diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/SymbolTable/ST_InsOutArg.sci')
-rw-r--r-- | macros/SymbolTable/ST_InsOutArg.sci | 384 |
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/macros/SymbolTable/ST_InsOutArg.sci b/macros/SymbolTable/ST_InsOutArg.sci index fd6b426c..6d527b80 100644 --- a/macros/SymbolTable/ST_InsOutArg.sci +++ b/macros/SymbolTable/ST_InsOutArg.sci @@ -1,192 +1,192 @@ -function ST_InsOutArg(OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo,MatchRule)
-// function ST_InsOutArg(OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo,MatchRule)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// //NUT: add description here
-// Input data:
-// //NUT: add description here
-// Output data:
-// //NUT: add description here
-// Status:
-// 26-Oct-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author.
-// 26-Oct-2007 -- Alberto Morea: Test Ok.
-// Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato & Alberto Morea.
-// Contact: raffaele.nutricato@tiscali.it
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------
-// --- Check input arguments. ---
-// ------------------------------
-// -----------------------
-// --- Initialization. ---
-// -----------------------
-nxtscifunname = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunName;
-nxtscifunnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber;
-ReportFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ReportFileName;
-CDeclarationFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CDeclarationFileName;
-CGblDeclarFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CGblDeclarFileName;
-GlobalVarsFileName = FileInfo.GlobalVarFileName;
-LocalVarsFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).LocalVarFileName;
-TempVarsFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).TempVarFileName;
-CPass1FileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CPass1FileName;
-CPass1FreeFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CPass1FreeFileName;
-// #RNU_RES_B
-PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y');
-PrintStringInfo('***Putting output arguments in the symbol table***',ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
-// #RNU_RES_E
-// ---------------------------
-// --- End Initialization. ---
-// ---------------------------
-for counteroutput = 1:NOutArg
- // #RNU_RES_B
- PrintStringInfo(' Symbol ""'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'""',ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
- PrintStringInfo(' Type: '+OutArg(counteroutput).Type,ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
- PrintStringInfo(' Size(1): '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Size(1)),ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
- PrintStringInfo(' Size(2): '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Size(2)),ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
- PrintStringInfo(' Value: '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Value),ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
- PrintStringInfo(' FindLike: '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike),ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
- PrintStringInfo(' Dimension: '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension),ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
- PrintStringInfo(' Scope: '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Scope),ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
- PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y','n');
- // #RNU_RES_E
- if (OutArg(counteroutput).Scope == 'Temp')
- SymbTableFileName = TempVarsFileName;
- elseif (OutArg(counteroutput).Scope == 'Local')
- SymbTableFileName = LocalVarsFileName;
- elseif (OutArg(counteroutput).Scope == 'Global')
- SymbTableFileName = GlobalVarsFileName;
- else
- error(9999, 'Unknown scope ""'+OutArg(counteroutput).Scope+'"" for symbol: '+OutArg(counteroutput).Name);
- end
- // #RNU_RES_B
- PrintStringInfo(' Setting symbol ""'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'"" in '+SymbTableFileName+'.',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- // #RNU_RES_E
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // Check existence and conflicts in the symbol table.
- // Here we have four possibilities:
- // 1. the symbol is a global variable not initialized yet -> we have to initialize it.
- // 2. the symbol already exists with different settings -> we have to issue an error.
- // 3. the symbol already exists with the same settings -> ok, we don't have to do nothing.
- // 4. the symbol doesn't exist -> we have to insert it into the table.
- // #RNU_RES_E
- [TBFlagfound,TBFlagEqualSymbols] = ...
- ST_MatchSymbol(OutArg(counteroutput).Name,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Type,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Size,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Value,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension,...
- SymbTableFileName,MatchRule);
- if (TBFlagfound == 1)
- if (TBFlagEqualSymbols == 0)
- PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Symbol Table Conflict. Trying to insert again symbol ""'+...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'"" with different settings',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Please check that you are not using variable ""'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'""',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: with different sizes and/or types.',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Symbol Table Conflict. Trying to insert again symbol ""'+...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'"" with different settings');
- else
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // It's ok symbols do match.
- //NUT: forse occorre un altro check sulla size per capire se occore fare il malloc.
- //NUT: qui entro anche quando ho una variabile global gia' dichiarata tale in un altro
- //NUT: per cui devo dichiararala come external.
- //RNU qui ci puoi mettere una warning quando stai riallocando uno stesso simbolo con size simbolica.
- //RNU puoi anche aggiungere del codice in c o un semplice commento. per esempio una funzione c del tipo checksize che controlla il valore
- //RNU prima dopo delle size di una data variabile. Cosa succede se cambio la size anche nel caso di array e approccio
- //RNU di resize non attivo? L'unica cosa e' che molte size numeriche scompaiono e incomincio a creare numerose variabili
- //RNU con size simbolica.
- // If the symbol is scalar we update its value if it is an array we update its size
- // only in case we are using the 'REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL' resize approach
- // #RNU_RES_E
- if ((GetSymbolDimension(OutArg(counteroutput).Size)) == 0 | (SharedInfo.ResizeApproach=='REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL'))
- ST_Set(OutArg(counteroutput).Name,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Type,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Size,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Value,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension,...
- SymbTableFileName);
- end
- // IndentLevelDeclaration = 1; //NUT: per ora lo forzo sempre a 1
- // IndentLevelMalloc = SharedInfo.NIndent;
- // FlagExt = 0;
- // C_GenDeclarations(OutArg(counteroutput),CDeclarationFileName,IndentLevelDeclaration,ReportFileName,FlagExt,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach);
- end
- elseif (TBFlagfound == 2)
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // We have a non-initialized global variable.
- // Set the non-initialized global variable.
- PrintStringInfo(' Found a non-initialized global variable.',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- // #RNU_RES_E
- ST_Set(OutArg(counteroutput).Name,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Type,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Size,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Value,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension,...
- SymbTableFileName);
- IndentLevel = 0; //NUT: forced always to 1
- FlagExt = 0;
- C_GenDeclarations(OutArg(counteroutput),CGblDeclarFileName,IndentLevel,ReportFileName,FlagExt,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach);
- IndentLevelMalloc = SharedInfo.NIndent;
- // #RNU_RES_B
- //RNU da verificare bene qui. Cio' che si verifica e' che se la size della globale e' simbolica
- //RNU allora si assume che essa sia da allocare come puntatore e poi realloc.
- // #RNU_RES_E
- C_MemAllocOutTempVars(OutArg(counteroutput),1,CPass1FileName,CPass1FreeFileName,IndentLevelMalloc,ReportFileName,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach);
- else
- if (OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike == 1)
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // In presence of find-like functions the size must be always symbolic.
- // Don't change here the value of OutArg.Size because the first time
- // I need them to declare the OutArg variable with the values assumed by OutArg.Size.
- // #RNU_RES_E
- TmpOutArgSize(1) = '__'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'Size[0]';
- TmpOutArgSize(2) = '__'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'Size[1]';
- else
- TmpOutArgSize(1) = OutArg(counteroutput).Size(1);
- TmpOutArgSize(2) = OutArg(counteroutput).Size(2);
- end
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // Set a new symbol.
- // #RNU_RES_E
- ST_Set(OutArg(counteroutput).Name,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Type,...
- TmpOutArgSize,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Value,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike,...
- OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension,...
- SymbTableFileName);
- IndentLevelDeclaration = 1; //NUT: per ora lo forzo sempre a 1
- IndentLevelMalloc = SharedInfo.NIndent;
- FlagExt = 0;
- C_GenDeclarations(OutArg(counteroutput),CDeclarationFileName,IndentLevelDeclaration,ReportFileName,FlagExt,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach);
- // #RNU_RES_B
- //RNU aggiunta qui in modo che le malloc saranno fatte una sola volta:
- //RNU verifica che tutto funzioni e chi altro usa la C_MemAlloc per capire se si puo' ottimizzare per questo stadio.
- // #RNU_RES_E
- C_MemAllocOutTempVars(OutArg(counteroutput),1,CPass1FileName,CPass1FreeFileName,IndentLevelMalloc,ReportFileName,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach);
- end
+function ST_InsOutArg(OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo,MatchRule) +// function ST_InsOutArg(OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo,MatchRule) +// ----------------------------------------------------------------- +// //NUT: add description here +// +// Input data: +// //NUT: add description here +// +// Output data: +// //NUT: add description here +// +// Status: +// 26-Oct-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author. +// 26-Oct-2007 -- Alberto Morea: Test Ok. +// +// Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato & Alberto Morea. +// Contact: raffaele.nutricato@tiscali.it +// ----------------------------------------------------------------- + + +// ------------------------------ +// --- Check input arguments. --- +// ------------------------------ +SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),5,5); + +// ----------------------- +// --- Initialization. --- +// ----------------------- +nxtscifunname = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunName; +nxtscifunnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber; +ReportFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ReportFileName; +CDeclarationFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CDeclarationFileName; +CGblDeclarFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CGblDeclarFileName; + +GlobalVarsFileName = FileInfo.GlobalVarFileName; +LocalVarsFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).LocalVarFileName; +TempVarsFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).TempVarFileName; + +CPass1FileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CPass1FileName; +CPass1FreeFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CPass1FreeFileName; + + +// #RNU_RES_B +PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y'); +PrintStringInfo('***Putting output arguments in the symbol table***',ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); +// #RNU_RES_E +// --------------------------- +// --- End Initialization. --- +// --------------------------- +for counteroutput = 1:NOutArg + // #RNU_RES_B + PrintStringInfo(' Symbol ""'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'""',ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); + PrintStringInfo(' Type: '+OutArg(counteroutput).Type,ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); + PrintStringInfo(' Size(1): '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Size(1)),ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); + PrintStringInfo(' Size(2): '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Size(2)),ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); + PrintStringInfo(' Value: '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Value),ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); + PrintStringInfo(' FindLike: '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike),ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); + PrintStringInfo(' Dimension: '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension),ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); + PrintStringInfo(' Scope: '+string(OutArg(counteroutput).Scope),ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); + PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y','n'); + // #RNU_RES_E + if (OutArg(counteroutput).Scope == 'Temp') + SymbTableFileName = TempVarsFileName; + elseif (OutArg(counteroutput).Scope == 'Local') + SymbTableFileName = LocalVarsFileName; + elseif (OutArg(counteroutput).Scope == 'Global') + SymbTableFileName = GlobalVarsFileName; + else + error(9999, 'Unknown scope ""'+OutArg(counteroutput).Scope+'"" for symbol: '+OutArg(counteroutput).Name); + end + // #RNU_RES_B + PrintStringInfo(' Setting symbol ""'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'"" in '+SymbTableFileName+'.',ReportFileName,'file','y'); + // #RNU_RES_E + + // #RNU_RES_B + // Check existence and conflicts in the symbol table. + // Here we have four possibilities: + // 1. the symbol is a global variable not initialized yet -> we have to initialize it. + // 2. the symbol already exists with different settings -> we have to issue an error. + // 3. the symbol already exists with the same settings -> ok, we don't have to do nothing. + // 4. the symbol doesn't exist -> we have to insert it into the table. + // #RNU_RES_E + [TBFlagfound,TBFlagEqualSymbols] = ... + ST_MatchSymbol(OutArg(counteroutput).Name,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Type,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Size,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Value,... + OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension,... + SymbTableFileName,MatchRule); + + if (TBFlagfound == 1) + if (TBFlagEqualSymbols == 0) + PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); + PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Symbol Table Conflict. Trying to insert again symbol ""'+... + OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'"" with different settings',ReportFileName,'both','y'); + PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Please check that you are not using variable ""'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'""',ReportFileName,'both','y'); + PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: with different sizes and/or types.',ReportFileName,'both','y'); + PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y'); + error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Symbol Table Conflict. Trying to insert again symbol ""'+... + OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'"" with different settings'); + else + // #RNU_RES_B + // It's ok symbols do match. + //NUT: forse occorre un altro check sulla size per capire se occore fare il malloc. + //NUT: qui entro anche quando ho una variabile global gia' dichiarata tale in un altro + //NUT: per cui devo dichiararala come external. + //RNU qui ci puoi mettere una warning quando stai riallocando uno stesso simbolo con size simbolica. + //RNU puoi anche aggiungere del codice in c o un semplice commento. per esempio una funzione c del tipo checksize che controlla il valore + //RNU prima dopo delle size di una data variabile. Cosa succede se cambio la size anche nel caso di array e approccio + //RNU di resize non attivo? L'unica cosa e' che molte size numeriche scompaiono e incomincio a creare numerose variabili + //RNU con size simbolica. + + // If the symbol is scalar we update its value if it is an array we update its size + // only in case we are using the 'REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL' resize approach + // #RNU_RES_E + if ((GetSymbolDimension(OutArg(counteroutput).Size)) == 0 | (SharedInfo.ResizeApproach=='REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL')) + ST_Set(OutArg(counteroutput).Name,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Type,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Size,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Value,... + OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension,... + SymbTableFileName); + end + + // IndentLevelDeclaration = 1; //NUT: per ora lo forzo sempre a 1 + // IndentLevelMalloc = SharedInfo.NIndent; + // FlagExt = 0; + // C_GenDeclarations(OutArg(counteroutput),CDeclarationFileName,IndentLevelDeclaration,ReportFileName,FlagExt,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach); + + + end + elseif (TBFlagfound == 2) + // #RNU_RES_B + // We have a non-initialized global variable. + // Set the non-initialized global variable. + PrintStringInfo(' Found a non-initialized global variable.',ReportFileName,'file','y'); + // #RNU_RES_E + ST_Set(OutArg(counteroutput).Name,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Type,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Size,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Value,... + OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension,... + SymbTableFileName); + IndentLevel = 0; //NUT: forced always to 1 + FlagExt = 0; + C_GenDeclarations(OutArg(counteroutput),CGblDeclarFileName,IndentLevel,ReportFileName,FlagExt,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach); + IndentLevelMalloc = SharedInfo.NIndent; + // #RNU_RES_B + //RNU da verificare bene qui. Cio' che si verifica e' che se la size della globale e' simbolica + //RNU allora si assume che essa sia da allocare come puntatore e poi realloc. + // #RNU_RES_E + C_MemAllocOutTempVars(OutArg(counteroutput),1,CPass1FileName,CPass1FreeFileName,IndentLevelMalloc,ReportFileName,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach); + else + if (OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike == 1) + // #RNU_RES_B + // In presence of find-like functions the size must be always symbolic. + // Don't change here the value of OutArg.Size because the first time + // I need them to declare the OutArg variable with the values assumed by OutArg.Size. + // #RNU_RES_E + TmpOutArgSize(1) = '__'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'Size[0]'; + TmpOutArgSize(2) = '__'+OutArg(counteroutput).Name+'Size[1]'; + else + TmpOutArgSize(1) = OutArg(counteroutput).Size(1); + TmpOutArgSize(2) = OutArg(counteroutput).Size(2); + end + // #RNU_RES_B + // Set a new symbol. + // #RNU_RES_E + ST_Set(OutArg(counteroutput).Name,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Type,... + TmpOutArgSize,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Value,... + OutArg(counteroutput).FindLike,... + OutArg(counteroutput).Dimension,... + SymbTableFileName); + IndentLevelDeclaration = 1; //NUT: per ora lo forzo sempre a 1 + IndentLevelMalloc = SharedInfo.NIndent; + FlagExt = 0; + C_GenDeclarations(OutArg(counteroutput),CDeclarationFileName,IndentLevelDeclaration,ReportFileName,FlagExt,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach); + // #RNU_RES_B + //RNU aggiunta qui in modo che le malloc saranno fatte una sola volta: + //RNU verifica che tutto funzioni e chi altro usa la C_MemAlloc per capire se si puo' ottimizzare per questo stadio. + // #RNU_RES_E + C_MemAllocOutTempVars(OutArg(counteroutput),1,CPass1FileName,CPass1FreeFileName,IndentLevelMalloc,ReportFileName,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach); + end + +end + +endfunction |