclarationFileName,IndentLevel,ReportFileName,FlagExt,ResizeApproach) // function Cdeclaration = C_GenDeclarations(ArgStruct,CDeclarationFileName,IndentLevel,ReportFileName,FlagExt,ResizeApproach) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // //NUT: add description here // // Input data: // //NUT: add description here // // Output data: // //NUT: add description here // // Status: // 27-Oct-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // 10-Jun-2008 -- Raffaele Nutricato: adapted to work with realloc function. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),6,6); // #RNU_RES_B //NUT: ilnome di questa funzione va cambiato perche' le dichiarazioni le fanno anche i for e i while. PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y'); PrintStringInfo('***Generating C declaration***',ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E Cdeclaration = ''; NDeclarations = 0; if (ArgStruct.Dimension > 0) if (FlagExt == 1) Cdeclaration(1) = 'extern '; Cdeclaration(2) = 'extern '; else Cdeclaration(1) = ''; Cdeclaration(2) = ''; end // #RNU_RES_B //NUT: vedi Mem_Alloc_Out per maggiori info sulla rimozione della temp nella if // if ((ArgStruct.Scope=='Temp') | (ArgStruct.FindLike == -1) | (SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(1))==%F) | (SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(2))==%F)) // #RNU_RES_E if (ArgStruct.Type=='g') if (isnan(ArgStruct.Value)) Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+C_Type(ArgStruct.Type)+... ' * '+ArgStruct.Name+';'; else if (FlagExt == 1) Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+C_Type(ArgStruct.Type)+... ' '+ArgStruct.Name+'['+ArgStruct.Size(1)+'*'+ArgStruct.Size(2)+'];'; else Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+C_Type(ArgStruct.Type)+... ' '+ArgStruct.Name+'['+ArgStruct.Size(1)+'*'+ArgStruct.Size(2)+'] = {'+ArgStruct.Value+'};'; end end Cdeclaration(2) = Cdeclaration(2)+C_Type('i')+' __'+ArgStruct.Name+'Size[2] = {'+ArgStruct.Size(1)+','+ArgStruct.Size(2)+'};'; NDeclarations = 2; elseif ((ArgStruct.FindLike == -1) | ... (SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(1))==%F) | (SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(2))==%F) | ... (ResizeApproach=='REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL' & ArgStruct.Type~='g')) // #RNU_RES_B //RNU sulle stringhe non ho ancora deciso se applicare la realloc. // Generate only the pointer that will be used by the malloc function. // #RNU_RES_E if (FlagExt == 1) Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+C_Type(ArgStruct.Type)+'* '+... ArgStruct.Name+';'; else Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+C_Type(ArgStruct.Type)+'* '+... ArgStruct.Name+' = NULL;'; end // Declare the Size array Cdeclaration(2) = Cdeclaration(2)+C_Type('i')+' __'+ArgStruct.Name+'Size[2];'; NDeclarations = 2; else // Declare the array with its size. Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+C_Type(ArgStruct.Type)+... ' '+ArgStruct.Name+'['+ArgStruct.Size(1)+'*'+ArgStruct.Size(2)+'];'; if (FlagExt == 1) Cdeclaration(2) = Cdeclaration(2)+C_Type('i')+' __'+ArgStruct.Name+'Size[2];'; else Cdeclaration(2) = Cdeclaration(2)+C_Type('i')+' __'+ArgStruct.Name+'Size[2] = {'+ArgStruct.Size(1)+','+ArgStruct.Size(2)+'};'; end NDeclarations = 2; end else if (FlagExt == 1) Cdeclaration(1) = 'extern '; else Cdeclaration(1) = ''; end Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+C_Type(ArgStruct.Type)+' '+ArgStruct.Name; if (~isnan(ArgStruct.Value) & (FlagExt == 0)) if isreal(ArgStruct.Value) Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+' = '+SCI2Cstring(ArgStruct.Value); else if (ArgStruct.Type == 'z') Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+' = DoubleComplex('+SCI2Cstring(real(ArgStruct.Value))+','+SCI2Cstring(imag(ArgStruct.Value))+')'; else Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+' = FloatComplex('+SCI2Cstring(real(ArgStruct.Value))+','+SCI2Cstring(imag(ArgStruct.Value))+')'; end end end Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+';'; NDeclarations = 1; end // -------------------------------------------- // --- Write C declaration into the C file. --- // -------------------------------------------- for cntdecl = 1:NDeclarations // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(' '+Cdeclaration(cntdecl),ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E end // #RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(' Writing C declaration in: '+CDeclarationFileName,ReportFileName,'file','y'); // #RNU_RES_E for cntdecl = 1:NDeclarations PrintStringInfo(C_IndentBlanks(IndentLevel)+Cdeclaration(cntdecl),CDeclarationFileName,'file','y'); end PrintStringInfo(' ',CDeclarationFileName,'file','y'); endfunction // #RNU_RES_B //NUT: dove sta il controllo che verifica se dopo aver dichiarato una local A[10] essa viene utilizzata //NUT: per memorizzare un A = sin(B) dove B[11]?? // #RNU_RES_E