## ## ## ## TODO ## Made by Bruno JOFRET ## ## Started on Tue Nov 21 15:22:58 2006 jofret ## Last update Wed Feb 14 17:39:41 2007 jofret ## ## Copyright INRIA 2006 ## RN - Define for all the future the C Complex Structure. BJ RN - Clearly specify what the "find" function may return BJ Position in array AND/OR Value. BJ - Bench Cosh Vs . Cosh explicit formula. BJ - Evaluated and drawn - have to be implemented in C : + sign : [done R] + abs : [done R] + pythag: [done R] + Log1p : [done R] + atan2 : [done R] BJ - Listing of atomic call and library dependences. BJ - Bench for precision between F77 and C Math lib. For example : atan2 / log1p BJ - Bench Encapsulation vs. Direct function call BJ - Enlarge tests. BJ - Finish migration to autotools