function [LhsArgNames,LhsArgScope,NLhsArg] = AST_CheckLastFunc(fidAST,SearchLevel) // function [LhsArgNames,LhsArgScope,NLhsArg] = AST_CheckLastFunc(fidAST,SearchLevel) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // //NUT: add description here // // Input data: // //NUT: add description here // // Output data: // //NUT: add description here // // Status: // 11-Apr-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. // // Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato. // Contact: // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ // --- Check input arguments. --- // ------------------------------ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,2); // ----------------------- // --- Initialization. --- // ----------------------- astfilepos = mtell(fidAST); NLhsArg = 0; LhsArgNames = ''; LhsArgScope = ''; FlagLastFunc = 0; // --------------------------- // --- End Initialization. --- // --------------------------- //NUT: non capisco come mai tu non faccia il flipud degli argometi letti. //NUT: Level 1 e' quando abbiamo una equal float fun //NUT: level 0 quando abbiamo equal fun tline = mgetl(fidAST,1); AST_CheckLineLength(tline); LhsField = stripblanks(tline); if ((SearchLevel == 1) & (LhsField == 'EndFuncall')) SearchLevel = 0; tline = mgetl(fidAST,1); AST_CheckLineLength(tline); LhsField = stripblanks(tline); end if ((SearchLevel == 0) & (LhsField == 'Lhs :')) tline = mgetl(fidAST,1); AST_CheckLineLength(tline); LhsField = stripblanks(tline); while(LhsField ~= 'EndEqual') NLhsArg = NLhsArg + 1; if (LhsField == '') SCI2Cerror('Found before EndEqual'); elseif (LhsField == 'EndProgram') SCI2Cerror('Found EndProgram before EndEqual'); end if (LhsField == 'Operation') // if (LhsField == 'Operator: ins') // It means that we have to store the results of the function in temp vars. LhsField = 'EndEqual'; // Force the exit from the while. NLhsArg = 0; LhsArgNames = ''; LhsArgScope = ''; else [LhsArgNames(NLhsArg),LhsArgScope(NLhsArg)] = AST_ExtractNameAndScope(LhsField); tline = mgetl(fidAST,1); AST_CheckLineLength(tline); LhsField = stripblanks(tline); end end end mseek(astfilepos,fidAST,'set'); endfunction