<<<<<<< HEAD function [IfCondArg,NIfCondArg,Op,NOp] = AST_ParseIfExprStruct(FileInfo,SharedInfo,ASTIfExpType) ======= function [IfCondArg,NIfCondArg] = AST_ParseIfExprStruct(FileInfo,SharedInfo,ASTIfExpType) >>>>>>> 9e5793a7b05b23e6044a6d7a9ddd5db39ba375f0 // function [IfCondArg,NIfCondArg] = AST_ParseIfExprStruct(FileInfo,SharedInfo,ASTIfExpType) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //#RNU_RES_B // Parses the IfExpression structure of the AST. // // txt=['If ' // ' Expression:' // ' '+string(I.expression) // ' If Statements' // ' '+objectlist2string(I.then)] // for e=I.elseifs // txt=[txt; // ' Else If Expression' // ' '+string(e.expression) // ' Else If Statements' // ' '+objectlist2string(e.then)] // end // txt=[txt; // ' Else Statements' // ' '+objectlist2string(I.else) // 'EndIf'] // //#RNU_RES_E // // Input data: // //NUT: add description here // // Output data: // //NUT: add description here // // Status: // 11-Apr-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: raffaele.nutricato@tiscali.it // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),3,3); // ----------------------- // --- Initialization. --- // ----------------------- nxtscifunname = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunName; nxtscifunnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber; ReportFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ReportFileName; //#RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo('***Retrieving '+ASTIfExpType+' expression parameters from AST***',ReportFileName,'file','y'); //#RNU_RES_E IfCondArg = []; NIfCondArg = 0; global SCI2CSTACK global StackPosition; global STACKDEDUG // --------------------------- // --- End Initialization. --- // --------------------------- // ------------------------------------ // --- Read if condition variables. --- // ------------------------------------ <<<<<<< HEAD //OutArgOld=[]; //OutArgNew=[]; //for i = 1:3 // OutArgOld(i)=AST_PopASTStack(); //PrintStringInfo(' '+OutArgOld(i),ReportFileName,'file','y'); //end //x = AST_PopASTStack(); //OutArgNew = SCI2Cflipud(OutArgOld); flagendpop = 0; IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack(); PrintStringInfo(' '+IfExprField+' '+ASTIfExpType,ReportFileName,'file','y'); ======= flagendpop = 0; IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack(); >>>>>>> 9e5793a7b05b23e6044a6d7a9ddd5db39ba375f0 if (ASTIfExpType=='if') if (IfExprField=='Expression:') flagendpop = 1; // Pop Again the If tag from the AST. IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack(); <<<<<<< HEAD PrintStringInfo(' '+IfExprField,ReportFileName,'file','y'); ======= >>>>>>> 9e5793a7b05b23e6044a6d7a9ddd5db39ba375f0 end elseif (ASTIfExpType=='elseif') if (IfExprField=='Else If Expression') flagendpop = 1; end else error(9999, 'Unknown ASTIfExpType ""'+ASTIfExpType+'"".'); end <<<<<<< HEAD NOp=0; Op=[]; ======= >>>>>>> 9e5793a7b05b23e6044a6d7a9ddd5db39ba375f0 while (flagendpop == 0) if (IfExprField~='') if (ASTIfExpType=='if') if (IfExprField=='Expression:') flagendpop = 1; <<<<<<< HEAD //PrintStringInfo('hello dere '+IfExprField,ReportFileName,'file','y'); // Pop Again the If tag from the AST. IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack(); elseif (IfExprField=='Operands:') flagendpop = 0; g = AST_PopASTStack(); else if (IfExprField=='&&' | IfExprField=='||') NOp = NOp + 1; Op(NOp) = IfExprField; //PrintStringInfo('operators are '+Op(NOp),ReportFileName,'file','y'); else NIfCondArg = NIfCondArg + 1; IfCondArg(NIfCondArg) = IfExprField; end //[IfCondArg(NIfCondArg),tmpscope] = AST_ExtractNameAndScope(IfExprField); ======= // Pop Again the If tag from the AST. IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack(); else NIfCondArg = NIfCondArg + 1; [IfCondArg(NIfCondArg),tmpscope] = AST_ExtractNameAndScope(IfExprField); >>>>>>> 9e5793a7b05b23e6044a6d7a9ddd5db39ba375f0 end elseif (ASTIfExpType=='elseif') if (IfExprField=='Else If Expression') flagendpop = 1; <<<<<<< HEAD //IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack(); else if (IfExprField=='&&' | IfExprField=='||') NOp = NOp + 1; Op(NOp) = IfExprField; elseif (IfExprField=='Operands:') flagendpop = 0; g = AST_PopASTStack(); else NIfCondArg = NIfCondArg + 1; IfCondArg(NIfCondArg) = IfExprField; end //[IfCondArg(NIfCondArg),tmpscope] = AST_ExtractNameAndScope(IfExprField); end end end if flagendpop == 0 IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack(); end PrintStringInfo('operators are '+IfExprField,ReportFileName,'file','y'); end IfCondArg = SCI2Cflipud(IfCondArg); ======= else NIfCondArg = NIfCondArg + 1; IfCondArg(NIfCondArg) = IfExprField; [IfCondArg(NIfCondArg),tmpscope] = AST_ExtractNameAndScope(IfExprField); end end end IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack(); end >>>>>>> 9e5793a7b05b23e6044a6d7a9ddd5db39ba375f0 //#RNU_RES_B // ------------------------------------------- // --- Print some info in the report file. --- // ------------------------------------------- PrintStringInfo('N '+ASTIfExpType+' Condition Arguments: '+string(NIfCondArg),ReportFileName,'file','y'); //#RNU_RES_E for counterifcondargs = 1:NIfCondArg //#RNU_RES_B PrintStringInfo(ASTIfExpType+' Condition Argument Number '+string(counterifcondargs)+': '+IfCondArg(counterifcondargs),... ReportFileName,'file','y'); //#RNU_RES_E end endfunction