----------------------------------- --- QUICK INSTALLATION OF SCI2C --- ----------------------------------- 1. Install scilab-5.0.1.exe. Download available at www.scilab.org 2. Copy sci2ctool-0.3 into your PC. --------------------------- --- QUICK TEST OF SCI2C --- --------------------------- 1. Configure CCompilerPathStyle parameter of "sci2ctool-0.3\SCI2CTests\test999_WorkingDir\SCI2CInputParameters.sce" file 2. Open scilab 4. Enter (cd) in sci2ctool-0.3\Scilab2C 5. Type mclose('all') 6. Type exec LaunchRunSCI2C.sci 7. Answer y to "Start translation [y/n]:" question. 8. At the end of the of the translation in sci2ctool-0.3\SCI2CTests\test999_WorkingDir\C_Code the C code should be available. 9. Compile and execute the C code by using makefile in sci2ctool-0.3\SCI2CTests\test999_WorkingDir\C_Code 10. Launch again Sci2C -> exec LaunchRunSCI2C.sci -> Answer n to "Start translation [y/n]:" question. 11. Compare C results with Scilab results. -> If they are the same, installation has been performed correctly!!!