$LastChangedDate$ scilab2c Scilab to C Converter Calling Sequence scilab2c(); scilab2c("PATH/script_to_translate.sci", "PATH/generated_c_code.c"); scilab2c("PATH/script_to_translate.sci", "PATH/generated_c_code.c", "PATH_TO_ADDITIONNAL_FUNCTIONS"); scilab2c("PATH/script_to_translate.sci", "PATH/generated_c_code.c", "PATH_TO_ADDITIONNAL_FUNCTIONS", RunMode); Parameters PATH/script_to_translate.sci This file should contain the scilab function we want to translate. PATH/generated_c_code.c This file will contain the C code translate from the script. PATH_TO_ADDITIONNAL_FUNCTIONS This is the path to look in for additional user defined functions. RunMode Must be "All", "Translate" or "GenLibraryStructure" //FIXME : Must explain here which parameter does what ? Description Convert a scilab function into a C File. //FIXME : Add more informations here Examples // Launch the GUI scilab2c(); // Convert the function present in myScript.sci // into a C file : myMain.c scilab2c("./mysScript.sci", "./myMain.c"); Authors Bruno JOFRET Raffaele NUTRICATO