path: root/thirdparty/includes/OpenCV/opencv2/legacy/compat.hpp
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+// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
+// If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
+// copy or use the software.
+// Intel License Agreement
+// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
+// Copyright( C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
+// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// * The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote products
+// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
+// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
+// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
+// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
+// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
+//(including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
+// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
+// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
+// or tort(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
+// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+ A few macros and definitions for backward compatibility
+ with the previous versions of OpenCV. They are obsolete and
+ are likely to be removed in future. To check whether your code
+ uses any of these, define CV_NO_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY before
+ including cv.h.
+#ifndef __OPENCV_COMPAT_HPP__
+#define __OPENCV_COMPAT_HPP__
+#include "opencv2/core/core_c.h"
+#include "opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef int CvMatType;
+typedef int CvDisMaskType;
+typedef CvMat CvMatArray;
+typedef int CvThreshType;
+typedef int CvAdaptiveThreshMethod;
+typedef int CvCompareMethod;
+typedef int CvFontFace;
+typedef int CvPolyApproxMethod;
+typedef int CvContoursMatchMethod;
+typedef int CvContourTreesMatchMethod;
+typedef int CvCoeffType;
+typedef int CvRodriguesType;
+typedef int CvElementShape;
+typedef int CvMorphOp;
+typedef int CvTemplMatchMethod;
+typedef CvPoint2D64f CvPoint2D64d;
+typedef CvPoint3D64f CvPoint3D64d;
+ CV_MAT32F = CV_32FC1,
+ CV_MAT3x1_32F = CV_32FC1,
+ CV_MAT4x1_32F = CV_32FC1,
+ CV_MAT3x3_32F = CV_32FC1,
+ CV_MAT4x4_32F = CV_32FC1,
+ CV_MAT64D = CV_64FC1,
+ CV_MAT3x1_64D = CV_64FC1,
+ CV_MAT4x1_64D = CV_64FC1,
+ CV_MAT3x3_64D = CV_64FC1,
+ CV_MAT4x4_64D = CV_64FC1
+ IPL_GAUSSIAN_5x5 = 7
+typedef CvBox2D CvBox2D32f;
+/* allocation/deallocation macros */
+#define cvCreateImageData cvCreateData
+#define cvReleaseImageData cvReleaseData
+#define cvSetImageData cvSetData
+#define cvGetImageRawData cvGetRawData
+#define cvmAlloc cvCreateData
+#define cvmFree cvReleaseData
+#define cvmAllocArray cvCreateData
+#define cvmFreeArray cvReleaseData
+#define cvIntegralImage cvIntegral
+#define cvMatchContours cvMatchShapes
+CV_EXPORTS CvMat cvMatArray( int rows, int cols, int type,
+ int count, void* data CV_DEFAULT(0));
+#define cvUpdateMHIByTime cvUpdateMotionHistory
+#define cvAccMask cvAcc
+#define cvSquareAccMask cvSquareAcc
+#define cvMultiplyAccMask cvMultiplyAcc
+#define cvRunningAvgMask(imgY, imgU, mask, alpha) cvRunningAvg(imgY, imgU, alpha, mask)
+#define cvSetHistThresh cvSetHistBinRanges
+#define cvCalcHistMask(img, mask, hist, doNotClear) cvCalcHist(img, hist, doNotClear, mask)
+CV_EXPORTS double cvMean( const CvArr* image, const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(0));
+CV_EXPORTS double cvSumPixels( const CvArr* image );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvMean_StdDev( const CvArr* image, double* mean, double* sdv,
+ const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(0));
+CV_EXPORTS void cvmPerspectiveProject( const CvMat* mat, const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvFillImage( CvArr* mat, double color );
+#define cvCvtPixToPlane cvSplit
+#define cvCvtPlaneToPix cvMerge
+typedef struct CvRandState
+ CvRNG state; /* RNG state (the current seed and carry)*/
+ int disttype; /* distribution type */
+ CvScalar param[2]; /* parameters of RNG */
+} CvRandState;
+/* Changes RNG range while preserving RNG state */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvRandSetRange( CvRandState* state, double param1,
+ double param2, int index CV_DEFAULT(-1));
+CV_EXPORTS void cvRandInit( CvRandState* state, double param1,
+ double param2, int seed,
+ int disttype CV_DEFAULT(CV_RAND_UNI));
+/* Fills array with random numbers */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvRand( CvRandState* state, CvArr* arr );
+#define cvRandNext( _state ) cvRandInt( &(_state)->state )
+CV_EXPORTS void cvbRand( CvRandState* state, float* dst, int len );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvbCartToPolar( const float* y, const float* x,
+ float* magnitude, float* angle, int len );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvbFastArctan( const float* y, const float* x, float* angle, int len );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvbSqrt( const float* x, float* y, int len );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvbInvSqrt( const float* x, float* y, int len );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvbReciprocal( const float* x, float* y, int len );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvbFastExp( const float* x, double* y, int len );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvbFastLog( const double* x, float* y, int len );
+CV_EXPORTS CvRect cvContourBoundingRect( void* point_set, int update CV_DEFAULT(0));
+CV_EXPORTS double cvPseudoInverse( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst );
+#define cvPseudoInv cvPseudoInverse
+#define cvContourMoments( contour, moments ) cvMoments( contour, moments, 0 )
+#define cvGetPtrAt cvPtr2D
+#define cvGetAt cvGet2D
+#define cvSetAt(arr,val,y,x) cvSet2D((arr),(y),(x),(val))
+#define cvMeanMask cvMean
+#define cvMean_StdDevMask(img,mask,mean,sdv) cvMean_StdDev(img,mean,sdv,mask)
+#define cvNormMask(imgA,imgB,mask,normType) cvNorm(imgA,imgB,normType,mask)
+#define cvMinMaxLocMask(img, mask, min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc) \
+ cvMinMaxLoc(img, min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc, mask)
+#define cvRemoveMemoryManager cvSetMemoryManager
+#define cvmSetZero( mat ) cvSetZero( mat )
+#define cvmSetIdentity( mat ) cvSetIdentity( mat )
+#define cvmAdd( src1, src2, dst ) cvAdd( src1, src2, dst, 0 )
+#define cvmSub( src1, src2, dst ) cvSub( src1, src2, dst, 0 )
+#define cvmCopy( src, dst ) cvCopy( src, dst, 0 )
+#define cvmMul( src1, src2, dst ) cvMatMulAdd( src1, src2, 0, dst )
+#define cvmTranspose( src, dst ) cvT( src, dst )
+#define cvmInvert( src, dst ) cvInv( src, dst )
+#define cvmMahalanobis(vec1, vec2, mat) cvMahalanobis( vec1, vec2, mat )
+#define cvmDotProduct( vec1, vec2 ) cvDotProduct( vec1, vec2 )
+#define cvmCrossProduct(vec1, vec2,dst) cvCrossProduct( vec1, vec2, dst )
+#define cvmTrace( mat ) (cvTrace( mat )).val[0]
+#define cvmMulTransposed( src, dst, order ) cvMulTransposed( src, dst, order )
+#define cvmEigenVV( mat, evec, eval, eps) cvEigenVV( mat, evec, eval, eps )
+#define cvmDet( mat ) cvDet( mat )
+#define cvmScale( src, dst, scale ) cvScale( src, dst, scale )
+#define cvCopyImage( src, dst ) cvCopy( src, dst, 0 )
+#define cvReleaseMatHeader cvReleaseMat
+/* Calculates exact convex hull of 2d point set */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvConvexHull( CvPoint* points, int num_points,
+ CvRect* bound_rect,
+ int orientation, int* hull, int* hullsize );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvMinAreaRect( CvPoint* points, int n,
+ int left, int bottom,
+ int right, int top,
+ CvPoint2D32f* anchor,
+ CvPoint2D32f* vect1,
+ CvPoint2D32f* vect2 );
+typedef int CvDisType;
+typedef int CvChainApproxMethod;
+typedef int CvContourRetrievalMode;
+CV_EXPORTS void cvFitLine3D( CvPoint3D32f* points, int count, int dist,
+ void *param, float reps, float aeps, float* line );
+/* Fits a line into set of 2d points in a robust way (M-estimator technique) */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvFitLine2D( CvPoint2D32f* points, int count, int dist,
+ void *param, float reps, float aeps, float* line );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvFitEllipse( const CvPoint2D32f* points, int count, CvBox2D* box );
+/* Projects 2d points to one of standard coordinate planes
+ (i.e. removes one of coordinates) */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvProject3D( CvPoint3D32f* points3D, int count,
+ CvPoint2D32f* points2D,
+ int xIndx CV_DEFAULT(0),
+ int yIndx CV_DEFAULT(1));
+/* Retrieves value of the particular bin
+ of x-dimensional (x=1,2,3,...) histogram */
+#define cvQueryHistValue_1D( hist, idx0 ) \
+ ((float)cvGetReal1D( (hist)->bins, (idx0)))
+#define cvQueryHistValue_2D( hist, idx0, idx1 ) \
+ ((float)cvGetReal2D( (hist)->bins, (idx0), (idx1)))
+#define cvQueryHistValue_3D( hist, idx0, idx1, idx2 ) \
+ ((float)cvGetReal3D( (hist)->bins, (idx0), (idx1), (idx2)))
+#define cvQueryHistValue_nD( hist, idx ) \
+ ((float)cvGetRealND( (hist)->bins, (idx)))
+/* Returns pointer to the particular bin of x-dimesional histogram.
+ For sparse histogram the bin is created if it didn't exist before */
+#define cvGetHistValue_1D( hist, idx0 ) \
+ ((float*)cvPtr1D( (hist)->bins, (idx0), 0))
+#define cvGetHistValue_2D( hist, idx0, idx1 ) \
+ ((float*)cvPtr2D( (hist)->bins, (idx0), (idx1), 0))
+#define cvGetHistValue_3D( hist, idx0, idx1, idx2 ) \
+ ((float*)cvPtr3D( (hist)->bins, (idx0), (idx1), (idx2), 0))
+#define cvGetHistValue_nD( hist, idx ) \
+ ((float*)cvPtrND( (hist)->bins, (idx), 0))
+CV_EXPORTS int cvHoughLines( CvArr* image, double rho,
+ double theta, int threshold,
+ float* lines, int linesNumber );
+CV_EXPORTS int cvHoughLinesP( CvArr* image, double rho,
+ double theta, int threshold,
+ int lineLength, int lineGap,
+ int* lines, int linesNumber );
+CV_EXPORTS int cvHoughLinesSDiv( CvArr* image, double rho, int srn,
+ double theta, int stn, int threshold,
+ float* lines, int linesNumber );
+CV_EXPORTS float cvCalcEMD( const float* signature1, int size1,
+ const float* signature2, int size2,
+ int dims, int dist_type CV_DEFAULT(CV_DIST_L2),
+ CvDistanceFunction dist_func CV_DEFAULT(0),
+ float* lower_bound CV_DEFAULT(0),
+ void* user_param CV_DEFAULT(0));
+CV_EXPORTS void cvKMeans( int num_clusters, float** samples,
+ int num_samples, int vec_size,
+ CvTermCriteria termcrit, int* cluster_idx );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvStartScanGraph( CvGraph* graph, CvGraphScanner* scanner,
+ CvGraphVtx* vtx CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
+CV_EXPORTS void cvEndScanGraph( CvGraphScanner* scanner );
+/* old drawing functions */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvLineAA( CvArr* img, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2,
+ double color, int scale CV_DEFAULT(0));
+CV_EXPORTS void cvCircleAA( CvArr* img, CvPoint center, int radius,
+ double color, int scale CV_DEFAULT(0) );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvEllipseAA( CvArr* img, CvPoint center, CvSize axes,
+ double angle, double start_angle,
+ double end_angle, double color,
+ int scale CV_DEFAULT(0) );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvPolyLineAA( CvArr* img, CvPoint** pts, int* npts, int contours,
+ int is_closed, double color, int scale CV_DEFAULT(0) );
+* Pixel Access Macros *
+typedef struct _CvPixelPosition8u
+ uchar* currline; /* pointer to the start of the current pixel line */
+ uchar* topline; /* pointer to the start of the top pixel line */
+ uchar* bottomline; /* pointer to the start of the first line */
+ /* which is below the image */
+ int x; /* current x coordinate ( in pixels ) */
+ int width; /* width of the image ( in pixels ) */
+ int height; /* height of the image ( in pixels ) */
+ int step; /* distance between lines ( in elements of single */
+ /* plane ) */
+ int step_arr[3]; /* array: ( 0, -step, step ). It is used for */
+ /* vertical moving */
+} CvPixelPosition8u;
+/* this structure differs from the above only in data type */
+typedef struct _CvPixelPosition8s
+ schar* currline;
+ schar* topline;
+ schar* bottomline;
+ int x;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int step;
+ int step_arr[3];
+} CvPixelPosition8s;
+/* this structure differs from the CvPixelPosition8u only in data type */
+typedef struct _CvPixelPosition32f
+ float* currline;
+ float* topline;
+ float* bottomline;
+ int x;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int step;
+ int step_arr[3];
+} CvPixelPosition32f;
+/* Initialize one of the CvPixelPosition structures. */
+/* pos - initialized structure */
+/* origin - pointer to the left-top corner of the ROI */
+/* step - width of the whole image in bytes */
+/* roi - width & height of the ROI */
+/* x, y - initial position */
+#define CV_INIT_PIXEL_POS(pos, origin, _step, roi, _x, _y, orientation) \
+ ( \
+ (pos).step = (_step)/sizeof((pos).currline[0]) * (orientation ? -1 : 1), \
+ (pos).width = (roi).width, \
+ (pos).height = (roi).height, \
+ (pos).bottomline = (origin) + (pos).step*(pos).height, \
+ (pos).topline = (origin) - (pos).step, \
+ (pos).step_arr[0] = 0, \
+ (pos).step_arr[1] = -(pos).step, \
+ (pos).step_arr[2] = (pos).step, \
+ (pos).x = (_x), \
+ (pos).currline = (origin) + (pos).step*(_y) )
+/* Move to specified point ( absolute shift ) */
+/* pos - position structure */
+/* x, y - coordinates of the new position */
+/* cs - number of the image channels */
+#define CV_MOVE_TO( pos, _x, _y, cs ) \
+((pos).currline = (_y) >= 0 && (_y) < (pos).height ? (pos).topline + ((_y)+1)*(pos).step : 0, \
+ (pos).x = (_x) >= 0 && (_x) < (pos).width ? (_x) : 0, (pos).currline + (_x) * (cs) )
+/* Get current coordinates */
+/* pos - position structure */
+/* x, y - coordinates of the new position */
+/* cs - number of the image channels */
+#define CV_GET_CURRENT( pos, cs ) ((pos).currline + (pos).x * (cs))
+/* Move by one pixel relatively to current position */
+/* pos - position structure */
+/* cs - number of the image channels */
+/* left */
+#define CV_MOVE_LEFT( pos, cs ) \
+ ( --(pos).x >= 0 ? (pos).currline + (pos).x*(cs) : 0 )
+/* right */
+#define CV_MOVE_RIGHT( pos, cs ) \
+ ( ++(pos).x < (pos).width ? (pos).currline + (pos).x*(cs) : 0 )
+/* up */
+#define CV_MOVE_UP( pos, cs ) \
+ (((pos).currline -= (pos).step) != (pos).topline ? (pos).currline + (pos).x*(cs) : 0 )
+/* down */
+#define CV_MOVE_DOWN( pos, cs ) \
+ (((pos).currline += (pos).step) != (pos).bottomline ? (pos).currline + (pos).x*(cs) : 0 )
+/* left up */
+#define CV_MOVE_LU( pos, cs ) ( CV_MOVE_LEFT(pos, cs), CV_MOVE_UP(pos, cs))
+/* right up */
+#define CV_MOVE_RU( pos, cs ) ( CV_MOVE_RIGHT(pos, cs), CV_MOVE_UP(pos, cs))
+/* left down */
+#define CV_MOVE_LD( pos, cs ) ( CV_MOVE_LEFT(pos, cs), CV_MOVE_DOWN(pos, cs))
+/* right down */
+#define CV_MOVE_RD( pos, cs ) ( CV_MOVE_RIGHT(pos, cs), CV_MOVE_DOWN(pos, cs))
+/* Move by one pixel relatively to current position with wrapping when the position */
+/* achieves image boundary */
+/* pos - position structure */
+/* cs - number of the image channels */
+/* left */
+#define CV_MOVE_LEFT_WRAP( pos, cs ) \
+ ((pos).currline + ( --(pos).x >= 0 ? (pos).x : ((pos).x = (pos).width-1))*(cs))
+/* right */
+#define CV_MOVE_RIGHT_WRAP( pos, cs ) \
+ ((pos).currline + ( ++(pos).x < (pos).width ? (pos).x : ((pos).x = 0))*(cs) )
+/* up */
+#define CV_MOVE_UP_WRAP( pos, cs ) \
+ ((((pos).currline -= (pos).step) != (pos).topline ? \
+ (pos).currline : ((pos).currline = (pos).bottomline - (pos).step)) + (pos).x*(cs) )
+/* down */
+#define CV_MOVE_DOWN_WRAP( pos, cs ) \
+ ((((pos).currline += (pos).step) != (pos).bottomline ? \
+ (pos).currline : ((pos).currline = (pos).topline + (pos).step)) + (pos).x*(cs) )
+/* left up */
+#define CV_MOVE_LU_WRAP( pos, cs ) ( CV_MOVE_LEFT_WRAP(pos, cs), CV_MOVE_UP_WRAP(pos, cs))
+/* right up */
+#define CV_MOVE_RU_WRAP( pos, cs ) ( CV_MOVE_RIGHT_WRAP(pos, cs), CV_MOVE_UP_WRAP(pos, cs))
+/* left down */
+#define CV_MOVE_LD_WRAP( pos, cs ) ( CV_MOVE_LEFT_WRAP(pos, cs), CV_MOVE_DOWN_WRAP(pos, cs))
+/* right down */
+#define CV_MOVE_RD_WRAP( pos, cs ) ( CV_MOVE_RIGHT_WRAP(pos, cs), CV_MOVE_DOWN_WRAP(pos, cs))
+/* Numeric constants which used for moving in arbitrary direction */
+ CV_SHIFT_UP = 6,
+ CV_SHIFT_LU = 5,
+ CV_SHIFT_RU = 7,
+ CV_SHIFT_LD = 9,
+ CV_SHIFT_RD = 11
+/* Move by one pixel in specified direction */
+/* pos - position structure */
+/* shift - direction ( it's value must be one of the CV_SHIFT_Ö constants ) */
+/* cs - number of the image channels */
+#define CV_MOVE_PARAM( pos, shift, cs ) \
+ ( (pos).currline += (pos).step_arr[(shift)>>2], (pos).x += ((shift)&3)-2, \
+ ((pos).currline != (pos).topline && (pos).currline != (pos).bottomline && \
+ (pos).x >= 0 && (pos).x < (pos).width) ? (pos).currline + (pos).x*(cs) : 0 )
+/* Move by one pixel in specified direction with wrapping when the */
+/* position achieves image boundary */
+/* pos - position structure */
+/* shift - direction ( it's value must be one of the CV_SHIFT_Ö constants ) */
+/* cs - number of the image channels */
+#define CV_MOVE_PARAM_WRAP( pos, shift, cs ) \
+ ( (pos).currline += (pos).step_arr[(shift)>>2], \
+ (pos).currline = ((pos).currline == (pos).topline ? \
+ (pos).bottomline - (pos).step : \
+ (pos).currline == (pos).bottomline ? \
+ (pos).topline + (pos).step : (pos).currline), \
+ \
+ (pos).x += ((shift)&3)-2, \
+ (pos).x = ((pos).x < 0 ? (pos).width-1 : (pos).x >= (pos).width ? 0 : (pos).x), \
+ \
+ (pos).currline + (pos).x*(cs) )
+typedef float* CvVect32f;
+typedef float* CvMatr32f;
+typedef double* CvVect64d;
+typedef double* CvMatr64d;
+CV_EXPORTS void cvUnDistortOnce( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
+ const float* intrinsic_matrix,
+ const float* distortion_coeffs,
+ int interpolate );
+/* the two functions below have quite hackerish implementations, use with care
+ (or, which is better, switch to cvUndistortInitMap and cvRemap instead */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvUnDistortInit( const CvArr* src,
+ CvArr* undistortion_map,
+ const float* A, const float* k,
+ int interpolate );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvUnDistort( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
+ const CvArr* undistortion_map,
+ int interpolate );
+/* Find fundamental matrix */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvFindFundamentalMatrix( int* points1, int* points2,
+ int numpoints, int method, float* matrix );
+CV_EXPORTS int cvFindChessBoardCornerGuesses( const void* arr, void* thresharr,
+ CvMemStorage* storage,
+ CvSize pattern_size, CvPoint2D32f * corners,
+ int *corner_count );
+/* Calibrates camera using multiple views of calibration pattern */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvCalibrateCamera( int image_count, int* _point_counts,
+ CvSize image_size, CvPoint2D32f* _image_points, CvPoint3D32f* _object_points,
+ float* _distortion_coeffs, float* _camera_matrix, float* _translation_vectors,
+ float* _rotation_matrices, int flags );
+CV_EXPORTS void cvCalibrateCamera_64d( int image_count, int* _point_counts,
+ CvSize image_size, CvPoint2D64f* _image_points, CvPoint3D64f* _object_points,
+ double* _distortion_coeffs, double* _camera_matrix, double* _translation_vectors,
+ double* _rotation_matrices, int flags );
+/* Find 3d position of object given intrinsic camera parameters,
+ 3d model of the object and projection of the object into view plane */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams( int point_count,
+ CvSize image_size, CvPoint2D32f* _image_points,
+ CvPoint3D32f* _object_points, float* focal_length,
+ CvPoint2D32f principal_point, float* _distortion_coeffs,
+ float* _rotation_vector, float* _translation_vector );
+/* Variant of the previous function that takes double-precision parameters */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams_64d( int point_count,
+ CvSize image_size, CvPoint2D64f* _image_points,
+ CvPoint3D64f* _object_points, double* focal_length,
+ CvPoint2D64f principal_point, double* _distortion_coeffs,
+ double* _rotation_vector, double* _translation_vector );
+/* Rodrigues transform */
+/* Converts rotation_matrix matrix to rotation_matrix vector or vice versa */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvRodrigues( CvMat* rotation_matrix, CvMat* rotation_vector,
+ CvMat* jacobian, int conv_type );
+/* Does reprojection of 3d object points to the view plane */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvProjectPoints( int point_count, CvPoint3D64f* _object_points,
+ double* _rotation_vector, double* _translation_vector,
+ double* focal_length, CvPoint2D64f principal_point,
+ double* _distortion, CvPoint2D64f* _image_points,
+ double* _deriv_points_rotation_matrix,
+ double* _deriv_points_translation_vect,
+ double* _deriv_points_focal,
+ double* _deriv_points_principal_point,
+ double* _deriv_points_distortion_coeffs );
+/* Simpler version of the previous function */
+CV_EXPORTS void cvProjectPointsSimple( int point_count, CvPoint3D64f* _object_points,
+ double* _rotation_matrix, double* _translation_vector,
+ double* _camera_matrix, double* _distortion, CvPoint2D64f* _image_points );
+#define cvMake2DPoints cvConvertPointsHomogeneous
+#define cvMake3DPoints cvConvertPointsHomogeneous
+#define cvWarpPerspectiveQMatrix cvGetPerspectiveTransform
+#define cvConvertPointsHomogenious cvConvertPointsHomogeneous
+//////////////////////////////////// feature extractors: obsolete API //////////////////////////////////
+typedef struct CvSURFPoint
+ CvPoint2D32f pt;
+ int laplacian;
+ int size;
+ float dir;
+ float hessian;
+} CvSURFPoint;
+CV_INLINE CvSURFPoint cvSURFPoint( CvPoint2D32f pt, int laplacian,
+ int size, float dir CV_DEFAULT(0),
+ float hessian CV_DEFAULT(0))
+ CvSURFPoint kp;
+ = pt;
+ kp.laplacian = laplacian;
+ kp.size = size;
+ kp.dir = dir;
+ kp.hessian = hessian;
+ return kp;
+typedef struct CvSURFParams
+ int extended;
+ int upright;
+ double hessianThreshold;
+ int nOctaves;
+ int nOctaveLayers;
+} CvSURFParams;
+CVAPI(CvSURFParams) cvSURFParams( double hessianThreshold, int extended CV_DEFAULT(0) );
+// If useProvidedKeyPts!=0, keypoints are not detected, but descriptors are computed
+// at the locations provided in keypoints (a CvSeq of CvSURFPoint).
+CVAPI(void) cvExtractSURF( const CvArr* img, const CvArr* mask,
+ CvSeq** keypoints, CvSeq** descriptors,
+ CvMemStorage* storage, CvSURFParams params,
+ int useProvidedKeyPts CV_DEFAULT(0) );
+ Maximal Stable Regions Parameters
+ */
+typedef struct CvMSERParams
+ //! delta, in the code, it compares (size_{i}-size_{i-delta})/size_{i-delta}
+ int delta;
+ //! prune the area which bigger than maxArea
+ int maxArea;
+ //! prune the area which smaller than minArea
+ int minArea;
+ //! prune the area have simliar size to its children
+ float maxVariation;
+ //! trace back to cut off mser with diversity < min_diversity
+ float minDiversity;
+ /////// the next few params for MSER of color image
+ //! for color image, the evolution steps
+ int maxEvolution;
+ //! the area threshold to cause re-initialize
+ double areaThreshold;
+ //! ignore too small margin
+ double minMargin;
+ //! the aperture size for edge blur
+ int edgeBlurSize;
+} CvMSERParams;
+CVAPI(CvMSERParams) cvMSERParams( int delta CV_DEFAULT(5), int min_area CV_DEFAULT(60),
+ int max_area CV_DEFAULT(14400), float max_variation CV_DEFAULT(.25f),
+ float min_diversity CV_DEFAULT(.2f), int max_evolution CV_DEFAULT(200),
+ double area_threshold CV_DEFAULT(1.01),
+ double min_margin CV_DEFAULT(.003),
+ int edge_blur_size CV_DEFAULT(5) );
+// Extracts the contours of Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
+CVAPI(void) cvExtractMSER( CvArr* _img, CvArr* _mask, CvSeq** contours, CvMemStorage* storage, CvMSERParams params );
+typedef struct CvStarKeypoint
+ CvPoint pt;
+ int size;
+ float response;
+} CvStarKeypoint;
+CV_INLINE CvStarKeypoint cvStarKeypoint(CvPoint pt, int size, float response)
+ CvStarKeypoint kpt;
+ = pt;
+ kpt.size = size;
+ kpt.response = response;
+ return kpt;
+typedef struct CvStarDetectorParams
+ int maxSize;
+ int responseThreshold;
+ int lineThresholdProjected;
+ int lineThresholdBinarized;
+ int suppressNonmaxSize;
+} CvStarDetectorParams;
+CV_INLINE CvStarDetectorParams cvStarDetectorParams(
+ int maxSize CV_DEFAULT(45),
+ int responseThreshold CV_DEFAULT(30),
+ int lineThresholdProjected CV_DEFAULT(10),
+ int lineThresholdBinarized CV_DEFAULT(8),
+ int suppressNonmaxSize CV_DEFAULT(5))
+ CvStarDetectorParams params;
+ params.maxSize = maxSize;
+ params.responseThreshold = responseThreshold;
+ params.lineThresholdProjected = lineThresholdProjected;
+ params.lineThresholdBinarized = lineThresholdBinarized;
+ params.suppressNonmaxSize = suppressNonmaxSize;
+ return params;
+CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvGetStarKeypoints( const CvArr* img, CvMemStorage* storage,
+ CvStarDetectorParams params CV_DEFAULT(cvStarDetectorParams()));
+#ifdef __cplusplus