Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter
Scilab 2 C Converter
- AVRADCSetup — Function to initialise ADC of AVR
- AVRDigitalIn — Function to get state (high\low) of a digital input pin on AVR
- AVRDigitalOut — Function to change state (high\low) of a digital output pin on AVR
- AVRDigitalPortSetup — Function to decide direction of port on AVR
- AVRDigitalSetup — Function to decide direction of a digital pin on AVR
- AVRGetTimerValue — Function to get timer count
- AVRPWM0SetDuty — Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer0 at OC0 pin.
- AVRPWM0Setup — Function to Setup OC0 pin for required PWM mode
- AVRPWM1SetDuty — Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer1 at OC1A or OC1B pin.
- AVRPWM1Setup — Function to Setup OC1A or OC1B pin for required PWM mode
- AVRPWM2SetDuty — Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer2 at OC2 pin.
- AVRPWM2Setup — Function to Setup OC2 pin for required PWM mode
- AVRReadADC — Function to get voltage on analog pin on AVR
- AVRSleep — Function to pause the execution for the given time.
- AVRTimerSetup — Function to setup Timers in ATmega16
- AVRUARTReceive — Function to Receive Char value send to ATmega16 using UART or USART.
- AVRUARTSetup — Function to Setup Serial Communication i.e UART or USART in ATmega16.
- AVRUARTTransmit — Function to Transmit data using UART or USART.
- CV_AdaptiveThreshold — function to adaptively threshold input image
- CV_Blur — function to blur image using normalised box filter
- CV_Canny — Finds edges in image using Canny algorithm
- CV_CornerHarris — Finds edges in image using Harris algorithm
- CV_CreateImage — function to create an image object of given size and type
- CV_CvtColor — function to convert image from one colorspace to other colorspace
- CV_Dilate — dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
- CV_DistanceTransform — function to calculate distance to closest zero pixels for each pixel
- CV_Erode — Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
- CV_GaussianBlur — function to blur image using gaussian filter
- CV_GetImgSize — function to get size of the image (width*height)
- CV_LoadImage — function to load an image object from given filename
- CV_MedianBlur — function to blur image using median filter
- CV_SaveImage — function to save an image object as a given filename
- CV_ShowImage — function to show an image
- CV_Threshold — function to threshold input image
- CV_WaitKey — function similar to cvWaitKey