From 124ef41ebab756797803b30c4c07ce37213a6477 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brijeshcr
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2017 16:43:27 +0530
Subject: Toeplitz Added
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index b0fcaa9e..abd7c76a 100644
--- a/help/en_US/master_help.xml
+++ b/help/en_US/master_help.xml
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
Scilab 2 C Converter
Scilab 2 C Converter
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRADCSetup.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRADCSetup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 54d6a642..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRADCSetup.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRADCSetup
Function to initialise ADC of AVR
-Calling Sequence
AVRADCSetup(uint8 prescaler, uint8 adc_ref)
- prescaler:
prescaler to be used for generating ADC clock (0-7)
- - adc_ref :
reference voltage to be used for ADC conversion
This function initialises ADc of AVR with given parameters. 'prescaler' is needed for deciding ADC clock. ADC clock should be between 50KHz and 200KHz and it given as (MCU clock/2^prescaler). Select appropriate prescaler depending on MCU clock. 'adc_ref' selects one of the available reference voltage sources available.
The adc_ref can take the following values-
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
AVRADCSetup(128,0) |  |  | |
- Siddhesh Wani
- - Ashish Kamble
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalIn.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalIn.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a1f6eb0d..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalIn.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- AVRDigitalIn
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRDigitalIn
- AVRDigitalIn
Function to get state (high\low) of a digital input pin on AVR
-Calling Sequence
- port :
port of microcontroller to be used
- - pin :
pin of port (mentioned above) to be used
Each AVR microcontroller has pins which can be configured as digital
-inputs. These are normally divided among some 'ports' (group of pins).
-User has to select one of these port and which pin of that port as
-digital input.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
pinA0 = AVRDigitalIn(1,0) |  |  | |
- Siddhesh Wani
- - Ashish Kamble
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalOut.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalOut.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0219f8cc..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalOut.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- AVRDigitalOut
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRDigitalOut
- AVRDigitalOut
Function to change state (high\low) of a digital output pin on AVR
-Calling Sequence
- port :
port of microcontroller to be used
- - pin :
pin of port (mentioned above) to be used
- - state :
state to be outputed on pin (HIGH\LOW)
Each AVR microcontroller has pins which can be configured as digital
-outputs. These are normally divided among some 'ports' (group of pins).
-User has to select one of these port and which pin of that port as
-digital output. Also, desired output state must be specified as
-'HIGH' or 'LOW'.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
AVRDigitalOut('A',0,HIGH) |  |  | |
- Siddhesh Wani
- - Ashish Kamble
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalPortSetup.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalPortSetup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a5b8c2d3..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalPortSetup.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- AVRDigitalPortSetup
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRDigitalPortSetup
- AVRDigitalPortSetup
Function to decide direction of port on AVR
-Calling Sequence
- port :
port of microcontroller to be used(1 for PORTA, 2 for PORTB,...)
- - direction :
direction to be set for pin (0 for INPUT, 1 for OUTPUT)
Each AVR microcontroller has pins which can be configured as digital
-outputs/inputs. These are normally divided among some 'ports' (group of pins).
-User has to select one of these port and which pin of that port to be
-used as digital output/input. Also, desired direction must be specified as
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
AVRDigitalPortSetup(1,0); |  |  | |
- Siddhesh Wani
- - Ashish Kamble
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalSetup.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalSetup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b2048ad1..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRDigitalSetup.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- AVRDigitalSetup
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRDigitalSetup
- AVRDigitalSetup
Function to decide direction of a digital pin on AVR
-Calling Sequence
- port :
port of microcontroller to be used
- - pin :
pin of port (mentioned above) to be used
- - direction :
direction to be set for pin (INPUT\OUTPUT)
Each AVR microcontroller has pins which can be configured as digital
-outputs/inputs. These are normally divided among some 'ports' (group of pins).
-User has to select one of these port and which pin of that port to be
-used as digital output/input. Also, desired direction must be specified as
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
AVRDigitalSetup('A',0,OUTPUT) |  |  | |
- Siddhesh Wani
- - Ashish Kamble
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRGetTimerValue.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRGetTimerValue.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ca3642a..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRGetTimerValue.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- AVRGetTimerValue
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRGetTimerValue
- AVRGetTimerValue
Function to get timer count
- timer :
timer whose current count is to be returned
This function returns the count value of a desired timer.By knowing the count value certain interrupt action can be taken.
Timer can take the following values
0 -> for timer0
-1 -> for timer1
-2 -> for timer2
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
AVRGetTimerValue(0); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM0SetDuty.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM0SetDuty.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5657473f..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM0SetDuty.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- AVRPWM0SetDuty
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRPWM0SetDuty
- AVRPWM0SetDuty
Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer0 at OC0 pin.
- duty :
It holds an integer value from 0 to 100 which sets the percentage of time for which signal is active.
Each Micro controller has PWM output pins which can generate varying voltage
-from 0V-5V.In this function by varying the duty cycle, varying voltage can be produced.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
-AVRPWM0SetDuty(0); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM0Setup.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM0Setup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 23432020..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM0Setup.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- AVRPWM0Setup
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRPWM0Setup
- AVRPWM0Setup
Function to Setup OC0 pin for required PWM mode
- waveform_mode:
integer, from 0 to 2
- - output_mode:
integer, from 0 to 1 (or 2) depending on the waveform_mode
Every Micro controller has PWM pins which can generate varying voltages
-from 0V-5V.This function helps to use OC0 pin to produce required
-output waveform by setting the waveform mode and otput mode.
waveform_mode can take values-
output_mode can take values-
For Phase correct PWM Mode:
-0 for Clear OC0 on compare match when up-counting. Set OC0 on compare match when down-counting.
-1 for Set OC0 on compare match when up-counting. Clear OC0 on compare match when down-counting.
-For Fast PWM Mode:
-0 for non-inverted output i.e Clear OC0 on compare match, set OC0 at BOTTOM.
-1 for inverted output i.e Set OC0 on compare match, clear OC0 at BOTTOM.
-For CTC Mode:
-0 to Clear OC0 on compare match
-1 to Set OC0 on compare match
-2 to toggle OC0 on compare match
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
AVRPWM0Setup(2,0); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM1SetDuty.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM1SetDuty.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a5adda5..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM1SetDuty.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- AVRPWM1SetDuty
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRPWM1SetDuty
- AVRPWM1SetDuty
Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer1 at OC1A or OC1B pin.
- ouput_pin:
integer, 0 (for OC1A) or 1 (for OC1B)
- - duty:
It holds an integer value from 0 to 100 which sets the percentage of time for which signal is active.
- - Top_Value:
It holds an integer value from 0 to 65535.This value sets the Top value of the counter TCNT1 i.e ICR.(for more info refer datasheet)
Each Micro controller has PWM output pins which can generate varying voltage
-from 0V-5V.This function Sets the duty cycle of output PWM signal.Also this function
-decides the Top Vale of TCNT1 and the output pin to output PWM signal.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
-AVRPWM1SetDuty(0,50,40000); //This function will produce PWM signal of 50% duty cycle on OC1A pin and TCNT1 will reset at 40000 instead at 65535.
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM1Setup.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM1Setup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 94e39295..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM1Setup.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- AVRPWM1Setup
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRPWM1Setup
- AVRPWM1Setup
Function to Setup OC1A or OC1B pin for required PWM mode
- waveform_mode:
integer, from 0 to 2
- - output_mode:
integer, from 0 to 1 (or 2) depending on the waveform_mode
- - output_pin:
0 (for OC1A) or 1 for (OC1B)
Every Micro controller has PWM pins which can generate varying voltages
-from 0V-5V.This function helps to use OC1A or OC1B pin to produces required
-output waveform by setting the waveform mode and otput mode.
waveform_mode can take values-
output_mode can take values-
For Phase correct PWM Mode:
-0 for Clear OC1A or OC1B on compare match when up-counting. Set OC1A or OC1B on compare match when down-counting.
-1 for Set OC1A or OC1B on compare match when up-counting. Clear OC1A or OC1B on compare match when down-counting.
-For Fast PWM Mode:
-0 for non-inverted output i.e Clear OC1A or OC1B on compare match, set OC1A or OC1B at BOTTOM.
-1 for inverted output i.e Set OC1A or OC1B on compare match, clear OC1A or OC1B at BOTTOM.
-For CTC Mode:
-0 to Clear OC1A or OC1B on compare match
-1 to Set OC1A or OC1B on compare match
-2 to toggle OC1A or OC1B on compare match
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
-AVRPWM1Setup(2,0,0); //This function will select CTC mode and will clear OC1A or OC1B
-on compare match.Also as defined the output will be produced at
-0C1A pin.
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM2SetDuty.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM2SetDuty.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ade4fa22..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM2SetDuty.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- AVRPWM2SetDuty
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRPWM2SetDuty
- AVRPWM2SetDuty
Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer2 at OC2 pin.
- duty :
It holds an integer value from 0 to 100 which sets the percentage of time for which signal is active.
Each Micro controller has PWM output pins which can generate varying voltage
-from 0V-5V.In this function by varying the duty cycle, varying voltage can be
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
-AVRPWM2SetDuty(50); //Produces 2.5V at OC2 pin
-AVRPWM2SetDuty(0); //Produces 0V at OC2 pin
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM2Setup.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM2Setup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 139693a4..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRPWM2Setup.html
+++ /dev/null
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- AVRPWM2Setup
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRPWM2Setup
- AVRPWM2Setup
Function to Setup OC2 pin for required PWM mode
- waveform_mode:
integer, from 0 to 2
- - output_mode:
integer, from 0 to 1 (or 2) depending on the waveform_mode
Every Micro controller has PWM pins which can generate varying voltages
-from 0V-5V.This function helps to use OC2 pin to produces required
-output waveform by setting the waveform mode and otput mode.
waveform_mode can take values-
output_mode can take values-
For Phase correct PWM Mode:
-0 for Clear OC2 on compare match when up-counting. Set OC2 on compare match when down-counting.
-1 for Set OC2 on compare match when up-counting. Clear OC2 on compare match when down-counting.
-For Fast PWM Mode:
-0 for non-inverted output i.e Clear OC2 on compare match, set OC2 at BOTTOM.
-1 for inverted output i.e Set OC2 on compare match, clear OC2 at BOTTOM.
-For CTC Mode:
-0 to Clear OC2 on compare match
-1 to Set OC2 on compare match
-2 to toggle OC2 on compare match
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
-AVRPWM2Setup(2,0); //This function will select CTC waveform mode and will clear OC2 on
-compare match
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRReadADC.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRReadADC.html
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index 47488b0a..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRReadADC.html
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- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRReadADC
Function to get voltage on analog pin on AVR
- channel :
Select which channel is to be read. Values from 0-7 select one of the pins ADC0-ADC7. For other possible channel values refer datasheet
This function returns digital value for present on adc pins. 'channel'
-selects which of the ADC0-ADC7 is to be used for reading analog value.
-Apart from reading just ADC0-ADC7 other it can also read differential
-voltages between some pins. For channel values for those options, please
-refer datasheet.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
adc_result = u8AVRReadADC(0) |  |  | |
- Siddhesh Wani
- - Ashish Kamble
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRSleep.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRSleep.html
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--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRSleep.html
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- AVRSleep
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRSleep
- AVRSleep
Function to pause the execution for the given time.
This function causes the execution to stop for the given amount of time.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
AVRSleep(5000); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRTimerSetup.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRTimerSetup.html
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index a8150938..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRTimerSetup.html
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- AVRTimerSetup
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRTimerSetup
- AVRTimerSetup
Function to setup Timers in ATmega16
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRUARTReceive.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRUARTReceive.html
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--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRUARTReceive.html
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- AVRUARTReceive
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRUARTReceive
- AVRUARTReceive
Function to Receive Char value send to ATmega16 using UART or USART.
This function Receives Char as 8 bit value.This value is stored in UDR at receiving
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
state = AVRUARTReceive(); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRUARTSetup.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRUARTSetup.html
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--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRUARTSetup.html
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- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRUARTSetup
Function to Setup Serial Communication i.e UART or USART in ATmega16.
- mode :
integer, from 0 to 2
- - baudrate :
Enter one of the following available baudrates (2400 , 4800 , 9600 , 14400 , 19200 , 28800 , 38400 , 57600 , 768000 , 115200 , 230400 , 250000 , 1000000)
- - stopbits :
integer, (0 for one stopbit) or (1 for two stopbits)
- - parity :
integer, from 0 to 2
This function Setup the UART or USART for Serial Communicaion between ATmega16
-and different micro controllers or between ATmega16 and Computer.
mode can take values:
parity can take values:
0 for parity disabled
-1 for even parity
-2 for odd parity
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
-with 9600 as baudrate,one stop bit and parity disabled |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRUARTTransmit.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRUARTTransmit.html
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index 36ce625e..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/AVRUARTTransmit.html
+++ /dev/null
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- AVRUARTTransmit
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > AVRUARTTransmit
- AVRUARTTransmit
Function to Transmit data using UART or USART.
This function Tranmits data over UART or USART.The data to be transmitted can
-be a Char , String , Unsigned Int, Signed Int.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for AVR.
AVRUARTTransmit("This is example"); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_AdaptiveThreshold.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_AdaptiveThreshold.html
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index b3e5a63c..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_AdaptiveThreshold.html
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- CV_AdaptiveThreshold
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_AdaptiveThreshold
- CV_AdaptiveThreshold
function to adaptively threshold input image
-Calling Sequence
dst = CV_AdaptiveThreshold(srcimg,max_value,adaptive_method,thresh_type,blk_size,c)
- src :
Source 8-bit single-channel image.
- - max_value :
Non-zero value assigned to the pixels for which the condition is satisfied. See the details below.
- - adaptive_method :
Adaptive thresholding algorithm to use, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C or ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C .
- - thresh_type :
Thresholding type that must be either THRESH_BINARY or THRESH_BINARY_INV .
- - blockSize :
Size of a pixel neighborhood that is used to calculate a threshold value for the pixel: 3, 5, 7, and so on.
- - C :
Constant subtracted from the mean or weighted mean.Normally, it is positive but may be zero or negative as well.
This function can be used for adaptively threshold given image
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_AdaptiveThreshold(img,255,"ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C", ...
-"THRESH_BINARY",5,0) |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Blur.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Blur.html
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index 1dbcc5bb..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Blur.html
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- CV_Blur
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_Blur
- CV_Blur
function to blur image using normalised box filter
-Calling Sequence
dst = CV_Blur(srcimg,ksize_width,ksize_height,anchor_x,anchor_y,border_type)
- srcimg :
Source image.
- - ksize_width, ksize_height :
blurring kernel size.
- - anchor_x, anchor_y :
x,y coordinates of anchor point
- - border_type :
border mode used to extrapolate pixels outside of the image.
This function can be used for blurring image using normalised box
-filter. Image can be of any depth and have any no of channels.
border_type can be :
- BORDER_REPLICATE: aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh
-- BORDER_REFLECT: fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb
-- BORDER_REFLECT_101: gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba
-- BORDER_WRAP: cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg
-- BORDER_CONSTANT: iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_Blur(img,3,3,-1,-1,"BORDER_CONSTANT") |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Canny.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Canny.html
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index dbf3ffc6..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Canny.html
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- CV_Canny
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_Canny
- CV_Canny
Finds edges in image using Canny algorithm
-Calling Sequence
edges = CV_Canny(srcimg,threhold1,threshold2,aperture_size,L2gradient)
- srcimg :
single-channel 8-bit input image.
- - threshold1 :
first threshold for the hysteresis procedure.
- - threshold2 :
second threshold for the hysteresis procedure.
- - aperture_size :
aperture size for the Sobel() operator.
- - L2gradient :
a flag, indicating whether a more accurate
This function can be used for finding edes in single channel 8 bit
-image. 'aperture_size' and 'L2gradient' are optionals. By default,
-aperture_size is 3 and L2gradient is false.
For L2gradient: L_2 norm =sqrt{(dI/dx)^2 + (dI/dy)^2} should be used to calculate the image gradient magnitude (L2gradient=1 ), or whether the default L_1 norm =|dI/dx|+|dI/dy| is enough (L2gradient=0).
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_CvtColor(img,"CV_RGB2GRAY");
-edge = CV_Canny(dst,50,100,3,0); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_CornerHarris.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_CornerHarris.html
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index 453169f2..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_CornerHarris.html
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- CV_CornerHarris
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_CornerHarris
- CV_CornerHarris
Finds edges in image using Harris algorithm
-Calling Sequence
edges = CV_CornerHarris(srcimg,blocksize,ksize,k,border_type)
- srcimg:
Input single-channel 8-bit or floating-point image.
- - blockSize:
Neighborhood size
- - ksize:
Aperture parameter for the Sobel() operator.
- - k:
Harris detector free parameter.
- - border_type:
border mode used to extrapolate pixels outside of the image.
The function runs the Harris edge detector on the image. For each pixel (x, y) it calculates a 2 * 2 gradient covariance matrix M(x,y) over a blockSize * blockSize neighborhood. Then, it computes the following characteristic: dst(x,y) = det(M(x,y)) - k .tr(M(x,y))^2. Corners in the image can be found as the local maxima of this response map.
border_type can be :
- BORDER_REPLICATE: aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh
-- BORDER_REFLECT: fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb
-- BORDER_REFLECT_101: gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba
-- BORDER_WRAP: cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg
-- BORDER_CONSTANT: iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_CvtColor(img,"CV_RGB2GRAY");
-edge = CV_CornerHarris(dst,5,3,1,"BORDER_REPLICATE"); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_CreateImage.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_CreateImage.html
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index 6e27eebd..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_CreateImage.html
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- CV_CreateImage
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_CreateImage
- CV_CreateImage
function to create an image object of given size and type
-Calling Sequence
- image_size:
width and height of image
- - bit_depth:
Bit depth of image elements
- - no_of_channels:
no of channels per pixels
This function can be used to create opencv image object. For more info about bit depth and channels,please refer to OpenCV documentation
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
CV_CreateImage([320 240], "IPL_DEPTH_8U", 1) |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_CvtColor.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_CvtColor.html
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index 43c27c9c..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_CvtColor.html
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- CV_CvtColor
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_CvtColor
- CV_CvtColor
function to convert image from one colorspace to other colorspace
- srcimg:
source image to be converted
- - dstimg:
destination image in which to store converted image
- - code:
String specifying conversion type. Same as defined in OpenCV. for eg. 'CV_RGB2GRAY' for conversion from RGB image to grayscale image
- - dstCn:
no of channels in destination image (0 by default)
This function can be used for converting an image to other colorspace.
-Refer OpenCV documentation for list of available conversions
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_CvtColor(img,'CV_RGB2GRAY') |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Dilate.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Dilate.html
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index f93f7ce2..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Dilate.html
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- CV_Dilate
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_Dilate
- CV_Dilate
dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
-Calling Sequence
cvtimg = CV_Dilate(srcimg,dilation_type,dilation_size,[iterations,border_type,border_value])
- src :
input image; the number of channels can be arbitrary, but the depth should be one of CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32F or CV_64F.
- - dilation_type :
- - dilation_size :
size of kernel to be used for erosion. Must be odd
- - iterations :
number of times erosion is applied.
- - border_type :
pixel extrapolation method.
- - border_value :
border value in case of a constant border
This function can be used for eroding an image. Kernel used for erosion is decided by type and size. Size must always be odd. Anchor pint of kernel is always center of kernel. Input arguements 'iterations(1), border_type(BORDER_CONSTANT) and border_value' are optionals. Whwn not specified, default values as as mentioned in brackets.
border_type can be :
BORDER_REPLICATE: aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh
-BORDER_REFLECT: fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb
-BORDER_REFLECT_101: gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba
-BORDER_WRAP: cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg
-BORDER_CONSTANT: iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_Erode(img,"MORPH_RECT",3,1,"BORDER_CONSTANT",0); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_DistanceTransform.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_DistanceTransform.html
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index 584fe1d3..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_DistanceTransform.html
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@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- CV_DistanceTransform
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_DistanceTransform
- CV_DistanceTransform
function to calculate distance to closest zero pixels for each pixel
-Calling Sequence
dst = CV_DistanceTransform(srcimg,distance_type,mask_size)
- srcimg :
Source 8-bit single-channel image.
- - distance_type :
Type of distance. It can be CV_DIST_L1, CV_DIST_L2 , or CV_DIST_C
- - mask_size :
Size of the distance transform mask
This function can be used to calculate distance to closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source image. Output is 32 bit floatingpoint, single channel image of the same size as that of source image.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_DistanceTransform(img,"CV_DIST_L1",3) |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Erode.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Erode.html
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index 921f2f95..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Erode.html
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- CV_Erode
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_Erode
- CV_Erode
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
-Calling Sequence
cvtimg = CV_Erode(srcimg,erosion_type,erosion_size,[iterations,border_type,border_value])
- src :
input image; the number of channels can be arbitrary, but the depth should be one of CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32F or CV_64F.
- - erosion_type :
- - erosion_size :
size of kernel to be used for erosion. Must be odd
- - iterations :
number of times erosion is applied.
- - border_type :
pixel extrapolation method.
- - border_value :
border value in case of a constant border
This function can be used for eroding an image. Kernel used for erosion is decided by type and size. Size must always be odd. Anchor pint of kernel is always center of kernel. Input arguements 'iterations(1), border_type(BORDER_CONSTANT) and border_value' are optionals. Whwn not specified, default values as as mentioned in brackets.
border_type can be :
- BORDER_REPLICATE: aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh
-- BORDER_REFLECT: fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb
-- BORDER_REFLECT_101: gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba
-- BORDER_WRAP: cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg
-- BORDER_CONSTANT: iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_Erode(img,"MORPH_RECT",3,1,"BORDER_CONSTANT",0); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_GaussianBlur.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_GaussianBlur.html
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index a5de7981..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_GaussianBlur.html
+++ /dev/null
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- CV_GaussianBlur
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_GaussianBlur
- CV_GaussianBlur
function to blur image using gaussian filter
-Calling Sequence
cvtimg = CV_GaussianBlur(srcimg,ksize_width,ksize_height,sigma_x,sigma_y,border_type)
- srcimg :
Source image.
- - ksize_width, ksize_height :
blurring kernel size. must be odd.
- - sigmaX :
Gaussian kernel standard deviation in X direction.
- - sigmaY :
Gaussian kernel standard deviation in Y direction;
- - border_type :
border mode used to extrapolate pixels outside of the image.
This function can be used for blurring image using gaussian filter. Image can be of any depth and have any no of channels.
For sigmaX and sigmaY : if sigmaY is zero, it is set to be equal to sigmaX, if both sigmas are zeros, they are computed from ksize.width and ksize.height , respectively.
border_type can be :
- BORDER_REPLICATE: aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh
-- BORDER_REFLECT: fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb
-- BORDER_REFLECT_101: gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba
-- BORDER_WRAP: cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg
-- BORDER_CONSTANT: iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_GaussianBlur(img,3,3,0,0,"BORDER_CONSTANT") |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_GetImgSize.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_GetImgSize.html
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index 4d610c34..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_GetImgSize.html
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- CV_GetImgSize
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_GetImgSize
- CV_GetImgSize
function to get size of the image (width*height)
- img:
image whose size is to be returned
This function can be used for retriving size information of the image.
-It returs an array with first image element as width and second as height
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-size = CV_GetImgSize(img) |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_LoadImage.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_LoadImage.html
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index 1d4a81b4..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_LoadImage.html
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- CV_LoadImage
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_LoadImage
- CV_LoadImage
function to load an image object from given filename
-Calling Sequence
- filename:
name of file to be opened
- - loadtype:
desired load method
This function can be used for loading a previously stored image
loadtype can take the following values:
less than 0 -> image is loaded as is (with alpha channel)
-0 -> image is loaded as greyscale
-greater than 0 -> 3 channel color image is loaded
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0) |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_MedianBlur.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_MedianBlur.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 276055bb..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_MedianBlur.html
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- CV_MedianBlur
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_MedianBlur
- CV_MedianBlur
function to blur image using median filter
-Calling Sequence
cvtimg = CV_MedianBlur(srcimg,ksize)
- srcimg :
input 1-, 3-, or 4-channel image; when ksize is 3 or 5, the image depth should be CV_8U, CV_16U, or CV_32F, for larger aperture sizes, it can only be CV_8U.
- - ksize_width :
aperture linear size; it must be odd and greater than 1, for example: 3, 5, 7 ...
This function can be used for blurring image using median
-filter. Image can be of any depth and have any no of channels.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_MedianBlur(img,3) |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_SaveImage.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_SaveImage.html
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index 02336d28..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_SaveImage.html
+++ /dev/null
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- CV_SaveImage
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_SaveImage
- CV_SaveImage
function to save an image object as a given filename
-Calling Sequence
- filename:
name of file image to be saved as
- - img:
image to be saved
This function can be used for saving image. File format is detected
-from file extension
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-CV_SaveImage('test1.png',img) |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_ShowImage.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_ShowImage.html
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index 3fa3cb90..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_ShowImage.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- CV_ShowImage
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_ShowImage
- CV_ShowImage
function to show an image
-Calling Sequence
- winname:
name of window in which img is to be shown
- - img:
image to be shown already acquired (from file/camera)
This function can be used for showing images
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-CV_ShowImage(img) |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Threshold.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Threshold.html
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index ae0ad860..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_Threshold.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- CV_Threshold
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_Threshold
- CV_Threshold
function to threshold input image
-Calling Sequence
dst = CV_Threshold(srcimg,code,threshold,max_value,thresh_type)
- srcimg:
source image to be converted
- - threshold:
threshold value
- - max_value:
maximum value to be used with THRESH_BINARY and THRESH_BINARY_INV
- - thresh_type:
This function can be used for converting an image to other colorspace.
-Refer OpenCV documentation for list of available conversions
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-dst = CV_Threshold(img,100,255,'THRESH_BINARY') |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_WaitKey.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_WaitKey.html
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index 42dc813d..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/CV_WaitKey.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- CV_WaitKey
- Scilab 2 C Converter >> Scilab 2 C Converter > CV_WaitKey
- CV_WaitKey
function similar to cvWaitKey
- delay:
waiting delay, if 0 then wait till keypress
This function can be used for inseting some delay. This function must
-follow CV_ShowImage to display image.
This is curretly dummy function. It provides no functionality but is required
-for providing support for generating C code for OpenCV
img = CV_LoadImage('~/test.jpg',0)
-CV_WaitKey(0); |  |  | |
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS
index adfdf403..9e78f935 100644
Binary files a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS and b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS differ
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS.TAB b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS.TAB
index 70fdaa9a..d9070a2e 100644
Binary files a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS.TAB and b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS.TAB differ
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/OFFSETS b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/OFFSETS
index 6825d91a..abba2687 100644
Binary files a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/OFFSETS and b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/OFFSETS differ
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/POSITIONS b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/POSITIONS
index e759693c..81b246b3 100644
Binary files a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/POSITIONS and b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/POSITIONS differ
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/SCHEMA b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/SCHEMA
index a427273e..94a57bbd 100644
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/SCHEMA
+++ b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/SCHEMA
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
JavaSearch 1.0
-TMAP bs=2048 rt=1 fl=-1 id1=731 id2=1
+TMAP bs=2048 rt=1 fl=-1 id1=732 id2=1
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/TMAP b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/TMAP
index 61c50b43..a4b959db 100644
Binary files a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/TMAP and b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/TMAP differ
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/index.html b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/index.html
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index 55a9600a..00000000
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/index.html
+++ /dev/null
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- Scilab 2 C Converter
-- Scilab 2 C Converter
- AVRADCSetup — Function to initialise ADC of AVR
-- AVRDigitalIn — Function to get state (high\low) of a digital input pin on AVR
-- AVRDigitalOut — Function to change state (high\low) of a digital output pin on AVR
-- AVRDigitalPortSetup — Function to decide direction of port on AVR
-- AVRDigitalSetup — Function to decide direction of a digital pin on AVR
-- AVRGetTimerValue — Function to get timer count
-- AVRPWM0SetDuty — Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer0 at OC0 pin.
-- AVRPWM0Setup — Function to Setup OC0 pin for required PWM mode
-- AVRPWM1SetDuty — Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer1 at OC1A or OC1B pin.
-- AVRPWM1Setup — Function to Setup OC1A or OC1B pin for required PWM mode
-- AVRPWM2SetDuty — Function to Set Duty cycle of PWM Output generated by Timer2 at OC2 pin.
-- AVRPWM2Setup — Function to Setup OC2 pin for required PWM mode
-- AVRReadADC — Function to get voltage on analog pin on AVR
-- AVRSleep — Function to pause the execution for the given time.
-- AVRTimerSetup — Function to setup Timers in ATmega16
-- AVRUARTReceive — Function to Receive Char value send to ATmega16 using UART or USART.
-- AVRUARTSetup — Function to Setup Serial Communication i.e UART or USART in ATmega16.
-- AVRUARTTransmit — Function to Transmit data using UART or USART.
-- CV_AdaptiveThreshold — function to adaptively threshold input image
-- CV_Blur — function to blur image using normalised box filter
-- CV_Canny — Finds edges in image using Canny algorithm
-- CV_CornerHarris — Finds edges in image using Harris algorithm
-- CV_CreateImage — function to create an image object of given size and type
-- CV_CvtColor — function to convert image from one colorspace to other colorspace
-- CV_Dilate — dilates an image by using a specific structuring element.
-- CV_DistanceTransform — function to calculate distance to closest zero pixels for each pixel
-- CV_Erode — Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element.
-- CV_GaussianBlur — function to blur image using gaussian filter
-- CV_GetImgSize — function to get size of the image (width*height)
-- CV_LoadImage — function to load an image object from given filename
-- CV_MedianBlur — function to blur image using median filter
-- CV_SaveImage — function to save an image object as a given filename
-- CV_ShowImage — function to show an image
-- CV_Threshold — function to threshold input image
-- CV_WaitKey — function similar to cvWaitKey
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/jhelpmap.jhm b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/jhelpmap.jhm
index 2466fe3a..f4fd3177 100644
--- a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/jhelpmap.jhm
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