path: root/macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci b/macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci
index 8076d7e2..563f3133 100644
--- a/macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci
+++ b/macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci
@@ -46,6 +46,13 @@ ReportFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ReportFileName;
// ---------------------------------
// --- Parameter Initialization. ---
// ---------------------------------
+global cc_count
+cc_count = 0;
+global rc_count
+rc_count = 0;
@@ -54,6 +61,9 @@ StackPosition = 1;
STACKDEDUG = 0; // 1 -> Every Pop and Push operation on the stack, the stack content will be printed on screen.
+global disp_isthere
+disp_isthere = 0;
// -------------------------------------
// --- End parameter Initialization. ---
// -------------------------------------
@@ -132,9 +142,10 @@ while ~meof(fidAST)
//NUT: qui puoi anche aggiunger piu' case per specificare meglio la struttura della funcall
//NUT: i case aggiunti ovviamente faranno solo il push della treeline.
case 'EndOperation' then
- [FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleEndGenFun(FileInfo,SharedInfo,'Operation');
+ [disp_isthere,FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleEndGenFun(disp_isthere,FileInfo,SharedInfo,'Operation');
case 'EndFuncall' then
- [FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleEndGenFun(FileInfo,SharedInfo,'Funcall');
+ [disp_isthere,FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleEndGenFun(disp_isthere,FileInfo,SharedInfo,'Funcall');
+ disp(disp_isthere);
// --------------
// --- Equal. ---
@@ -144,25 +155,60 @@ while ~meof(fidAST)
//NUT: per fare in modo di coprire le ins, anche se ci puo' essere qualche rischio quando
//NUT: ho miste ins e variabili, per esempio [c(1,1), a] = twooutfun();
//NUT: in questo caso solo una delle due equal va scartata.
- [FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleEndGenFun(FileInfo,SharedInfo,'Equal');
- SharedInfo = INIT_SharedInfoEqual(SharedInfo);
+ if rc_count > 0 & cc_count == 0
+ [FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleFunRC(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ rc_count = 0;
+ elseif cc_count > 0
+ [FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleFunCC(cc_count,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ rc_count = 0;
+ cc_count = 0;
+ else
+ if disp_isthere == 0
+ [disp_isthere,FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleEndGenFun(disp_isthere,FileInfo,SharedInfo,'Equal');
+ SharedInfo = INIT_SharedInfoEqual(SharedInfo);
+ end
+ end
+ disp_isthere = 0;
case 'Equal' then
SharedInfo.Equal.Enabled = 1; // 1 means enabled -> we are inside an equal AST block.
case 'Lhs :' then
- SharedInfo.Equal.Lhs = 1; // 1 means that we are inside the Lhs block of the Equal
- [EqualInArgName,EqualInArgScope,EqualNInArg] = AST_ReadEqualRhsNames(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
- // lengthNumber = length('Number_');
- // if (part(EqualInArgScope,1:lengthNumber) == 'Number_')
- // SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual = 1
- // end
- SharedInfo.Equal.NInArg = EqualNInArg;
- for tmpcnt = 1:SharedInfo.Equal.NInArg
- SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(tmpcnt).Name = EqualInArgName(tmpcnt);
- SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(tmpcnt).Scope = EqualInArgScope(tmpcnt);
- end
- AST_PushASTStack(treeline);
+ disp(disp_isthere);
+ if rc_count > 0 & cc_count == 0
+ SharedInfo.Equal.Lhs = 1;
+ [EqualInArgName,EqualInArgScope,EqualNInArg] = AST_HandleRC(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ SharedInfo.Equal.NInArg = EqualNInArg - rc_count -1;
+ AST_PushASTStack(treeline);
+ for tmpcnt = 1:SharedInfo.Equal.NInArg
+ SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(tmpcnt).Name = EqualInArgName(tmpcnt);
+ SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(tmpcnt).Scope = EqualInArgScope(tmpcnt);
+ end
+ elseif cc_count > 0
+ SharedInfo.Equal.Lhs = 1;
+ [EqualInArgName,EqualInArgScope,EqualNInArg] = AST_HandleCC(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ AST_PushASTStack(treeline);
+ else
+ SharedInfo.Equal.Lhs = 1; // 1 means that we are inside the Lhs block of the Equal
+ //if SharedInfo.Equal.NOutArg > 0
+ if disp_isthere == 0
+ [EqualInArgName,EqualInArgScope,EqualNInArg] = AST_ReadEqualRhsNames(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ SharedInfo.Equal.NInArg = EqualNInArg;
+ //end
+ // lengthNumber = length('Number_');
+ // if (part(EqualInArgScope,1:lengthNumber) == 'Number_')
+ // SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual = 1
+ // end
+ for tmpcnt = 1:SharedInfo.Equal.NInArg
+ SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(tmpcnt).Name = EqualInArgName(tmpcnt);
+ SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(tmpcnt).Scope = EqualInArgScope(tmpcnt);
+ end
+ //end
+ end
+ AST_PushASTStack(treeline);
+ end
// ----------------
// --- If/Else. ---
@@ -196,6 +242,7 @@ while ~meof(fidAST)
// -----------------
case 'EndProgram'
SharedInfo = AST_HandleEndProgram(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ disp_isthere = 0;
//NUT: per essere precisi si puo' pensare di mettere un check
//NUT: alla fine dell'albero per accertarsi che c'e' end program li' dove ce lo aspettiamo
@@ -229,6 +276,15 @@ while ~meof(fidAST)
SharedInfo = AST_HandleEndWhile(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
SharedInfo.While.Level = SharedInfo.While.Level - 1;
+ case 'Endrc' then
+ rc_count = rc_count + 1;
+ case 'Endcc' then
+ cc_count = cc_count + 1;
+ //[FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleRC(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
// ----------------
// --- Default. ---
// ----------------