path: root/src/matrixOperations/logm/comqr3.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/matrixOperations/logm/comqr3.c')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/matrixOperations/logm/comqr3.c b/src/matrixOperations/logm/comqr3.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e8fb063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/matrixOperations/logm/comqr3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Arnaud TORSET
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ /*
+ This is a transcription of the fortran subroutine comqr3.f
+ */
+#include "logm_internal.h"
+#include "sqrt.h"
+#include "abs.h"
+#include "addition.h"
+#include "subtraction.h"
+#include "multiplication.h"
+#include "division.h"
+#include "pythag.h"
+#include "conj.h"
+#include "min.h"
+void comqr3(doubleComplex* in, int n, doubleComplex* w, int low, int high, int job, doubleComplex* z){
+ /* Variables */
+ int i=0, j=0, l=0, ll=0, ip1=0;
+ int ierr=0, iend=0, jx=0, jy=0, en=0, itn=0, its=0, enm1=0, lp1=0;
+ int boucle_220=0, boucle_240=0;
+ double norm;
+ doubleComplex s,t,x,y,zz;
+ ierr=0;
+ jx=job/10;
+ jy=job%10;
+ /*......... create real subdiagonal elements ..........*/
+ iend = high-low-1;
+ if (iend>=0){
+ l=low+1;
+ for(i=l;i<=high;i++){
+ ll=min(i+1,high);
+ if (zimags(in[(i-2)*n+i-1])!=0){
+ norm = dpythags(zreals(in[(i-2)*n+i-1]),zimags(in[(i-2)*n+i-1]));
+ y=zrdivs(in[(i-2)*n+i-1],DoubleComplex(norm,0));
+ in[(i-2)*n+i-1]=DoubleComplex(norm,0);
+ for(j=i;j<=n;j++){
+ s=DoubleComplex(0, zimags(zmuls(y,zconjs(in[(j-1)*n+i-1]))));
+ in[(j-1)*n+i-1] = DoubleComplex(zreals(zmuls(zconjs(y),in[(j-1)*n+i-1])),zimags(s));
+ }
+ for(j=1;j<=ll;j++){
+ s=DoubleComplex(0, zimags(zmuls(zconjs(y),in[(i-1)*n+j-1])));
+ in[(i-1)*n+j-1] = DoubleComplex(zreals(zmuls(zconjs(y),in[(i-1)*n+j-1])),zimags(s));
+ }
+ if (jy!=0){
+ for (j=low;j<=high;j++){
+ s=DoubleComplex(0, zimags(zmuls(y,z[(i-1)*n+j-1])));
+ z[(i-1)*n+j-1] = DoubleComplex(zreals(zmuls(y,z[(i-1)*n+j-1])),zimags(s));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*.......... store roots isolated by cbal ..........*/
+ for(i=1;i<=n;i++){
+ if( (i<low) || (i>high) ){
+ w[i-1]=in[(i-1)*n+i-1];
+ }
+ }
+ en = high;
+ t=DoubleComplex(0,0);
+ itn = 30*n;
+ boucle_220=1;
+ /*.......... search for next eigenvalue ..........*/
+ while (boucle_220 && (en>=low)){
+ its=0;
+ enm1= en-1;
+ /* .......... look for single small sub-diagonal element
+ for l=en step -1 until low do -- ..........*/
+ boucle_240=1;
+ while(boucle_240){
+ for(ll=low; ll<=en;ll++){
+ l = en + low - ll;
+ if (l!=low){
+ x = DoubleComplex(dabss(zreals(in[(l-2)*n+l-2])) + dabss(zimags(in[(l-2)*n+l-2])) + dabss(zreals(in[(l-1)*n+l-1])) +dabss(zimags(in[(l-1)*n+l-1])),0);
+ y = DoubleComplex(zreals(x) + dabss(zreals(in[(l-2)*n+l-1])),0);
+ if (zreals(x) == zreals(y)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*.......... form shift ..........*/
+ if (l==en) {
+ boucle_240=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (itn==0) {
+ boucle_240=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( (its == 10) || (its == 20) ){
+ /*.......... form exceptional shift ..........*/
+ s = DoubleComplex(dabss( zreals(in[(enm1-1)*n+en-1]) ) + dabss( zreals(in[(en-3)*n+enm1-1]) ),0);
+ }
+ else {
+ s = in[(en-1)*n+en-1];
+ x = zmuls(in[(en-1)*n+enm1-1],DoubleComplex(zreals(in[(enm1-1)*n+en-1]),0));
+ if ( (zreals(x)!=0) || (zimags(x)!=0) ){
+ y=zrdivs(zdiffs(in[(enm1-1)*n+enm1-1],s),DoubleComplex(2,0));
+ zz=zsqrts(zadds(zmuls(y,y),x));
+ if ( (zreals(y)*zreals(zz) + zimags(y)*zimags(zz)) < 0){
+ zz = DoubleComplex(-zreals(zz),-zimags(zz));
+ }
+ zz=zrdivs(x,zadds(y,zz));
+ s = zdiffs(s,zz);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=low;i<=en;i++){
+ in[(i-1)*n+i-1]=zdiffs(in[(i-1)*n+i-1],s);
+ }
+ t = zadds(t,s);
+ its++;
+ itn--;
+ /*.......... reduce to triangle (rows) ..........*/
+ lp1=l+1;
+ for(i=lp1;i<=en;i++){
+ s=DoubleComplex(zreals(in[(i-2)*n+i-1]),zimags(s));
+ norm = dpythags(dpythags(zreals(in[(i-2)*n+i-2]),zimags(in[(i-2)*n+i-2])),zreals(s));
+ x=zrdivs(in[(i-2)*n+i-2],DoubleComplex(norm,0));
+ w[i-2]=x;
+ in[(i-2)*n+i-2]=DoubleComplex(norm, 0);
+ in[(i-2)*n+i-1]=DoubleComplex(0, zreals(s)/norm);
+ for (j=i;j<=n;j++){
+ y = in[(j-1)*n+i-2];
+ zz = in[(j-1)*n+i-1];
+ in[(j-1)*n+i-2] = zadds(zmuls(zconjs(x),y),zmuls(DoubleComplex(zimags(in[(i-2)*n+i-1]),0),zz));
+ in[(j-1)*n+i-1] = zdiffs(zmuls(x,zz),zmuls(DoubleComplex(zimags(in[(i-2)*n+i-1]),0),y));
+ }
+ }
+ /* FIXME s make sign problem with the exemple */
+ s=DoubleComplex(zreals(s),zimags(in[(en-1)*n+en-1]));
+ if( zimags(s)!=0){
+ norm = dpythags(zreals(in[(en-1)*n+en-1]),zimags(s));
+ s = DoubleComplex( zreals(in[(en-1)*n+en-1])/norm , zimags(s)/norm);
+ in[(en-1)*n+en-1]=DoubleComplex( norm, 0);
+ if (en!=n){
+ ip1=en+1;
+ for(j=ip1;j<=n;j++){
+ y=in[(j-1)*n+en-1];
+ in[(j-1)*n+en-1]=zmuls(zconjs(s),y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*.......... inverse operation (columns) ..........*/
+ for (j=lp1;j<=en;j++){
+ x=w[j-2];
+ for(i=1;i<=j;i++){
+ y=DoubleComplex(zreals(in[(j-2)*n+i-1]),0);
+ zz=in[(j-1)*n+i-1];
+ if(i!=j){
+ y=DoubleComplex(zreals(y), zimags(in[(j-2)*n+i-1]));
+ in[(j-2)*n+i-1] = DoubleComplex(zreals(in[(j-2)*n+i-1]),
+ zreals(x)*zimags(y) + zimags(x)*zreals(y) + zimags(in[(j-2)*n+j-1])*zimags(zz));
+ }
+ in[(j-2)*n+i-1] = DoubleComplex(
+ zreals(x)*zreals(y) - zimags(x)*zimags(y) + zimags(in[(j-2)*n+j-1])*zreals(zz),
+ zimags(in[(j-2)*n+i-1]));
+ in[(j-1)*n+i-1] = zdiffs(zmuls(zconjs(x),zz),zmuls(DoubleComplex(zimags(in[(j-2)*n+j-1]),0),y));
+ }
+ if(jy!=0){
+ for(i=low;i<=high;i++){
+ y=z[(j-2)*n+i-1];
+ zz=z[(j-1)*n+i-1];
+ z[(j-2)*n+i-1] = zadds(zmuls(x,y),zmuls(DoubleComplex(zimags(in[(j-2)*n+j-1]),0),zz));
+ z[(j-1)*n+i-1] = zdiffs(zmuls(zconjs(x),zz),zmuls(DoubleComplex(zimags(in[(j-2)*n+j-1]),0),y));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (zimags(s)!=0){
+ for (i=1;i<=en;i++){
+ y=in[(en-1)*n+i-1];
+ in[(en-1)*n+i-1]=zmuls(s,y);
+ }
+ if(jy!=0){
+ for(i=low;i<=high;i++){
+ y=z[(en-1)*n+i-1];
+ z[(en-1)*n+i-1]=zmuls(s,y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( (l!=en) && (itn==0) ){
+ boucle_220=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ in[(en-1)*n+en-1]=zadds(in[(en-1)*n+en-1],t);
+ w[en-1] = in[(en-1)*n+en-1];
+ en = enm1;
+ }
+ ierr=en;