## ## Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab ## Copyright (C) 2006-2008 - INRIA - Bruno JOFRET ## ## This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. ## This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which ## you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms ## are also available at ## http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt ## ## RN - Clearly specify what the "find" function may return BJ Position in array AND/OR Value. BJ - Bench cosh Vs cosh explicit formula. Bench asinh Vs asinh explicit formula. BJ - Bench for precision between F77 and C Math lib. For example : atan2 / log1p BJ - 'atan2' is not available in Scilab... BJ - Bench Encapsulation vs. Direct function call BJ - Enlarge tests. BJ - Released functions : + acos : [done R and C] + acosh : [done R and C] + asin : [done R and C] + asinh : [done R and C] + atan : [done R and C] + cos : [done R and C] + exp10 : !! FIXME !! + log : [done R and C] --> Need Testing + log10 : [done R and C] --> Need Testing + log1p : + sin : [done R and C] + sinh : [done R and C] + sqrt : [done R and C] --> Need Testing . / \ !! WARNING !! / ! \ !! WARNING !! '-----' ** ATAN has some diff with Scilab. ** EXP10 Does not exists in Scilab. See HAT AT - Convol with 3 input arguments AT - FFT and IFFT with 3 input arguments AT - Functions max and min might not have all prototypes they could have in the INIT file. AT - FFT and IFFT : need to change Output type AT - Scilab2CDeps.sci : data have changed and file hasn't been updated. To Update. AT - Interface for rand BJ - Test rand BJ - Interface frexp within INIT file. AT - Functions zeros(), ones(), rand(), eye() return error during generation code See Available functions : d0zeros is available instead of zerosd0 AT - Manage implicitList with complex input arguments : see size declaration in C-Code AT - Tests for squareMagnitude AT - Tests for LDivision : see test file AT - Test for Jmat is empty (but function is unused and not asked) AT - Tests for lpc2cep AT - Tests for prod : these are calculation of absolute precision and not relative AT - Complete max and min prototypes in INIT_Fill..., miss d2d2...d2