2006-11-30 Bruno JOFRET * Hyperbolic Cosinus [cosh]: Done for Real and Complex type. * Hyperboloc Sinus [sinh]: Done for Real and Complex type. * Hyperbolic Tangeant [tanh]: Done for Real and Complex type. 2006-11-29 Bruno JOFRET * Pythagore [pythag]: Done for Real Type. * LAPACK [dlamch]: Add dlamch.help to keep an eye on each option. * Icrease logarithm [log1p]: Done for Real Type. * Exponential [exp]: Done for Real and Complex Type. * ArcTangeante2 [atan2]: Done for Real Type. 2006-11-28 Bruno JOFRET * Logarithm [log]: Correction : Log for a negative Real call Log as complex. * Root [sqrt]: Done for Real and Complex. 2006-11-27 Bruno JOFRET * Number Sign [sign]: Done for Real Type. * Abslute Value [abs]: Done for Real Type. 2006-11-18 Bruno JOFRET * Tangeant [tan]: Done for Real and Complex Type. * Logarithm [log]: Done for Real and Complex Type. 2006-11-15 Bruno JOFRET * Cosinus [cos]: Done for Real and Complex Type. * Sinus [sin]: Done for Real and Complex Type. 2006-11-13 Bruno JOFRET * TrigonometricsDependeces.dot : First dependences... Evaluating all depences in order to find atomic calls.