path: root/src/signalProcessing/levin/levinUtils.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/signalProcessing/levin/levinUtils.h')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/levin/levinUtils.h b/src/signalProcessing/levin/levinUtils.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62df88f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/levin/levinUtils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Arnaud TORSET
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/* creation of arrays used in levin */
+void dr1(double *in,int lines,int columns, int n, double * out);
+void dr2(double *in,int lines,int columns, int n, double * out);
+void dr3(double *in,int lines,int columns, int n, double * out);
+void dr4(double *in,int lines,int columns, int n, double * out);
+void sr1(float *in,int lines,int columns, int n, float * out);
+void sr2(float *in,int lines,int columns, int n, float * out);
+void sr3(float *in,int lines,int columns, int n, float * out);
+void sr4(float *in,int lines,int columns, int n, float * out);
+/*multiplications used in levin program, differents from the classic multiplication*/
+ in1,in2 : matrices to multiply
+ n :
+ columns : number of columns of in2
+ ind_boucle : indice of the loop
+ out : result matrix
+ lines : number of lines of the result
+ deb_out : 0 if the result start to the indice 0, 1 otherwise
+ choix : 'u' or 'd', depends of in2. We take either the k first elements of in2 ('u') or the k last ('d'),
+ k is a nomber which depends of the indice of loop, the columns ...
+ */
+void dlevinmul(double* in1, double* in2, int n, int columns, int ind_boucle, double* out, int lines, int deb_out,char choix);
+void dlevinmul2(double* in1, double *in2,int ind_boucle,int n,int columns,double* out);
+void slevinmul(float* in1, float* in2, int n, int columns, int ind_boucle, float* out, int lines, int deb_out,char choix);
+void slevinmul2(float* in1, float *in2,int ind_boucle,int n,int columns,float* out);
+/*take the values of sig wanted*/
+void dlevinsig(double *sig,int n, int columns, int lines, double *sig1);
+void slevinsig(float *sig,int n, int columns, int lines, float *sig1);
+/*a subtraction used in levin program, is different from the classic subtraction cause of the indices*/
+ in1,in2 : matrices to subtract
+ n :
+ columns : number of columns of in2
+ deb_in : place of the first element of in1
+ ind_boucle : indice of the loop
+ out : result matrix
+ */
+void dlevinsub(double* in1, double* in2, int n, int columns, int deb_in, int ind_boucle, double* out);
+void slevinsub(float* in1, float* in2, int n, int columns, int deb_in, int ind_boucle, float* out);
+/*used for the multiplication by z which is equal to step forward*/
+void ddecalage(double* in, int deb_in,int n,int columns,double * out);
+void sdecalage(float* in, int deb_in,int n,int columns,float * out);