//This script demonstrate exporting plots to svg/pdf files clear clc exec change_plot_attribs.sci; //Import data from file Data = csvRead('/home/chayan/Documents/scilab-tutorials/Tutorial2_Plot/Data/Tut2_data1.csv'); //Segregate the data into variables t = Data(:,1); x = Data(:,2) //Ploting the figure. Name of the figure is fig1; //Use the field Linewidth to specify thickness of the plot fig1 = scf(1); plot(t,x,'Linewidth',3); //Call function to change plot attributes //Arguments (x_label,y_label,title,label_size,title_size,fontsize) change_plot_attribs('Time','Data','x versus t',7,6,3) //Export Figure 1 as svg file xs2svg(fig1,'plot_y_versus_x1'); //Export Figure 2 as pdf file xs2pdf(fig1,'plot_y_versus_x1');