diff options
authorjofret2010-06-17 10:10:04 +0000
committerjofret2010-06-17 10:10:04 +0000
commit08b7804b3a81f71c5bc946497c5cae92e0563905 (patch)
parent0b0e337c7ef0278671c80640b5cb90c9c66ffdfb (diff)
Remove SCI2Cisnum wrapping around isnum function
19 files changed, 204 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/ASTManagement/%cste_string.sci b/scilab2c/macros/ASTManagement/%cste_string.sci
index 04b05b6e..ba9971d2 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/ASTManagement/%cste_string.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/ASTManagement/%cste_string.sci
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function txt=%cste_string(c)
stringcvalue == "%e" | ...
stringcvalue == "%pi")
txt=['Number_x: '+stringcvalue];
- elseif (SCI2Cisnum(stringcvalue))
+ elseif (isnum(stringcvalue))
//NUT needed to convert format 1D-14 into 1d-14
txt=['Number_x: '+strsubst(stringcvalue,'D','e')];
elseif (stringcvalue == "%i")
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenDeclarations.sci b/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenDeclarations.sci
index 242bafd9..936280b8 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenDeclarations.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_GenDeclarations.sci
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ if (ArgStruct.Dimension > 0)
//NUT: vedi Mem_Alloc_Out per maggiori info sulla rimozione della temp nella if
- // if ((ArgStruct.Scope=='Temp') | (ArgStruct.FindLike == -1) | (SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(1))==%F) | (SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(2))==%F))
+ // if ((ArgStruct.Scope=='Temp') | (ArgStruct.FindLike == -1) | (isnum(ArgStruct.Size(1))==%F) | (isnum(ArgStruct.Size(2))==%F))
if (ArgStruct.Type=='g')
// if (isnan(ArgStruct.Value) )
- if ((SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(1))==%F) | (SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(2))==%F) )
+ if ((isnum(ArgStruct.Size(1))==%F) | (isnum(ArgStruct.Size(2))==%F) )
Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+C_Type(ArgStruct.Type)+...
- ' * '+ArgStruct.Name+';';
+ ' * '+ArgStruct.Name+';';
if ((FlagExt == 1) | (isnan(ArgStruct.Value)))
Cdeclaration(1) = Cdeclaration(1)+C_Type(ArgStruct.Type)+...
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ if (ArgStruct.Dimension > 0)
Cdeclaration(2) = Cdeclaration(2)+C_Type('i')+' __'+ArgStruct.Name+'Size[2] = {'+ArgStruct.Size(1)+','+ArgStruct.Size(2)+'};';
NDeclarations = 2;
elseif ((ArgStruct.FindLike == -1) | ...
- (SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(1))==%F) | (SCI2Cisnum(ArgStruct.Size(2))==%F) | ...
+ (isnum(ArgStruct.Size(1))==%F) | (isnum(ArgStruct.Size(2))==%F) | ...
(ResizeApproach=='REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL' & ArgStruct.Type~='g'))
//RNU sulle stringhe non ho ancora deciso se applicare la realloc.
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_MemAllocOutTempVars.sci b/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_MemAllocOutTempVars.sci
index 5d92d4c8..dedcfd33 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_MemAllocOutTempVars.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_MemAllocOutTempVars.sci
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ for counterout = 1:NOutArg
if (OutArg(counterout).Dimension > 0)
// if ((OutArg(counterout).Scope == 'Temp') | (OutArg(counterout).FindLike == -1) | ...
- // (SCI2Cisnum(OutArg(counterout).Size(1))==%F) | (SCI2Cisnum(OutArg(counterout).Size(2))==%F))
+ // (isnum(OutArg(counterout).Size(1))==%F) | (isnum(OutArg(counterout).Size(2))==%F))
//NUT: qui forse ci vuole un check per verificare se per caso la variabile e' globale e non se ne conosce la size numerica.
//NUT infatti. Per ora se la size numerica assumo che la variabile globale e' da reallocare. Secondo me occorre aggiungere
//NUT un campo negli argomenti che specifichi la presenza di realloc da fare.
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ for counterout = 1:NOutArg
//RNU sulle stringhe ancora non applico realloc
if ((OutArg(counterout).FindLike == -1) | ...
- (SCI2Cisnum(OutArg(counterout).Size(1))==%F) | (SCI2Cisnum(OutArg(counterout).Size(2))==%F)| ...
+ (isnum(OutArg(counterout).Size(1))==%F) | (isnum(OutArg(counterout).Size(2))==%F)| ...
(ResizeApproach=='REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL' & OutArg(counterout).Type ~= 'g'))
OutArgName = OutArg(counterout).Name;
tmpcode = '__'+OutArgName+'Size[0]='+OutArg(counterout).Size(1)+';';
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/GetSymbolDimension.sci b/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/GetSymbolDimension.sci
index 6f4010ac..4fe3cc8d 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/GetSymbolDimension.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/CCodeGeneration/GetSymbolDimension.sci
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ for countersize = 1:Nelem
// A symbol is column or row if the sum of the Field_Type elements is one.
// A symbol is a matrix if the sum of the Field_Type elements is > 1.
- if (SCI2Cisnum(Field_Size(countersize)))
+ if (isnum(Field_Size(countersize)))
tmpnum = eval(Field_Size(countersize));
if (tmpnum == 0)
SCI2Cerror('Found a symbol that has zeros elements. 0xN or Nx0 matrices are not allowed.');
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_ADD.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_ADD.sci
index 1973f8d7..4193422b 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_ADD.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_ADD.sci
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,2);
// ------------------------
// --- Generate Output. ---
// ------------------------
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1) & SCI2Cisnum(in2))
+if (isnum(in1) & isnum(in2))
in1num = eval(in1);
in2num = eval(in2);
outnum = in1num+in2num;
@@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ if (SCI2Cisnum(in1) & SCI2Cisnum(in2))
opout = string('('+in1+'+'+in2+')');
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_DIV.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_DIV.sci
index bce6966d..d4ec0ccd 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_DIV.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_DIV.sci
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,2);
// ------------------------
// --- Generate Output. ---
// ------------------------
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1) & SCI2Cisnum(in2))
+if (isnum(in1) & isnum(in2))
in1num = eval(in1);
in2num = eval(in2);
outnum = in1num/in2num;
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ if (SCI2Cisnum(in1) & SCI2Cisnum(in2))
opout = '('+string(in1)+'/'+string(in2)+')';
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_GetOutArgInfo.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_GetOutArgInfo.sci
index 6566b2ee..0cdba234 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_GetOutArgInfo.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_GetOutArgInfo.sci
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ for cntin = 1:NInArg
// IN(cntin).VAL = '__SCI2CNANSIZE'; //RNU: toglimi
//RNU: Replace the value of the variable with its name, in case it is a scalar variable.
- IN(cntin).VAL = InArg(cntin).Name;
+ IN(cntin).VAL = InArg(cntin).Name;
IN(cntin).VAL = string(InArg(cntin).Value);
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ flagfindlike = 0;
for counterin = 1:NInArg
if (InArg(counterin).FindLike == 1 | InArg(counterin).FindLike == -1)
- // Then we must assume that the output will be findlike
+ // Then we must assume that the output will be findlike
// 0 = no find-like
// 1 = pure find-like
//-1 = similar to find-like (out=fun(in)) where in is find-like.
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ for counterout = 1:NOutArg
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).Type = eval(FunTypeAnnot(counterout));
- UpdatedOutArg(counterout).FindLike = 0;
+ UpdatedOutArg(counterout).FindLike = 0;
lengthFA_SZ_RTMAX = length('FA_SZ_RTMAX');
if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size('FA_SZ_RTMAX',FunSizeAnnot(counterout,1)))
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).FindLike = 1;
FunSizeAnnot(counterout,1) = part(FunSizeAnnot(counterout,1),lengthFA_SZ_RTMAX+1:length(FunSizeAnnot(counterout,1)));
if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size('FA_SZ_RTMAX',FunSizeAnnot(counterout,2)))
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).FindLike = 1;
FunSizeAnnot(counterout,2) = part(FunSizeAnnot(counterout,2),lengthFA_SZ_RTMAX+1:length(FunSizeAnnot(counterout,2)));
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ for counterout = 1:NOutArg
if (flagfindlike == -1)
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).FindLike = -1;
// When the size is given by e IN(x).VAL annotation we can have two cases:
- // IN(x).VAL is a number or IN(x).VAL is %nan. When it is %nan the
+ // IN(x).VAL is a number or IN(x).VAL is %nan. When it is %nan the
// size is equal to the name of IN(x).
// This is a dynamic memory extension of a local variable and for the moment
// we issue an error according to SCI2C specifications
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ for counterout = 1:NOutArg
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).Size(1) = string(tmpeval);
- elseif(SCI2Cisnum(tmpeval))
+ elseif(isnum(tmpeval))
if (eval(tmpeval) <= 0)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ for counterout = 1:NOutArg
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).Size(1) = string(tmpeval);
tmpeval = eval(FunSizeAnnot(counterout,2));
if (IsNanSize(tmpeval))
if SharedInfo.ForExpr.OnExec == 0
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ for counterout = 1:NOutArg
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).Size(2) = string(tmpeval);
- elseif(SCI2Cisnum(tmpeval))
+ elseif(isnum(tmpeval))
if (eval(tmpeval) <= 0)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ for counterout = 1:NOutArg
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).Size(2) = string(tmpeval);
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).Value = %nan;
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).Dimension = GetSymbolDimension(UpdatedOutArg(counterout).Size);
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).Scope = 'Temp';//NUT anche su questo si puo' ragionare verifica anche la handleoperation.
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_INT.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_INT.sci
index c4e2cc3d..e1bdba33 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_INT.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_INT.sci
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),1,1);
// ------------------------
// --- Generate Output. ---
// ------------------------
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1))
+if (isnum(in1))
outnum = int(eval(in1));
if isnan(outnum)
opout = '__SCI2CNANSIZE';
@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@ if (SCI2Cisnum(in1))
opout = in1;
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MAX.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MAX.sci
index 2ecfc6ac..c725dd23 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MAX.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MAX.sci
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-function opout = FA_MAX(in1,in2)
-// function opout = FA_MAX(in1,in2)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Maximum function for Function Annotations.
-// When in1 and in2 are both symbols this function returns
-// in1.
-// Input data:
-// in1: string specifying a number or a symbol.
-// in2: string specifying a number or a symbol.
-// Output data:
-// opout: string containing the computed result.
-// Status:
-// 26-Oct-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author.
-// 26-Oct-2007 -- Alberto Morea: Test Ok.
-// Copyright 2008 Raffaele Nutricato & Alberto Morea.
-// Contact:
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------
-// --- Check input arguments. ---
-// ------------------------------
-//SCI2Cerror('Not allowed to use FA_MAX in this release.');
-// ------------------------
-// --- Generate Output. ---
-// ------------------------
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1))
- in1num = eval(in1);
- if (SCI2Cisnum(in2))
- in2num = eval(in2);
- outnum = max(in1num,in2num);
- if isnan(outnum)
- opout = '__SCI2CNANSIZE';
- else
- opout = string(outnum);
- end
- else
- if (in1num == 1)
- opout = string(in2);
- end
- end
- opout = string(in1);
+function opout = FA_MAX(in1,in2)
+// function opout = FA_MAX(in1,in2)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Maximum function for Function Annotations.
+// When in1 and in2 are both symbols this function returns
+// in1.
+// Input data:
+// in1: string specifying a number or a symbol.
+// in2: string specifying a number or a symbol.
+// Output data:
+// opout: string containing the computed result.
+// Status:
+// 26-Oct-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author.
+// 26-Oct-2007 -- Alberto Morea: Test Ok.
+// Copyright 2008 Raffaele Nutricato & Alberto Morea.
+// Contact:
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------
+// --- Check input arguments. ---
+// ------------------------------
+//SCI2Cerror('Not allowed to use FA_MAX in this release.');
+// ------------------------
+// --- Generate Output. ---
+// ------------------------
+if (isnum(in1))
+ in1num = eval(in1);
+ if (isnum(in2))
+ in2num = eval(in2);
+ outnum = max(in1num,in2num);
+ if isnan(outnum)
+ opout = '__SCI2CNANSIZE';
+ else
+ opout = string(outnum);
+ end
+ else
+ if (in1num == 1)
+ opout = string(in2);
+ end
+ end
+ opout = string(in1);
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MIN.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MIN.sci
index 874cee8a..e1539103 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MIN.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MIN.sci
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-function opout = FA_MIN(in1,in2)
-// function opout = FA_MIN(in1,in2)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Minimum function for Function Annotations.
-// When in1 and in2 are both symbols this function returns
-// in1.
-// Input data:
-// in1: string specifying a number or a symbol.
-// in2: string specifying a number or a symbol.
-// Output data:
-// opout: string containing the computed result.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------
-// --- Check input arguments. ---
-// ------------------------------
-// ------------------------
-// --- Generate Output. ---
-// ------------------------
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1))
- in1num = eval(in1);
- if (SCI2Cisnum(in2))
- in2num = eval(in2);
- outnum = min(in1num,in2num);
- if isnan(outnum)
- opout = '__SCI2CNANSIZE';
- else
- opout = string(outnum);
- end
- else
- if (in1num == 1)
- opout = string(in2);
- end
- end
- opout = string(in1);
+function opout = FA_MIN(in1,in2)
+// function opout = FA_MIN(in1,in2)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Minimum function for Function Annotations.
+// When in1 and in2 are both symbols this function returns
+// in1.
+// Input data:
+// in1: string specifying a number or a symbol.
+// in2: string specifying a number or a symbol.
+// Output data:
+// opout: string containing the computed result.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------
+// --- Check input arguments. ---
+// ------------------------------
+// ------------------------
+// --- Generate Output. ---
+// ------------------------
+if (isnum(in1))
+ in1num = eval(in1);
+ if (isnum(in2))
+ in2num = eval(in2);
+ outnum = min(in1num,in2num);
+ if isnan(outnum)
+ opout = '__SCI2CNANSIZE';
+ else
+ opout = string(outnum);
+ end
+ else
+ if (in1num == 1)
+ opout = string(in2);
+ end
+ end
+ opout = string(in1);
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MUL.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MUL.sci
index d3495a02..8c9a930a 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MUL.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_MUL.sci
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,2);
// ------------------------
// --- Generate Output. ---
// ------------------------
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1) & SCI2Cisnum(in2))
+if (isnum(in1) & isnum(in2))
in1num = eval(in1);
in2num = eval(in2);
outnum = in1num*in2num;
@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ if (SCI2Cisnum(in1) & SCI2Cisnum(in2))
opout = '('+string(in1)+'*'+string(in2)+')';
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_REAL.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_REAL.sci
index e55583d7..7b8c0fda 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_REAL.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_REAL.sci
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
-// Copyright (C) 2009-2009 - DIGITEO - Bruno JOFRET
-// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
-// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-// are also available at
-function opout = FA_REAL(in1, in2)
-// function opout = FA_REAL(in1, in2)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Real function for Function Annotations.
-// When in1 is a number opout = real(in1); where real returns in1
-// real part. If in1 is string opout = in1.
-// Input data:
-// in1: string specifying a number or a symbol.
-// in2: string specifying in1 type
-// Output data:
-// opout: string containing the computed result.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------
-// --- Check input arguments. ---
-// ------------------------------
-// ------------------------
-// --- Generate Output. ---
-// ------------------------
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1))
- outnum = real(eval(in1));
- if isnan(outnum)
- opout = '__SCI2CNANSIZE';
- else
- opout = string(outnum);
- end
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2009 - DIGITEO - Bruno JOFRET
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function opout = FA_REAL(in1, in2)
+// function opout = FA_REAL(in1, in2)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Real function for Function Annotations.
+// When in1 is a number opout = real(in1); where real returns in1
+// real part. If in1 is string opout = in1.
+// Input data:
+// in1: string specifying a number or a symbol.
+// in2: string specifying in1 type
+// Output data:
+// opout: string containing the computed result.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------
+// --- Check input arguments. ---
+// ------------------------------
+// ------------------------
+// --- Generate Output. ---
+// ------------------------
+if (isnum(in1))
+ outnum = real(eval(in1));
+ if isnan(outnum)
+ opout = '__SCI2CNANSIZE';
+ else
+ opout = string(outnum);
+ end
if (in1 == "%i")
opout = " 0 ";
- else
+ else
opout = in2+"0real"+FA_TP_REAL(in2)+"0"+"("+in1+")";
- end
+ end
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SUB.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SUB.sci
index 039ff1af..1ef0ad46 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SUB.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SUB.sci
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),2,2);
// ------------------------
// --- Generate Output. ---
// ------------------------
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1) & SCI2Cisnum(in2))
+if (isnum(in1) & isnum(in2))
in1num = eval(in1);
in2num = eval(in2);
outnum = in1num-in2num;
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ if (SCI2Cisnum(in1) & SCI2Cisnum(in2))
opout = '('+string(in1)+'-'+string(in2)+')';
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_FROM_VAL.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_FROM_VAL.sci
index b1f8f982..c3cae536 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_FROM_VAL.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_FROM_VAL.sci
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
function opout = FA_SZ_FROM_VAL(in1,in2)
-// function opout = FA_SZ_FROM_VAL(in1,in2)
+// function opout = FA_SZ_FROM_VAL(in1,in2)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Return a size according to the floored value of the first argument
-// Input data:
-// in1: string specifying a number . //
-// Output data:
-// opout: string containing the computed result.
+// Return a size according to the floored value of the first argument
+// Input data:
+// in1: string specifying a number .
+// Output data:
+// opout: string containing the computed result.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1))
+if (isnum(in1))
in1num = eval(in1) ;
if isnan(in1num)
opout = '__SCI2CNANSIZE';
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if (SCI2Cisnum(in1))
opout= '0' ;
opout = string ( floor (abs(in1num))) ;
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ else
opout = in2+"0floor"+in2+"0"+"("+in1+")";
opout = in2+"0abs"+in2+"0"+"("+opout+")";
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPCC.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPCC.sci
index cc532e24..50527771 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPCC.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPCC.sci
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ function opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPCC(in1size,in2size)
// function opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPCC(in1size,in2size)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the size of the output computed by OPCC operator.
// Status:
// 08-Mar-2008 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author.
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ in2size = string(in2size);
in1dim = GetSymbolDimension(in1size);
in2dim = GetSymbolDimension(in2size);
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1size(1)) & SCI2Cisnum(in2size(1)))
+if (isnum(in1size(1)) & isnum(in2size(1)))
in1num = eval(in1size(1));
in2num = eval(in2size(1));
opoutsize(1) = string(in1num+in2num);
opoutsize(1) = '('+string(in1size(1))+'+'+string(in2size(1))+')';
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPPLUS.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPPLUS.sci
index d0df4c6c..aae50af6 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPPLUS.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPPLUS.sci
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ function opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPPLUS(in1size,in2size,in1type,in2type)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the size of the output computed by OPPLUS operator,
// including the string operations.
// Assuming:
// size(in1) = [in1r,in1c]
// size(in2) = [in2r,in2c]
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPPLUS(in1size,in2size,in1type,in2type)
// we have the following combinations:
// in1 in2 outr outc
// -----------------------
-// S S in2r in2c
+// S S in2r in2c
// S M in2r in2c
// M S in1r in1c
// M M in1r in1c
@@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ function opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPPLUS(in1size,in2size,in1type,in2type)
// This is the main difference between - and + operators.
// Input data:
-// in1size: size of input number 1. It is an array of 2 strings.
+// in1size: size of input number 1. It is an array of 2 strings.
// The first string specifies the number of rows.
// The second string specifies the number of columns.
-// in2size: size of input number 2. It is an array of 2 strings.
+// in2size: size of input number 2. It is an array of 2 strings.
// The first string specifies the number of rows.
// The second string specifies the number of columns.
// Output data:
-// opoutsize: size of output. It is an array of 2 strings.
+// opoutsize: size of output. It is an array of 2 strings.
// The first string specifies the number of rows.
-// The second string specifies the number of columns.
+// The second string specifies the number of columns.
// Status:
// 08-Dec-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author.
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ if ((in1type ~= 'g') & (in2type ~= 'g'))
opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPPLUSA(in1size,in2size);
elseif ((in1type == 'g') & (in2type == 'g'))
opoutsize(1) = '1';
- if (SCI2Cisnum(in1size(1)) & SCI2Cisnum(in2size(1)))
+ if (isnum(in1size(1)) & isnum(in2size(1)))
in1num = eval(in1size(1));
in2num = eval(in2size(1));
if (in1num > 1 | in2num > 1)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ elseif ((in1type == 'g') & (in2type == 'g'))
//NUT: ho provato in scilab a fare la trasposta di una stringa e ottengo sempre 1x1.
- if (SCI2Cisnum(in1size(2)) & SCI2Cisnum(in2size(2)))
+ if (isnum(in1size(2)) & isnum(in2size(2)))
in1num = eval(in1size(2));
in2num = eval(in2size(2));
opoutsize(2) = string(in1num+in2num-1);
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ elseif ((in1type == 'g') & (in2type == 'g'))
opoutsize(2) = string(opoutsize(2));
- else
+ else
opoutsize(2) = '('+string(in1size(2))+'+'+string(in2size(2))+'-1)';
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPRC.sci b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPRC.sci
index 2c9f1c18..c4da4a0f 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPRC.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_SZ_OPRC.sci
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ function opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPRC(in1size,in2size)
// function opoutsize = FA_SZ_OPRC(in1size,in2size)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the size of the output computed by OPRC operator.
// Status:
// 08-Mar-2008 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author.
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ in2dim = GetSymbolDimension(in2size);
opoutsize(1) = in1size(1);
-if (SCI2Cisnum(in1size(2)) & SCI2Cisnum(in2size(2)))
+if (isnum(in1size(2)) & isnum(in2size(2)))
in1num = eval(in1size(2));
in2num = eval(in2size(2));
opoutsize(2) = string(in1num+in2num);
opoutsize(2) = '('+string(in1size(2))+'+'+string(in2size(2))+')';
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cisnum.sci b/scilab2c/macros/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cisnum.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 50a5c14e..00000000
--- a/scilab2c/macros/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cisnum.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-function outbool = SCI2Cisnum(instring)
-// function outbool = SCI2Cisnum(instring)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// It fixes the bug of isnum. isnum('d') -> %T!!!
-// Input data:
-// instring: string to analyze.
-// Output data:
-// outbool: %T if instring is a number.
-// Status:
-// 12-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato.
-// Contact:
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------
-// --- Check input arguments. ---
-// ------------------------------
-instring = convstr(instring,'l');
-outbool = isnum(instring);
-firstchar = part(instring,1:1);
-if (firstchar == 'd' | firstchar == 'e')
- outbool = %F;
diff --git a/scilab2c/macros/SymbolTable/ST_MatchSymbol.sci b/scilab2c/macros/SymbolTable/ST_MatchSymbol.sci
index 621739fb..20f0bbe8 100644
--- a/scilab2c/macros/SymbolTable/ST_MatchSymbol.sci
+++ b/scilab2c/macros/SymbolTable/ST_MatchSymbol.sci
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function [TBFlagfound,TBFlagEqualSymbols] = ST_MatchSymbol(TBName,TBType,TBSize,
// 1 = the symbol exits.
// 2 = the symbol exists but it is a non-initialized global variable.
// TBFlagEqualSymbols: 0 if the two symbols don't have the same settings,
-// 1 if the two symbols have the same settings.
+// 1 if the two symbols have the same settings.
// Status:
// 26-Oct-2007 -- Raffaele Nutricato: Author.
@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ if (TBFlagfound == 1)
TBFlagEqualSymbols = 0;
// Then if the size is a number also its value is compared.
- if (SCI2Cisnum(tmpSize(1))) & (SCI2Cisnum(TBSize(1)))
+ if (isnum(tmpSize(1))) & (isnum(TBSize(1)))
if (mtlb_strcmp(tmpSize(1),TBSize(1)) == %F)
TBFlagEqualSymbols = 0;
- if (SCI2Cisnum(tmpSize(2))) & (SCI2Cisnum(TBSize(2)))
+ if (isnum(tmpSize(2))) & (isnum(TBSize(2)))
if (mtlb_strcmp(tmpSize(2),TBSize(2)) == %F)
TBFlagEqualSymbols = 0;
@@ -66,5 +66,5 @@ if (TBFlagfound == 1)