path: root/macros/findDeps/getAllHeaders.bin
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-02-07Support for 'lqr' and 'lqe' addedsiddhu8990
2017-02-02Support for function 'schur' addedsiddhu8990
2016-08-29OpenCV interface changed from c to c++siddhu8990
2016-08-25Basic image prcessing working for RPisiddhu8990
2016-08-18RPi-PWM and basic imaage processingsiddhu8990
2016-07-25WiringPi used for RaspberryPi (Gpio, serial, Threads, ISRs)siddhu8990
2016-06-27test commitsiddhu8990
2016-06-14Support added for diff, norm functionssiddhu8990
2016-06-06File handling functions addedsiddhu8990
2016-05-27Support for basic ODE function addedsiddhu8990
2016-05-18Support added for kron, flipdimsiddhu8990
2016-05-10Added support for cumprod, cumsum, triu, tril functionssiddhu8990
2016-03-29Function conversion using scilab2c call (not working)siddhu8990
2016-03-07Errors in bit***.h files fixedsiddhu8990
2016-03-02Intermediate commitsiddhu8990
2016-02-01Support for RPi gpios addedsiddhu8990
2015-12-23Code generation for Arduino changed. DC motor added to Arduino.siddhu8990
2015-12-11AVR ADC checked after some modificationssiddhu8990
2015-12-08Modified so that code for all three output formats can be generatedsiddhu8990
2015-11-28Merged 'master' with Mushir's work'siddhu8990
2015-11-28Intermediate commit aith support added for AVR (GPIO,ADC). Does not support ↵siddhu8990
other targets.
2015-09-28Extension compatible with both - standalone and Arduino outputs.siddhu8990
2015-09-15Working arduino digital input and outputsiddhu8990
2015-09-11Changes made for making directory 'arduino' in output folder'siddhu8990
2015-09-10Arduino digital and analog out workingsiddhu8990
2015-09-07Scilab to arduino conversion working with some tweakssiddhu8990
2015-09-07Gui restored to working statesiddhu8990
2015-09-07Changes made for arduino supportsiddhu8990
2015-09-03Intermediate commit. Not to be usedsiddhu8990
2015-08-20Support for disp addedsiddhu8990
2015-08-06Multiplication tested for new data typesSiddhesh Wani
2015-08-04Tested Addition and Subtraction for new data typesSiddhesh Wani
2015-07-30Added new data types. Support for few functions with new data types added. ↵Siddhesh Wani
These changes requires proper testing
2015-05-25Original VersionSiddhesh Wani