//Script for Matrix manipulation tutorial //This script gives a demonstration of a few basic matrix operations used in Scilab //Manual entry of matrices (A,B,x) A = [1 2 3;3 2 1;2 4 5]; B = [5 4 2;1 8 9;5 4 1]; x = [1;2;3]; //Elementwise Matrix operations //Summation of two matrices Mat_Sum = A + B; disp(Mat_Sum,'A+B'); //Subtraction of a matrix from another Mat_Sub = A - B; disp(Mat_Sub,'A-B'); //Elementwise multiplication of two matrices Mat_element_product = A.*B; disp(Mat_element_product,'A.*B'); //Elementwise square of a matrix Mat_element_square = A.*A; disp(Mat_element_square,'A.*A'); //Product of a scalar and matrix Mat_scalar_product = 5*A; disp(Mat_scalar_product,'5*A'); //Elementwise square-root of a matrix Mat_sqrt = sqrt(A); disp(Mat_sqrt,'sqrt(A)'); //Exponential of a matrix Mat_exp = exp(A); disp(Mat_exp,'exp(A)'); //Matrix operations //Transpose of a matrix Mat_trans = A'; disp(Mat_trans,'Atranspose'); //Product of two matrices Mat_product = A*B; disp(Mat_product,'A*B'); //Product of a matrix and vector Mat_vec_product = A*x; disp(Mat_vec_product,'A*x'); //Square of a matrix Mat_square = A*A; disp(Mat_square,'A*A'); //Higher powers of a matrix Mat_power_3 = A^3; disp(Mat_power_3, 'A^3'); Mat_power_5 = A^5; disp(Mat_power_5,'A^5');