path: root/macros/ToolInitialization/INIT_RemoveDirs.sci
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1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/ToolInitialization/INIT_RemoveDirs.sci b/macros/ToolInitialization/INIT_RemoveDirs.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..536b909e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/ToolInitialization/INIT_RemoveDirs.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+function INIT_RemoveDirs(FileInfo,SharedInfoRunMode)
+// function INIT_RemoveDirs(FileInfo,SharedInfoRunMode)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// #RNU_RES_B
+// Removes existing directories according to the RunMode
+// specified by the user.
+// Input data:
+// FileInfo: structure containing all info about SCI2C files.
+// SharedInfoRunMode: execution mode specified by the user in
+// the SCI2CInputParameters.sce file.
+// Output data:
+// ---
+// #RNU_RES_E
+// Status:
+// 03-Jan-2008 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author.
+// Copyright 2008 Raffaele Nutricato.
+// Contact:
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------
+// --- Check input arguments. ---
+// ------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------
+// --- Remove previous versions of SCI2C files/dir. ---
+// ----------------------------------------------------
+if (SharedInfoRunMode == 'GenLibraryStructure' | SharedInfoRunMode == 'All')
+ disp('Removing directory: '+FileInfo.WorkingDir);
+ disp('Removing directory: '+FileInfo.OutCCCodeDir);
+ // Remove software<->user interaction.
+ // yesno=input('Are you sure [y/n]?','string');
+ yesno = 'y';
+ if (yesno=='y')
+ rmdir(FileInfo.WorkingDir,'s'); // delete WorkingDir if it exists due to previous translations...
+ mdelete(FileInfo.OutCCCodeDir+'/*.h'); // delete .h files generated in previous translations (if any).
+ mdelete(FileInfo.OutCCCodeDir+'/*.c'); // delete .h files generated in previous translations (if any).
+ mdelete(FileInfo.OutCCCodeDir+'/Makefile'); // delete .h files generated in previous translations (if any).
+ // Note I don't delete includes, interfaces and and src directories to avoid recompiling them every time
+ // a new translation is launched. I only delete source files generated by user.
+ else
+ SCI2Cerror('Cannot continue, because you don''t want to delete: '+FileInfo.WorkingDir);
+ SCI2Cerror('Cannot continue, because you don''t want to delete: '+FileInfo.OutCCCodeDir);
+ end
+elseif (SharedInfoRunMode == 'Translate')
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ //NUT: non cancella le cartelle dei file C creati nella iterazione precedente
+ //NUT: occorre specificarlo bene nel manuale.
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ disp('Removing directory: '+FileInfo.OutCCCodeDir);
+ // Remove software<->user interaction.
+ // yesno=input('Are you sure [y/n]?','string');
+ yesno = 'y';
+ if (yesno=='y')
+ rmdir(FileInfo.OutCCCodeDir,'s');
+ else
+ SCI2Cerror('Cannot continue, because you don''t want to delete: '+FileInfo.OutCCCodeDir);
+ end
+ disp('Unknown RunMode: ""'+SharedInfoRunMode+'"".');
+ disp('Please check RunMode parameter in the SCI2CInputParameters.sce file');
+ SCI2Cerror(' ');