2007-02-15 Bruno JOFRET * src/test/testIsEmpty.c : Add some tests. * src/test/Makefile : Some trouble with link... Better in this order ! 2007-02-14 Bruno JOFRET * src/test/test*.c : Add some FIXME in order to remember to code some tests. * src/test/testFind.c : Testing of the find function. * src/test/testIsEmpty.c : Testing of the isEmpty function. * src/misc : Create for misc includes. * src/auxiliaryFunctions/find/notFound.h : Moved * src/misc/notFound.h : Better use here. * */*/Makefile : Modify all Makefiles. Remove -pedantic. Must be crazy to use this... * src/auxiliaryFunctions/isempty : IsEmpty functions implementation. * src/auxiliaryFunctions/isempty/{sdcz}isEmptya.c : Implementation : s(float) d(double) c(floatComplex) z(doubleComplex) 2007-02-13 Bruno JOFRET * src/elementaryFunctions/tanh/ztanhs.c : Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. * src/elementaryFunctions/tanh/ctanhs.c : Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. * src/auxiliaryFunctions/find : Find not null element in list. * src/auxiliaryFunctions/find/{sdcz}finda.c : Implementation : s(float) d(double) c(floatComplex) z(doubleComplex) * src/auxiliaryFunctions/find/find.h : Interface. * src/auxiliaryFunctions/find/notFound.h : Constant if all elements are not null. 2007-02-12 Bruno JOFRET * src/elementaryFunctions/sinh/zsinhs.c Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. * src/elementaryFunctions/sinh/csinhs.c Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. 2007-02-09 Bruno JOFRET * src/elementaryFunctions/exp/cexps.c : Implementation. * src/elementaryFunctions/exp/zexps.c : Implementation. 2007-02-08 Bruno JOFRET * src/auxiliaryFunctions/sign : Signe of a float or double. * src/auxiliaryFunctions/sign/sign.h : Interface * src/auxiliaryFunctions/sign/{sd}signs.c : Implementation : s(float) d(double) 2007-02-07 Bruno JOFRET * src/auxiliaryFunctions : Some misc Functions used in many cases. 2007-02-06 Bruno JOFRET * src/elementaryFunctions/cosh/zcoshs.c Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. * src/elementaryFunctions/cosh/ccoshs.c Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. * src/elementaryFunctions/sin/zsins.c Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. * src/elementaryFunctions/sin/csins.c Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. 2007-02-05 Bruno JOFRET * src/type : Add C99 compatibility. Float implementation. * src/elementaryFunctions/cos/zcoss.c Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. * src/elementaryFunctions/cos/ccoss.c Fixed with C99 Complex but Scilab computation. 2007-02-02 Bruno JOFRET * src/type : Add C99 compatibility. Double implementation. 2007-01-31 Bruno JOFRET * src/elementaryFunctions/*.c : Remove Multi Complex definition. * src/type/doubleComplex.h : Used as C99 Complex interface or hand-made complex. * src/type/floatComplex.h : Used as C99 Complex interface or hand-made complex. * src/*/Makefile : Add -std=c99 flag for native c99 complex compilation. * src/elementaryFunctions/exp : Exponential functions. * src/test/testExp.c : Add some Exponential functions tests. 2007-01-29 Bruno JOFRET * src/elementaryFunctions/tan : Tangeant functions. * src/elementaryFunctions/tanh : Hyperbolic Tangeant functions. * src/test/testCosh.c : Add some Hyperbolic Cosine tests. * src/test/tesSinh.c : Add some Hyperbolic Sine tests. * src/test/testTan.c : Add some Tangeant tests. * src/test/tesTanh.c : Add some Hyperbolic Tangeant tests. 2007-01-19 Bruno JOFRET * src/elementaryFunctions/cosh : Hyperbolic Cosine functions * src/elementaryFunctions/sinh : Hyperbolic Sine functions 2007-01-05 Bruno JOFRET * src/elementaryFunctions/acos : ArcCosine functions * src/elementaryFunctions/asin : ArcSine functions 2006-12-11 Bruno JOFRET * src/test/testCos.c : Add some cosine tests. * src/test/tesSin.c : Add some sine tests. * README : Add some standards and style definitions. 2006-12-08 Bruno JOFRET * src/test : Test files for libraries. * src/elementaryFunctions/cos : Cosine functions * src/elementaryFunctions/sin : Sine functions 2006-12-04 Bruno JOFRET * Group functions: Group all same name functions, ignore type. * Inverse Cosinus [acos]: Done for Real and Complex type. * Inverse Hyperbolic Cosinus [acosh]: Done for Real and Complex type. * Inverse Sinus [asin]: Done for Real and Complex type. * Inverse Hyperbolic Sinus [asinh]: Done for Real and Complex type. * Inverse Tangeant [atan]: Done for Real and Complex type. 2006-11-30 Bruno JOFRET * Hyperbolic Cosinus [cosh]: Done for Real and Complex type. * Hyperboloc Sinus [sinh]: Done for Real and Complex type. * Hyperbolic Tangeant [tanh]: Done for Real and Complex type. * src: To put basic sources. * src/type: To put complex types. * src/type/doubleComplex.{ch}: Simple definition of complex as struct of double. 2006-11-29 Bruno JOFRET * Pythagore [pythag]: Done for Real Type. * LAPACK [dlamch]: Add dlamch.help to keep an eye on each option. * Icrease logarithm [log1p]: Done for Real Type. * Exponential [exp]: Done for Real and Complex Type. * ArcTangeante2 [atan2]: Done for Real Type. 2006-11-28 Bruno JOFRET * Logarithm [log]: Correction : Log for a negative Real call Log as complex. * Root [sqrt]: Done for Real and Complex. 2006-11-27 Bruno JOFRET * Number Sign [sign]: Done for Real Type. * Abslute Value [abs]: Done for Real Type. 2006-11-18 Bruno JOFRET * Tangeant [tan]: Done for Real and Complex Type. * Logarithm [log]: Done for Real and Complex Type. 2006-11-15 Bruno JOFRET * Cosinus [cos]: Done for Real and Complex Type. * Sinus [sin]: Done for Real and Complex Type. 2006-11-13 Bruno JOFRET * TrigonometricsDependeces.dot : First dependences... Evaluating all depences in order to find atomic calls.