AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-07Test functions added & LinearAlgebra ChangesSandeep Gupta
2017-07-07SQROOTSandeep Gupta
2017-07-07SPEC FunctionSandeep Gupta
2017-07-07HESSSandeep Gupta
2017-07-07SVA FunctionSandeep Gupta
2017-07-07SVD FunctionSandeep Gupta
2017-07-07NORMSandeep Gupta
2017-07-06Removed xml and html filesAbhinav Dronamraju
2017-07-06Added IscolumnAbhinav Dronamraju
2017-07-06Isrow all data typesAbhinav Dronamraju
2017-07-06Revert "LinearAlgebra Function Added"Brijeshcr
2017-07-06Added isrow entirelyAbhinav Dronamraju
2017-07-06ChangesSandeep Gupta
2017-07-05 removed bin filesAbhinav Dronamraju
2017-07-05added isrowAbhinav Dronamraju
2017-07-05LinearAlgebra updateSandeep Gupta
2017-07-05LinearAlgebra and MatrixOperation UpdateSandeep Gupta
2017-07-05error due to strcspn removedAnkitr19
2017-07-04Removed wiringPi.h include bug, added amell, bug removed for dct and idctSiddhu8990
2017-07-04Bug removed for dct and idctSiddhu8990
2017-07-04Merge branch 'uk_branch'ukashanoor
2017-07-04after debugging 2ukashanoor
2017-07-04New functions added and rpi issues resolvedAnkitr19
2017-07-04New function and rpi issues resolvedAnkitr19
2017-07-04Fixed standalone conversion errors with RPi filesJorawar Singh
2017-07-04after debugging 1ukashanoor
2017-07-01Merged Jorawer's work, Help files, RPi-scilab2csiddhu8990
2017-06-30merged main repo with localJorawar Singh
2017-06-30Matrix declaration modifiedsiddhu8990
2017-06-30Help files, modified Raspberry Pi code conversionJorawar Singh
2017-06-29changes after changing branch to master2ukashanoor
2017-06-29changes after changing branch to masterukashanoor
2017-06-29till disp completeukashanoor
2017-06-28float matrix done and func dispukashanoor
2017-06-27matrix complete1ukashanoor
2017-06-27matrix completeukashanoor
2017-06-21Merged new linear algebra functionssiddhu8990
2017-06-21Merged Ankit's work, signal processing and string functionssiddhu8990
2017-06-21Merged Ukasha's work, code generation for control loop changedsiddhu8990
2017-06-21Bug related to Arduino 'Board name' solvedsiddhu8990
2017-06-21Updated - Linear AlgebraSandeep Gupta
2017-06-21updated with main repoukashanoor
2017-06-21inter commitukashanoor
2017-06-21updated with main repoAnkit Raj
2017-06-21Merge branch 'master' of Raj
2017-06-21Functions added - string related and signal processingAnkit Raj
2017-06-21Updated Scilab2CAnkit Raj
2017-06-2020-06-17Sandeep Gupta
2017-06-20Merged with Yash's work. Gui modified for Arduino board selection. Arduino I2...siddhu8990
2017-06-20Bug fixed for GSL librarysiddhu8990