import os, re, sys, time, subprocess from soc.settings import PROJECT_DIR from timeout import TimerTask from soc.config import SCILAB_BIN, SCILAB_FLAGS, SCIMAX_LOADER, UPLOADS_PATH def scilab_run(code, token, book_id, dependency_exists): #Check for system commands system_commands = re.compile( 'unix\(.*\)|unix_g\(.*\)|unix_w\(.*\)|unix_x\(.*\)|unix_s\(.*\)|host|newfun|execstr|ascii|mputl|dir\(\)' ) if return { 'output': 'System Commands not allowed', } #Remove all clear; code = re.sub(r'clear.*all|clear|clc\(\)|clc', '', code) plot_exists = False #Finding the plot and appending xs2jpg function #p = re.compile(r'.*plot.*\(.*\).*\n|bode\(.*\)|evans\(.*\)') p = re.compile(r'plot*|.*plot.*\(.*\).*\n|bode\(.*\)|evans\(.*\)') plot_path = '' if plot_exists = True code = code + '\n' current_time = time.time() plot_path = PROJECT_DIR + '/static/tmp/{0}.png'.format(str(current_time)) #code += 'xs2jpg(gcf(), "{0}");\n'.format(plot_path) #Check whether to load scimax / maxima if 'syms' in code or 'Syms' in code: code = code.replace('syms', 'Syms') code = 'exec(\'{0}\');\nmaxinit\n'.format(SCIMAX_LOADER) + code file_path = PROJECT_DIR + '/static/tmp/' + token + '.sci' #traps even syntax errors eg: endfunton f = open(file_path, "w") f.write('driver("PNG");\n') f.write('xinit("{0}");\n'.format(plot_path)) f.write('mode(2);\n') if dependency_exists: f.write( 'getd("{0}/{1}/DEPENDENCIES/");'.format(UPLOADS_PATH, book_id) ) f.write('lines(0);\n') f.write(unicode(code)) f.write('\nxend();') f.write('\nquit();') f.close() #this makes it possible to execute scilab without the problem of \ #getting stuck in the prompt in case of error cmd = 'printf "exec(\'{0}\',2);\nquit();"'.format(file_path) cmd += ' | {0} {1}'.format(SCILAB_BIN, SCILAB_FLAGS) task = TimerTask(cmd, timeout=15) output =[0] e = task.wait() output = trim(output) data = { 'output': output, 'plot_path': plot_path.replace(PROJECT_DIR, '') } return data def trim(output): output = [line for line in output.split('\n') if line.strip() != ''] output = '\n'.join(output) return output