## Made by  Bruno JOFRET <bruno.jofret@inria.fr>
## Started on  Tue Nov 21 15:22:58 2006 jofret
## Last update Thu Nov 30 14:50:44 2006 jofret
## Copyright INRIA 2006

BJ - Evaluated and drawn :
	+ cos	: [done R & C]
	+ sin	: [done R & C]
	+ tan	: [done R & C]
	+ log	: [done R & C]
	+ sign	: [done R]
	+ abs	: [done R]
	+ sqrt	: [done R & C]
	+ pythag: [done R]
	+ Log1p : [done R]
	+ exp	: [done R & C]
	+ atan2 : [done R]
	+ ch	: [done R & C]
	+ sh	: [done R & C]
	+ tanh	: [done R & C]

BJ - Evaluate and draw a graph of function dependences.
	+ ... (to be continued)

BJ - Find a way to code complex type taking care of double/float precision.

BJ - Listing of atomic call and library dependences.

BJ - Explore dlamch uses 'e' 'u' 'o'
     Added help file for dlamch use...

BJ - Start coding C basic functions with libmath link.

BJ - Bench for precision between F77 and C Math lib.
     For example : atan2 / log1p