***Get default precision from: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder_copy.sci Annotation for default precision not found. Using the "DOUBLE" default precision. ***Get resize approach from: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder_copy.sci Annotation for resize approach not found. Using the 'NO_RESIZE' resize approach. ***Putting Input and Output arguments in the local symbol table*** ***Generating C code*** C call after output scalar args check: int main( C call after input args analysis: int main( C call after output args analysis: int main( int main() { ==> Handling EOL ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal ***Retrieving Operation Parameters from AST*** ***Reading AST*** Operation Name: OpColon N Intput Arguments: 2 N Output Arguments: 1 Input Argument Number 1: 1 Scope: Number_x Input Argument Number 2: 5 Scope: Number_x ***Reading function annotations*** Function belongs to class: OpColon. Line 1 - Function NInArg Annotation: "NIN= 2 " Line 2 - Function NOutArg Annotation: "NOUT= 1 " Line 3 - Function Type Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= FA_TP_MIN_REAL(IN(1).TP,IN(2).TP) " Line 4 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= FA_TP_MIN_REAL(IN(1).TP,IN(2).TP) " Line 5 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(1)= '1' " Line 6 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(2)= FA_SZ_FROM_VAL(FA_ADD(FA_SUB(FA_REAL(IN(2).VAL,IN(2).TP),FA_REAL(IN(1).VAL,IN(1).TP)),'1'),FA_TP_REAL(IN(2).TP)) " ***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.*** Checking presence of Equal after the current function... ...Found Equal. OutArg Names will be replaced with Lhs Names of the Equal. ***Analyzing Input Arguments*** Input Argument 1 is a number: 1. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: 1 FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Number Input Argument 2 is a number: 5. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: 5 FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Number Generating Out Arg names. Using Equal Lhs names. Pushing in the AST stack: "Variable: x". ***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table*** Symbol "x" ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/GBLVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 5 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 2 Scope: Local ***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.*** ***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.*** ***Putting output arguments in the symbol table*** Symbol "x" Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 5 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 2 Scope: Local Setting symbol "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ***Generating C declaration*** double x[1 * 5]; int __xSize[2] = {1, 5};; Writing C declaration in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_declarations.c ***Allocating memory for temp variables*** C Function Name: d0d0OpColond2 ***Updating C Function List*** C Function Name: d0d0OpColond2 Found C Function Name in : /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/FunctionList/SCI2CAvailableC.dat ***Generating C code*** C call after output scalar args check: d0d0OpColond2( C call after input args analysis: d0d0OpColond2(1,5, C call after output args analysis: d0d0OpColond2(1,5,x, d0d0OpColond2(1,5,x); ***Reading Equal Rhs Names*** ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal ***Retrieving Equal Parameters from AST*** ***Reading AST*** Function Name: OpEqual N Intput Arguments: 1 N Output Arguments: 1 Input Argument Number 1: x Scope: Variable Output Argument Number 1: x Scope: Variable ***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.*** ...Equal not found. ***Analyzing Input Arguments*** Input Argument 1 is a symbol: x. Searching "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. Searching "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 5 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 2 Scope: Local Generating Out Arg names. Generating temporary variables. ***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table*** Symbol "x" ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. ...found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 5 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 2 Scope: Local ***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.*** ***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.*** ***Putting output arguments in the symbol table*** Symbol "x" Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 5 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 2 Scope: Local Setting symbol "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. C Function Name: d2OpEquald2 ***Updating C Function List*** C Function Name: d2OpEquald2 Current function will not be inserted in the Function List. ***Generating C code*** Skipping code generating because already generated in the previous function. ==> Handling EOL ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal ***Retrieving Funcall Parameters from AST*** Parsing Funcall structure Function Name: length N Intput Arguments: 1 N Output Arguments: 1 Input Argument Number 1: x Scope: Variable ***Reading function annotations*** Function belongs to class: Length. Line 1 - Function NInArg Annotation: "NIN= 1 " Line 2 - Function NOutArg Annotation: "NOUT= 1 " Line 3 - Function Type Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= FA_TP_USER " Line 4 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= FA_TP_USER " Line 5 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(1)= '1' " Line 6 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(2)= '1' " ***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.*** Checking presence of precision specifier Function is not annotated The "d" default precision will be used. Checking presence of Equal after the current function... ...Found Equal. OutArg Names will be replaced with Lhs Names of the Equal. ***Analyzing Input Arguments*** Input Argument 1 is a symbol: x. Searching "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. Searching "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 5 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 2 Scope: Local Generating Out Arg names. Using Equal Lhs names. Pushing in the AST stack: "Variable: y". ***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table*** Symbol "y" ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/GBLVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local ***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.*** ***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.*** ***Putting output arguments in the symbol table*** Symbol "y" Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local Setting symbol "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ***Generating C declaration*** double y; Writing C declaration in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_declarations.c ***Allocating memory for temp variables*** C Function Name: d2lengthd0 ***Updating C Function List*** C Function Name: d2lengthd0 Found C Function Name in : /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/FunctionList/SCI2CAvailableC.dat ***Generating C code*** C call after output scalar args check: y = d2lengthd0( C call after input args analysis: y = d2lengthd0(x, __xSize, C call after output args analysis: y = d2lengthd0(x, __xSize, y = d2lengthd0(x, __xSize); ***Reading Equal Rhs Names*** ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal ***Retrieving Equal Parameters from AST*** ***Reading AST*** Function Name: OpEqual N Intput Arguments: 1 N Output Arguments: 1 Input Argument Number 1: y Scope: Variable Output Argument Number 1: y Scope: Variable ***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.*** ...Equal not found. ***Analyzing Input Arguments*** Input Argument 1 is a symbol: y. Searching "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. Searching "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local Generating Out Arg names. Generating temporary variables. ***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table*** Symbol "y" ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. ...found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local ***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.*** ***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.*** ***Putting output arguments in the symbol table*** Symbol "y" Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local Setting symbol "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. C Function Name: d0OpEquald0 ***Updating C Function List*** C Function Name: d0OpEquald0 Current function will not be inserted in the Function List. ***Generating C code*** Skipping code generating because already generated in the previous function. ==> Handling EOL ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal ***Retrieving Funcall Parameters from AST*** Parsing Funcall structure Function Name: disp N Intput Arguments: 1 N Output Arguments: 1 Input Argument Number 1: y Scope: Variable ***Reading function annotations*** Function belongs to class: Disp. Line 1 - Function NInArg Annotation: "NIN= 1 " Line 3 - Function Type Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= 'd' " Line 4 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= 'd' " Line 5 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(1)= '1' " Line 6 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(2)= '1' " ***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.*** Checking presence of Equal after the current function... ...Found Equal. OutArg Names will be replaced with Lhs Names of the Equal. ***Analyzing Input Arguments*** Input Argument 1 is a symbol: y. Searching "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. Searching "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local Generating Out Arg names. Using Equal Lhs names. Pushing in the AST stack: "Variable: ans1". ***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table*** Symbol "ans1" ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/GBLVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local ***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.*** ***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.*** ***Putting output arguments in the symbol table*** Symbol "ans1" Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local Setting symbol "ans1" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ***Generating C declaration*** double ans1; Writing C declaration in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_declarations.c ***Allocating memory for temp variables*** C Function Name: d0disp ***Updating C Function List*** C Function Name: d0disp Found C Function Name in : /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/FunctionList/SCI2CAvailableC.dat ***Generating C code*** C call after output scalar args check: d0disp( C call after input args analysis: d0disp(y, C call after output args analysis: d0disp(y, d0disp(y); ***Reading Equal Rhs Names*** ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal ***Retrieving Equal Parameters from AST*** ***Reading AST*** Function Name: OpEqual N Intput Arguments: 1 N Output Arguments: 1 Input Argument Number 1: ans1 Scope: Variable Output Argument Number 1: ans1 Scope: Variable ***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.*** ...Equal not found. ***Analyzing Input Arguments*** Input Argument 1 is a symbol: ans1. Searching "ans1" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. Searching "ans1" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. ...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local Generating Out Arg names. Generating temporary variables. ***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table*** Symbol "ans1" ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat. ...found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local ***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.*** ***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.*** ***Putting output arguments in the symbol table*** Symbol "ans1" Type: d Size(1): 1 Size(2): 1 Value: Nan FindLike: 0 Dimension: 0 Scope: Local Setting symbol "ans1" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat. C Function Name: d0OpEquald0 ***Updating C Function List*** C Function Name: d0OpEquald0 Current function will not be inserted in the Function List. ***Generating C code*** Skipping code generating because already generated in the previous function. ==> Handling EOL ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ==> Handling EOL ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal ***Retrieving Funcall Parameters from AST*** Parsing Funcall structure Function Name: return N Intput Arguments: 0 N Output Arguments: 0 ***Reading function annotations*** Function belongs to class: Return. Line 1 - Function NInArg Annotation: "NIN= 0 " Line 2 - Function NOutArg Annotation: "NOUT= 0 " ***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.*** ...Equal not found. ***Analyzing Input Arguments*** Generating Out Arg names. Generating temporary variables. ***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table*** ***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.*** ***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.*** ***Putting output arguments in the symbol table*** C Function Name: return ***Updating C Function List*** C Function Name: return Found C Function Name in : /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/FunctionList/SCI2CAvailableC.dat ***Generating C code*** C call after output scalar args check: return( C call after input args analysis: return( C call after output args analysis: return( return function of the AST is skipped. return(0); ==> Handling EOL ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## ==> Handling EndProgram } Closing: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder_copy.sci ==> Joining declaration and C-call files Generating the final C code in:/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/main.c