diff options
6 files changed, 115 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenerateMakefile.sci b/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenerateMakefile.sci
index 1d11b736..3914d4dc 100644
--- a/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenerateMakefile.sci
+++ b/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenerateMakefile.sci
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,2);
// -----------------------
// --- Initialization. ---
// -----------------------
-PrintStepInfo('Generating Makefile '+FileInfo.MakefileFilename,...
+PrintStepInfo('Generating Builder '+FileInfo.MakefileFilename,...
// ---------------------------
// --- End Initialization. ---
diff --git a/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenerateMakefile_msvc.sci b/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenerateMakefile_msvc.sci
index 0e8e1773..6890c140 100644
--- a/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenerateMakefile_msvc.sci
+++ b/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenerateMakefile_msvc.sci
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ MakefileFilename = FileInfo.MakefileFilename + '.mak';
// -----------------------
// --- Initialization. ---
// -----------------------
-PrintStepInfo('Generating Makefile '+FileInfo.MakefileFilename,...
+PrintStepInfo('Generating Builder '+MakefileFilename,...
PrintStringInfo('# SCI2C Makefile (Visual Studio 2008)',MakefileFilename,'file','y','y');
diff --git a/macros/cb_sci2c_gui.sci b/macros/cb_sci2c_gui.sci
index 0cf970c5..1b532d64 100644
--- a/macros/cb_sci2c_gui.sci
+++ b/macros/cb_sci2c_gui.sci
@@ -65,13 +65,12 @@ elseif or(get(gcbo, "tag")==["sciintocradioyes","sciintocradiono"]) then
set(gcbo, "value", 1);
-// --- Paths style option ---
+// --- Build Tool option ---
-elseif or(get(gcbo, "tag")==["pathsradiowin","pathsradiounix","pathsradiocygwin"]) then
+elseif or(get(gcbo, "tag")==["buildtoolradiowin","buildtoolradiounix"]) then
- set(findobj("tag", "pathsradiowin"), "value", 0);
- set(findobj("tag", "pathsradiounix"), "value", 0);
- set(findobj("tag", "pathsradiocygwin"), "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "buildtoolradiowin"), "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "buildtoolradiounix"), "value", 0);
set(gcbo, "value", 1);
@@ -103,10 +102,10 @@ elseif get(gcbo, "tag")=="convertbtn" then
CopySciCodeIntoCCode = get(findobj("tag", "sciintocradioyes"), "value") == 1;
- if get(findobj("tag", "pathsradiowin"), "value") == 1 then
- CCompilerPathStyle = "windows";
- elseif get(findobj("tag", "pathsradiounix"), "value") == 1 then
- CCompilerPathStyle = "unix";
+ if get(findobj("tag", "buildtoolradiowin"), "value") == 1 then
+ NativeBuild = "nmake";
+ elseif get(findobj("tag", "buildtoolradiounix"), "value") == 1 then
+ NativeBuild = "make";
// else
// CCompilerPathStyle = "cygwin";
@@ -117,8 +116,8 @@ elseif get(gcbo, "tag")=="convertbtn" then
mprintf("UserSciCodeMainDir = {%s}\n", UserSciCodeMainDir);
mprintf("RunMode = {%s}\n", RunMode);
mprintf("CopySciCodeIntoCCode = {%d}\n", bool2s(CopySciCodeIntoCCode));
- mprintf("CCompilerPathStyle = {%s}\n", CCompilerPathStyle);
- scilab2c(UserScilabMainFile, UserSciCodeMainDir, UserSciFilesPaths, RunMode);
+ mprintf("NativeBuild = {%s}\n", NativeBuild);
+ scilab2c(UserScilabMainFile, UserSciCodeMainDir, UserSciFilesPaths, RunMode, NativeBuild);
// --- sci2c help ---
diff --git a/macros/runsci2c.sci b/macros/runsci2c.sci
index 2b6ee1dc..ea6937ff 100644
--- a/macros/runsci2c.sci
+++ b/macros/runsci2c.sci
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function runsci2c(UserScilabMainFile, UserSciFilesPaths, SCI2COutputPath, Runmode)
+function runsci2c(UserScilabMainFile, UserSciFilesPaths, SCI2COutputPath, Runmode, BuildTool)
// function runsci2c(SCI2CInputPrmFile)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// === hArtes/PoliBa/GAP SCI2C tool ===
@@ -129,7 +129,13 @@ end
// --------------------------
// --- Generate Makefile. ---
// --------------------------
+if BuildTool == "make"
+ C_GenerateMakefile(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+if BuildTool == "nmake"
+ // FIXME : Add copy of missing dll before.
+ C_GenerateMakefile_msvc(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
// -----------------
// --- Epilogue. ---
diff --git a/macros/sci2c_gui.sci b/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
index fca04fb8..aaae2ac2 100644
--- a/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
+++ b/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ function sci2c_gui()
// Sizes
widgeth = 20;
+widgetLabelWidth = 220;
btnh = 22;
btnw = 80;
defaultfont = "arial";
@@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ h = uimenu("parent", sci2cfig, "label", gettext("?"));
uimenu("parent", h, "label", gettext("Sci2c help page"), "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui", "tag", "sci2c_help_menu");
uimenu("parent", h, "label", gettext("About SCI2C tools..."), "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui", "tag", "about_sci2c_menu");
-figw = 500;
-figh = 15*margin + btnh + 6*widgeth;
+figw = 800;
+figh = 15*margin + btnh + 7*widgeth;
sci2cfig.axes_size = [figw figh];
sci2cfig.auto_resize = "off";
sci2cfig.visible = "off"; // to be sure that no plot can appear in the window
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ optframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"relief", "groove",...
"style", "frame",...
"units", "pixels",...
- "position", [margin 2*margin+btnh figw-2*margin 4*margin+3*widgeth],...
+ "position", [margin 2*margin+btnh figw-2*margin 4*margin+4*widgeth],...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
"fontsize", 12,...
@@ -89,26 +90,26 @@ opttitle = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "text",...
"string", gettext("Options"),...
"units", "pixels",...
- "position", [2*margin 2*margin+btnh+4*margin+3*widgeth-8 50 14],...
+ "position", [2*margin 2*margin+btnh+4*margin+4*widgeth-8 50 14],...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
"fontsize", 11,...
"horizontalalignment", "center");
-// --- Paths style ---
-pathsy = 2*margin+btnh+margin;
-pathslabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+// --- Building Tool ---
+buildtooly = 2 * margin + 2 * btnh + margin;
+buildtoollabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "text",...
- "string", gettext("Paths style in C code: "),...
- "position",[2*margin pathsy 160 widgeth],...
+ "string", gettext("Tool to compile generated C code: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin buildtooly widgetLabelWidth widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
"fontsize", 12);
-pathsradiowin = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+buildtoolradiowin = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "radiobutton",...
- "string", gettext("Windows"),...
- "position",[2*margin+160 pathsy radiow widgeth],...
+ "string", gettext("nmake for Windows with Visual Studio / Visual Express"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth buildtooly 5 * radiow widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -116,11 +117,11 @@ pathsradiowin = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"min", 0, ...
"max", 1, ...
"callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
- "tag", "pathsradiowin");
-pathsradiounix = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "tag", "buildtoolradiowin");
+buildtoolradiounix = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "radiobutton",...
- "string", gettext("Unix"),...
- "position",[2*margin+160+radiow pathsy radiow widgeth],...
+ "string", gettext("make for Unix / Windows with Cygwin"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth buildtooly-widgeth 5 * radiow widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -128,34 +129,21 @@ pathsradiounix = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"min", 0, ...
"max", 1, ...
"callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
- "tag", "pathsradiounix");
+ "tag", "buildtoolradiounix");
- set(pathsradiowin, "value", 1);
- set(pathsradiounix, "value", 0);
+ set(buildtoolradiowin, "value", 1);
+ set(buildtoolradiounix, "value", 0);
- set(pathsradiowin, "value", 0);
- set(pathsradiounix, "value", 1);
+ set(buildtoolradiowin, "value", 0);
+ set(buildtoolradiounix, "value", 1);
-// pathsradiocygwin = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
-// "style", "radiobutton",...
-// "string", gettext("Cygwin"),...
-// "position",[2*margin+160+2*radiow pathsy radiow widgeth],...
-// "horizontalalignment", "left",...
-// "fontname", defaultfont,...
-// "fontunits", "points",...
-// "fontsize", 12,...
-// "min", 0, ...
-// "max", 1, ...
-// "value", 0,...
-// "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
-// "tag", "pathsradiocygwin");
// --- Copy Scilab code into C option ---
-sciintocy = pathsy + margin + btnh ;
+sciintocy = buildtooly + margin + btnh ;
sciintoclabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "text",...
"string", gettext("Copy Scilab code into C: "),...
- "position",[2*margin sciintocy 160 widgeth],...
+ "position",[2*margin sciintocy widgetLabelWidth widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -163,7 +151,7 @@ sciintoclabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
sciintocradioyes = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "radiobutton",...
"string", gettext("Yes"),...
- "position",[2*margin+160 sciintocy radiow widgeth],...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth sciintocy radiow widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -176,7 +164,7 @@ sciintocradioyes = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
sciintocradiono = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "radiobutton",...
"string", gettext("No"),...
- "position",[2*margin+160+radiow sciintocy radiow widgeth],...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth+radiow sciintocy radiow widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -192,7 +180,7 @@ runy = sciintocy + margin + widgeth;
runlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "text",...
"string", gettext("Run mode: "),...
- "position",[2*margin runy 160 widgeth],...
+ "position",[2*margin runy widgetLabelWidth widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -200,7 +188,7 @@ runlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
runradioall = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "radiobutton",...
"string", gettext("All"),...
- "position",[2*margin+160 runy radiow widgeth],...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth runy radiow widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -213,7 +201,7 @@ runradioall = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
runradiotranslate = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "radiobutton",...
"string", gettext("Translate"),...
- "position",[2*margin+160+radiow runy radiow widgeth],...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth+radiow runy radiow widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -226,7 +214,7 @@ runradiotranslate = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
runradiogenlib = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "radiobutton",...
"string", gettext("Generate library"),...
- "position",[2*margin+160+2*radiow runy 120 widgeth],...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth+2*radiow runy 120 widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -241,7 +229,7 @@ runradiogenlib = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
// --- Output directory ---
// ------------------------
// Frame
-optframemaxy = 2*margin+btnh + 4*margin+3*widgeth;
+optframemaxy = 2*margin+btnh + 4*margin+4*widgeth;
outframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"relief", "groove",...
"style", "frame",...
@@ -272,7 +260,7 @@ outlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"fontsize", 12);
outedit = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "edit",...
- "string", pwd(),...
+ "string", TMPDIR,...
"units", "pixels",...
"position",[3*margin+100 optframemaxy+2*margin-1 figw-6*margin-100-btnw widgeth],...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
diff --git a/macros/scilab2c.sci b/macros/scilab2c.sci
index 83cbde76..b0265931 100644
--- a/macros/scilab2c.sci
+++ b/macros/scilab2c.sci
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
-// Copyright (C) 2009-2009 - DIGITEO - Bruno JOFRET
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 - DIGITEO - Bruno JOFRET
// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
@@ -14,36 +14,35 @@ function scilab2c(varargin)
[lhs, rhs] = argn();
select rhs
- //
- // scilab2c()
- //
+// scilab2c()
case 0
- //
- // scilab2c(UserScilabMainFile, CCodeOutputDir)
- //
+// scilab2c(UserScilabMainFile, CCodeOutputDir)
case 2
for i = 1:2
if typeof(varargin(i)) <> "string"
- error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),"scilab2c",i));
- return
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),"scilab2c",i));
+ return
UserScilabMainFile = varargin(1);
CCodeOutputDir = varargin(2);
UserSciFilesPaths = [];
RunMode = 'All';
- //RunMode = 'GenLibraryStructure';
- //RunMode = 'Translate';
- //
- // scilab2c(UserScilabMainFile, CCodeOutputDir, UserSciFilesPaths)
+ BuildTool = getNativeBuildTool();
+// scilab2c(UserScilabMainFile, CCodeOutputDir, UserSciFilesPaths)
case 3
for i = 1:3
if typeof(varargin(i)) <> "string"
- error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),"scilab2c",i));
- return
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),"scilab2c",i));
+ return
UserScilabMainFile = varargin(1);
@@ -54,19 +53,19 @@ function scilab2c(varargin)
UserSciFilesPaths = varargin(3);
RunMode = "All";
- //
- // scilab2c(UserScilabMainFile, CCodeOutputDir, UserSciFilesPaths, RunMode)
- //
+ BuildTool = getNativeBuildTool();
+ //
+// scilab2c(UserScilabMainFile, CCodeOutputDir, UserSciFilesPaths, RunMode)
case 4
for i = 1:4
if typeof(varargin(i)) <> "string"
- error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),"scilab2c",i));
- return
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),"scilab2c",i));
+ return
if varargin(4) <> "All" & varargin(4) <> "Translate" & varargin(4) <> "GenLibraryStructure"
- error(msprintf(gettext("%s: argument #%d must be: ""All"", ""Translate"" or ""GenLibraryStructure"".\n"),"scilab2c",4));
- return
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: argument #%d must be: ""All"", ""Translate"" or ""GenLibraryStructure"".\n"),"scilab2c",4));
UserScilabMainFile = varargin(1);
@@ -77,20 +76,55 @@ function scilab2c(varargin)
UserSciFilesPaths = varargin(3);
RunMode = varargin(4);
+ BuildTool = getNativeBuildTool();
+ case 5
+ for i = 1:4
+ if typeof(varargin(i)) <> "string"
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"),"scilab2c",i));
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if varargin(4) <> "All" & varargin(4) <> "Translate" & varargin(4) <> "GenLibraryStructure"
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: argument #%d must be: ""All"", ""Translate"" or ""GenLibraryStructure"".\n"),"scilab2c",4));
+ return
+ end
+ if varargin(5) <> "make" & varargin(5) <> "nmake"
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: argument #%d must be: ""make"" or ""nmake"".\n"),"scilab2c",5));
+ return
+ end
+ UserScilabMainFile = varargin(1);
+ CCodeOutputDir = varargin(2);
+ if varargin(3) == ""
+ UserSciFilesPaths = [];
+ else
+ UserSciFilesPaths = varargin(3);
+ end
+ RunMode = varargin(4);
+ BuildTool = varargin(5);
- error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"),"scilab2c",2));
+// Calling scilab2c with more than understood values
+error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"),"scilab2c",2));
- runscicode(UserScilabMainFile, UserSciFilesPaths);
+ runscicode(UserScilabMainFile, UserSciFilesPaths);
-// -- FIXME : bypass this for now !!
- userchoice = messagebox("Exection Succesfull. Start translation ?", "modal", "info", ["Yes" "No"])
- if (userchoice == 1)
+ userchoice = messagebox("Exection Succesfull. Start translation ?", "modal", "info", ["Yes" "No"])
+ if (userchoice == 1)
// --- LAUNCH SCI2C ---
- runsci2c(UserScilabMainFile, UserSciFilesPaths, CCodeOutputDir, RunMode);
- end
+ runsci2c(UserScilabMainFile, UserSciFilesPaths, CCodeOutputDir, RunMode, BuildTool);
+ end
+function BuildTool = getNativeBuildTool()
+ if MSDOS
+ BuildTool = "nmake"
+ else
+ BuildTool = "make"
+ end
+endfunction \ No newline at end of file