function ASTHeader = AST_ReadASTHeader(fidAST,ReportFileName) // function ASTHeader = AST_ReadASTHeader(fidAST,ReportFileName) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Reads the AST header // txt=['Program' // 'Name : ' // 'Outputs: '+strcat(objectlist2string(p.outputs),' ') // 'Inputs : '+strcat(objectlist2string(p.inputs),' ') // 'Statements ' // // Input data: // //NUT: add description here // // // Output data: // //NUT: add description here // // // Status: // 11-Apr-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,2); ASTHeader = []; tline = mgetl(fidAST,1); AST_CheckLineLength(tline); treeline = stripblanks(tline); if STACKDEDUG == 1 disp('Read AST Line: '+treeline); end if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size('Program',treeline) == %F) SCI2CerrorFile('Expected ""Program"" label in the AST',ReportFileName); end tline = mgetl(fidAST,1); AST_CheckLineLength(tline); treeline = stripblanks(tline); if STACKDEDUG == 1 disp('Read AST Line: '+treeline); end if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size('Name : ',treeline) == %F) SCI2CerrorFile('Expected ""Name : "" label in the AST',ReportFileName); else ASTHeader.Name = stripblanks(part(treeline,length('Name : ')+1:length(treeline))); end tline = mgetl(fidAST,1); AST_CheckLineLength(tline); treeline = stripblanks(tline); if STACKDEDUG == 1 disp('Read AST Line: '+treeline); end if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size('Outputs: ',treeline) == %F) SCI2CerrorFile('Expected ""Outputs: "" label in the AST',ReportFileName); else ASTHeader.Outputs = stripblanks(part(treeline,length('Outputs: ')+1:length(treeline))); end tline = mgetl(fidAST,1); AST_CheckLineLength(tline); treeline = stripblanks(tline); if STACKDEDUG == 1 disp('Read AST Line: '+treeline); end if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size('Inputs : ',treeline) == %F) SCI2CerrorFile('Expected ""Inputs : "" label in the AST',ReportFileName); else ASTHeader.Inputs = stripblanks(part(treeline,length('Inputs : ')+1:length(treeline))); end tline = mgetl(fidAST,1); AST_CheckLineLength(tline); treeline = stripblanks(tline); if STACKDEDUG == 1 disp('Read AST Line: '+treeline); end if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size('Statements ',treeline) == %F) SCI2CerrorFile('Expected ""Statements "" label in the AST',ReportFileName); end endfunction